The Story

The Geek and The Prince

"Ki Bum is my step brother"

"Step brother? What the?" ask you. They both keep silence. None of them answer your question.

"Ki Bum, answer me!" force you.

"Look, i'm going now." says Minho to you and Key.

"Hey, i need an answer!"

Minho sigh again.

"Ki Bum will explain it to you, and yes Suzy is my fiance. But i don't consider her as my fiance, i love her as a childhood friend, ok? Gotta go now" he walks away.

You and Key didn't talk. It's really awkward there.

"Uhmm.. Can you explain it now? I'm curious" ask you to Key. He looks at you and nod his head.

"Let's sit" he sit down on the chair and you too.

"Where should i start.. Well, when i was 6, my mother died because of a car accident. And Minho's father died because of a cancer. My father and his mother met for the first time in a wedding party. They fell in love. My father brought me and my older brother and Minho's mother bought him. They married when we were 7 years old. At first, i didn't like it. So did Minho. And my older brother, he can't accept the fact that father married another woman so he ran away from the house. Me and Minho always fight and tried to mocked each other. And one day, my father said that my mother will be happy if i take care of Minho because i'm older than him. So i took care of him, but he still didn't want to listen to me. We got on a deadly fight, i punched him and he punched back. Until fell down and fainted. That day, Minho felt wrong about it. And then he apologized to me and we're not fighting again."

"I see.. Uhm, can i know more about your older brother?" ask you.

"My brother? He is a very nice and gentle guy. He is 5 years older than me. I don't know where he ran away and where he is now, but i bet he has change his name" says him. You feels sorry for him.

"I bet your brother is happy somewhere else. And find a happy family now" says you. Key looks at you and smile.

"Thanks a lot Hye Min."

"Now smile!" force you. Key smile forcely but it's cute.

"I know it's hard for you. But hey, you're stronger than you thought!" you say.

Key pats your head and you smirks.

"Hey, how about Suzy?" ask you to Key.

"I don't really now. But a week ago, my father told me that Minho will have a fiance faster than me. I think that it's Suzy. And, i guess it's right"

"I see.. Be strong ok? Ha ha ha.." you look at the time and it's already 3 PM.

"OMO! I gotta go, my mom told me to go home earlier" you stand up.

"Ok then. Bye!" he waves at you and you run away.

Minho's POV

"Look, i'm going now." says you to Hye Min and Key.

"Hey, i need an answer!"

You sigh again.

"Ki Bum will explain it to you, and yes Suzy is my fiance. But i don't consider her as my fiance, i love her as a childhood friend, ok? Gotta go now" you walks away and you stopped a taxi.

Rururururu ~

Ah, phone call!


"Minho! Where are you?" ask Suzy.

"Ah, Suzy-ah. I'm on my way now. Wait there ok?" says you.

"Faster ok?"

"Don't worry. From my college to the cinema is near. It takes only 5 minutes. Ok? Wait there, bye!" you close the phone.

After 5 minutes, you're arrive at the cinema. You see Suzy wearing a black jacket and a t-shirt.

"Suzy-ah, i hardly ever see you using this kind of clothes" says you.

"Ya, Minho. I'm not a princess who will always wearing skirts or dresses" answers Suzy. You laugh.

"Ok then, let's go inside"

Suzy grab your hand.


"Hm? What's wrong?"

"Minho, i want to tell you something." she says.

"What is it?" ask you.

"I love you"

Your POV

You run to your home. When you got home, your older brother is waiting in front of the house.

"Park Hye Min, mom said that you have to got home as soon as possible after you finished your school today!" he says.

"Oppa i'm sorry, please don't tell mother" says you to him. Yoochun sigh.

"I didn't use you camera!" says you to Yoochun.

"That's not the point, Hye Min. Ah, forget it. Come on, let's go inside"




Wait look! Suzy confesses that he loves Minho to Minho!

What will Minho said?

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can someone please promote my story? ^^
I'll owe you if you guys do it <3<3<3
@LoveYouGee : thanks yeobooo ~ <3
@ilovemex1000 : OMO thanks a lot ! you're the first person who falls in love with my poster XD thank you ~ <3
I'm in love with your poster and ALSO...OBVIOUSLY YOUR STORY!
waaaaaahhh!! sooooooo cute!!! ^^ :3
so beautiful!! :")
loved it!!!~~~ <3
they got married!! and had a baby!! and the baby's sooooo cute!! and minho and suzy!!! and yoochun got married and had a kid!!
sooooo cute!!!!~~
ooooh! so it was krystal!!
keey!!~~ so sweet too!! <3
going to read the last chapter now! ^^
and thanks for reading ^^
i'll make my third fanfic and i hope you'll read it too <3
Naaaaw such a sweet ending :') a but sad that its over now :( but I'm so glad I read this! Thanks for such a wonderful story! <3
thanks a lot ^^
sarang-YOONA #9
awww key's so sweet but hye min still doesn't know who the girl is right? ahh cant wait for your next update to find out whats gonna happen :D