I want you to be mine

His baby sister

I woke up in my bed with the covers pulled over me. My head was throbbing and my body was sore. I sat up and winced from the feeling in my head. 

"Just relax." I heard Yoongi's voice say to me. 

He came and sat on the bed next to me as he smiled at me. 

" You passed out. I must have let you soak too long." 

I was fully dressed and I looked at him. Like I said I had no embarrasment but I wasn't sure about him.

"I was blindfolded." He said hastily

I just giggled. He was really cute and I was surprised I had never noticed it. 

"Yeah I'm not usually what people think. I look mean and like I don't care, but I really do."

I was in shock.

"I didn't read your mind I promise." I just laughed.

We spent the rest of the day eating food and watching movies. I was lying on his chest in the living room. I heard Jin's keys opening the door  and we both jumped away from each other like we had a disease. He came in and saw that we were watching the movie. 

"Well looks like you two had a nice day. You feeling any better Yoongi."

"Much." He says trying not to look at me and smile. 

"Well good it's your night to make dinner. You can finish the movie since the boys won't be home till this is probably over." 

He smiled and nodded. With that Jin was off to his room to shower. I snuggled up to Yoongi again. 

He made me feel so little and protected. He wasn't necessarily tall or muscular but compared to my small body it was perfect. I fit perfectly underneath his chin. Everything was perfect.

We didn't even hear when the boys came into the garage and as soon as we heard the door open we were jumping away from each other again. Namjoon strolled in and saw us sitting under blankets watching the movie. 

"Ahh you guys are just watching movies?" he asked.

We both nodded at the same time. 

"Sounds nice. Can I join?" He asked.

We both nodded and moved so he could sit with us. He sat right in between us and he kept smiling at me. 

"Did you have a good day?" He asked.

"Other than taking care of Yoongi, yeah I guess." 

"And getting sick yourself." Yoongi scoffed.

"How did that happen?" He asked. 

I felt a bit of edge in his voice. 

"Oh you know taking care of him I must have breathed it in or something." 

I could practically hear Yoongi's sly smirk thinking about how I actually got sick. After the movie had finished Yoongi went to the kitchen to make dinner. I followed after him.

He was cutting up vegetables and then he turned to look at me. He looked slightly distressed.

"I don't like the way he looks at you Jeanna." 

I bit my lip cowarding a bit "I'm sorry."

I saw him smile softly. "It's not your fault. I just wish I could prove you are mine to him." 

I looked up at him "I'm yours?" 

He put the knife down. "I want you to be. But it's also your choice." 

I looked at him and then at my feet. To be honest I wasn't sure how I felt. I mean just last night I had wanted Namjoon so bad. But spending good time with Yoongi made me realize that he truly was a really great guy.

"I just I don't know Yoongi." 

He nodded "it's ok." 

He went back to chopping vegetables. I rested my hand on his and he looked at me. 

"If you want me you know where I'll be." I said.

He laughed and I went back to my room. The sheets were still thrown around from getting out of bed after passing out. I layed down on it and looked at my phone. I set it down next to me. My stomach was full of butterflies, I was still extremely confused. I sat up and just then my bathroom door opened. It was Namjoon standing there looking super y and frustrated. 

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Sorry for not updating super fast I've been super busy


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Chapter 17: Such a sweet ending, they actually pulled through and got married. I'm glad Jin was alright with that and everything seems good with everyone. I really enjoyed this story so thank you for writing!!
Chapter 16: Snap my heart broke for Namjoon during this chapter. I hope the sudden distance doesn't change anything between them. Thank you for updating!
Chapter 15: Awe!!! She said yes!! I was so happy to see this update, thank you for writing, that chapter was bitter sweet but I loved it!!
Chapter 14: I was excited to see the update! I feel bad that she's moving so suddenly, but am super glad that each man accepted it and supported her.
Chapter 12: Awe, I'm happy for them! I feel bad for Jeanna though, considering her battle within herself. I could see why she would be angry at Namjoon, but hopefully she doesn't hold it above his head for to long. I'm sure he feels just as horrible for everything, if not worse...
Chapter 11: Aw nooo my poor Yoongi. My heart lol. This chapter was intense, I enjoyed it! Namjoon owes someone a huge apology...
Chapter 10: Wait, did you add onto this chapter? Swear it was shorter lol.
Chapter 9: Awe that tease though lol. Great job!!!
Chapter 8: Namjoon though lol. It's cute that it was her first kiss! Curious to see how this will all go down.
Chapter 5: Aw snap! I'm Yoongi biased so..... Lol!
I have a feeling this is going to end bad for Jeanna..