A Match Made In Heaven

Praying For Hearts

"You're going to go meet him?", Baekhyun asked as Jongdae fixed his shirt and then his hair.It was a few days after Baekhyun had told him about Minseok, Jongdae had wanted to mentally prepare himself before finally meeting him.

"Well, the ball is coming up soon...I'm kind of nervous",Jongdae admitted.

Jongdae didn't really have to say so, Baekhyun noticed it in the way Jongdae kept fixing every little thing about himself when he looked perfectly fine.

"I mean, I know you said he's my match but...what if he doesn't like me? What if I don't like him?  What am I gonna do then? What if he does like me? What if I do like him? Do I ask him on a date? Do I wait till he asks me on a date?What if he doesn't like the date? Will it be weird if I ask him to a ball? Will he think I'm in love with him when we don't know each other that well? What if that creeps him out? What if I creep him out? What if-",A pillow smacking Jongdae stops him from rambling.

Jongdae frowned at Baekhyun, chucking the pillow back at him, but Baekhyun easily dodged it.

"I need advice! You're the love god here!",

Baekhyun merely chuckled.

"Jongdae, you're going to be fine. I made sure to find you your soulmate and you know what that means?",

"Kind of?",

Baekhyun sighed.

"It means that no matter what, your hearts belong with one another. You can go in there and make the biggest idiot out of yourself but he'll still be charmed by you, and it's the same the other way around. You can worry if you want but trust me, things will fall into the place they're supposed to", He stood up and walked over to Jongdae brushing down some stray hairs,"He'll love you for you Jongdae, flaws, quirks, annoying loud singing-", 


"Whiny and argumentative-",

"I am not-!",

"But he'll see the good things too, like your kindness, your surprisingly funny sense of humor, your wit, your sincereness, and even your annoying loud but actually good singing",Baekhyun said as he fixed the collar of Jongdae's plaid shirt.

Jongdae smiled at him, feeling warm and fuzzy at the compliments, Baekhyun was surprisingly really sweet himself.

"You have to come with me",Jongdae told him.

Baekhyun stopped and looked at him.

"What? Why?",

Jongdae raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you want to? I was kinda hoping you wanted to. I think I'll need your moral support", 

Baekhyun thought about it.

He really didn't want to go, it was the first time he didn't want to see how one of his matches couple up. The thought making his heart drop, but when he met Jongdae's hopeful eyes he couldn't say no.

Baekhyun sighed dramatically.

"Of course I have to accompany my duckling as he starts to soar",

Jongdae grinned in relied, for once not hating the nickname, he was happy to have Baekhyun as support.

"Okay, good",Jongdae reached up to fix his hair again when Baekhyun put it down.

"You look great,okay?",

For a moment Baekhyun's fingers lingered on Jongdae's hand. Jongdae looked at the soft but genuine smile on Baekhyun's lips. 

Jongdae nodded and Baekhyun let go.

"Let's go meet my match",Jongdae said moreso to himself than Baekhyun.

"Onwards!",Baekhyun cheered with a big grin, trying to bury the feelings in his chest.


"Jongdae we can't stand out here like weirdos all day you know? Plus it's chilly, can't we just go in?",Baekhyun said but Jongdae shook his head.

"No way! You didn't tell me he looked like that!",Jongdae's eyes were trained on Minseok, who was apparently a coffee waiter, serving drinks or treats. He wore a white button up shirt, sleeves rolled up, black jeans with a black apron tied around his waist. He smiled at customers, showing off a cute gummy smile that was shooting right through Jongdae's heart. Jongdae was surprised he'd never come to this coffee shop before, he always passed it and always wanted to try it but it had always slipped his mind.

Baekhyun scoffed.

"I told you he was cute and handsome",

"Yes but that didn't exactly prepare me for him, god just look at him",

Baekhyun wasn't looking at Minseok, he was looking at Jongdae who was practically already head over heels for Minseok just by looking at him. He supposed that was the magic of soulmates. An ugly feeling started to form in his heart, he made a face at Jongdae but the latter didn't even notice, he was still busy watching Minseok.

"Are you sure he's my match? He looks too good to be my match, how the hell am I going to do this?",Jongdae sighed.

"We could start by going in?",Baekhyun stated pointedly.

Jongdae nodded.

"You're right. Okay, we'll just go in, we'll find a table, we'll sit down and maybe he'll come over and oh my god what if he comes over? What do I say?",

"Your order",

"Baekhyun I'm serious!",

"I am too. Look, you need to calm down, this is what you've been waiting for. You need to just be yourself, get your order and maybe chat a little",

"Chat about what?",

Baekhyun hummed thoughtfully.

"He likes cats",He said.

"Oh! I can talk about Noodle!", Jongdae nodded but just as he was about to go in he turned back to Baekhyun who raised an eyebrow.


"Are you sure things will go okay?",

"They'll be better than okay, you just need to trust me",

That Jongdae could do, he trusted Baekhyun, as a love god and as a friend.

They went inside the coffee shop, a cozy warmth enveloping the two of them as they found a booth to sit at.

"This place is so nice",Baekhyun couldn't help but admire the twinkling lights and the hearts decorating the place in celebration of the upcoming Valentine's Day.

Jongdae nodded also looking around.

"Hey this gives me an idea, maybe we can add some lights to your temple too",Jongdae said before turning to Baekhyun,"I saw some online, they were red and they were shaped like hearts you can put them where the door is supposed to go",

Baekhyun smiled.

"Sounds a bit tacky don't you think?",He teased.

"But it'll look really nice! Oh! What if we get normal lights and use them to form a heart?",

Baekhyun liked this, liked talking about going back to his temple with Jongdae to decorate some more, especially when he remembered how nice it was only a week ago that they went to go fix it up. Baekhyun had indeed gotten a couple more visitors, maybe just three or five, but still it warmed his heart.

 "Is my temple still that ugly to you?",

"You are where you live",Jongdae simply stated as Baekhyun gasped kicking him under the table.

Jongdae laughed, lightly kicking him back.

"Jokes on you, I've been living with you at your place so if I'm ugly so are you!",Baekhyun stated smugly.

Before Jongdae could retort with a reply, a waiter interrupted them.

Jongdae's eyes went to him but Baekhyun saw the disappointment in them when he noticed the waiter wasn't Minseok, instead it was someone else, their name tag reading Jongin, who was also pretty attractive, tan skin accompanied by a handsome face.

"Welcome to Universe Cafe, what can I get for you two today?",He asked.

After giving Jongin their orders they thanked him and Jongdae's eyes roamed around the place looking for Minseok.

"He hasn't left so you don't have to worry about that",Jongdae's eyes went back to Baekhyun,"He's on a short restroom break",

"How can you be so sure?",

"Well, I just saw him go into the staff restroom so...",Baekhyun snorted.

"Sorry, I'm still nervous",Jongdae said,"I know you said things will fall into place so they probably will but still, my heart just won't stop pounding. Look, feel", Jongdae takes Baekhyun's hand and puts it over his chest where his heart is.

Baekhyun's face warm but he feels the beating of Jongdae's heart.

If only he knew Baekhyun's was beating the same way in that moment.

Baekhyun coughed as he leaned back taking his hand away.

"You really need to chill, coffee will settle your nerves",

"Or it could make it worse",

"Positivity Jongdae!",Baekhyun chided,"You haven't even spoken to him",

"I know I know, I just have this feeling that something's going to go wrong",

"You'll be fine",Baekhyun assured just as their drinks arrived, they once again thanked Jongin,"Drink up, so you can be more at ease",

Jongdae did so but he made a face.


"I don't think this is what I ordered...Is yours mine?",

Baekhyun took a sip of his drink but it was what he ordered.

"I'm going to go take mine back",Jongdae stood up and started walking over to the counter, and after a bit of talking they apologized and remade the drink.

 Just then Minseok came out of the bathroom and walked towards a table that called him over. 

Jongdae was walking back to his own table until a business man who seemed to be in a hurry to get out of there rushed quickly Jongdae's way. 

Minseok took the drink that apparently had been messed up from the table that called him and turned to go take it back and get a new one.

Jongdae quickly stepped aside to avoid him but instead ended up crashing into Minseok who Jongdae hadn't seen. 

And it was then that Jongdae's new drink was spilled all over Minseok and the drink Minseok was going to take back was spilled all over Jongdae.

"I'm so sorry oh my god!",Jongdae panicked looking down at the mess that was him and the floor and the person's clothes. 

Minseok waved his worries off as he apologized as well. Taking a clean rag from his pocket, he offered it to Jongdae who tried to decline it but once he saw it was Minseok, he froze.

Minseok raised an eyebrow at Jongdae who was staring at him dumbfounded.


Jongdae snapped out of it, his face coloring in embarrassment.

"Uh, sorry- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, there was just this guy and he was walking really fast and I um- I can pay for this",Jongdae rambled.

Minseok cracked a smile, finding him quite amusing, and maybe a little cute.

"It's fine", Minseok assured him,"I'm just glad neither of us were hurt",

"Yeah",Jongdae smiled a bit relieved but still embarrassed."I can help you clean?",he offered.

Minseok shook his head.

"It's alright, it's my job", Minseok told him.

Jongdae still felt bad but something told him Minseok wouldn't relent.

"But",Minseok began as Jongdae looked at him,"You can treat me to a coffee? I'll treat you to one too, now that yours is gone. What do you say?",

Is this actually happening? Jongdae thought. Is he really suggesting a small coffee date? Is it a date? What if its not a date? Whatever it was, Jongdae couldn't help but grin at him, a fluttering feeling in his chest as Minseok looked at him expectantly.

"Okay, I'll be here", Jongdae agreed and Minseok smiled at him,the sweet gummy smile that was shooting right through his heart again.

"Alright, my shift is almost over, I'll see you then-?",

"Jongdae. Kim Jongdae",Jongdae introduced himself.

"Minseok. Kim Minseok",Minseok replied pointing to his name tag before he put up a wet floor sign and went to go get a mop, meanwhile Jongdae went back to his booth.

However, as he sat down and sighed happily to himself ,he noticed something.

Baekhyun wasn't sitting in front of him anymore.

When did he leave? Jongdae thought looking around.

 Maybe he wants to give me some alone time, Jongdae couldn't help but smile again as he mentally thanked Baekhyun.

Without him, he probably wouldn't have just scored himself a date with Minseok.

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I said there'd be 18 but i decided the epilogue had to be 2 parts and if youve read till here i wanna say thank you a lot!!! ive officially finished my first story and i hope you all enjoyed it and enjoyed this ending <33333


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yurrick #1
Chapter 19: oh this was so bittersweet, but i still quite adore it! it's very unique and i truly was not expecting that ending, so it was really surprising! thank you for writing and sharing this with us!
gyudae #2
Chapter 19: wished there were more, but tbh that is a great way to end this story. i love how you leave it open to our own imagination. thanks for writing this story, author nim!
CinnamonChen #3
Chapter 19: I'm crying omg I thought they'd never see each other again. So glad he was reincarnated and found Baekhyun. Definitely wasn't expecting that ending. Great story
lurvejunho #4
Chapter 19: Aww baekchen met after 100 years.so baekhyun will confess to jongdae right?
Chapter 19: This was a very good story , full of great emotions and funny moments . Baekchen is hilarious ❤
Chapter 18: No, this is breaking my heart . I'll wait for part 2 and i hope Dae will remember Baek
lurvejunho #7
Chapter 18: No....dont say goodbye.i need baekchen
lurvejunho #8
Chapter 17: Oh no baekhyun. Y do like that.jongdae love u t any form u are.can chansoo make jongdae remember baekhyun