Chapter 8

A Wolf's Journey

"Well, we're here," said Cory as he pulled up to the driveway. "Who's home do you know?" Asked Kisu. "Everyone but our resident vampire hunters I think," said Cory as he got out of the jeep and let Chani out. Kisu got out after Cory and they closed their doors. "Do like last time?" Asked Chani. "Exactly," said Kisu as he went and rang the doorbell.

After a few minutes the door opened, with Youngjae standing at the door and Jooheon behind him. Kisu tackled Youngjae, hugging him. "Hey," he said. "Well hello there," said Youngjae as he chuckled. "Hello Cory," said Kihyun as he came over. "Hey Kihyun," said Cory. "Ah, look who's here!" Said Changkhyun as he walked over with Jungkook. "Welcome back you three," he said. "Hey Changkhyun, Jungkook," said Cory. Kisu moved away from Youngjae and nodded to Changkhyun. "Hello Changkhyun, Jungkook," he said.

"This must be the guest you two were talking about," said Changkhyun as he noticed Chani. "Chani," said Chani as he smiled, not showing his fangs. "Changkhyun," said Changkhyun as he smiled some. Jungkook studied Chani for a minute before nodding.

"So," said Jungkook once everyone was in the livingroom. "Why did you bring a vampire along?" He asked. "Ah," said Chani as he scratched the back of his head. "He needed a ride to Ithaca," said Cory. "He's good friends with Daniel and Jaehyun, if you remember them," he said. "I'm a vegetarian, I do no harm really," said Chani as he shrugs.

"How long have you hunted animals then?" Asked Changkhyun. "Since I was turned, so about 200 years," said Chani. "That's a long time to go without hunting humans at least once," said Jungkook. "I'm used to it," said Chani. "My control is slowly slipping but I am forcing myself to the forests in Canada to change scenery for a few months," he said.

"You've been vegetarian for 200 years," said Changkhyun. "Surely one human wouldn't hurt," he said. "Coming from a werewolf who has members of his pack hunting my kind," said Chani as he tilted his head to the side. "It's just odd to see a non human drinking vampire in our home," said Changkhyun. Chani chuckled some.

"How'd meeting with Jimin go?" Asked Jooheon. "Eh," said Cory. "Same as last time," he said. "That was his last chance," he said. "He really doesn't understand, nor does he want to," he said. "I had Jisung snarling in my mind to let him kill Jimin," said Kisu. "I almost blew my cover from how angry I felt," said Chani.

"Do you need to hunt?" Asked Kisu. "I could see how angry you were back then, it must've not been good on your thirst," he said. Chani shrugged. "I might have to," he said. "Granted I can," he said, looking at Changkhyun. "Sure, just be careful," said Changkhyun. Chani nodded and got up, going out the back door to hunt.

"He seems rather tense," remarked Youngjae as he tilted his head to the side. "Well, he's in a house full of werewolves of course he'd be tense," said Kisu. "Ya'll took the news of him being a vegetarian well I'd say," said Cory. "Just something about him is different from other vampires," said Jungkook. "I don't know what it is but," he said, shrugging.

"His demeanor is different," said Kisu. "He's more friendly than other vampires," he said. "At least, when Daniel told us about him," he said. "It's what made him a coven leader," said Cory. "At least, I think anyway," he said.

"How long are you three gonna stay this time around?" Asked Youngjae. "We need to get Chani to Ithaca so only a couple days," said Kisu. "I'm surprised you managed to stay with the jeep the entire time," said Kihyun. Kisu laughs. "Well, it's okay when it's just two of us at one time," he said. "Chani being around is only temporary until he gets back to Ithaca then it's us three again," he said.

"Where's our resident vampire hunters anyway?" Asked Cory. "Missions, and Jeongin moved to the dorms at the university he's attending," said Jungkook. "Which one did he go to?" Asked Kisu as Jisung asked the question. "University of Colorado in Denver," said Changkhyun. "Cool," said Kisu. "Yes we'll go see him," Cory said with a dramatic sigh. Kisu chuckled. "Good, you have Jisung cheering now," he said. Cory shook his head.

Chani came back just before dinner, taking off his hoodie and throwing it into the jeep before heading inside. "Gotta keep up appearances eh?" Asked Kisu when he noticed Chani. Chani snorts. "I like the hoodie but I should've gotten something slightly smaller," he said.

"What'd you find?" Asked Kisu. "Deer," said Chani. "I also found the lake with the graveyard, paid my respects," he said. "Cool cool," said Kisu. Cory came into the livingroom, spotting Chani. "Ah, dinner's almost ready," he called before going back into the kitchen.

"You seem more relaxed now," remarked Kisu as Chani went to sit down on the floor in front of Kisu who was on the couch. "I guess I did need to hunt," said Chani as he shrugs. "I hope you don't mind us making one more stop before we head to Ithaca," said Kisu. "We're going to Denver to see Jeongin," he said. "Sure," said Chani. "You guys are driving so," he said, shrugging. "We'll get you to New York one way or another," said Kisu.

After dinner Chani ended up in the same room as Cory and Kisu, who was given Hoseok and Doyoung's room for the time being. "We'd let you have your bed tonight but," said Changkhyun as he scratched the back of his head. "I won't do anything," said Chani as he sighed. "But I understand the hesitance," he said. "Hobi and Doyoung are gonna freak," said Jungkook as he shook his head. "Oh well then," said Kisu. "We'll be out in a few days," he said.

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