Step Brother?

The Geek and The Prince

he kisses your cheek..

You push him and you towards the door and go inside.

"He kisses my cheek" says you..

The day he kisses your cheek, is the most beautiful day in your life before the next guy kiss your cheek..

You wake up and it's 7 AM. You go downstairs and eat your breakfast. After that, you take a bath, put on your uniform, grab your bag and the camera, and go downstairs to put on your shoes.

"Hye Min-ah. Don't bring my camera to school again, ok?"

Ah, that's your brother, Park Yoo Chun.

"Come on oppa. If eomma buys me a camera, i won't use yours. But she said that i'm too young to have my own camera. So please, can i use it again today?" beg you to Yoochun. He sigh.

"Ok then, but please don't use it to take a picture of a guy you love." says him.

"Oppaaaa~" beg you again.

*sigh* "Ok, then. Please take care of my camera"

You pinch his cheek,

"Oppa i love you! See you later! Bye!" you rush out the door and go to school.

You finished your school today around 12 PM. You went to Yonsei University again to take a picture of Minho, who kissed you yesterday. You heart beats so fast when you find Minho is playing the basketball again. But then, you see Key around 3 meters in front of you. You run towards him to apologize about 2 days ago. He looks at you and turns around.

"KI BUM!" you yelled. He didn't turn around to look at you.

"YA! KI BUM!" you yelled again, now he turns around.

"What?" ask him lazily.

"I'm sorry, about, uhm.. You're not a liar, you're a very honest person! A very nice guy! I was wrong. I was egoist that time but Minho, yesterday, he told me that you're a very honest person. So, i'm sorry.." you lowers down your face and close your eyes. Prepare for the 'PISS OFF STALKER GIRL'

"Ya, stalker girl" says him. "Next time you mock me, will be a doomsday for you. Ha ha ha.."

You're relieved.

"What are you doing yesterday with Minho?" ask him.

"There's nothing.. But uhm.." your face blushed.

"Me and him were going on a date"

"WHAAAAAT~?" yelled Key.

"Sssshhh ! Don't make a loud voice, Minho is not so far from us! What if he finds out that i'm here again?" says you. Key laugh hardly.

He points at you, no, actually, behind you. You turn around and..

"OMO! *(*$&)#$&(#^#@("

you see Minho standing behind you. He laugh a little.

"What's up?" ask Minho to you. You're so shy. "What are you doing here again? Ah, apologize to Ki Bum, huh?"

You nod your face and Minho smiles.

"Ya, Ki Bummie, you're not mad to her again, right?" ask Minho to Key.

"Of coure not. She says sorry and i say ok. Ha ha ha.. What were you doing yesterday with her?" ask Key to Minho. You're like, OH MY GOD KI BUM YOU ARE STUPID!

"Oh, well. We went to a theme park and have a nice quality time together. Ha ha ha.."

"That's all?" ask Key again.

"Yeap!" answers you. Minho glares at you and your face blushed again. You are trying to cut the conversation so Minho won't bring up about the kiss.

"No, well. I dropped her off to her home." says Minho. OMO! DON'T BRING UP ABOUT THE KISS !

"And i kissed her cheek"

Die die die die. That's the only word that you think in your head.

"KISS?" Key stares at you. Die die die die die die..

"You and her is in a relationship now?" ask him to Minho.

"You kidding me? Ha ha ha.. No but her cheek is so chubby and it makes me wanna kiss her cheek. Ha ha ha.."

You didn't even say a word.

"Ah, hey, i gotta go now, Suzy is waiting for me" says Minho.



"Suzy?" ask you to him.

"Ah, uhmm.. Yeah. Why?" ask him.

"Is she your girlfriend?" ask you again.

"Of course not, she is my childhood friend."

"It's your fiance right?"

Suddenly, Key sais that and Minho is shock.

"Ki Bum.. You.. How did you know?" ask Minho. What? How did he know? SO IT'S TRUE!?

"Appa told me a week ago" answers Key.

"Appa? Who's appa?" ask you to Key and Minho.

"Our appa" says Key. What?

"Wait wait wait. Explain it to me clearly." says you. Minho sigh and answers,

"Ki Bum is my step brother."



The Prince and The Geek is a brother?

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can someone please promote my story? ^^
I'll owe you if you guys do it <3<3<3
@LoveYouGee : thanks yeobooo ~ <3
@ilovemex1000 : OMO thanks a lot ! you're the first person who falls in love with my poster XD thank you ~ <3
I'm in love with your poster and ALSO...OBVIOUSLY YOUR STORY!
waaaaaahhh!! sooooooo cute!!! ^^ :3
so beautiful!! :")
loved it!!!~~~ <3
they got married!! and had a baby!! and the baby's sooooo cute!! and minho and suzy!!! and yoochun got married and had a kid!!
sooooo cute!!!!~~
ooooh! so it was krystal!!
keey!!~~ so sweet too!! <3
going to read the last chapter now! ^^
and thanks for reading ^^
i'll make my third fanfic and i hope you'll read it too <3
Naaaaw such a sweet ending :') a but sad that its over now :( but I'm so glad I read this! Thanks for such a wonderful story! <3
thanks a lot ^^
sarang-YOONA #9
awww key's so sweet but hye min still doesn't know who the girl is right? ahh cant wait for your next update to find out whats gonna happen :D