
Take Care of My Girlfriend

Hello again, so this is really the end of the story! I hope you like this epilogue for I spent ages on this to perfect it. (Well, it's still not as good as I wanted it to be but I hope you like it!) Anyway, see you at my next story! It's updated with its first chapter, by the way! http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/432377

 Four years later

Summer had arrived and the sun was showing no mercy, shining brightly in the clear blue sky with white fluffy clouds that accompanied it. Thankfully, I had my shades on as I sunbathed. It was tempting to dip myself into the swimming pool of the hotel that I was currently staying at in this weather, but it’s been long since I had some alone moments like these. Sighing in contentment, I watched two little boys, who were playing with a ball with their floats to keep them above the surface.

“Excuse me,”

A man interrupted my ‘me’ moment and I frowned at the intrusion. I did not appreciate being disturbed especially when I’ve been longing for this for the longest time ever. Slipping off my shades, I turned to look at him. I had to squint a little thanks to the sun but it didn’t deter him from continuing to intrude on my privacy.

“Are you here alone, pretty?”he flashed me a smile.

I had to try my hardest to stop myself from looking around, hoping for someone to save me.

“No,”I replied hesitantly.

“Are you here with your boyfriend?”he asked.

“No,”I replied in the same way.

“Oh? Then, who are you here with? Do you have a boyfriend then?”the man asked, clearly enjoying himself.

“No, I don’t…,”but I was cut off before I could continue speaking.

“Hey baby, are you really going to sit there the whole day?”

The man and I looked up to see the other intruder. However, I was glad to have this new intruder’s presence and I smiled at him. The stranger looked between the both of us and took his leave without a word.

“Was that guy flirting with you?”Hyukjae oppa sat down next to me with a frown, still staring at the stranger.

“Kinda but thanks to you, he’s gone now,”I grinned at him.

“And why did you tell him that you didn’t have a boyfriend, huh?”Hyukjae oppa turned to stare at me instead.

“That’s because it’s true! You aren’t my boyfriend,”I reached out to hold his hand, looking at the wedding ring that was resting on his ring finger.

“Yeah, but still, you could have lied to get him away quickly,”Hyukjae oppa rolled his eyes.

“Aigoo, is someone jealous?”I teased.

“You bet. I told you not to wear this swimsuit out, didn’t I?”Hyukjae oppa gestured towards my swimming costume.

“But you were the one who bought it for me!”I argued.

“Yeah, to be used in the swimming pool at my parents’ place! Not in public!”Hyukjae oppa retorted.

“We’re now at a hotel. It’s not a public place plus I didn’t think any men would be interested in chatting me up at this age,”I shrugged.

“That’s because you don’t look like a mother of two. Geez, Haemin, could you wear something over that?”Hyukjae oppa groaned.

“Who was the one who motivated me to lose all my pregnancy weight, huh? And speaking of being a mother of two, why are you here alone? You left the boys in the pool? Are you insane?”I sat up.

“You don’t have to worry about them. I got some people to look after them when I saw that man disturbing you,”Hyukjae oppa chuckled as the both of us turned our attention to the two little boys.

Unlike what I’ve seen, the boys have stopped playing with the ball and were surrounded by a few ladies, probably cooing over their good looks which they have obviously inherited from daddy. I sighed, shaking my head. Those boys are going to grow up to be heartbreakers. They’re already attracting the ladies at such a young age.

“I should have watched my mouth on the day I accepted your proposal. I only wished for a son who would look like you and I got double of that,”I sighed.

Five months after our engagement, Hyukjae oppa and I got married during a small ceremony on his yacht. My clique, Donghae, Jiyong, Taeyeon, Sungmin, the ahjumma and a few of his close mates from his dance team in high school came to attend along with our parents. I remember how the yacht had sailed off into the seas and with the sunset as a backdrop, Hyukjae oppa and I sealed our promise to each other with a kiss.  We had gone on a 180 day honeymoon to various places like Venice, Paris, London, Maldives to name a few.

A year after our marriage, I had learnt that I was pregnant with not just one but twin sons. Although it was hard during my pregnancy, I brought my beautiful non-identical twin sons, Lee Jihyuk and Lee Minhyuk into this world. Jihyuk is older than Minhyuk by a mere two minutes. Their names were obviously Hyukjae oppa’s idea. He initially wanted to name them Hyukjae Junior 1 and 2 but I had given him hell for it.

 “You always say that but who’s the one always spoiling them, huh?”Hyukjae oppa smirked.

“Well, it can’t be helped that they inherited your genes and I can’t resist them,”I .

“They’re my sons, indeed,”Hyukjae oppa smiled proudly.

Seeing us looking at them, Jihyuk and Minhyuk waved at us before getting out of the water with the many noonas help. As they held onto their floats, they came running to us.

“Juniors, don’t run at a swimming pool. What if you fall eh?”I gave both of them a firm glance.

“I’m sorry, mummy. Don’t be angry,”Minhyuk pouted.

“Can we eat now? Minhyuk and I are hungry…,”Jihyuk whined a little.

“Alright, alright. Dry yourselves off first,”I chuckled.

“Oh, look at that smile. Someone’s all cheered up suddenly,”Hyukjae oppa couldn’t help but tease.

“Lee Hyukjae, behave yourself and help me dry them up,”I glared at him.

“Yes, Mrs Lee,”Hyukjae oppa grabbed a towel.

“Uh oh, daddy, you got scolded as well,”Minhyuk chuckled as he let Hyukjae oppa dry his hair for him.

“Would you like to cheer daddy up?”Hyukjae oppa pouted at him.

Minhyuk leaned in to give him a peck on his cheek.

“Are you feeling better?”Minhyuk grinned.

“I WANNA KISS DADDY TOO!!!”Jihyuk shouted as he ran over to Hyukjae oppa.

“Come here, little boy,”Hyukjae oppa leaned down for Jihyuk to kiss him on the cheek.

“Mummy, would you like to kiss daddy too? He’s feeling sad because you scolded him! If you kiss him, he’ll feel better!”Minhyuk suggested.

“What?”I raised an eyebrow.

“You heard what your son said. If you kiss me, I’ll feel better,”Hyukjae oppa winked.

“Kiss him!”Jihyuk clapped his hands together.

“No! Mummy doesn’t feel comfortable doing it in front of you guys! Didn’t you say you were hungry, Jihyuk? Let’s go eat dinner,”I tried to change the topic.

“Not until you kiss daddy. We’ll close our eyes,”Jihyuk and Minhyuk said together before covering their eyes.

“Come on, Mrs Lee Hyukjae. It’s not like the juniors haven’t seen it. They have their eyes closed now,”Hyukjae oppa urged.

I gave in and leaned in to kiss Hyukjae oppa on the cheek. But being cheeky, he had turned so that my lips landed on his lips instead.

“You’re gonna be the death of me,”I pinched his cheek after we pulled away.

“Loosen up, baby. We’re on a getaway today. Let’s go, juniors!”Hyukjae oppa chuckled as we both stood up.

He gave me a smile as he put his arm on the small of my back. I returned the smile, loving the feeling of having him with me. Four years into our marriage and some things never change. We followed behind our sons who were holding hands back into the hotel. Deciding to call in room service, we headed back to our rooms. As if being unleashed, the boys broke into a run, climbing onto the bed, throwing their shoes all over the place. I was about to open my mouth to nag at them about keeping their things neatly when Hyukjae oppa stopped me.

“This is supposed to be our getaway and to reward you for being such a good mother to them. I’ll do the nagging this weekend,”Hyukjae oppa caressed my cheek.

He turned towards the boys and took the pillows that they were using for the pillow fight away.

“Juniors, what did mummy always say about keeping your things neatly? This may not be your room but this is where we are supposed to sleep tonight. Keep your things first before playing,”he said firmly.

The boys knew better than to argue. Just like how Hyukjae oppa had been when he was young (my mother-in-law told me), the boys listened well to our words and does whatever we say. Climbing off the bed, the boys picked up their shoes to line them up next to ours. Letting them continue with their pillow fight, Hyukjae oppa and I ordered dinner which we had with multiple fights. Mainly because Jihyuk and Minhyuk were grabbing the strawberries that Hyukjae oppa had ordered for himself.

“These boys are nothing like me,”I chuckled as I lay next to the sleeping angels.

After a rough battle to get them to bathe, they were finally asleep after a long day. With the boys in the middle, Hyukjae oppa and I were laying on our sides at each side of the bed, watching them as they slept.

“I know right. They’re totally mini versions of me,”Hyukjae oppa smiled as he caressed the cheek of Jihyuk.

I sighed contentedly as I watched the man I love looking at our sons with so much love in his eyes. Despite his busy schedules, Hyukjae oppa had been a good father, reinforcing discipline and fooling around with them. And because of my sons, I lessened my visits to my café and only go in once a week. I wanted to be involved in their growing up process. Moreover, I couldn’t bear being away from them.

“Haemin,”Hyukjae oppa called out.

“Yeah?”I answered.

“What do you say about having another baby? We can have a girl this time round,”Hyukjae oppa grinned.

“Aren’t you busy enough with these two boys?”I laughed.

“But I want a princess,”he replied.

“If we ever had a girl, you’ll spoil her to no end and she’s going to be a Daddy’s girl!”I chuckled.

“That, I’m sure of it. She’s going to the happiest girl ever and I’m going to screen her boyfriend before she’s allowed to date him,”Hyukjae oppa said firmly.

“Just make sure she doesn’t date someone like you,”I joked.

“Yah, what is that supposed to mean? I was a good boyfriend for eight years, a good husband for the past four years and a good father to the juniors. And which other man could bring their wife on a 180 day honeymoon, huh?”Hyukjae oppa argued.

“I was just kidding, baby boy. You really are the best. I’ve been so happy for the past 12 years. Thank you so much,”I reached out to hold his hand.

“I’ve been happy too. Life wouldn’t be so fulfilling without you by my side,”Hyukjae oppa the back of my hand with a smile.

We stared eye to eye, lost in our love for each other. Before our eye contact was broken thanks to Jihyuk who had kicked Hyukjae oppa in his gut while he was sleeping. The two of us tried to stifle our laughter as Hyukjae oppa placed Jihyuk’s leg back to where it belonged.

“Anyway, back to the topic, shall we have a princess next?”he grinned his gummy smile.

“Sorry to burst your bubble. But I’m tired enough from handling these two princes of yours,”I gave him an apologetic smile.

“There’s the ahjumma helping you. I could hire someone to help you as well. And we could renovate the house to accommodate the princess. The Juniors’ room is a little too big anyway,”Hyukjae oppa grinned.

I was deep in thought, thinking it through. It did seem perfect. Our apartment was large enough and it wasn’t like Hyukjae oppa couldn’t handle it financially.

“What do you say? Yes to a princess?”Hyukjae oppa shook the hand he was holding in his excitement.

“Well, I’m not totally rejecting the idea but I’ll definitely consider it carefully.Sorry,”I replied thoughtfully.

 “I’m just glad that you’ll consider cause I’ve been wanting a daughter,”Hyukjae oppa gave me a gentle smile.

“I know. You’ve been rather obvious with your hints,”I yawned.

“Thank you for taking care of the Juniors, baby. You’ve worked hard. Go and sleep now,”he tried his best to hover over our sons, giving me a goodnight kiss.

“Goodnight,”I mumbled as I lay next to Minhyuk.

The next morning, I awoke to a handsome face. A mini version of the man I married.

“Good morning, mummy,”Minhyuk smiled at me.

“Good morning, little angel. Did you sleep well?”I asked with a smile.

“I had a dream,”he told me.

“What did you dream about?”I asked, curious.

“I dreamt that…,”

But I couldn’t stay to listen as I quickly ran to the toilet, covering my mouth with my hand. As I reached the toilet bowl, I let myself hurl without any restraints. As I had accidentally jerked the bed when I ran off, Jihyuk awoken with a loud cry.

“What happened, Jihyuk?”I heard Hyukjae oppa cooed.

“Daddy, mummy ran to the toilet,”Minhyuk told him.

“What? Okay, come here,”

The door to the toilet swung open as I hurled a second time.

“Baby, are you okay?”Hyukjae oppa asked as he tried to kneel.

Jihyuk was in his embrace, sniffing a little where as Minhyuk clinged onto him, with a timid look painted on his face.

“I’m not feeling well,”I groaned as I wiped my mouth.

“Juniors, mummy is sick. You need to behave yourselves so I can take care of mummy, alright?”Hyukjae oppa Jihyuk’s back to calm him down.

Nodding timidly, Jihyuk slowly let go of Hyukjae oppa to look at me.

“Mummy, if I give you a kiss, will you feel better?”Minhyuk asked softly.

“Please feel better,”Jihyuk said with a wavering voice.

They came towards me, giving me a kiss on each of my cheeks.

“Alright, kids, go sit on the bed and watch television first. I’ll take care of some things here, okay?”Hyukjae oppa pushed their backs gently.

Listening to Hyukjae oppa, the boys left the toilet and he helped to flush the toilet.

“Was it something you ate last night?”he asked, sitting down next to me, my head.

“I doubt so. You guys ate the same thing,”I shook my head.

At that moment, I leaned forward to hurl for the third time.

“Haemin, when was your last period?”Hyukjae oppa stopped my back to ask.

“I think it was…oh my god, Lee Hyukjae, don’t tell me I’m pregnant again…,”I gasped after wiping my mouth.

“It’s possible. Are you feeling the same way you did when you carried the juniors?”he asked.

“Now that you mentioned it…. I need a pregnancy test kit,”I answered.

“I’ll get you to Doctor Ahn. We’re checking out today, anyway,”Hyukjae oppa helped me up.

As I rested, he helped to put the boys into the shower. Because of my lack of energy, I had fallen back asleep. Breakfast was a breeze with the boys behaving themselves after being told that I wasn’t feeling well. After checking out, we all piled into our family car, a white Audi Q6 which we had bought after selling my car. Hyukjae oppa drove us to Doctor Ahn, my gynecologist. With the boys on their best behavior, it was easy to get everything done.

“I’ll get you two some ice cream for being so sweet today,”Hyukjae oppa smiled at them as we waited for my turn.

“Really?”Minhyuk asked.

“I want a chocolate one, please,”Jihyuk grinned, showing off his gum.

“I really appreciate your behavior today, juniors,”I ruffled Jihyuk’s hair.

“Anything for you, mummy,”they chimed, almost sounding like how their dad did when we were dating.

“Mrs Lee,”the nurse called out.

With Hyukjae oppa helping me, the boys cling onto our jeans as they followed us into the consultation room.

“Jihyuk, Minhyuk, remember what I told you?”I asked with a soft smile.

“Good morning, Doctor Ahn,”both of them bowed at the doctor.

“Good morning, boys! What brings you here today, Mrs Lee?”Doctor Ahn smiled.

After hearing about my throwing up this morning, Doctor Ahn decided to do a quick scan.

“Mrs Lee, it seems that you’re about six week pregnant! Congratulations!”Doctor Ahn beamed as she showed us the scan of my womb.

“Is she carrying another pair of twins?”Hyukjae oppa grinned, obviously elated over the news.

“No, it’s single baby this time round which is good because Mrs Lee isn’t very healthy. She did struggle to carry the boys to term three years ago, remember,”Doctor Ahn smiled proudly at the boys that were sitting quietly near us.

“Right! Anyway, Haemin would be too tired, taking care of two pairs of twins! Wow, thank you, Doctor Ahn!”Hyukjae oppa stood up as he bowed.

“You’re very welcome. I’m sure you know the pregnancy procedures from now on. I’ll see you at your next appointment. Don’t tire yourself out, Mrs Lee,”she smiled at me.

“Thank you so much, Doctor Ahn. I wouldn’t,”I grinned.

“Oh my god! Just when I was hoping for a daughter!”Hyukjae oppa cheered as we walked towards his car.

“Now that I’m actually carrying a baby, I’m not against the idea anymore. I guess, the more the merrier, right?”I grinned.

“My parents’ are gonna be so happy when they hear this! They’ve been upset that they only had one child. Thank you, Haemin for carrying my third child!”Hyukjae oppa hugged me.

“I’m sorry but can we join you?”Jihyuk asked.

“Jihyuk, Minhyuk, I told you earlier on that mummy isn’t feeling well, right?”Hyukjae oppa squatted down to meet them at their eye level.

“Yes?”both of them nodded.

“Well, it seems that mummy is actually pregnant with another baby,”Hyukjae oppa grinned.

“You’ll soon have another younger sister or brother,”I smiled.

“So, that’s why you’re feeling unwell?”Minhyuk asked.

I nodded my head.

“It’s because you ate him up?”Jihyuk’s jaw dropped.

“No, silly boy! You two were inside here three years ago as well. Ten months later, mummy will need to go to the hospital to bring your younger brother or sister into this world,”I explained.

“Oh, wow! Can I touch your tummy, mummy?”Jihyuk asked.

“Sure,”I nodded my head.

“I wanna touch it too!”Minhyuk exclaimed.

The Juniors’ eyes were wide in awe as they touched my stomach, cooing as they did.

“Little sister, don’t be scared. Jihyuk oppa will protect,”Jihyuk had mumbled.

“Minhyuk oppa too,”Minhyuk added on.

I looked at Hyukjae oppa and the both of us couldn’t help the chuckle that came after. I had two beautiful sons, a loving husband and a new addition coming along. Everything is just perfect. 

End of Story


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Rinwook #1
Chapter 57: OHMYCAWD SO pELFect ... the best story *-*
CrystalQing #2
Chapter 56: i finished reading this in one go. i like how you portray eunhyuk here, less the workaholic attitude. a sweet,loyal bf to his love even though they've been together for so long. thanks for this story. it made me giddy how eunhyuk acts as a loving bf here. <3
Chapter 57: Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
sparklingjewels #5
Chapter 56: Oh my God I can't believe when I saw the updated story list, this story is marked as 'completed'. I mean, I've been missing too many chapters! I'm sorry that I haven't been reading and commenting the last few chapters, (I haven't been reading and commenting my other subscriptions either) but now that I've finished reading in one and half an hour... OMG I'm definitely gonna miss this story so, so much! I'm gonna miss the way you expressed Hyukjae's sweetness, gentleness... And I've been smiling like an idiot when I caught up with the story. The proposal was really cute! Ahhh Lee Hyukjae can I have you instead?
Hihihi, and the two boys, OMG I can totally imagine them. Milky complexion, gummy and cheeky smiles, little versions of Lee Hyukjae! Ahhh he'll definitely be a great daddy (as well as in the real world, I think).
Aw but this story's ended, like I said, I'm going to miss this so much. Thankyou for putting so much effort for this, authornim. It's a wonderful story, really. The ending is beautiful, too.
Okay since this comment is getting too long, I'll end it here haha. Thanks again for the wonderful story. Now I'm off to the new story! :D
Chapter 56: awwww..... such a sweet happy family.... :) author-nim,congratulations to the success of your story!!! :) most of readers loves the epilogue part!! kkk ^u^ you're a daebak writer ^^
careun #7
Chapter 56: HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!!!! :)))))
evewon #8
Chapter 56: Yayyyy happy ending ^-^
Chapter 56: GOSH!!! I SUPER LOVE THIS FIC!!!! I discovered this just last week and got hooked to it easily. Did you know I stayed up until 5 am just to finish reading this author-nim?? Hahaha~~~~~ I love everything about your fic.... KEEP IT UP AUTHOR -NIM. Hyukjae is my number 1 bias and I think I love him even more~~~AHAHAHA
Chapter 56: <3<3<3 love tHE ENDING