Let's code him

다크 라이트 (Dark Light)

"New year, new life". They said.

Today was the first day of school. I entered my classroom and took the seat near the window at the second row. Well everyone has their favourite spot. I was early so nobody was in the class yet. Putting my earphone on, I rested my head on the table while listening to the soft rap music. Sleepy's new song, Am I For Real.

A moment later, a loud noise came from the back door, made me wide awake from my routine-morning-sleepyhead sickness. Sitting upright, I turned my head to the back door. Three tall boys were cornering a boy in lousy uniform. I could see some stationeries and books were scattered across the room and also a black bag was dumped into the thrashcan. Last year the guy in the lousy uniform was bullied too. Gunpil. He was in another class. But nobody really care there. Thanks to his willingness to get into the first class, just to get away from the bullies, his final exam score rose pretty high. And I heard he joined our class this year.

"Ah so loud! What a mess.", I grumbled loudly.

All three of them snapped at me. Jr, Minhyuk and Taeho. Maybe they didn't realize I was there the whole time or they just didn't care. Jr, their leader, paid me a sharp glare. He chuckled synastically. 
He then paced towards me. I just made no sense of the situation and continued my morning nap. Bang!! He just pushed my partner desk away. I woke up and stared at him. My stoneface must have mad him boiled inside. I kept my straight face as we stared into each other for quite sometime. He then took the chair next to me and threw it away. Gosh!
I just chuckled amusingly. No. Why did he was so furious. In fact I did nothing. He just got mad on his own. Honestly I never encountered this kind of situation. 

He came closer. Our face was just inches away. He smirked a bit and cupped my chin. I was flustered for a second before I brushed his hand away. He must not in his right mind. Bothering me.

"What's your matter. Go back to your class", I told him, pressing the last sentence. I stared deep into his eyes. 

He was about to throw his palm on me when Jay and Dana arrived. Jay stopped him.

"Chill dude. Wise up. You don't hit a girl", Jay pushed him away.

"You are so low", Dana added.

Jr. just chuckled and messed his hair. "Wah our Jay is here. So scary. Should I apologise--", he voiced up, looking at me. "--I must have lost my temper. I should have not ..hit a girl-- Sorry then. What again your name?? J-Jinah? Jiyoon? Jian? ", he smirked.

"YOU DON'T MESS WITH US. You know how we play our games right", Jay said in stern voice. 

"Get out now. You don't want to get into our bad side right", Dana spoke up.

Jr just chuckled darkly before leaving the class. Minhyuk and Taeho too. 

I breathed deeply. "That was close-", I grumbled. "-Thanks".

Jay just smiled and took the seat behind me. Dana put her stuff on my table.

"What a mess. Trash", she muttered. I chuckled a little.

I helped her putting the desk and the chair next to mine. 

I looked at the new guy, Gunpil. He was picking up his stuffs from the floor. I stared for awhile before changing my look at Jay. I smiled meaningfully. An idea just strucked on my head. 

"Hey!", I walked towards Gunpil and helped him collected the books on the floor. "You are Gunpil right? I'm Jian", I introduced myself.

"H-hi", he answered nervously.

"Hey why don't you sit with us. Jay don't have desk partner either. You can sit with him", I said again. This time I grabbed his backpack and put on the table next to jay. 

We exhanged a glance. 

Jay rolled his eyes a little. "Hey Gunpil. Come sit here"., He called the lousy guy.

He was still scared. "No it's okay. I'll sit there." He pointed at the seat near the teacher's desk. Gunpil then snatched his backpack and rushly sat there. 

"--O-okay", I said under my breath.

Dana twirled her hairs and chewing her gums. "He said no .. to you guys", she laughed a little. I took a sit next to Jay. "I like him", I told the blue-hair guy. "-Let's code him".

"I'll tell Kangmin later", Jay replied. Dana snapped at us.

"You kidding?", she said loudly. We hushed her a little. 

"Come on that'll be fun. We're up against Jr anyway. He can be our puppet for this month. It has been awhile", I said again. 


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Chapter 23: Nice story^^
I never imagine they will break up