Chapter 4

The Unlikely Match

The engagement party

Junmyeon sat in his study-room looking through the guest list yet again. It was a Tuesday night, and there were roughly three days left until the engagement party. Initially, Junmyeon wanted it to be a few friends and family joining their celebration. He had thought of gradually introducing Yixing to the public as they taught him how to behave and talk during such events. Their engagement would have been announced through a notice in his webpage and social media accounts.

At first, Minseok had agreed to it. Yixing wasn’t ready to face the media and its noisy interrogations. But then Minseok reconsidered their plan and realized it wouldn’t be wise. Not only would it seem as if they were keeping Yixing away from the public, but also, that wasn’t what the other candidates had done. Byun Taehyuk and Oh Sehun had included Junmyeon in all their important celebrations, heck, things like Oh Sehun’s daughter’s christening. And Junmyeon had attended all of them. Although he knew it wasn’t because the three of them had gone to the same high school, but it was good publicity. They were in this race against one another, but before seeing each other as opponents, they were ‘friends.’ Good fellowship between candidates seemed like a good quality for a leader. Not attending or leaving out the others wouldn’t do good for Junmyeon’s public image.

So, the guest list had expanded and now it seemed as if at least a hundred people were attending, among them, the current Leader of the Nation, who was actually Byun Taehyuk’s uncle. The restaurant dinner for twenty changed to a hotel venue for one hundred. And in the end, Junmyeon and Yixing themselves would announce their engagement to the public through the media.

During the days that remained until the party, Junmyeon had arranged classes for Yixing to learn the proper etiquette for the night. To his surprise, Yixing had been cooperative. His previous uneasiness about Yixing embarrassing him in public was gradually taken off his shoulder. At least Yixing would behave decently, and well, he would make sure to stay with him the whole night. To supervise Yixing, of course.

But as Junmyeon read his guest list once again, he realized two people hadn’t confirmed their attendance. The Zhangs, Yixing’s parents, were nowhere on the list. Strange, he thought.

He walked out of the study room towards Yixing’s room. Junmyeon should have expected that after knocking, Yixing would appear before him only clad in his underwear, but it still caught him off guard, and he hastily looked away. Yixing closed the door, laughing, and when he opened it again, he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. They strode into the living room, where they could talk in peace.

“Yixing, I keep reading through the guest list for our engagement party. Why haven’t your parents confirmed their attendance? Don’t they want to come?”

Yixing went speechless, his eyebrows furrowed and he stared firmly at Junmyeon. But Yixing wasn’t shocked or upset, he seemed more, worried? Pensive? The silence was too loud for Junmyeon’s liking. Why couldn’t Yixing just spill whatever he was holding in?

Until finally, Yixing spoke. “I didn’t send them one.”


Yixing huffed, “I would have guessed those types of things were also included in our files from the Marriage Bureau.”

Oh no, Junmyeon said to himself. Were they dead? He couldn’t make an answer from Yixing’s current expression. Carefully, he asked, “Did something happen to them?”

“They were exiled.”

Junmyeon gasped. Now, that wasn’t the answer he had expected. What could he say? If Yixing’s parents were exiled, then it only meant they had committed a terrible violation against the System. This didn’t necessarily mean they were criminals, but whatever they didn’t abide was big enough to give them exile, like being reported for not wearing their Emotion Watches in public more than five times, or always ignoring their duties as citizens of the Nation. It was so odd to hear someone had done any of that. Junmyeon had so many questions, and most importantly, why hadn’t Yixing gone with them?

To Junmyeon’s relief, Yixing explained further.

Mrs. Zhang was skeptical about the System. She believed people forged their own ways in life. And that was what Mrs. Zhang did. At the age of eighteen, after doing the System’s aptitude tests, she didn’t choose the careers the System had listed for her. That was an insane choice, mostly because empty spots in colleges were exceedingly rare; everyone always chose one career path among the ten given options, usually the first choice. Mrs. Zhang had fought to get into college, following the old ways: sending applications, writing essays, having interviews. After two years, she got accepted, and she could finally become a nurse.

She would never marry someone she didn’t love, neither would she force herself to fall in love. After meeting Yixing’s dad, it was clear that she and her elected partner would never meet. So, Yixing’s parents got married despite the System disapproval. This, along with not following the aptitude test, wasn’t a violation itself. But it did leave an ugly mark on someone’s personal case file and withdrew some benefits people had, traveling abroad for example. Still, their life went on, and eventually, they had two children: Qian and Yixing.

They lived a peaceful family life, seeing their children grow up into their own selves. They always reminded them that, despite living in the world they did, at the end of the day, it was their life and their choices that mattered.

While listening, Junmyeon realized where Yixing had gotten his character and values from. He was probably as tenacious as his mother when it came to making his own choices. Those two weeks Junmyeon had spent trying to convince him, proved it. The Zhangs had been born in the wrong century, or the wrong place. Junmyeon wondered why they just didn’t request to leave the country if they disliked the System so much, but then he remembered Mrs. Zhang’s personal case file, and well, it was evident that the request would have been rejected. Junmyeon also realized how much Yixing appreciated his mother by the fondness in his voice, eyes, and storytelling.

However, the Zhang’s happy days ended when Qian was nineteen and got taken away to a ‘rehabilitation center,’ almost ten years ago. While other parents would have accepted the fate of their children, waiting patiently for their return, or in some cases giving up, Yixing’s mother did everything she could to see Qian, to bring her back. But of course, the Health Department would never listen to her appeal, it was the law to keep Qian away until she felt better and was safe to be in society again. That broke Yixing’s mother so much that two years later, her Emotion Watch steadily shone yellow.

Afraid that his wife would follow the same fate as his daughter, Mr. Zhang thought that the best way to calm her down was to travel abroad, where it wasn’t compulsory to wear any Emotion’s Watches. It was only for five weeks, yet it could help. But as it was expected by their case files, that request was also rejected. Therefore, Mr. Zhang did the only wise thing he could think of: runaway. He was a pilot, so the transport issue was simple. Of course, this meant that they wouldn’t be there when Qian was free, but if it would avoid losing Mrs. Zhang, then it was worth it.

Yixing was already eighteen when his parents had decided to flee the country. As an adult, he wasn’t obliged to follow them. And he didn’t. He stayed behind to wait for Qian’s return.

So, moving abroad without the approval of the System was what got Yixing’s parents banned from their country.

“And that’s why they got exiled,” Yixing said. He looked away and smiled, a smile mixed with sadness.

While Junmyeon thought Yixing’s family was wrong for not believing in the System, fools for not abiding the law and cowards for running away, an odd sensation also affected him. He couldn’t quite place what that slight punctuating pain in his chest was. Could it be because Yixing stayed alone at such young age? He remembered himself being eighteen and still living with his parents as he attended college. How each day before going to classes, his mother would tell him goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, saying she loved him. And at that time, Junmyeon had thought his mother’s displays of affection were unnecessary and bothersome, right now he felt kind of lucky.

This was the first time Yixing had shared something so personal with him. He wanted to ask him more. What had happened to him? Had Yixing managed to see his parents ever since? Junmyeon also wondered if Yixing had any other relatives he wanted to invite. But Junmyeon didn’t utter any of his questions, and just sat there as an awkward silence filled the room. Even if Yixing would become his husband one day, it was only on paper, and those questions weren’t any of his business. And Junmyeon was sure that if he offered to pay for Yixing’s vacation to see his parents, Yixing would refuse. Worrying about this matter was Yixing’s problem, not his. What did he have to do with it? Nothing.

“Well, now you know why they are not on the list,” Yixing said. His expression turned anxious. “Oh god, what if this brings you bad publicity? I don’t have any marks in my personal case file. I did choose one of my eligible careers, and now I’m marrying you, but…”

Junmyeon shook his head. He wasn’t worried, he knew if this came out, they would handle it well. “You must have heard that two years ago, Byun Taehyuk’s twin brother, Byun Baekhyun, also left the country despite the System hadn’t approved of it. So, this wouldn’t be the first scandal like that.”

Inevitably, some media outlets loved to inform and exaggerate scandals like these, but Junmyeon trusted that Minseok would handle their case just as well as the Byun’s had done. Besides, it was Yixing’s parents who had violated the law, not Yixing. As long as Yixing didn’t utter any of his skepticism against the System, they would be okay.





Yixing stared at himself in the mirror. He couldn’t believe it was him in that image. But this was what Junmyeon’s stylist had chosen for him, and he didn’t want to embarrass himself out there. Still, the extravagant, pristine, marine blue tuxedo didn’t entirely go with him. Neither did his neatly styled ‘comma’ hair. He felt the bowtie was suffocating him. The white pocket handkerchief looked ridiculous, it was not like he would use it. Yes, he had to leave this type of clothing to Junmyeon, who fitted them better and looked more handsome than anyone else.

The reason for that clothing was because of his and Junmyeon’s engagement party. To say Yixing was looking forward to this night was the biggest joke one could ever hear. And to his dismay, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo, his only friends for this terrible night, couldn’t come due to a family emergency. But he could at least count to have a friendly conversation with Junmyeon’s parents, whom he had met a couple days ago, and Tao.

Surprisingly, the Kims were nothing like their son. They didn’t have any of Junmyeon’s cold attitude, pride, or arrogance. The Kim’s were humble, easy to talk to, and caring. Yixing wondered if the three were indeed related. Junmyeon’s mother had even pinched Yixing’s cheek and said: ‘I’m so glad Myeonie has finally found his match! These dimples of yours are surely a bonus.’ Which was funny because Junmyeon had not found Yixing by his own choice. Junmyeon had probably not even told them the real reason behind their engagement. And Yixing wasn’t going to be the one to bring the bad news.

There was also Tao, who seemed the most approachable of the three friends. He had met Tao at his and Yifan’s house. Yixing had no idea why Junmyeon had taken him there, but he followed him nonetheless. If he was going to spend the rest of his life with Junmyeon, he might as well meet his friends. Yixing had thought everyone working at the Security Department were cold-hearted, calculating and intimidating jerks, but Tao was kind, friendly even. Meanwhile, Tao’s husband didn’t say much to him and mostly spoke with Junmyeon that whole night.

Still, Yixing should start getting used to this. If Junmyeon managed to bring his sister back, then he would never see the end of these events. But who knew, maybe he would make some friends? Yes, another joke right there. Yixing knew not everyone would be as kind and understanding as the Kims or Tao. He’d meet all sorts of people, including the condescending ones.

Yixing walked out of his room to meet Junmyeon. As he strode through the hallways, he repeated in his mind some of the dinner etiquettes for tonight. ‘The largest spoon is the soup spoon; the entree fork is the largest one…’ He found it all to be pretentious crap, but what else could he do? If he didn’t show any manners, he could already imagine what kind of things they’d comment about him and Junmyeon. But he was also sure that his manners were the last thing they’d talk about.

“Finally, that took you long,” Junmyeon said once he entered the living room. Unlike him, Junmyeon was wearing a black suit.

Yixing smiled, he stood behind Junmyeon. There was something about teasing and seeing Junmyeon annoyed that amused him. Yes, it was wicked humor, but he still did it. “Well, I was trying to make myself look beautiful in these clothes for my future husband.”

He was sure Junmyeon was rolling his eyes in front of him.

Junmyeon turned around saying, “Yeah, yeah, whatever, here-” His words got cut off when he saw Yixing. Junmyeon’s eyes widened, an action Yixing had rarely seen on him, and his mouth opened slightly. There was a small silence, and Yixing wondered why it looked like Junmyeon had seen a ghost.

“What? Surprised I’m no longer wearing my ‘awful things’?”

Junmyeon gulped. “Yes, actually. You look…” he said but didn’t finish the sentence.

In response, Yixing laughed. But instead of seeing Junmyeon’s usual annoyed expression for laughing at him, he was still speechless. It was truly odd. What was going on with him?

“Okay, well, here. Put this on,” Junmyeon said once he regained his composure. He handed Yixing a fancy black box, and when Yixing opened it, there was a brooch inside. It had the shape of a flower. Oddly, Junmyeon was wearing the exact same one.

Holding up the brooch, Yixing said, “A honeysuckle. Huh. Did you know that in the language of flowers this means the bond of love or a devoted love? How convenient.” He laughed again.

And there was Junmyeon’s annoyed frown, the one he was used to seeing. “I didn’t choose it. My stylist did, she thought it’d be fun if we matched.”

Smiling, Yixing tried to put on the brooch.

“Also, just so you know, those are all diamonds. I would never wear something less.”

Yixing almost stuck himself with the brooch. That thing had probably over thirty small diamonds on the petals. “Thanks for the info. It feels good to know I’m walking with all the money I’ll probably never earn in my life.”

Junmyeon huffed, smirking. And they proceed to walk out of their apartment, down to the parking lot where the car was waiting for them.

The hotel venue was gigantic. Round tables were arranged in one part of the place. They were meticulously decorated with what Yixing guessed were the fanciest china, cutlery, glasses, tablecloths, heck, even the napkins. The centerpieces were quite extravagant and too tall, ugly to put it simply. He couldn’t help feeling he could have done a much better job arranging them. As he looked up, dazzling, large crystal lamps hung from the ceiling. Yeah, this is a disgusting luxury at its finest, Yixing thought. But what else could he have expected from Junmyeon? On the front, there was a stage and a dance floor. On another side of the venue, the window frames were tall, and three exits lead to a courtyard garden with a fountain.

The weird part of it all, though, was having to walk around with Junmyeon holding his hand or arm, or worse when Junmyeon stopped somewhere and held him by his waist. He knew Junmyeon had said they would have to share physical contact, they were supposed to be ‘a couple in love,’ happy for their engagement. Still, it was odd to see Junmyeon smile while looking at him in the eyes, saying he couldn’t be happier when they talked to a relative or a friend. Yixing guessed Junmyeon must be inwardly cursing for acting this way.

Although Yixing had wanted to laugh because it was all just so bizarre from the Junmyeon he was getting to know, he kept quiet. And he tried to be quiet for the most part. Even though he had learned some things about holding a proper conversation with these people, he was nervous, out of place. It was a good thing his Emotion Watch almost never changed colors, at least that way people wouldn’t know he was a nervous wreck. Yixing only limited himself to talk when he introduced himself or to answer a question or to say thanks when someone congratulated them.

Fortunately, that small mingle didn’t last for long, and they could sit at their table to eat dinner. They sat together with Junmyeon’s parents and grandparents, both from his mother's and father's side. Waiters walked here and there, serving the food and beverages. Yixing stared down at his plate and remembered which spoon to eat the soup with. He held the biggest spoon, and subtly Junmyeon nodded in approval. The group shared a small talk during the dinner. Junmyeon’s grandparents weren’t as welcoming as their son and daughter. They were undoubtedly the intimidating in-laws Yixing had expected, and from their looks, he could tell they were disappointed he was Junmyeon’s match, even if Junmyeon had said he was happy (that was a lie of course). But Junmyeon’s mother did her best in trying to include Yixing in the conversation, or she ignored the others and tried to get to know more of him.

Then, somewhere between the entrée and the main course, Junmyeon’s dad stood up. The man gave a toast in Junmyeon’s and Yixing’s honor. It was so strange when Mr. Kim had called him ‘Yixing, my future son’ during his speech. Would he and Mrs. Kim also be disappointed when they found out the truth behind their engagement? Or if Junmyeon failed to find Qian, and Yixing left? It was all too strange.

Next, both he and Junmyeon stood up, but it was Junmyeon who delivered the speech. It was a well-memorized piece. Yixing knew someone else, but Junmyeon must have written it. Still, Junmyeon was saying those words with such feeling in his voice, they almost became real. Almost. In the end, Yixing just thanked the guest for attending this special night.

It would then have been the turn of Yixing’s parents to give a toast, but ‘due to personal reasons that would be explained later, they were absent.’ So, the dinner continued. As Yixing sat down, he couldn’t help thinking about his parents. Yixing regularly spoke with them on the phone, but he hadn’t told them about his engagement yet. Would his mother be disappointed in him for marrying someone he didn’t love? Or would she be happy to know he was doing this for Qian? He didn’t know, and he was a bit afraid to find out. His parents had already resigned to believe Qian would ever come back, it was painful, but they didn’t wish to hope forever. Yixing had been so upset when his mother had told him that and asked him to please move with them. In the years that had passed, Yixing had only gone to see his parents three times. His trips only lasted for two weeks, that was how much he could afford to be out of work. But Yixing knew Qian must be okay, and now thanks to Junmyeon, he would get to see her soon.

After the dinner had ended, Yixing and Junmyeon shared the first dance of the night while a string quartet played the music. He hoped the waltz skills he had to learn in just two weeks, would be good enough. Thankfully, he didn’t step on Junmyeon once. They didn’t speak much, but Junmyeon’s scrutinizing brown eyes that stared at nothing but him, were making Yixing sweat more than usual. Why was his look so intense? Was it because they were holding one another so tight, Junmyeon was appalled by it?

“Are you all right, Junmyeon?” he whispered.

“Yeah, just… Smile for the pictures,” Junmyeon said as he turned away and did exactly that, just in time when a camera flashed its light. Yixing followed suit.

When their dance ended, people got up from their seats and started to dance as well, others mingled near the dance floor or stayed in their seating positions.

Meanwhile, Junmyeon held Yixing’s hand and strode around the venue to continue with introducing Yixing to the guests. He got to meet the current Leader of the Nation, who only congratulated them and wished Junmyeon good luck on whatever business he was doing. The man didn’t seem very interested in talking nor being there. And Yixing wondered why he had come in the first place.

Yixing also encountered the other two elected candidates, Byun Taehyuk and Oh Sehun, along with their respective partners. Unlike the rivalry and discontent Yixing had expected from them, they were well-mannered. Byun Taehyuk’s wife, Joohyun, had even asked Yixing if he wanted to feel when the baby was kicking her belly. Oddly enough, he did it. And Luhan, Sehun’s husband, had said he’ll drop by his flower shop one day because he wanted to find someone new to arrange the flowers around his house. He agreed with Yixing, and said the centerpieces were ‘not so appealing to the eyes.’ Sehun was mostly quiet, but it was evident he appreciated his husband a lot. Then, there was Taehyuk, who was the same chirpy person he displayed being on camera. Even Junmyeon acted friendly, but that Yixing knew was just a façade. So, yes, everyone around here might be experts at pretending. But maybe their true rivalry would come out when they face one another in debates? Or perhaps this was real? Who knew. Yixing had never been too interested in these clown politics.

They continued going around meeting influential people in the business world, Junmyeon’s cousins, aunts, and uncles, or even his old classmates. Some of them were friendly, others not so much. But the one who was clearly a challenge to talk to was Byun Taehyuk’s father. Junmyeon and Yixing were speaking with this group of old men, where Taehyuk’s dad was. The whole conversation, that old Mr. Byun seemed to go against anything Junmyeon said, and even subtly look down on whatever Junmyeon was speaking about his company. For the first time in the night, Yixing saw Junmyeon’s Emotion Watch turn yellow, but rapidly Junmyeon managed to change it back to white again. Then, Mr. Byun asked Yixing a question.

“So, Yixing what marvelous thing do you do for a living?” Mr. Byun asked. “My Taehyuk has just become the chief financial director at our technology company. You must have heard of us, Byun Corp.? We are everywhere around Asia. He’s the youngest one in the family to achieve that position. I know one day he’ll become a great leader… Of our company, that is.” He let out a small laugh. “And my daughter-in-law, Joohyun, is the CEO of a famous cosmetic brand. A pretty impressive couple, aren’t they?”

Yixing nodded. Clearly, this man was just bragging his son’s success. He was pretty sure Mr. Byun would mock him once he answered, and say something like: ‘Oh, a florist? How extraordinary’ or perhaps something worse. He wished Junmyeon wouldn’t be there to hear it. Actually, he wished that awful Mr. Byun wasn’t there at all. But everyone was looking expectantly at Yixing, and he had to answer. Nervously, he gulped. “I’m a-”

“Yixing is a young entrepreneur. He started out with nothing, but with his hard labor, and own hands, he managed to open his own flower shop. And now he’s trying to find ways to expand his business. I’m pretty confident one day, Qian’s Flower shop will be all over the city, and then the country. Maybe even transnational,” Junmyeon said confidently. Not once doubting his words, and defiantly looking at anyone who tried to challenge or mock his words, especially Mr. Byun.

One of the elder men nodded in approval. “Yes! That’s the exact mentally my grandfather said he started with. And look at where we are now. Your fiancé will succeed, Junmyeon.” He stared at Yixing, smiling, and nodded. “Hard work pays off, young man.”

Yixing nodded too, and Junmyeon smiled proudly at the group. Junmyeon had answered much better than what Yixing would have ever done. Yixing didn’t know why. He didn’t know if it was just part of Junmyeon’s act, or if Junmyeon genuinely meant it. He wondered how Junmyeon knew that about him, he had never said it to him. But Junmyeon had stood up for him and defended him from Mr. Byun’s inevitable derision. Yixing stared at Junmyeon and felt his lips forming a smile. No matter if it had been a play, or if Junmyeon really felt that way, he would thank him.

And that was how Yixing spent the rest of the night, walking around getting introduced to an important person after important person, mingling, or laughing at some joke he didn’t quite understand. But he was surprised to know Junmyeon remembered most of those people’s names. Yixing knew that after this night he wouldn’t even remember a quarter of them.

He finally got a break when Junmyeon’s mother told Junmyeon to dance with her. Yixing spoke a moment with Tao as they sat down. But then Tao had to go somewhere else, and Yixing was left alone again. Feeling suffocated, Yixing stood up and walked out of the venue towards the courtyard garden.

The night was breezy, and once outside, Yixing felt he could breathe. He sat on one of the benches near the water fountain, his eyes were closed. The surrounding juniper and boxwood shrubs’ scents calmed him. The water noises soothed him. And Yixing hoped that this long night would end soon. He could use some rest.

However, someone decided to interrupt his alone time. He heard high-heels click clack approaching and felt the presence of someone in front of him. Yixing opened his eyes and saw a woman standing there. She was one of Junmyeon’s old college classmates or something, but he hadn’t cared to remember her name. She was holding a glass of champagne and seemed… Angry? Upset? Whatever it was, she wasn’t happy, and her Emotion Watch was shining yellow.

“Good night, Miss,” Yixing said.

She huffed. “How did you do it?”

Yixing blinked in surprise, unable to figure out what she meant. “I’m sorry, Miss. How did I do what?”

“How did a disgusting peasant like you become Junmyeon’s match? He belonged to me!”

Oh, so it was that. As if Yixing had any idea why he had been chosen. He wasn’t even eager about marrying Junmyeon. The only reason he had accepted was for Qian. If it had been up to him, that woman could have had Junmyeon all she wanted. Too bad that wasn’t how it worked. But Yixing couldn’t tell that her. Instead, he breathed in and said the one ‘logical’ thing. “That’s what the System decided Miss, you know that. And both Junmyeon and I are pleased with the outcome.”

“But you’re just some insignificant florist! How could you have been chosen? Why? It doesn’t make sense! Junmyeon and I belonged together. We were perfect. The most compatible! He should be marrying me, not you! That was my dream. You crushed it! You crushed it, you stupid low life gold digger!”

Yixing got angry. This spoiled, rude woman, who he now remembered Junmyeon couldn’t stand either because he made them go away from her company as soon as possible, was throwing her irrational tantrums at him like any of this was his fault. But Yixing wouldn’t sink to her level, neither would he be staying there any longer to hear her insults. He stood up and was ready to leave when she threw her drink at him. Yixing closed his eyes and gasped, feeling how the champagne dripped down his face and landed on his tuxedo jacket.

“Damn it!”

He raised his hands to wipe away the liquid from his eyes. And when he opened them again, that goddamn woman was nowhere to be seen. Yixing cursed again. When he was about to take out his handkerchief and clean his face before it got sticky, a hand grabbed his arm.

“Forgive me for the intrusion, but allow me,” a soft voice said.

Yixing looked up to find the source of that voice, and he saw a tanned, tall man in a pristine gray suit, standing in front of him. He didn’t remember seeing him at the party before, neither did he hear him approach the courtyard. How odd. It got even stranger when the man started to clean Yixing’s face with his own tissue. His hand carefully wiped away the liquid, as if Yixing face was the most valuable thing. Yixing knew that was weird, and kind of creepy, but he was so puzzled he just stayed still and let him do it. When the man had finished, he gave Yixing the cloth so he could dry his tuxedo jacket by himself. Still bewildered, Yixing accepted. Once Yixing was done, he gave back the handkerchief. But his jacket was still wet, and the stains could be seen clearly on its marine blue color. Perfect.

“Thank you… Mister?”

“Kim Jongin,” the man said and held out his hand.

Yixing shook it. “Zhang Yixing, but if you are here, then you must already know that.”

Jongin smiled. “I’m afraid I didn’t know it was you. But hearing that woman shout, did help.”

Oh great, he had heard that. Yixing rolled his eyes. “Glad to know her oh so kind introduction helped you.”

Jongin laughed, and it made Yixing do it too.

“But wait, you said Kim. Are you one of Junmyeon’s relatives?”

Quickly, Jongin shook his head. “Oh god no. We just happen to have the same surname.”

Yixing nodded. Well, that made sense. Kim was a highly common family name.

“Wow, I just have to say this, Junmyeon is one hell of a lucky guy to marry someone as beautiful as you.”

Rather than blushing, Yixing laughed. How ridiculous did that sound? He was pretty sure everyone in this party saw him as the luckiest middle-classer in the country, maybe even the world. “I think I’m definitely the lucky one. I mean, have you seen him?” he answered. Jongin stared at him with something indecipherable in his eyes. Surprised by that, Yixing added, “Anyway, thank you… You don’t look that bad either.”

Jongin smirked. “Well, what brings you here? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t to get a drink thrown in your face.”

“No,” Yixing said, chuckling. “It’s just that… I needed a break.”

“Hmm, a break. Let me guess… A break from those pretentious vultures? Yeah, I feel you.”

Yixing laughed again. This was the first time he had heard someone from this refined world Junmyeon belonged to speak like that. He nodded. “Yes, but you’d be surprised to hear most of the vultures were actually very friendly.”

“Yeah, only some.”

They stared at each other smiling as if they shared a secret only the two knew.

“But why are you here? And how come I didn’t see you before?” Yixing asked.

Jongin scratched his head. “You see, I arrived here pretty late. Actually, very late… And well, to avoid getting scolded by my mother, I’ve been hiding here for some time. She is a bit scary.”

How cute, Yixing thought. But before he could ask something else, he heard someone clearing their throat. Yixing tilted his head to the side and saw Junmyeon standing there, frowning and looking annoyed, probably because he heard him laugh.

Junmyeon walked forward, slightly pushing Jongin away, and went to possessively grab Yixing’s hand. Yixing would have thought it meant something, but then he remembered that in front of Jongin, they had to pretend to be together.

“Kim Jongin, I see you’re punctual as always,” Junmyeon said.

“Junmyeon,” Jongin said and bowed a little. “Pardon my rudeness, I’m afraid I got stuck at the Security Department.”

Junmyeon huffed. Yixing just kept quiet, watching amusedly the exchange. During this night, he had learned to understand when Junmyeon couldn’t stand talking to someone. Kim Jongin was not his cup of tea. And Jongin seemed to share that same annoyance. What kind of feud did these two have?

“Congratulations to both of you for the engagement. You’re a lucky guy, Junmyeon. You’ve got yourself the most handsome person of the night. If I were you, I’d be careful… Someone might steal him.”

Yes, the hard squeeze Junmyeon gave his and Yixing’s entangled hands, proved he couldn’t stand Jongin. Yixing fought hard to not let out his laugh. He wasn’t even affected by Jongin’s words, he was pretty sure Jongin had said it to annoy the heck out of Junmyeon. Either way, it worked, especially when Junmyeon let go of Yixing’s hand to put his arm around Yixing’s waist, moving their bodies closer.

“Thanks, Jongin. But I got nothing to worry about. Now if you excuse us, my fiancé and I must go. Unlike others, we don’t arrive late for our appointments.”

Then, Junmyeon guided them away from Jongin, and Yixing barely managed to say goodbye. When they were far enough, Junmyeon let out a sigh, but still held Yixing’s waist.

“We only have that interview left, and then we can go home,” Junmyeon said.

Yixing nodded.

“Hey, what happened to your jacket?” Junmyeon asked. Only now did he realized it was wet.

Should Yixing answer truthfully? But it wasn’t like anything would change. The people who didn’t like him, would still not like him, even if Junmyeon said something. So, he answered, “It was an accident, I spilled my drink.”

Junmyeon sighed. “I knew something like this would happen. But it’s under control, my assistant has a spare tuxedo somewhere.”

Yixing laughed, of course, Junmyeon would do that. As they were approaching the venue, Yixing remembered what he had wanted to tell Junmyeon.



“Thanks for defending me earlier,” Yixing said and smiled. Fake or not, Yixing was glad Junmyeon had spared him the embarrassment.

Junmyeon looked at him shocked yet again that day, but he rapidly looked away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said.

Yixing smiled. What else had he expected? This was Junmyeon after all.

When they reached the entrance to the hotel venue, he could feel someone’s gaze on him. Yixing peeked over his shoulder and saw Jongin striding through the courtyard towards them. Jongin smiled at him and raised his hand, waving goodbye.

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LalaLola #1
Chapter 1: Omg such an ugly personality. I hope he will learn.
Chapter 29: Hello, my child!

Wow, what a lame SuLay reader and mom I've been :(( I just finished reading the fic after many tries. I was legit scared it would end up Joonmyeon being the bad guy, but I said this, Caro writes good fics and I will read them no matter how tragic they will be. And voila! It wasn't! And I am happy Joonmyeon got the redemption arc. :) Thank you so much for this fic. It was so well-written and I love reading long chapters. Yes to your new attitude towards writing! No one should dictate how you write your stories. They're yours alone and you should be able to have fun while writing them. Keep writing, anak!

Thank you again and till your next works! :) *KUDOS*
Venus23 #3
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for writing this story! I love it
fuschiapinks #4
i feel really sad now that my fave fave FAVE story is over. no more waiting anxiously each week, wondering what will happen now to joon and xing. I love you for writing this, thank you for not giving up. The ending is sweet and open for an imagination how their life will be next. I can still feel their love for each other still linger there.
thank you author-nim for this 28 parts of rollercoaster ride!
NarwhalPower #5
Chapter 29: I'm about to sob. I'll never be able to read anything again without thinking of how amazing this story was. Thank you for not giving up, author! <3
Chapter 29: TT... huhuhu... I love this story so much. Thank you so much. This story is beautiful.!!
Chapter 29: I don't think I say this enough but I really love your fics TT thank you for writing for us and giving us so many quality fics. From the plot to the characterization, you've never disappointed me!

I'm also happy with how this fic ended, I'm glad they all have their own happy ending. And for once I don't want to hit either one of them so yixing and junmyeon please live happily together forever i love you guys bye.
Chapter 29: ¿Cómo se supone que siga viviendo después de esto????? No puedo creer que esto ya se haya terminado... sólo... así... :)))))) ASjkjsks esto fue tan bello TT No tengo palabras para expresar lo bonito que fue todo jajaja es que fue algo tan bien pensado que me sorprende no poder tenerlo en formato físico, con la forma de, ya sabes, un libro. Eso es algo que realmente compraría xD

No, pero en serio... ¡LO AMÉ CON TODO MI SERRRRR! El final fue perfecto. Simplemente perfecto. Ni siquiera sé qué decir JAJAJA Estoy en shock (pero muy contenta, de hecho) por Jongin y Minseok asjksjs qué bonito que Nini haya encontrado con quién ser feliz, después de todo lo que pasó :') Y la bebé de Tao y Kris... creo que la imagen alimentó mi corazón sólo un poco demasiado :'))) No voy a ponerme a hablar de cada uno porque nunca terminaría, pero repito, fue perfecto. <3333

No tienes idea de lo mucho que agradezco que no te hayas rendido y al final hayas podido terminarla después de tanto tiempo. Fue un camino un tanto tortuoso para ti, pero lo lograste y me da mucho gusto que estés contenta con el resultado. <3 Voy a extrañar con todo mi ser a estos dos, y a Sohee todavía más (⊙﹏⊙) Peeeeero en mi cabeza y en mi corazón siempre van a estar y ahora puedo vivir tranquila después de haber sufrido tanto (o más, de hecho u.u) con ellos jajaja

¡Gracias, Caro! Por amar tanto al Sulay y regalarnos tan bonitas historias ༼ つ♥ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ♥ 。°* ♥・。♥°* Ahora ya me voy... Qué vergüenza ponerme tan sentimental JAJAJA <33
IAmMissTerious #9
Chapter 29: Noo it ended ;-;
It was so goodddd ;-;
MerbinWilk #10
Chapter 29: I am so sad this has ended. Hope you write more stories.