Episode 19 : Formation

Play By The Cards

Lancor was a big city. Even bigger than Ilcan, many people bustled about in the bleak atmosphere, buildings went high above your head that it hurt your neck if you stare too long. But where as Ilcan was the picture of a typical urban area, Lancor had a more old time feel to it; with the cobble stone roads and walkways, the main areas with shops packed together with no space in between with chalkboard written signs outside of cafes and restaurants selling their new specials. The way people dressed were different too, with their comfortable slacks and sweaters that looked straight out of a hand-me-down shop; cars here were more on the sleek, dated side. It was really as if you took a trip back in time.

Everyone knew each city had their own identities to them which is why when many moved around, it was hard to adapt to the new environment. The two other cities were the same; Polkin was a very vast land of green hills and farms, anyone who lived there didn't use any type of technology, choosing to stay true to nature and finding other ways to keep them occupied while being the sole source of organic foods that are transported to each other land. And Gincade was more of the futuristic advanced city of each one. With the tall glass buildings, winding tracks in the sky for the RF05 to run on and the weird assortment of houses stacked on each other. 


The four assassins come into the clearing onto an open street. People were walking around, oblivious to what was happening miles away from them. A rumble sounds up above and Joy looks to the sky to see grey clouds slowly rolling in. 

"It'll start raining soon" she voices as they start walking to the main clearing where lots of shops settle. 

"That's a bad omen" Ezen says fleetingly. 

Joy didn't know what worse could come after what they've just witnessed but she didn't hold her breath, this is the rebellion they were talking good about. With that psychotic man as their leader anything could go. 

"So dad" Joy said as they hurry down the pavement before turning down a scarce walkway, "where is she?" Joy looks around at her surroundings only now noticing that the shops they were walking by were rundown and the windows dark or boarded up. 

"Who exactly are we talking about, here?" Genze asked, also looking around with a furrowed eyebrow. 

"Someone I go way back with. If we are looking for back up she's the best woman for the job" Alecai says taking another turn coming face to face with an area crawling with troubled people. Most seemed homeless; beer cans and bottles were strewn about along with garbage. People in cut up rags or grimy outfits leaned against the walls, Joy wrinkled her nose as she saw actual rotting dead bodies still strewn out near the sides. 

"Uncle do you know her?" Genze pondered on. 

"Her name is, Yeri. A handful of a woman, she used to lead a group of hunters before they were killed, only she survived and kept going on her own. She got into a predicament with a gang while Alecai and I were on a mission and we saved her" Ezen explained as they stopped at a horrible green door of a brick house that looked like it was falling apart. "She still owes us as we never cashed in on the debt. We will be now". 

Joy felt multiple eyes on her and as she looked to her left and over he shoulder, those that they passed were staring at the intruders. Probably wondering if they would be an easy jump or if they'd be putting themselves up for a bad encounter they couldn't afford. Joy wanted to tell them to not even think about, as they'd be dropped kicked in seconds if they placed one finger on her but just then the green door creaked open. 

"Are you lost?" the shadow cast individual said and Joy cranes her neck to see them better. She gasps lightly at the sight of a male; he was of average height in black dirty pants and black dust scattered sweater but what garnered that response from Joy was the obvious scar he held on his face. There was a long gnarly looking gash at the right side of his mouth that went as far as just under his eye. He would've been handsome if not for that deformation but Joy found his eyes to be really pretty; they were a golden brown, like honey. He glanced over at her and remembering she didn't have her hood up she looked away, feeling a slight heat come to her cheeks. 

"Do you know where Yeri i-" Alecai started before a harsh shout comes from behind the dark space. 

"Donghae! What the hell did I say about opening the ing door at any knock!" the half opened door was ripped further back, revealing more of the hallway but the person was still staring at the male called Donghae, who looked unfazed by the angry yelling. "What if it's-" the person cuts themselves off as they looked out towards the lot standing in front of the door. 

Joy thought she was very pretty, her hair was shoulder length and brown. She had a youthful look but you could tell she was older, maybe around her fathers age; her height was as average as the male if not shorter, who was still standing next to her looking at all them with what Joy assumed was curiosity yet his expression was still and cold, eyes hooded like he was tired. Yeri was wearing sweats and a T-shirt as she glowered at the intruders before her eyes narrowed. 

Alecai takes of his hood and addresses the woman. "Yeri, happy to see you're still kicking". Joys eyes widened at the fact that she might just have heard a playful tone to her fathers voice for the first time in years. Her father was handsome, time having aged him well. He had a few grey strands in his black locks out of stress but that was all that gave away his age. His face was a nice sculpted arrangement with a attractive chiseled jaw. 

Yeri still had her eyes narrowed. "Alecai. What brings you to my humble abode" she puts her hands to her hips looking all the bit intimidating. 

"It's been a while" he says simply and Yeri stare at him before some of the hardness leaves her features but not fully. "It has" she agrees. 

A silence passes and Joy watches with a furrowed eyebrow before her eyes widen again at the fondness dropping from her fathers brown eyes that he hasn't even directed at her or Pheonix, ever. Joy looked between the both of them and shakes her head trying not to comprehend what was actually happening so before she could she pushes at her father's arm. 

"Dad. The mission" Joy hears a scoff come from Ezen who also removed his hood to reveal his grey hair and neat old appearance. 

"Right" Alecai states and his face turns back solemn as it always was, "we need a favor. It's about the rebellion" he says. 

Yeri's face returns with the deep frown, her side now vacant of Donghae who must of slipped away some time ago. Yeri steps out further and looks behind them and on either side before backing up and opening the door wider so they could come in. "You visit me after all this time and it's for a favor I considered expired a long time ago? And just my luck it's about that indulgent group of whack jobs" she huffs, closing the door behind them.

The hallway was dim and short. They walked into an empty expanse of space, full of many discarded mattresses and a solid group of people walking good about. All of them looked their way as they came in, weaving through the mess. There was a mini island area the separated the small kitchen from the big living space that felt smaller with the amount of people. There was a door or two on the left wall and a hallway straight ahead that had another door or two. 

"Hey! Yeri, who are the death thugs?" someone called out and Joy looked over at a guy near the kitchen island holding a mug, "you still recruiting people now knowing how old you're getting?" his smile was mischievous and Joy could tell he was the annoying type that had no filter. 

" off, Eunhyuk or I will shoot a hole in your head right here" she flips him off, not stopping to even look at him. Joy spots Donghae standing in front of him behind the island, shaking his head. 

"Ouch. Grandma is getting feisty, guys" Eunhyuk jokes and most of the people in the room laugh. Joy didn't sense hostility just familiarity, like this happened a lot. 

They walk down the hallway that was right across from them and Yeri opens the door into a room, with one of the same mattresses as were scattered about the living space but with a neater surrounding. "Let's talk in here" she says. "Donghae, you're in charge!" she shouts briefly and Joy hears a chorus of groans follow her into the room as the door is shut behind her. 

"So what's this favor you need?" Yeri asks, staying by the door as the rest stand in front of her. 

Alecai gets straight to the point. "Ilcan is under attack, the rebellion set out sometime this morning and are now causing havoc. They dropped bombs on the city and destroyed our community, we tried to get everyone to safety but they killed some of us; the rest made their way here in the city". Yeri nodded then shook her head, arms crossed. 

"Look and what you got yourself into Alec, and after I warned you about them" she states. 

"Wait you know them?" Genze asks. Yeri looks away from Alecai and towards the young male beside Joy. 

"Yes I do. It doesn't feel like long ago when that man's asshat minions came around these parts, taking anyone remotely looking for change or at their wits ends, anyone who looked like trouble or was willing to cause trouble" she shook her head at the memory. "Had to take my guys out of these parts for a while and even then, some of them got wrapped up, it was a mess. That was around the beginning of their come up, I'd gotten in touch with Alec, to keep a look out" she glares back at Joys father. "Looks like it was a futile effort". 

Joy ignored all the obvious slips of a nickname that came to familiarly for this just to be a rescuer and rescued debt relationship. 

"So you know our predicament" Ezen speaks. "Things are most likely getting out of hand now as we speak, we don't know what they have planned beyond this". 

"We need back up. Pheonix and a bunch of criminals and officers are planning to put a stop to him, and we both know they can't do it alone and I know you have many connections. You owe me this favor, Yeri" Alecai states. 

The woman sighs. "I was hoping I'd never have to be involved with those rats again. This is going to be messy". 

Joy went to the window she noticed behind her. It was surprisingly looking out onto the open square they had bypassed but what made Joy draw the curtains and turn around to address the room was the horrifying red and lifeless bodies that painted the cobble stone roads and side walks. 

How had they not heard?! They were here. The rebellion was here and Joy knew it wouldn't be long before Lancor too, was being splattered with bombs. 





Lemon and the other council members along with a big chunk of their remaining fighters ran at the forefront of their massive remaining group. She regretted not being able to protect all of them but times have come to a horror and some would unfortunately have to perish. 

"Lemon, are you sure we should've rounded back?" another of the elders called. 

"Yes, I feel it. Lancor isn't safe anymore, nowhere is" she states. She looks back at everyone, no one really looked scared, save for the little ones and she knew they all had to prepare themselves. Everyone was going to have to put themselves on the line to protect each other. 

"But why go back to Ilcan, shouldn't we go to Polkin to warn them?" someone asked. 

"Those ers have the Allegra Dolei. No matter how insufferable those men are, they will do all they can to protect that city. That's why they formed in the first place". Lemon shakes her head, remembering back into history. "Ilcan is our city, and who will protect them, if not us? We might pledge by assasination and aren't really protectors but for the sake of the future, in this moment; let's change". 

She heard encouraging shouts follow behind her. She smiles softly but it dropped as she saw the fighters ahead stop. She flips and eyebrow up under her hood. 

"What is it?" she asked but one of them turns around and shushes her. 

Lemon looks back at everyone who seemed just as curious, tilting their heads to see. She looks back at the fighters before having enough and creeping up to peer from behind them. a few feet away at the threshold where the forest ends and the city starts were a wall of men in black wielding weapons, but they had their backs to them looking on into the city; the noise and chaos now reaching their ears. 

Lemon saw the blood, the discarded bodies of people who just days before lived peacefully and went about their lives. A feral type of anger billowed low in the belly of the old woman; having seen so much death before, having killed so many herself; nothing about this was right it was just straight feral, animalistic.

"Oh my" she heard one of her kin voice behind her in a low whisper, probably having seen the mess. 

"What are we going to do?" Gren, the oldest of the council among the five that were here; the rest coming to stand in line with her. They watched a screaming woman run near the threshold only to be sliced in the neck by one of those in black who stood like a wall near the opening. Lemon frowned.

"What else?" she said "we remove them" in a flash and a flick of her robed arms, the weapon that was woven into them coil out swiftly and she catches them into her palms. 

"Not if we remove you first" someone says to their right and all their heads whip in the direction of the voice as a gun . The person reveals themselves and all at once many others show themselves around them. Those taking care of the kids pull them closer, behind them. 

The man was tall and lanky, his face thin but features sharp. He would be very intimidating with the dark bags under his eyes if not for Lemon and many of the others seeing him many times before. 

"Tao" Lemon says, no trace of anything in her voice. 

He steps closer but doesn't lower the gun or tells his entourage to lower their weapons. "You guys should've just committed all the way" he shook his head, "you think we didn't know you guys were planning a way to get out?".

Nobody says anything and lemon looks over at them before discreetly touching one of the elders arms, "the kids" she says under breath and then, "Polkin". They seem to get it as they signal the fighters.

"We didn't want to do this but you gave us no choice" Tao went on and if he noticed the exchange he didn't acknowledge it. "Lucky for you, I'm not here for any of you. Tell me where Pheonix is and I'll let you guys go" he says. Signaling with a wave of two fingers for his entourage to close in. 

"Don't take me for a fool, Tao" Lemon gripped her weapon, her face cast in shadow. From the corner of her eyes she saw others getting prepared. "If you just wanted to only know where Pheonix was, you wouldn't still have your weapons pointed at us. Now!". She shouts. 

Everything moves in a blur as she quickly slashes out at those behind, the groves in her weapon jutting out like spikes lodging themselves wherever they please, sending more than half of them falling; dead or injured. Out of the corner of her eyes she sees others attacking and watches as Gren and the other half of them, scoop up the kids and start for the open space between the throng of people Lemon had cleared. Just as the wall of people in black turn around at the disruption but before they could do anything, with a quickness that only they could muster, the fighters Gren had took with them had the men lying lifeless on the floor. Lemon keeps slashing, weaving around her kin like a practiced routine that only came with years of being a tight knit community and a veteran. The other half of their group disappear into the chaos and all Lemon could do was hope they make it. 

A shot goes off and Lemon finds her arm bursting in pain. She looks back at Tao, eyebrows furrowed and eyes dark. "Tell me where Pheonix is, my boss wants him and his sorry excuse for a crew, dead." he keeps the gonna pointed. 

"I don't know where that boy is" she holds her bleeding arm.

She feels multiple arms grab for her but she fights them off, feeling a prick in her side as she turns seeing more of that foolish man's minions coming up behind her. A barrage of her kin come in for the attack effectively offing most of them, they didn't stop there; they continued as they were advanced on. Hesitation wasn't something an assassin knew, either go in for the kill or die and awful death. 

If you were to watch it, it was like an art the way they used teamwork to their advantage. Lemon knew all these kids, watching them as they grew up into adults and even now she knew not all of them would make it out of these woods if some of their dead bodies on the green forest floors they've always called home was anything to go by. 

"I know you're lying, Lemon. We can do this the easy way old woman" the hard voice of Tao interrupted her thoughts, her chest heaving as she bled from wounds she garnered. She whips out at him but only nearly connects as he ducks out of the way, minions that were left over grabbed at her arms successfully getting a hold off her robe, pulling but she slips out of it as they come away with the fabric and unfortunately her weapon. 

She stumbles just as someone kicks her in the back of her knees and she falls. She looks up at the approaching boots to see Tao grinning messily. "Even If I did know where he was, I wouldn't tell you. Following behind that man won't do you or any of these people any good" she spits at him. 

He leans down and grabs a fist full of her hair, pulling her head back. She sees the other four members of council coming over bearing their weapons but she gives them a pointed look and shoots her eyes towards the city. They stand there and look between each other before backing away slowly, slashing at on coming attackers before going back to the others, hopefully to tell them too to take this leave. 

Tao only laughs before she feels hands grab her arms once more as if she could have something else up her sleeves and held them out to either side. Lemon watches as those still left behind brush past. Tao let's go of her and his gun up to her forehead, right between her eyes. 

"Why don't you tell me something" she states, "Is your coward of a boss going to come out or is he going to keep hiding and letting others do his dirty work?". Tao frowned. 

"What exactly does he want?" she tries. Tao smiles and kneels in front of her. "Know why would I tell you that?" 

Lemon looked into those dark eyes, many suppressed feelings coming back to the surface. "Because we are family" she says. 

Tao only scoffs, "that branch of the tree went crooked years ago, grandma" his voice dripped with mock endearment. His finger squeezes the trigger and a loud blast sounds out into the green, somehow louder than all those that were just previously given. Lemon's body drops in a heap on the dirt ground and Tao stands up with a grunt, now feeling the exertion of having to fight multiple assassins at once before getting to what he wanted. 

"That's for killing my parents" he says. Before gesturing for his squad to get going, they had to find Pheonix before he disrupts their plans. 





"Are you sure they’re here?" Xiumin asks as they duck behind buildings, away from the roaming eyes of all black wearing enemies. 

“I’m positive” Chanyeol said as he runs across a gap behind another building, Xiumin, Baekhyun and Kai follow suit. 

It was a ghastly sight, downtown. Not just a day ago it was thriving and bustling with people on the upper side but as they make their way through the four men witness the blood stained roads and sidewalks; blood dry and old as if it were spilt hours ago and some fresh and bright red as if unsealed moments before they arrived. Bodies were everywhere as you would expect and a mass of people were still running or being pushed to the ground by minions of the rebellion holding their intimidating guns. 

The four make it back to the slumps where the burnt rows of buildings gave an eerie, abandoned feel to the desolate area that now seemed like just a space for discarded bodies. 

"Jeez, this looks and smells like " Baekhyun observed, pinching his nose for effect. The others silently agreed as they followed Chanyeol through the sparce alleyways. 

Baekhyun heard low rumbling coming from above and saw dark clouds looking down on them, rain, he thought. What a fitting backdrop for such a tragic time. He casted his eyes forward landing on the back of the man who was still more of a mystery than an ally. Baekhyun kept his eyes trained as the sky got darker and the male seemed to blend into the air, as if fading and becoming one with the darkness closing in on them. His swift movements were still intriguing to Baekhyun, he wondered what else the man was trained to do; if the dead bodies around him were of comfort or did he feel sympathy for them.

"We're here. But we got trouble" Chanyeol's voice rung low and Baekhyun found his bones rattling at its timbre. 

The other three, two who have been uncharacteristically quiet the whole way, looked from behind the tall males body to see a kind of motel lot clearing. A head office with a sign near the edge of the long building wrapping around the space, rooms on the lower level and two rickety iron stairs leading to a second floor where more room were located; it was a 3 floor concrete building with long hallways. 

But what made them stop from advancing further were the group of men in black standing by the office close to where they hid, a body lifeless not far away from it. There were even some of the men walking the length of each hallway, bodies carelessly thrown in a heap by the sidewalk. 

"It looks like they cleaned the place out, made it some sort of temporary base?" Xiumin questioned. 

"I guess mass killers need sleep too" Kai dryly joked to which Baekhyun rolled his eyes, this guy really didn't have a thing for timing. 

"Chanyeol, what if we are too late? What if they've already killed them?" Xiumin voiced his concerns. Everyone looked at him with his wide eyes staring at the guarded space; it was the first sign of actual emotion the male had given off since he's been in their presence. 

"Why are you so hung up on some lackeys?" Baekhyun voiced, not really meaning for the words to come out as inconsiderate as they did but waved it away at the fact that he didn't really know this guy to watch his tones. 

Xiumin glared at him before sighing looking at them then back at the motel clearing. "I made a promise to someone that I would look after them" he said, "a friend of mine whom I haven't seen since he disappeared one night a couple years ago" Xiumin sighed, having not wanted to talk about something he found super personal. 

Baekhyun didn't know what to say, it seemed like such a bizarre situation. But he guessed everyone had their own stories, their own sort of abandonment.

Baekhyun awkwardly patted the male on the back. "If it makes you feel any better, my parents used me as a gambling wild card; took all the money and their stuff and left me" he said with no apparent emotion to his voice, having time to become numb to the whole realization. 

Xiumin looked at him in shock for a second before glancing to the ground and huffing out a chuckle. "I guess we're all messed up" he said. 

Baekhyun could feel smoldering eyes on him but he didn't want to look at where they were coming from because he wouldn't actually see what they read, only a veil that would leave him feeling uncertain. And he didn't like the way that his body was so aware of those eyes. 

Kai let a soft laugh slip from his lips. "Since we are all sharing, I guess I should tell you that; I became a stripper in my first year of college because I loved the attention and ultimately murdered someone by poisoning them because they were stealing my spotlight".

There was a beat of silence before Baekhyun spoke. "Yeah, that's not really surprising or hard to believe". Kai's mouth gaped open as if he had expected the others to be more surprised before he made a face and huffed, "you guys are insufferable". 

"I think we should get back to the matter at hand" Chanyeol's voice filtered through, just as another rumble of thunder passed through the ever darkening clouds. "I know what room their in. Let's hope they're not in that pile over there and that they had the brains to hide well". 

"How are you so sure?" Xiumin asked. 

Chanyeol's back was turned to them, he was looking around the entire space. "I may or may not have saw them wandering aimlessly when I strolled passed here a day after the ambush and hooked them up with a room" he said nonchalantly as if it was the most normal thing. 

"That's seems like a nice thing to do for such an emotionless assassin as yourself" Baekhyun voiced, ignoring the wonder growing in his chest for the tall male.

He just hummed as he turned back to them. "So how exactly are we going to get passed these guys?" Kai voiced. 

A smile grew onto Chanyeol's face showing off his straight teeth just as the sky above gave one more rumble before the heavy drops of rain were knocking against their clothes and skin. Chanyeol looked unaffected as he pointed above him, the dark overcast of the growing night falling on them; a clap of lightning lit the sky briefly making Chanyeol look like a mere sinister shadow before them. 

"Have any of you ever scaled a roof before?".





"! Faster Chen!" Suho shouted as they ran as fast they could, a few of the rebellion chasing after them. Suho had tried to kept them both hidden but one misjudged turn of a corner and they were pounding pavement while shots were firing at their backs. Honestly Suho didn't know how they were still alive, these guys had very bad aim. 

They jumped over dead bodies as they made a beeline for the main street where clubs and restaurants resided. "Ah!" Suho heard Chen shout and saw him almost fall, blood pooling against his arm. 

"!" Suho said,  going over and pushing Chen to turn even though he knew the male was well aware of where his club was.

Chen moved his good arm to the waistband of his jeans and pulled out a gun, turning and pointing it head on with the men in black and their assault rifles. "YOU ING BASTARDS!!" he yelled pulling gun the trigger three times, Suho looked over his shoulder to see three of them get clocked dead on between the eyes and fall to the ground.  More relentless shots fired at them and both males made a sharp turn to a brief alleyway seeing the familiar rectangular break in the brick wall, with stairs heading down to the clubs doors. 

They quickly raced down the steps and threw the doors open, quickly shutting it. As soon as they turned they heard the clicks of guns and was being pointed at with several different types from criminals Chen used to see on a daily basis. 

"Put down your damn guns now, before I clock all of you just like I did everytime I came here" Chen spoke up forwardly putting pressure to his wounded arm. 

"Chen, is that you?" some guy asked and the younger nodded waving his gun to point at Suho. "And this is the guy you all give your money to everytime you buy a drink, he owns the place. So you better up to him now for all the damage and money you costed him" Chen inquired haughtily.

" you bastard, you know it was always you startin those fights!" another person yelled. Most had lowered their guns at the familiarity of a known criminal. 

"We don't have time for chatter!" Suho spoke up in a very authoritative voice, earning all eyes on him, "s going down out there and we had a couple enemies on our tail, they could bust in here any minute and y'all will be heaps of dead meat" Suho continued.

A chorus of voices started talking just as loud bangs started thumping against the door, Suho and Chen feeling the force against their backs. 

"ing hell, what do we do?" a big brute guy said in the back, holding a mean looking spiked club. 

"A couple of us have started to create a resistance" Suho informed, more loud banging forcing the two off the door before they return to leaning on it. "As dumb as it sounds, we are going to try and stop these idiots. We came here for back up and I know you guys are criminals and are used to doing things on your own but unless you want to die a pathetic death by a psychotic er I suggest you join us". 

A hard bang sends the two males stumbling forward, the door looked about ready to burst of the hinges, it must be a lot of them now because that door is pretty heavy. "Looks like you guys don't have much of a choice" Suho started as him and Chen stand in front of the crowd of criminals facing the giving door, raising their weapons. 

"If we get through this and take these guys down while living to tell the tale, I'll renovate the club and you all get free drinks for a month. On the house" Suho bargained as a last ditch effort if some were having qualms with the idea. He heard a chorus of cheers and scoffed, typical; it's always the free stuff. 

Suddenly a deafening explosion sounded and rattled the space, the crowd inside stumble and get pushed back off their feet as they stared at the gaping hole through the door. At that moment everyone moved to take cover just as the shots ring out before you saw any actual bodies. Suho slides behind a table as some of them unavoidably go down. Chen found Suho's eyes as he was hiding behind a table like him. He tore a strip if his shirt with his teeth and tied it around his still bleeding arm. It was like everyone had the same mindset because as the men in black filed in, everyone jumped from behind their hiding spots and pounced. The guy with the club took down a couple at a time, the nails on his weapon lodging themselves grotesquely into their enemies bodies. 

Bullets flew from guns, successfully dropping a number of them but it wasn't like they were going to stand there and get killed, they retaliated; fighting back and matched up really well. But they were fighting against criminals and they all had a way of catching you off guard, some worked as a diversion as others ambushed from behind; Chen and Suho stood back to back as they shot their rounds together, it was really something of an action movie. Suho raised his hand over his head, hoping their allies saw and motioned for the busted doorway. He took Chen's arm pulling him as he kept firing, Suho tucked his gun away having no time to reload and picked up a sharp looking debris of a destroyed table; he stuck the sharp end into the chest of a black suited enemy and went on to stabbing another in the eye, then another he impaled multiple times. He didn't even noticed that he'd let go of Chen's hand and took to getting rid of these pests, he used the now blood drenched tip of the sharp shard and slit another throat before he could pull the trigger. 

Suho found another sharp shard and weaved himself through the bodies easily, grossly bringing the weapons down into the flesh of their enemies with so much force one had its stomach cut clean open and guts spilled out. The fighting still sounded but he could hear footsteps running past him, they must've all got his que. But for some reason he just couldn't quit, it's been a while since he's actually felt blood on his hands, his face; felt the life of someone draining under his brutal touch. A crazed smile made it to his lips as he heavily slashed out a bubbling laughter escaping him before a heavy hand rested on his shoulders. He stopped with red anger flowing through him, who dare stop him from feeling so alive?

"Damn, remind me never to piss you the off" Chen's voice flowed into his ears and the red of his vision subsided and the obnoxious males face came into view.

Suho looked around and saw that many of the men in black were in heaps of bloody gore. He looked down at his hands and saw an amazing dye of red that pained his usually fair skin, he dropped the indistinguishable weapons under all the guts and blood to see his hand shaking. He looked back up at Chen, did he really do all this?

"You took most of them down, but you were not in your right mind" Chen shook his head as in disbelief that one person can cause so much damage, which was ironic coming from him. "The criminals are outside, they're waiting for you".

Suho nodded silently as he followed the younger out of the destroyed club.





"Grab loads of weapons and gear as you can, we need to hurry and get back to the others" Sehun advised as officers raided the weapon room. Lay put on a bullet proof vest and belted a taser and holstered a gun, Kyungsoo does the same but he chooses an assault rifle than a mere handgun.

"I hope the other guys aren't having too much trouble, all of this is just so extreme" Chief said out loud.

Sehun sighed at the thought of any of their bodies lying lifeless on the ground because of a run in with those bastard minions in black.

"I can not speak for the CEO and the really loud guy; Chen I think but the others have Chanyeol and he does not hesitate." Kyungsoo voiced matter-of-factly.

Sehun thought about the assassin, he still didn't know how he felt about him. He felt betrayed and tricked, how was he supposed to know if the male won't turn on everyone and end up working for the enemies? He might of told them about himself and showed them what was under the hood, no matter how scarred bad bizarre but who's to say it wasn't just to gain trust until it was time to turn around and stab them in the back?

"Stop thinking that way" Yixing spoke up and Sehun looked into the unwavering, hard eyes of the surgeon who he always felt uneasy around.

"What way?" Sehun questioned as the doctors eyes narrowed and kept looking into those of Sehun, hard and strong; making the detective look away. It felt like he was looking into him and seeing everything, like he knew everything before others.

"Chanyeol wouldn't do that, he's more than an assassin. We are all more than criminals" Yixing spoke and Sehun looked back at him to meet dark eyes, "we are damaged souls who are finally seeing an out to our locked cages" He finished before turning away, Sehun had no words. 

"Alright guys, I have my men ready!" Leeteuk popped his head in "let's get a move on and meet with the others, we have a rebellion to stop" his eyes looked sad but we all knew why, it was foolish to ask.

They all make their way out into the open room just as Minho who's been hiding away here bursts in. "There are jet planes flying over head, it looks like their heading toward Ginca-" , but the poor man didn't get to finish as a burst of blood erupts from his forhead and he crumples to the floor a look of shock permanently etched on his face. Small holes were made through the glass windows as bullets like pellets barraged into the room forcing the others to take cover.

Outside over head they could hear the whine and zoom of jet planes. "We need to get out of here, we don't know what their planning" Chief gruffed and they all nodded, quickly crouchng behind o hectares to get to the door, avoiding the rampant bullets that started as a jet zoomed pass. They all file out into the gloomy night as rain pelted down on them harshly just as one of the jets noisily passes over head, the rumbling on par with the thunder coming from the clouds. A long missile like object comes sailing towards them at a fast speed, it crashes through the windows as the bunch try to run but it blows on impact and they are blasted across the pavement, shards of glass flying into the air and the police department erupts into a ball of angry fire. Debris follow the glass and big chunks of the building start falling around them, the group get to their feet quickly and start running as more jets passes over head, releasing missiles into buildings and houses that blow up instantly. 

Sehun saw discarded debris, dropping on unaware citizens crushing them and he couldn't help put be sick all over the destroyed streets. This was beyond any chaos that he's witnessed. Are they sure they could really go up against this? All around him nothing but death fell, what really was this 'rebellion'?




He looked out the window at his jets taking off with a dark smile on his face, everything was going perfectly. Soon all city's would be rubble and he would go to the council and demand they grovel at his feet and hand over the reins to him. He'd build a new empire, one where he solely ruled; it's what his parents would've wanted, isn't it what they fought for? Died for? His brows furrowed,  he actually couldn't remember but he was beginning to not care about what it is his parents were planning to do with the rebellion, he had nurtured them into the tough, strong entity they were now; they were lethal under his command.

One of his guards burst into his hold up, panting. "Pheonix, he's been spotted and so have the others but they were unable to be obtained" he spoke, the tall male said nothing as he stood with his hands in his pockets.

"They're coming. I should get ready for them" a smile never leaving his lips until the the guard spoke again. "And your brother, boss. They've spotted him also". 

There was a pause before he turned around abruptly his eyes wide and crazed and a smile eating up his face. The guard stepped back, feeling uneasy in his bosses presence. "is he with them? Is he coming for me on his own?! Is he finally coming to confront me?!" his voice was hysterical with laughter and anticipation, the guard shrunk away from his bosses advancements. 

"I-I don't know, sir" that seemed to snap the towering male out of his trance because his face crumpled into a scary sneer and before the guard could do anything he pulled a knife from his belt and sliced the unsuspecting man's throat. 

"Guard!" he called and another male comes in, he sees the dead body but doesn't question it. "Get the rest of the men ready, I think it's time I joined the action". 

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The next chapter of this is going to be shorter than normal. But I felt guilty for not having anything put out in so long. I hope you enjoy.


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Chapter 20: The suspense is killing me
Candy_lover_dg #2
Chapter 20: Yayayay !!! <3
Candy_lover_dg #3
Chapter 19: Yayaya you updated!!! <3 I love the little drama between chanyeol, kai , and baekhyun xD
Candy_lover_dg #4
Chapter 18: Loved how you gave us a little more background on chanyeol and a cliffhanger;-;
irisbf #5
Chapter 17: This story so exciting, makes me feel all kind of feelings. Can't wait for next update xD
Candy_lover_dg #6
Chapter 17: OH DAMN SUHO honestly not surprised that kid had it coming for bullying our little suho .-.
Candy_lover_dg #7
Chapter 16: Ughhh I can’t wait for your next update this is so good and exciting I love all their personalities this really is a great story so far <3
Candy_lover_dg #8
Chapter 2: Ahhhh I can’t wait to read this after what happened on the last story I read I’m so excited for this one!!
Chapter 16: Finally i had the time to read this fic again *.*

Kya~~~ the exciting parts begins now~ and whats up with chanyeol? ^.^ huhu
Chapter 14: I really wanna hug young yeol >< and omg .... they met when they were younger... yeol and soo O.o