A Starry Night

Praying For Hearts

Baekhyun sipped happily from his mug.

Jongdae sat next to him, having already downed his hot chocolate, looking at Baekhyun expectantly.

The two had taken a break from painting, not having gotten much done as they'd gotten distracted with a small paint fight which Jongdae insists was a tie but he hadn't even soiled Baekhyun's clothes, not even a bit as the paint seemed to just bounce off him. Jongdae himself looked like he'd spilled the paint all over himself.

They'd bought some hot chocolate and came back to rest, they watched as the sun set with the stars come out.

Jongdae kept looking at Baekhyun, waiting for whatever it was that Baekhyun had planned.

"You have no patience",Baekhyun piped up as he sipped at his chocolate.

"Hello? A god just told me he'd show me cool stuff, you know what the coolest thing I've seen before? Chanyeol fitting around 40 some acorns in his mouth and then accidentally swallowing one and choking on another one",

"Ah yes, that's listed as one of his proudest achievements in his mind",Baekhyun nodded.

"Not surprised",Jongdae shook his head.

"But okay",Baekhyun stood up and dusted himself off, although there was no dust on him."Let's go",

Jongdae stood up and followed him.


"The forest", Jongdae stopped in his tracks.

"Why are we going into the forest?",Jongdae asked with a raised eyebrow as Baekhyun stopped to look at him.

"So we can see it come alive",He replied vaguely before continuing on his way.

Jongdae looked back at the temple and then towards the forest.

"You know that doesn't sound so tempting anymore, it sounds pretty terrifying actually",Jongdae commented but he trailed after Baekhyun anyways.


"So what exactly is supposed to be so magical about this?",Jongdae questioned, as the two walked through the forest that was only illuminated by the moonlight and stars.

"Just wait",Baekhyun repeated for what Jongdae would say would be the hundredth time.

Jongdae sighed and merely looked around as they walked.

The forest was like any other, with tall and dense trees, some moreso than others, there were branches that dangled down towards the ground and occasionally there was the sound of birds and crickets. His and Baekhyun's own footsteps as they stepped on fallen twigs and rocks also echoed in the forest, and once in awhile there was the cry of a wolf, which made Jongdae turn his head to find the direction it came from.

"How much longer?",Jongdae piped up again.

"No patience",Baekhyun shook his head but finally stopped as they neared a clearing near a river.

"This is it?",Jongdae questioned staring at the river,"I mean it's pretty-",

"Thank you",A person said as they came out of the water scaring Jongdae who yelped as he stepped back."I take very good care of my river",

"Tao!",Baekhyun seemingly scolds the person who popped out of the water.

"Baekhyun, what's the signal to come out again? Was it 'Now' or 'This is it'?",A small fluttering glowing figure, which Jongdae could only recognize as a fairy came towards them.

Jongdae stared at the fairy with wide eyes as Baekhyun sighed loudly.

"You guys completely ruined the surprise",

"I don't know, I think I gave him quite a surprise",Tao chuckled and turned to look at Jongdae who was in shock."I'm Tao, a naiad, or a type of water nymph if you will",

"Oh? That's him?",The fairy questioned as Baekhyun only nodded, the fairy fluttered closely to Jongdae who thought the fairy was pretty cute,"My name is Luhan, you can guess what I am",

"So they were what came out with the stars?",Jongdae asked as Baekhyun once again nodded.

"Not just us, though, here-",Luhan fluttered over Jongdae's eyes, making him blink and after a bit of blinking he let out an exclamation.

The whole forest seemed to transform, it was still the same thick and tall trees, but instead of it being empty, Jongdae could see all sorts of things, things he couldn't believe. He saw spirits, of all shapes and sizes, spirits he recognized to be those of the forest. He also saw animals he didn't think existed. If he were to describe the scenes around him, he'd say it'd be a mix of an enchanted forest and Alice in Wonderland. Plants like flowers were much larger than Jongdae himself, foxes with nine tails wandered about, Jongdae could see other fairies and creatures fluttering around. Jongdae took everything in, looking around in awe at everything, he felt like he was in a dream, but even his own creativity wouldn't have been able to come up with such a scene.

"He seems to like the surprise well enough",Tao commented bringing Jongdae back to the three figures.

"Not exactly the way I planned to introduce you to my world, but it's as good as anything",Baekhyun stated before gesturing towards Tao who was in the water and Luhan who was sat upon his shoulder."These are some of my friends. Tao and Luhan",

"Nice to meet you",Jongdae said with a smile,"I can't believe you're actually showing me all this...I just expected another light show, although more high scale but this? This is amazing",

Baekhyun smiled feeling warm at Jongdae's words, and at the sparkle in his eyes.

"He made a whole fuss about it, you know? Baekhyun's never shown any of his former clients this, it's too risky, so you should feel special",Luhan added as Baekhyun shot him a look.

"I wonder why exactly that is? Why are you so special to Baekhyun?",Tao tilted his head innocently, but his words had a hidden meaning.

Baekhyun shot both of them a look and coughed.

"Because he's helping me fix my temple",Baekhyun simply replied before Jongdae could.

Jongdae nodded.

"Yeah, I told him it was to thank him for helping me out, so he didn't have to do any of this",Jongdae explained.

"Yet he did?...Interesting..",Luhan commented giving Baekhyun a look meanwhile Baekhyun walked over to Jongdae.

"Anyways! This is just the beginning, let's go see some of the other parts of the forest",Baekhyun urged.

"What about Tao and Luhan?",Jongdae asked, he wanted to get to know the two more, they seemed like fun.

Luhan waved it off.

"We'll just be here waiting for you two to get back",

"Yeah, and definitely not preparing anything cool like a mini spirit festival because Baekhyun asked us to",Tao added and this time it was Luhan who shot him a look."What?",Tao asked.

"Let's go",Baekhyun pulled on Jongdae's arm as he was led through a pathway he was positive came out of nowhere. It was a stone pathway lit up by floating orbs of light.

"You really went all out on your not-thanking-me-thanking-me surprise",Jongdae couldn't help but comment, the noises that surrounded them now were different from before. There was the sounds of bells and wind chimes, of movement and life, even short silences didn't feel so silent.

"Not really, it's always like this",Baekhyun shrugged.

Jongdae nodded.

"Am I really the only human you've shown this to?",Jongdae again couldn't help but ponder over Luhan's and Tao's words.

Baekhyun cursed his teasing friends, he supposed that was their way of getting back at him for all the times he's teased them.


"How come?",

How come? Baekhyun wondered that too, he had wondered about it the first time he had even told Jongdae he would show him something he'd never seen before. Luhan was right, it was risky of him to show any of this to any mortal. Not that he didn't trust Jongdae, but maybe that was it, he trusted Jongdae, he trusted Jongdae more than he had ever trusted anyone before. Why? Because he was close to Jongdae, he'd gotten closest to him than to anyone else too, and it seemed pretty insane to Baekhyun how Jongdae had become an exception to everything in such a short time.

"Because you're my friend",Baekhyun said even if he felt that wasn't quite the perfect answer to Jongdae's question, but it wasn't exactly wrong.

Jongdae hummed, seemingly pleased with the answer.

"You're my friend too",Jongdae said after a moment, making Baekhyun feel that warmness again.

"Hey, Jongdae",Baekhyun said stopping and looking up, they had made it to a clearing, where they could look straight up at the starry sky.


"Did you ever used to play connect the dots?",


"Did you do that with the stars?",

"Is this you asking a question you already know the answer to?",


"Then yeah",

Baekhyun turned to look at him, whipping out a pen from thin air and handing it to Jongdae who stared at him skeptically.

"You should try doing the real thing",Baekhyun urged him.

Jongdae stared at the pen and then looking at Baekhyun questioningly.

Still, he looked up at the sky, and with the pen, he made a line connecting two stars together-Jongdae's eyes widened as he saw that in the sky there was actually a line, a ray of light connecting two stars together.

Jongdae looked at Baekhyun, but Baekhyun only stared up at the sky, so Jongdae continued.

He moved the pen some more, connecting more dots and he laughed giddily, still feeling a sense of disbelief but amazement. Every line he made with the pen, the sky mimicked in the form of a light line connecting the stars.

He finished his first piece and smiled cheekily at Baekhyun who looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Really? 'Baekhyun ', I give you this power and you insult me?",

"I'm not finished!",Jongdae said before moving the pen and Baekhyun looked up again till Jongdae finished his message which read: 'Baekhyun ...less than I thought he would- love Jongdae :3'

Baekhyun despite himself couldn't help but crack a smile.

"So what happens to that now?",Jongdae asked curiously as they both stared up at the sky.

"Well, your message is permanent. It'll remain in the immortal sky forever, however in your world no one will see it",

"But they will here? Why didn't you tell me that?!",

"How was I supposed to know you'd write that?",

Jongdae sighed but laughed again.

"My message immortalized here forever, actually...it's a good message, I want you to always remember it",

"Having to look at it every night, it'll definitely be hard to forget",

"Good",Jongdae grinned just as the sound of a gong sounded, seeming to ring from all parts of the forest."What's that?",

"If Luhan and Tao did as I instructed then that means the "high scale light show" as you called it is about to start",Baekhyun explained.

"I was right about that?",

"You weren't exactly wrong, but we need better seats", just as Baekhyun said that, the ground under Jongdae started to tremble and shift, but before he could say anything he fell on his as the ground shot up.

"What's going on?!",Jongdae yelled, holding onto the ground for dear life as Baekhyun also sat down on a piece of ground next to him, which also extended up from the ground towards higher up in the sky. However, unlike Jongdae, he was sat calmly and peacefully.

"We need a better view",

Jongdae looked down and saw they were several miles up from the ground. If I fall I'll die,was Jongdae's first thought and hopefully not his last.

"Relax, if you fall you won't die",Baekhyun assured.

"Why? Is there some safe cushion down there or something?",Jongdae asked hopefully.

"No...But, rest assured I will catch you",

"I'm gonna die",Jongdae murmured.

"I heard that!",Baekhyun huffed before fireworks went off before them suddenly, scaring the both of them.

A loud sorry was yelled which Jongdae recognized was in Tao's voice, how Jongdae could hear him from how high up he was he doesn't know. But he finds he can't question much in the immortal world. Still he laughed meanwhile Baekhyun shook his head.

"Fireworks aren't even apart of the show, I have no idea why those were set off",

"Maybe for the festival you told them not to do",Jongdae teased.


Soon enough, the light show started, which consisted of fairies and floating puff balls which Jongdae liked to refer to as cloud cats. There was also Baekhyun who made the stars dance and fall and of course letting light flow from his hands. The powers Baekhyun showed him the first day were nothing compared to the powers he was expelling into the sky. Swirls of different colored lights flowing from him seeming to create art in the sky, which was more than a dream to Jongdae. At one point, Jongdae felt bad that Baekhyun had prepared all this and all Jongdae could do to thank him was buy him pop tarts. Still he enjoyed the light show, and he enjoyed the nymphs' soft sweet singing to a tune he didn't know but which aided to the magical airy feeling of the show, of the environment.

At one point,Baekhyun turned to Jongdae telling him to open his hands and cup them which he did. Afterwards Baekhyun formed an orb of light and carefully, tentatively placed it in Jongdae's cupped hands.

Jongdae expected it to disappear but it stayed and he smiled down at it before letting it float back out into the sky.

"You really are a god",Jongdae stated as they went back down to the ground.

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow.

"How long did it take you to realize that?",

"I've always known but...wow...",

Baekhyun grinned at Jongdae's face.

"Onwards to the festival!",Baekhyun announced but Jongdae stopped him.

"Why are you really doing all this for me?",Jongdae couldn't help but ask.

"Because you're my friend",Baekhyun replied once again.

"Yeah...but...I mean, this is a lot",Jongdae admitted,"Not that it's bad! I just...I don't know, it feels more than what I can ever give",

"Jongdae, this is simply me showing you what I, a god, can do. I've told you this already. This isn't as a thank you, it's just me wanting to share my world with you",Baekhyun told him,"Like you've shared your home and world with me-albeit you might've felt you had no choice, but still",

"I guess you do have a point then-Onwards to the festival!",Jongdae declared as he followed Baekhyun back to where Tao's river lay.

If it was even possible, the forest brimmed brighter and more lively than before, the spirits and animals having caught wind of not only a human but also of a celebration.

"There you two are",Luhan fluttered towards them,"The elves and pixies brought some food, but I recommend not getting any of the pixie's",

"Is it poisonous?",Jongdae wondered also having heard stories that if you ate a pixie's food, you would never be able to leave the forest.

Luhan, however, shook his head.

"No, they're just not that good at cooking",

Jongdae snorted.

"Also,Baekhyun, Tao's wondering if you'd like to adopt another Koi fish from his river?",

"As soon as I spiff up the pond",Baekhyun said and Jongdae smiled at the fact that he used his expression."Now, let us celebrate",

"What exactly are we celebrating?",Tao's voice floated towards them from where he sat in his river.

"Jongdae?",Luhan guessed, a teasing tilt in his voice, his eyes on Baekhyun but Jongdae only laughed.

"Why would you guys celebrate me?It's not my birthday.Besides I have an idea",Jongdae said and the three looked at him,"Let's celebrate Baekhyun's temple make over",he suggested.

"True, the thing was a dump",Tao agreed.

"Was not!",Baekhyun argued.

"It practically was",Luhan added.

"Whatever. Lets celebrate to that then!", Baekhyun announced as the gathering spirits and animals cheered.

"A party? Without me?", A deep voice called and everyone stopped.

Baekhyun instinctively looked towards the top of the trees, Jongdae was confused as Luhan fluttered close to him and Tao also looked at the top of the trees. They all seemed to know who the voice belonged to.

A Chinese dragon's body flew over all of them slithering between the trees so swiftly Jongdae almost missed it.

"Luhan",Baekhyun said seriously making Jongdae blink at him. Luhan seemed to understand what Baekhyun was trying to say as he tugged on Jongdae's shoulder to follow him.

They hadn't taken one step before a figure appeared before them, he was tall with an intimidating face, he practically loomed over them.

"And you even invited a human?",The man said with a raised eyebrow, but unlike the others he looked displeased with Jongdae's presence. "A human in the immortal world?",He tilted his head.

"Yifan, leave him",Baekhyun piped up from somewhere behind Jongdae. Jongdae couldn't look away from the man, who was apparently Yifan, and who definitely was the dragon they had seen earlier, if his mere aura and presence said anything. His glare towards Jongdae also told him, that this Yifan hated him, and Jongdae had no idea why.


A.N: FIRST OF ALL IM SO SORRY TO ALL OF YOU THAT IVE LEFT HANGING and thank you for being so patient, know that i definitely am not ever going to give up on this. so this will be finished. i was more busy than i thought it would be lol. but ive come back with this long chapter today and another chapter tomorrow. also, i said i had things planned out but also, lately ive been changing my mind on the ending for this story. but anyways again thank you guys for subscribing and voting and commenting. its really what gives me the most motivation to continue and finish. thank you <3 <3 <3

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I said there'd be 18 but i decided the epilogue had to be 2 parts and if youve read till here i wanna say thank you a lot!!! ive officially finished my first story and i hope you all enjoyed it and enjoyed this ending <33333


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yurrick #1
Chapter 19: oh this was so bittersweet, but i still quite adore it! it's very unique and i truly was not expecting that ending, so it was really surprising! thank you for writing and sharing this with us!
gyudae #2
Chapter 19: wished there were more, but tbh that is a great way to end this story. i love how you leave it open to our own imagination. thanks for writing this story, author nim!
CinnamonChen #3
Chapter 19: I'm crying omg I thought they'd never see each other again. So glad he was reincarnated and found Baekhyun. Definitely wasn't expecting that ending. Great story
lurvejunho #4
Chapter 19: Aww baekchen met after 100 years.so baekhyun will confess to jongdae right?
Chapter 19: This was a very good story , full of great emotions and funny moments . Baekchen is hilarious ❤
Chapter 18: No, this is breaking my heart . I'll wait for part 2 and i hope Dae will remember Baek
lurvejunho #7
Chapter 18: No....dont say goodbye.i need baekchen
lurvejunho #8
Chapter 17: Oh no baekhyun. Y do like that.jongdae love u t any form u are.can chansoo make jongdae remember baekhyun