
Take Care of My Girlfriend


Hello everybody! I'm here to announce something!!! As you all may know by now, this story is coming to an end soon. How soon? I don't know cause I'm trying my best to extend it a tiny little bit! I'm also in the midst of considering a prologue for those who would want to know Hyukjae and Haemin's marriage life! I'll keep you guys updated about that! Anyway, rest assured!  I have another Hyukjae story coming right up after this!!!! ^^ So, I hope you guys look forward to it. I've had a really fun time writing the first chapter so I can't wait to share it with you! Meanwhile, please continue supporting me here!!!! THANK YOU AGAIN!

My life was starting to pick up ever since I made the deal with Hyukjae. I had worked hard at my proposal and had finally gotten Hyukjae oppa’s approval two months later. We scouted for contractors and designers to discuss the interior design. After confirmation, renovations started two weeks later and I had been at the site to spot check, ensuring nothing goes wrong with my store. Hyukjae oppa drops by during his break time with food to look at the place every day.

In addition, he has been awesome in helping me gather manpower by advertising on newspapers. As I was new to such things, he even helped to come up with interview questions for the cook, waitress, basically every position in the all day breakfast café I had come up with. Whenever there was an interview scheduled, he made sure to sit in on them. When we were at home, he would tell me his opinions about the different candidates and suggesting who I should hire.

Whenever the contractor made a mistake, be it big or small, I would feel so pressurized for I was afraid that the rectifying work might burn a bigger hole in Hyukjae oppa’s pocket. But he was always patient with me, telling me to let loose whenever I was doing the accounts for the business at night. When the renovations were finally done after more than a month, Hyukjae oppa and I wouldn’t stop cheering at how beautiful it looks. Settling on a grand opening date, we sent out invitations to almost everyone we knew to attend it. We even got the dance team from our old high school to perform that day.

“Baby, are you ready?”Hyukjae oppa looked at me through the mirror as I put on my earrings.

We were all getting ready to head down to my café for its grand opening.  With me in my dress, I quickly grabbed my heels and wore it before rushing over to him.

“Yes, yes!”I helped to tighten his tie.

“Are you nervous?”he asked as he held onto my hand after I was done with his tie.

“Very! All these wouldn’t be possible without you. Thank you, Hyukjae oppa,”I smiled.

“You’ve very welcome, my girl,”he pinched my cheeks.

We got into the car and drove to a place a little further away from town. The two of us waited in the car for awhile before the front door opened. Seeing the ahjumma walk out with her grandchildren, we hurriedly got out of the car to open the door for her.

“Ahjumma,”we bowed.

“Little kids, where are your manners? Your grandma work for these two pretty and handsome people,”ahjumma gestured towards us.

When they greeted us, I quickly help but bend down to ruffle their hair.

“Aigoo, I never thought you would invite me to your shop’s grand opening, Haemin. Are you sure you want me there? I’m just a cleaning ahjumma at your apartment,”she gushed, abashed.

“Of course! You’re a big part of our lives, ahjumma! Hyukjae oppa and I would love to have you there,”I smiled.

“It’ll be weird without you there, ahjumma! So, just relax, alright!”Hyukjae oppa smiled.

“But shouldn’t you be fetching your parents or Haemin’s parents instead?”she frowned as we all made our way to my shop.

“My parents have their chauffeur. I sent my chauffeur to get Haemin’s parents. I figured you’ll be more comfortable with me driving you,”Hyukjae oppa gave her a big smile.

It took us about an hour to reach at my café and we were ushered in by his secretary who was in-charge of the whole opening. One by one, people started filing in with Hyukjae’s parents being the first to arrive.

“Hello, aunty! Hello, uncle!”I bowed as I greeted.

“Haemin ah, you’ve slimmed down so much from the last time I saw you. This brat never ever brings you to visit us anymore. Have you forgotten us, Lee Hyukjae?”his mum eyed him.

“Mum…,”Hyukjae oppa sighed.

“Alright, alright. I will not nag anymore,”his mum shook her head.

“Have some snacks, aunty and uncle! We’ll be starting the celebration very soon,”I smiled, gesturing towards the buffet spread filled with various snacks.

My parents were being entertained by Hyukjae oppa when I heard my name being screamed from a distance.

“Kwon Taeri, do you have to behave like this everywhere? You are a finance manager for goodness sake. Can you act like one?”Hyuna lectured again.

“I’m just excited to see her!”Taeri ran up to hug me.

“Thanks for coming, guys!”I smiled.

“Where’s your Hyukjae oppa?”Taeri asked.

“Talking to my parents. Have some snacks first! I’ll usher Donghae, Taeyeon and Sungmin to your table once they arrive. Wonder where they are now,”I brought them to the buffet spread.

“They should be here soon. Their train came in about an hour ago,”Soobin replied.

The rest of us stopped whatever we were doing to look at her. Soobin was just about to grab her plate when she saw us staring. She looked to Taeri, Hyuna then at me.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”she hurriedly walk away.

“You know, she’s getting more and more suspicious lately,”Hyuna commented.

“How so?”Taeri asked.

“She seems to know Donghae’s every move. Whenever we meet for gatherings, she’s always texting,”I agreed with Hyuna.

“Is she?”Taeri raised an eyebrow.

“You are so not meticulous for a finance manager. Go and eat, idiot,”I shook my head in disbelief.

“This is Kwon Taeri we are talking about, Haemin. Go entertain other people. We’re fine by ourselves,”Hyuna patted my arm.

“Thanks,”I grinned.

“Hello girls! Make yourselves feel at home. So sorry that we’ll be a little busy today,”Hyukjae oppa came over to greet them.

“Oh, you don’t have to bother yourself with us. We’ll be fine. Go on ahead and attend to other people,”Taeri smiled.

“Alright. Haemin, we need to prepare for the ribbon cutting,”Hyukjae oppa had his hand on the small of my back.

“But Donghae, Taeyeon and Sungmin isn’t here yet. Jiyong too!”I protested.

“Jiyong, huh?”Hyukjae oppa raised an eyebrow.

“Why are you getting jealous again?”I frowned.

“You know I’m just kidding. Can’t take a joke, baby girl?”he reached out to tickle my chin.

“Kim Haemin!”Jiyong shouted over the noise.

“Oh, look who’s here! The legendary prince charming,”Hyukjae oppa teased me.

“Yah, Lee Hyukjae,”I elbowed him.

He couldn’t stop laughing as I attended to Jiyong and settled him at Soobin, Taeri and Hyuna’s table since we were from the same high school.

“Oh wow, Kwon Jiyong! I hadn’t expected you to be this handsome after so many years!”Hyuna greeted.

“Thanks! Hey, Taeri!”Jiyong smiled his charming smile at her.

“Hey,”she smiled back, suddenly restricting herself from her funny antics.

“Looks like your prince charming has his eyes on somebody else,”Hyukjae oppa raised an eyebrow, interested at the way Taeri and Jiyong were interacting with each other.

“If you weren’t so blinded by your jealousy, you would have known that those two have been crushing on each other for the longest time ever.  It’s even more interesting since they have the same surnames,”I shook my head.

“Taeri and Jiyong like each other?”Hyukjae oppa asked with eyes wide.

“Yes. Since we were in high school, in fact. I don’t know why they haven’t started dating though. They are quite a complex pair,”I shrugged.

“Hyukjae! Haemin!”

That voice made me turn and standing before me was Lee Donghae whom I haven’t seen for months!

“LEE DONGHAE!”I ran to hug him.

“Hey!! How have you been?”he chuckled as he let me go as I went on to hug Sungmin and Taeyeon whom I’ve missed.

“You’ve never had such a big reaction when you see me. Lee Donghae, what have you been doing to my girlfriend?”Hyukjae oppa smirked as he hugged Donghae.

“Idiot. Here, let me formally introduce you to Taeyeon and Sungmin,”Donghae gestured to the both of them.

“Hello, I’m Lee Hyukjae, Haemin’s boyfriend. I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused back in the hospital. Thank you for coming today. Haemin’s been worried you all wouldn’t be able to make it,”Hyukjae oppa bowed.

“Don’t worry about it. We know you were just anxious about Haemin. Anyway, we ought to make a trip down. It’s her cafe’s grand opening, after all,”Taeyeon grinned at me.

“Soobin and the rest are over there. Come with me,”I gestured towards their table.

“I’ll go check on the preparation with Shinae. Come and look for me later, alright?”Hyukjae oppa reached out to caress my cheek.

I nodded my head and led the gang to the table. As soon as Soobin saw Donghae, her eyes lit up.

“Hello Taeri and Hyuna! How have you been?”Donghae greeted as he slid into the chair next Soobin as if it was the most natural thing to do.

“We are…great. You?”Hyuna stuttered, looking at Soobin then at Donghae.

“Good too,”Donghae smiled and reached out to get the glass of water in front of him.

Donghae had turned to look at Soobin, giving her a small smile which she had returned. Taeri and Hyuna immediately turn to look at me. I could only shrug, signaling that I knew nothing. I was just about to get lost in my thought when I felt something warm on my waist.

“Baby, did you forget that you need to come and look for me? We’re about to start the ribbon cutting,”Hyukjae oppa chuckled.

“Right right! We’re cutting the ribbon now!”I announced to the table and rushed off with Hyukjae oppa.

We got ready at the entrance and as soon our scissors cut through the ribbon, balloons popped and confetti were released. The dance team started their routine, bboying their way through with Hyukjae oppa grooving along to the music beside me. When everyone settled down at their table, the chef that we had hired whipped up a few dishes to let everyone try. Seeing everyone happily digging into their food, I felt a sense of pride. A smile appeared on my face as I leaned my head on Hyukjae oppa’s arm.

“Not hungry?”he asked as he put his arm round my waist, holding my hand.

“No. I’m good watching them eat,”I grinned.

End of Chapter


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Rinwook #1
Chapter 57: OHMYCAWD SO pELFect ... the best story *-*
CrystalQing #2
Chapter 56: i finished reading this in one go. i like how you portray eunhyuk here, less the workaholic attitude. a sweet,loyal bf to his love even though they've been together for so long. thanks for this story. it made me giddy how eunhyuk acts as a loving bf here. <3
Chapter 57: Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
sparklingjewels #5
Chapter 56: Oh my God I can't believe when I saw the updated story list, this story is marked as 'completed'. I mean, I've been missing too many chapters! I'm sorry that I haven't been reading and commenting the last few chapters, (I haven't been reading and commenting my other subscriptions either) but now that I've finished reading in one and half an hour... OMG I'm definitely gonna miss this story so, so much! I'm gonna miss the way you expressed Hyukjae's sweetness, gentleness... And I've been smiling like an idiot when I caught up with the story. The proposal was really cute! Ahhh Lee Hyukjae can I have you instead?
Hihihi, and the two boys, OMG I can totally imagine them. Milky complexion, gummy and cheeky smiles, little versions of Lee Hyukjae! Ahhh he'll definitely be a great daddy (as well as in the real world, I think).
Aw but this story's ended, like I said, I'm going to miss this so much. Thankyou for putting so much effort for this, authornim. It's a wonderful story, really. The ending is beautiful, too.
Okay since this comment is getting too long, I'll end it here haha. Thanks again for the wonderful story. Now I'm off to the new story! :D
Chapter 56: awwww..... such a sweet happy family.... :) author-nim,congratulations to the success of your story!!! :) most of readers loves the epilogue part!! kkk ^u^ you're a daebak writer ^^
careun #7
Chapter 56: HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!!!! :)))))
evewon #8
Chapter 56: Yayyyy happy ending ^-^
Chapter 56: GOSH!!! I SUPER LOVE THIS FIC!!!! I discovered this just last week and got hooked to it easily. Did you know I stayed up until 5 am just to finish reading this author-nim?? Hahaha~~~~~ I love everything about your fic.... KEEP IT UP AUTHOR -NIM. Hyukjae is my number 1 bias and I think I love him even more~~~AHAHAHA
Chapter 56: <3<3<3 love tHE ENDING