Chapter 9

The Wolf and The Hunter

Jungwoo fit well into the pack like Jaemin had said, with Jeongin and Hyunjin roping them into their mini pack after they had returned from their missions with Hoseok and Doyoung. After the first week of being there Jungwoo had gotten a job at the shopping center, working at one of the department stores.

Kihyun had dragged Kangmin along to go grocery shopping today, since both their houses needed food and Taeseon was due to return from Europe soon. That and Changkhyun had all but ordered Kihyun to leave the house for the day, since they needed food and he mostly took care of the groceries.

"Remind me why you decided to drag me along?" Asked Kangmin as they walked around the supermarket, each with their separate carts. "We both needed food?" Asked Kihyun as he gave a sheepish smile, causing Kangmin to chuckle. "Besides," he said, shrugging. "I was ordered to leave the house for the day so," he said. Kangmin chuckled some as he nodded, splitting ways with Kihyun and going to get what he needed while Kihyun went to get what he needed.

"Jisung back yet?" Asked Kihyun as he met up with Kangmin. "Yeah," said Kangmin. "He's been busy doing stuff so Hyunwoo took his place at the lake for the time being," he said as they went to check out. "I figured," said Kihyun as he got behind Kangmin with his cart.

Once they were both checked out they headed out to Jeongin's truck since they were using it to carry both loads of groceries back. Kihyun drove back while Kangmin sat in the passenger seat.

"Should come over for dinner some time," said Kangmin. "Maybe," said Kihyun. "I'd have to ask Changkhyun first," he said. "Right, wolf pack things," said Kangmin. "I mean we did come to the barbecue," he said, shrugging. "I'll see," said Kihyun. "Don't mind us if they decide to send someone with me," he said. "Hey, no problem," said Kangmin.

They stopped at Kangmin's house first, with Jisung and Hyunwoo coming out to help get Kangmin's groceries. "I could just drive across but," Kihyun said, scratching the back of his head before going to help bring in their groceries. "Convenience, I get it," said Kangmin. "Thanks again," he called when Kihyun went back to the truck. Kihyun waved before starting the truck and backing out of the driveway, driving the short distance next door to the driveway of the pack house.

Jeongin, Hyunjin and Jungwoo came out to help get the groceries with Kihyun getting what they couldn't and bringing it inside and into the kitchen to put away.

"I told you to be gone the whole day, not to come back in 2 hours," said Changkhyun as he came into the kitchen. "Well, I was invited for dinner so," Kihyun said, shrugging. "Next door?" Asked Changkhyun. Kihyun nodded. "Well," said Changkhyun. "When is this?" He asked. "I think it's after Taeseon and his part of the team come home," said Kihyun.

"Oh right, Taeseon doesn't know about you two does he?" Asked Doyoung as he went into the kitchen. Kihyun nodded. "He's not going to do anything," said Doyoung. "From what I know with training him he has a kind hearted soul," he said. "Believe me when I say that you're in good hands," he said. "That is, if he approves of you of course," he said. Kihyun nodded.

Jungwoo helped with dinner, wanting to pull his weight in the pack since they did let him stay. It was Jeongin's turn, and he was more than happy to let Jungwoo help with cooking.

Kihyun was sitting on the back deck, relaxing in a lounge chair with Jooheon, just enjoying each other's company in silence. Kihyun's thoughts weren't bothering him too much tonight, which he was glad for. Kangmin had been a familiar face so Kihyun was happy that he had managed to convince Kangmin to go grocery shopping with him today. Seeing Jisung again had helped a little but not like it was when they were both just at the lake.

"You are allowing yourself to fall for him," said Jooheon. "I told him it was completely up to him whether we take it farther or not," said Kihyun. "Even if it doesn't work out I have a choice," he said. "I'm just worried for you," said Jooheon. "Hunters and the like, we don't know them that well," he said. "I think we can trust Doyoung's judgement on this, he was the one who trained them," he said. "I guess," said Jooheon.

"If they're worse then they led themselves to be then I'd be extremely surprised," said Doyoung as he came outside with their plates and went to sit in another chair and eat dinner. Kihyun and Jooheon started eating.

"I've been with him for months now, well technically anyway," said Kihyun. "If they decided to end things now I'd be surprised," he said. "Right, you have the choice in the matter, you're a turned werewolf," said Doyoung. "That and Jisung was willing to wait, like I said I'd wait until he was older," said Kihyun.

After dinner Jisung came to get him with Hyunwoo tagging along, Changkhyun letting them both in before going to get Kihyun. "Your buddy and his roommate is here," Changkhyun said to Kihyun before going back inside. Kihyun got up, stretching before heading inside to find them. "Hey you two," he said, grinning when he saw them. "Hey," said Jisung as he smiled in return. "Well, let's go then," said Kihyun as he left out the back door with Jisung and Hyunwoo following after him.

"Taeseon not back yet?" Asked Doyoung as they passed him on the back deck. "No, but should be back tomorrow or so," said Jisung. "Have fun out there then," said Doyoung as he nodded. "We'll try to be back earlier," said Kihyun as he waved to them before heading out to the lake with Jisung and Hyunwoo.

"Thanks for going to get groceries," said Jisung once they were set up at the lake, the three of them sitting on the boulder. Kihyun snorts. "I was all but ordered to leave the house for the day, might as well see if I can drag Kangmin along for groceries," he said. "We did need food," Hyunwoo said with a chuckle. "Wooyeop eats the most out of all of us," he said.

"Sorry for being busy, had a mountain of paperwork to do concerning the faction," said Jisung as he scratched the back of his head. "It's alright," said Kihyun. "I was kept company," he said, nodding to Hyunwoo. "Apparently you spoke of me a lot," Hyunwoo said with a snort, causing Jisung to burst out laughing. "It was nothing bad," he said inbetween bits of laughter. "Sure sure," grumbled Hyunwoo, causing Kihyun to chuckle.

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41 streak #1
This is so organized!! It's even more impressive because you have so many characters and background information down