Match Making Alpha

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One of the duties of Head Alpha Chanyeol was to detect the underlying scent that connected fated couples together.

But.....he has yet to find his own mate




I am a complete SHCJ, but this storyline came to me and it just felt that EXO fit it better. 

Don't hate me, lol

Shinhwa Changjo forever


In the five years that he has been the head alpha and performing his match making duties, he has not yet found his mate. While he was truly gratified to see the happiness of the couples that he brought together, he was lonely. He wanted to love someone and be loved in return

I promise that I will do my best to update this fic this weekend


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Chapter 20: Safe rooms sound so much more interesting than most things to prevent unplanned mating lol
Beau1996 1424 streak #2
Chapter 20: What a good idea - safe rooms - a new twist to a/b/o universe!!
Lena3192 #3
Chapter 19: Hmm I wonder if baek has caught a whiff of Taeyong’s true mate??
Beau1996 1424 streak #4
Chapter 19: What will the proper greeting be??
Beau1996 1424 streak #5
Chapter 14: Yep thinking about parents doing it is gross 🤢
Beau1996 1424 streak #6
Chapter 11: That was cute - hickey 💋
springmiya #7
Chapter 19: i liked the chapter
Beau1996 1424 streak #8
Chapter 7: Thruple - Joy will definitely be a power bottom!!
Beau1996 1424 streak #9
Chapter 5: I'm re-reading to get caught up for new update - I loved the reference to smelling like a Bath & Bodyworks!!
ReadRealize #10
Chapter 19: Its funny because i have a 5k word essay due too