Chapter 10

The Unlikely Match


Junmyeon couldn’t remember the last time he had taken a holiday as an adult. Perhaps never, he had been too busy in his studies, later his job, and now developing his political campaign. Not even when his mother worried about him overworking himself had he taken more than two days off. But then Yixing had come to his life, with his endless nagging and concern for him, or more accurately his health, that in the end, it made Junmyeon listen to him. He took a week off. And it was an actual time off because Yixing had locked his home office and hidden the key somewhere.

Suddenly Junmyeon got time to read. He got time to play golf. He got time to relax in his jacuzzi, enjoying seeing the flustered way Yixing had reacted when he saw him there. He got time to see how Yixing listened to music while cooking and even made some ridiculous dance, that unconsciously made him smile, a smile he quickly made sure to erase when Yixing looked his way. He got time to eat with his parents without scheduling it weeks before. He even got time to play board games that night Tao, Yifan, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and the kids had come to visit them.

Seven days were far too short, though. And quite frankly, Junmyeon had thought two more weeks off, returning to work at the same time as Yixing, didn’t sound all that bad. Until a more rational voice asked him what he was thinking. He had work to do, a successful conglomerate holding company to supervise. Should he ignore them all just because he had had fun? No, Junmyeon decided to go back. Being away had messed with his priorities a little.

A couple of days later, however, Yixing asked him if he wanted to go to the beach with the Do’s. A part of him would have said yes without hesitation. But his responsible self just thought he was not about to drop working on a significant deal only because he was curious to see Yixing’s fit body one more time. Then again, Minseok did advise him that the more he and Yixing reinforced their relationship, the less the public would question its credibility. A holiday at the beach with Yixing and his friends, that would absolutely help their case.

Initially, Yixing had said they’d take the train, go to the beach, have a picnic, and then return on the last train back to the city. That sounded like the perfect plan… According to Yixing. Junmyeon, on the other hand, had just stared at Yixing with furrowed eyebrows. He had never taken the train before, and he wouldn’t start doing it now either. Besides, people would probably follow them around and be noisy about what they were doing. So, Junmyeon had to intervene. And the plan should be to use Junmyeon’s jet plane as transport, a five-day visit to truly enjoy the ocean waves and sun, a luxury resort with a private beach, simply put, a holiday á la Kim Junmyeon. Now it was Yixing who stared at him frowning.

“We’re not doing that, Junmyeon,” Yixing said.

“Why not?”

“It’s too pretentious. We’ve always gone to the beach the way I told you. That’s our tradition. We’re not changing it.”

“Maybe it’s time you have new ones?”

Yixing shook his head. “No. We’re taking the train. That’s the kind of people we are. You can come with us or not, that’s up to you.” He stood up, holding his plate and walking back to the kitchen.

Junmyeon rolled his eyes, hurrying to follow Yixing. “Well, democratically speaking Yixing, everyone should have a say in a decision. So, call Chanyeol and Kyungsoo and tell them about my idea. They should decide too.”

“I can’t believe it. You. You’re really talking about democracy.” Yixing let out a laugh.

Of course, Junmyeon knew about democracy, sure, the political candidates were elected by the System, but people were still free to vote on their own. They were still a democracy, sort of. “Yes, and I know you do too. That’s why you should make the call.”

“Fine, I’ll call them.”

Minutes later, Yixing had explained everything to Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. “So, what do you say?” Yixing asked.

“Ehm I don’t know,” Kyungsoo said through the phone’s speaker. “That sounds like an experience, but I don’t think we can afford it.”

“And you don’t have to worry about it, I’ll pay for everything,” Junmyeon said.

“Really? Wow… That’s a very kind offer from you, Junmyeon. But I’m afraid we can’t accept it. It’d be abusing your generosity,” Chanyeol spoke now.

“Look, this isn’t a big deal for me. It’s like the equivalent of… Yixing buying the groceries.” That wasn’t something too expensive, was it? Junmyeon couldn’t think of any other simile right away. “We’re… Friends. And I’d be happy to give you guys a memorable holiday, I know Sohee would be thrilled. It’ll be fun, the beach, the sun, without noisy people bothering Yixing and me, and also you guys. Consider it my early Christmas gift. And you can’t reject a present, that’s impolite.”

Junmyeon could heart them laugh on the other side. Meanwhile, Yixing looked at him slightly irked, and Junmyeon couldn’t understand why.

“A truly early Christmas gift, given that we’re still in June,” Kyungsoo said, “But if it’s really not too much of a bother-”

“Of course, it’s not,” Junmyeon interrupted.

“Then, I guess, we’re very thankful to go. Right, Yeol?”

“Yeah, thanks, Junmyeon,” Chanyeol said.

“It’s really nothing,” Junmyeon replied. The conversation continued with Junmyeon explaining he would fix everything for the trip, and they could leave as early as tomorrow morning, which they agreed to. Yixing hadn’t said anything and only listened to them making plans while he had his arms crossed.

Once the call ended, Yixing finally talked. “I guess you got what you wanted, just like you always do… Well, have fun for me because I’m not going.”

Yixing’s voice had been one Junmyeon had never heard before. A tone that made Junmyeon somewhat worried about why Yixing was angry with him. He was the one who invited Junmyeon after all… Or was it because Yixing hadn’t actually wanted him to come with them? In that case, why did Yixing ask him? Junmyeon shook his head. Sometimes, he honestly couldn’t understand Yixing. “What? What are you saying? You said earlier that you were looking forward to this, Yixing.”

“I was. When it was just a simple one-day trip, not this extravagant thing you’ve just made up.”

“And because of that, you’ve now just changed your mind just like that?”

“Yeah, I did,” Yixing said matter-of-factly.

Junmyeon sighed. Yixing was starting to get on his nerves again, and it had been such a long time ago he had felt that way around him. “Well, I’m not gonna change anything. We’ve already talked everything out with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. If you don’t want me to go, then I’ll stay. But you should go with them.”

“It’s not because of you. I already told you why I’m staying.”

Stop being so damn stubborn, Junmyeon thought. Discussing the matter would most likely take him nowhere, but there were some strings he could pull with Yixing. “I could say you have to come with us because, you know, publishing a picture of us with our friends on holiday in our social media will help the veracity of our relationship, which is part of our agreement and all. But if you don’t come with us tomorrow, Sohee will be disappointed. You said it yourself, this was your tradition.”

That had been the right string to pull because Yixing instantly dropped his defensive attitude. He uncrossed his arms. He looked worried instead of annoyed. And he quietly said, “I’ll go.”

And Junmyeon sighed again while he saw Yixing walking away. He thought about what Yixing had said, he did get what he wanted, most often.

Yixing might have accepted to go with them the next day, but that didn’t mean he was pleased to be there, at least not when Sohee wasn’t looking at him. During the one-hour flight in the jet plane, Yixing had excused himself and said he’d be in the bedroom resting since due to the ‘excitement’ he hadn’t slept anything yesterday. Meanwhile, Junmyeon hadn’t mind entertaining Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Dongwon, and Sohee on his own. The married couple was actually to Junmyeon’s liking. And Sohee was always a delight to talk with.

After the flight, a car waited for them to drive them to the resort, which was another hour away from the airport and thirty minutes from the nearest town.

This resort was one of the most exclusive and largest one in the country. It was where the Kim family came for family reunions (Junmyeon nowadays rarely came). The resort complex was divided into five sections, with numerous leisure facilities like spas, different sports courts, swimming pools outdoors and indoors, and of course a secluded beach only minutes away. For Junmyeon this was normal, but for his companions, everything seemed to be out of this world, if that could explain their silence and open mouths, except Yixing, who instead looked rather unimpressed.

As they followed one of the members of the staff guiding them, Sohee exclaimed in awe, “Look Papa Soo, the water is so blue!” Kyungsoo only nodded, looking around at everything in amazement.

Junmyeon had booked two private villas of the resort for them rather than a suite in one of the hotel complexes. For Kyungsoo and the others because well, they were a family. And for Yixing and he, obviously, because they didn’t sleep in the same bedroom, and this way they’ll have their own rooms without nobody knowing about it. Plus, it was more private that way. The group decided to separate and rest a little before eating lunch together in one of the restaurants.

Junmyeon wasn’t surprised when Yixing just bolted into his room and closed the door after Junmyeon had said he could use that one. Seriously, what was going on with Yixing? They had gotten along great these past days, but now it seemed Yixing couldn’t stand being with him. Had taken the train to that other beach being more meaningful than what Junmyeon knew? Why? He sighed. He needed to find out what was wrong with Yixing.

But even after lunch, after a long walk through the entire resort, and then finally fulfilling Sohee’s wish and going to the beach, Yixing was still quiet, or annoyed, or whatever it was that made him the party pooper because everyone else, including Junmyeon, was having fun. Yixing hadn’t even changed to swim trunks because ‘he wasn’t in the mood’ for a swim. Junmyeon thought Yixing would have gotten flustered again when he saw him on his swim trunks, but Yixing hadn’t even batted an eyelash in his direction.

Currently, Junmyeon sat on the sand next to Kyungsoo and Dongwon, because Sohee wanted them to guard Suho and her sandcastles, while she and Chanyeol played near the water. He stared at his side and saw Yixing resting on one of the sunbath chairs with an umbrella, reading a book.

“Do you know what’s wrong with Yixing?” Junmyeon asked. He had to know how to get Yixing back to being Yixing, not whoever that person was.

Kyungsoo laughed. “I was hoping you could explain that to me. I have no clue what has gotten into him. He was really excited to come to the beach before, but now it seemed he’d rather be on a stamp convention.”

Junmyeon chortled.

“But Yixing tends to get moody when something is bothering him. Maybe something happened at work. Whatever it is, it usually passes, just give him some time.”

“Yeah,” Junmyeon said, although he knew very well it wasn’t because of work. “You really seem to know him, which is reasonable since Yixing did say you went to school together.”

Kyungsoo nodded. “We basically grew up together. And he moved with my family when his parents… Well, I think you must know. But he’s a great person, really, even when he’s like this.”

Junmyeon had learned that Yixing was. He just had never seen Yixing like that before. He thought that perhaps it would have been better if he had just stayed at work and Yixing had gone with the Do’s to their usual trip. That way Yixing might have been able to smile at least. Junmyeon sighed and stared at the sparkly ocean waves. The sunlight warmed his face and body. Chanyeol and Sohee laughed and screamed together while they tried to run away from the upcoming waves, which made both he and Kyungsoo laugh because Chanyeol stumbled and fell straight to the sand.

“They’re so happy. I wish I could go and take pictures of them,” Kyungsoo uttered.

“Why don’t you?” Junmyeon asked.

“I didn’t bring Dongwonie’s baby carrier with me.”

Was Junmyeon considering this? He wasn’t fit to take care of babies and children on his own, he knew that. Everyone should know that. Why couldn’t he just say he could take pictures of Sohee and Chanyeol? Then again, it was maybe because he knew it was one of those family moments and he knew Kyungsoo should be the one doing it. Besides, the baby’s parents would be right there, nothing could happen. “Why don’t you give Dongwon to me? Go have fun with them.”

Kyungsoo widened his eyes. “Are you sure, Junmyeon? I don’t want to bother you. You’re already doing so much for us.”

Junmyeon shook his head. “Just go.”

Smiling Kyungsoo nodded and thanked him. He carefully handed over Dongwon to Junmyeon and then stood up, bringing his camera with him.

Nervously, Junmyeon rocked the baby in his lap. “Look, Dongwon, your big sister, and daddies are having so much fun,” he said, even though he knew that little human didn’t understand one bit of what he said. Seeing the Do’s play together brought him a sense of nostalgia he didn’t want to recall. So, Junmyeon stood up and walked over to sit on one of the chairs next to Yixing. Even after a few minutes, Yixing didn’t pay attention to them. Junmyeon got enough.

“Look Dongwon, here’s your old and grumpy Uncle Xing. Don’t grow up to be like him on family vacations,” Junmyeon said with was hopefully a playful voice and not creepy. Surprisingly this time the baby articulated something that could pass as a laugh, which also made Junmyeon chuckle. “Wow, you found that funny?”

And Yixing finally reacted. He closed his book and stared at Junmyeon unamused. “Old and grumpy?”

“That’s exactly how you’ve behaved ever since we left this morning. Is it really torture for you to be here?”

Yixing huffed. “Maybe if we had done what I said from the beginning I would have felt more involved in doing stuff. But clearly, I don’t have a say in anything.”

“So, it really was about that. And Yixing you were-”

Junmyeon got interrupted by Dongwon’s not so subtle bowel system. And when the smell hit him, well, it was obvious what had happened. “Ew,” Junmyeon said, flinching and trying to cover his nose.

For the first time in what seemed forever, Yixing laughed. Yixing laughed so much that tears formed in the corner of his eyes. Even though Junmyeon didn’t understand what was so comical, he felt relieved at hearing that familiar sound. He realized he had missed hearing it, yet if only hours had passed since the last time. What an odd thought.

“Come on, you have to change him. He can’t stay like that.”

“Huh? Why me?” Junmyeon exclaimed.

“Kyungsoo let him in your care. You have to, it’s the rules,” Yixing said, smirking this time.

And there was Junmyeon as usual feeling somewhat annoyed but also pleased that Yixing was teasing him. “I’ve never a changed a diaper in my whole life. But you have, so, that puts you on the advantage.”

“You know, the human nature allows us to learn new things,” Yixing said, standing up and reaching to search in Kyungsoo’s bag. He took out the key to their villa. “A now we have access, so you don’t have any excuses. Come on.” Yixing walked over to grab Junmyeon’s arm and help him stand up, which Junmyeon did.

“But, shouldn’t-shouldn’t we let them know where we’re going?”

“They’re having such a fun time, I doubt they even notice were gone for a little while.”

And when Junmyeon turned his head to see them, Yixing had been right. Kyungsoo had stopped taking pictures and had joined Sohee and Chanyeol in whatever game they played now. Perhaps it was better to let them be.

Junmyeon couldn’t understand why he was letting Yixing instruct him into doing this. He was a master at persuasion, he had closed significant deals for his company. Why couldn’t he just tell Yixing to do it himself? Then again, a little part of him was glad that Yixing was himself again, or the not so moody version at least. This was the most Yixing had spoken in the whole day, and he genially seemed to have fun.

So, when they were ready, Junmyeon looked away from Yixing, who stood next to him and redirected his gaze to Dongwon laying on the changing pad. Dongwon moved around his little chubby legs and arms, his brown eyes stared at him. Junmyeon gulped and took off the baby’s shorts.

“Do you think they have gloves somewhere?” Junmyeon asked before attempting to remove the diaper.

Yixing chortled. “What? Who uses that?”

“I was just asking,” Junmyeon said. He sighed. Well, at least this could work as some anecdote he and Yixing could tell people in the future.

“Be careful. Sometimes they pee on you.”

“What?!” Junmyeon almost shouted.

Again, Yixing laughed at him. “Hey, at least you’re not wearing a shirt.”

Junmyeon rolled his eyes. Yixing you better not go back to grumpy Yixing after this, he thought. Quite honestly, Junmyeon was doing this more for Yixing’s sakes than Dongwon’s. He pulled up the diaper’s sticky stabs and there began one of the hardest tasks he had ever done, his Emotion Watch clearly gave away his nervousness. The smell was unbearable, and he was on constant alert whether he would get peed on or not. Yixing was there to guide him, though, making sure Junmyeon wiped correctly while he positioned Dongwon’s legs.

“Oh, damn it, I got it on my finger!” Junmyeon complained.

“Just take another cleansing wipe.”

But that wouldn’t make it. Junmyeon bolted to the bathroom to wash his hands frenetically. He didn’t know if that was worse than getting peed on. When he returned, he saw that Yixing had wiped Dongwon clean now, thankfully.

“I helped you a bit, but you’re still doing the rest.”

Of course, I will, Junmyeon thought, rolling his eyes. But he still did it, and in the end, he managed to put on Dongwon’s new diaper. He exhaled when he had finished.

“Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Yixing asked, smiling in that way those dimples would show up.

“Ha-ha,” Junmyeon said.

On their way back to the beach, Junmyeon walked holding Dongwon in his arms. He was surprised but pleased that Yixing was talking non-stop with him, asking him questions like if they could go play basketball one day, or if there was a way he could ride a horse with someone because that seemed fun, and other things. Now, this was the excitement Junmyeon had hoped to see from Yixing. It was late, but at least it was there.

“Oh, there you are, Dongwon! Uncle Xing! Big Suho!” Sohee shouted, running towards them once they had arrived at the beach.

Yixing squatted down and received Sohee in his arms, carrying her and hugging her, something that made her smile widely.

“Where were you?” she asked.

“Junmyeon had to change Dongwon’s diaper,” Yixing said.

Sohee gasped. “You Big Suho?”

Junmyeon nodded.

“Did Dongwon pee on you? Sometimes he does that to my Papa Soo and Daddy Chan.”

“No, thankfully, he didn’t.”

“But I’m sure next time he will, Sohee, you’ll see,” Yixing said and laughed. Sohee chuckled too. And Junmyeon just shook his head, smiling inwards.

The rest of the day went well. Yixing was happy and cooperative. Kyungsoo had come, and subtly whispered to Junmyeon: ‘I told you he’ll come back.’ Junmyeon had nodded, smiling and thinking that the upcoming four days might not turn out to be so bad.

In the night time after dinner and saying their good nights, Junmyeon sat in the dark in the living room, sorting which pictures he’ll e-mail to Minseok. Just when he had turned off his laptop and was ready to go to his room, he heard the main door open. Bewildered, he looked out the windows and saw Yixing on the main gate. Now that was strange. Where was Yixing going? And at this hour? Even though it was only eleven in the night time. Junmyeon swiftly left the villa to follow Yixing. The walk took them to the resort’s main entrance, where a car was waiting. The chauffeur opened the door and before Yixing got in Junmyeon shouted his name. Surprised, Yixing turned around while Junmyeon ran the few meters that separated them.

“What are you doing, Junmyeon?”

“I-I,” Junmyeon panted, “Should ask-ask you that. Where are you going?”

“I’m…” Yixing averted his gaze. “I felt like going for a ride.”

“Where? I’m pretty sure you’ve never been here before. Where could you possibly wanna go right now?”

Yixing sighed. “Okay, I’m going to town.”


“To eat a hamburger.”

Junmyeon repeatedly blinked while his mouth was agape. “You’re at a luxury resort where you can order whatever you want at whatever hour, and yet you want to go to town for a hamburger?”

“The chefs are sleeping. Why bother them when there are good and reliable twenty-four hours fast food restaurants?”

“Eh, I don’t know, because I pay them to do whatever I want?”

“You don’t get it, Junmyeon. That’s why I didn’t tell you in the first place. But don’t worry I’ll be back in an hour.”

It was ridiculous. Junmyeon couldn’t understand anything. Yixing was genuinely tenacious, or dumb for not realizing the power he had now. Of course, he was going to town to eat. However, a part of him didn’t want to see Yixing go there on his own, so he jumped into the seat next to him. “I’m going with you,” he said, closing the car door. Perplexed by it, Yixing only nodded.

The car ride was in complete silence. Nobody spoke until the chauffeur announced they had arrived. Yixing and Junmyeon walked out of the car. Junmyeon stared at the place up and down. It wasn’t the kind of place he ever ate at. From the shared tables, the uncomfortable seating, and the fact he had to go stand on a counter and order his food, everything was unfamiliar. An unknown territory he feared would give him food poisoning. But the place was also empty, which was the only good thing. Nobody could document he had been there.

“I think I’m gonna go for a double cheeseburger,” Yixing said, “What about you, Junmyeon?”

“What? Do you seriously think I’ll eat here?”

Yixing squinted his eyes. “Wait, have you never been to a fast food restaurant before?”

Junmyeon shook his head. “What for? A professional chef can cook for me.”

A wide grin appeared on Yixing’s lips. “Well, this just makes it all the better. You’ve included me in your fancy world, it’s about time you come into mine.”

“But I don’t feed you food of dubious origin.”

“It’s not that bad! Jongin survived, and he had also never been to one before. You’ll be fine.”

Now that changed everything and brought forward Junmyeon’s competitive spirit. And why the hell had Yixing and Jongin eaten together? He really was starting to dislike that friendship of them. Kim Jongin better kept his hands off Junmyeon’s fiancé. It wouldn’t be good if someone started rumors! “Fine, order for me whatever it is you’re having.”

“A double cheeseburger with fries and soda. And you’ll go ahead and order for us while I grab us a table. It’s as easy as telling a waiter.”

Junmyeon rolled his eyes, but he wasn’t going to lose to that brat Kim Jongin. He walked forward to the counter. A guy in a green uniform greeted him welcome until he realized who Junmyeon was a made a fuzz about it. Oh great. Everyone working there apparently took a break and came forward to take pictures of Kim Junmyeon at a fast food restaurant. The whole time Yixing had stared at him entertained, he even dared to wave at those people when they had asked if that was his fiancé. But finally, after that silly ruckus, he ordered, paid and got his food. Unbelievable. It was served on a tray, and there were no forks or knives to eat with. The burger was wrapped in a paper, the fries were in a carton holder and the soda on a paper cup. It made sense they called it a fast food restaurant, definitely not a quality one.

But Yixing was happy when he got his food, excited even. And after Yixing reminded him to eat, Junmyeon did it. He took one bite. Okay, it wasn’t all that bad, but he had tasted better! He should continue being wary of it. Yixing noticed his reluctance but still smiled at him reassuringly while eating.

“So, can you tell me now, what the hell was wrong with you earlier, Yixing? Why did it bother you so much that we came here?” Junmyeon asked. Now that Yixing had eaten what he wanted, and he seemed much calmer, perhaps he would talk. Junmyeon didn’t want to deal with that behavior again.

Yixing laughed, shaking his head and then hiding his face in his palms. “I was really grumpy, wasn’t I?”

“Like Grandpa Kim the night of our engagement party.”

Yixing withdrew his hands only to roll his eyes. “Okay let’s not exaggerate.”

They both chuckled.

“But the truth is… I told my parents about our engagement.”

“Oh… What did they say?” Junmyeon gulped, feeling that just like his grandparents rejected Yixing, the Zhang’s might do the same, based on what Yixing had told him about them.

“What didn’t they say?” Yixing uttered. So, Junmyeon’s hunch had been right. “We had a long talk, but basically, they’re disappointed and think I’m a sell-out.”


“I told them about you, and that you’ll help me bring Qian back. Sorry about breaking our promise but they will never say a thing! I swear. Anyway, my parents’ coping mechanism about Qian is that they’ve accepted she will never come back, no matter what anyone says, including you. They think I should believe the same, and if I’m not, then I’m just fooling myself.”

Yixing looked dejected now. Junmyeon felt this unknown urge to just jump across the table and kiss him, to make that look go away and be replaced with something happier. But he didn’t, thankfully.

“So, they say us getting engaged is in vain. But it’s not, right? You’ll bring her back, right Junmyeon?” Yixing pleaded him with his eyes.

Junmyeon felt sickened and not because of the food. He hated that question because… That wasn’t true, even if he had gotten to know Yixing, he couldn’t do it, could he? No, Tao wouldn’t agree to it, and neither should he. It was wrong. Junmyeon still nodded, though, not saying anything, only nodding and crossing his fingers underneath the table.

Yixing half-smiled. “Anyway, they think I’m doing this for myself rather than for Qian, because well, who gets to enjoy all the fancy stuff? Who gets to live in a penthouse? Have a chauffeur? Eat fancy food and attend all those lavish parties and whatnot.” Yixing pointed at himself. “Me.” He laughed bitterly. “They’re disappointed and think I chose the ‘easy life’ when I accepted to get married to you. They’ve taught me I should be with someone I love wholeheartedly, someone who makes me truly happy… They thought I believed in that, and I still do, but Qian… It’s for her, right?”

Of course, it was for her, that was the only thing that had convinced Yixing after Junmyeon’s numerous attempts to persuade him. If only Junmyeon could shout that at Yixing’s parents.

“I guess that’s why I was so angry when you changed our plans. I was gonna show my parents that I was still me, Yixing who could always stand for himself. The florist who lived in a one-bedroom apartment, who took the train and could have a fun day at the beach with his friends. I wanted to do something ‘normal’ and show them I’m still me, Yixing, the son they raised, not this money hungry sell-out… But look where we ended up at.”

Junmyeon couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty about it. While thinking of himself and his own comfort, he hadn’t even thought about what Yixing had wanted. Yixing’s words saying he always got what he wanted, got a different connotation now, He was just starting to remember that hideous part of himself when Yixing spoke again.

“And I supposed that’s why we’re here, eating burgers at midnight… It feels like something the Yixing before meeting you would have done. Changing the fancy china for trays feels like it,” he said, holding up the tray before letting it land on the table.

“You’re not a sell-out Yixing,” Junmyeon said. It was unbelievable Yixing was being affected his parent’s words. They made no sense. “You’re the biggest anti sell-out I’ve ever met.”

Finally, Yixing met his gaze. He tilted his head to the side and asked, “What?”

Junmyeon grinned. “Oh, come on, don’t you remember? To begin with, you rejected me even after knowing who I was and everything else. I even offered you a briefcase full of money, I think around some millions. And what did you do? You threw it in the trash! Who does that? A sell-out? Please.”

Yixing giggled. “I really did that.”

“Then I offered you so much else, and you just said no after no. At some point you even got annoyed I came to visit you.”

“You were really annoying me. It was like we didn’t speak the same language, and you couldn’t understand what no meant.”

Junmyeon laughed. “It wasn’t until I told you that I could… Make you see Qian again that you accepted. I think you did it because of your sister. Now everything else is just the bonus of being with someone like me. Really, you’re not a sell-out. You should have told your parents that.”

The words of reassurance seemed to have freed Yixing from being under a cloud. “When you put it that way, I guess I’m not. I should have told them that,” he said, smiling entirely now.

“Yeah,” Junmyeon said, beaming back. “What do you say we go back now?”

Yixing nodded.

It was around one in the morning when they arrived back at their villa. Yixing the lamps in the living room and noticed the large basket with food and other things. “When did that get here?”

“Shortly after you went to ‘sleep.’ My family invested here before, so I guess that makes me part owner? Either way, it’s a welcome gift.”

“You know, they say a glass of this helps you with digestion.”

Junmyeon didn’t know if that could be applied to that bottle of champagne. But after the day they had had, he could really use a sip of anything. And from what Yixing had just told him, he could use one too. Junmyeon went to grab some glasses from the minibar and a bottle opener. “Well, open it,” he said, handing the bottle opener to Yixing.

Yixing opened the champagne bottle, foam flew from the bottle’s neck. He served it on the glasses Junmyeon was holding. And after toasting (not exactly knowing why), they each gulped the liquor in one go.

“Hit me again,” Junmyeon said. Yixing nodded, following suit.

Everything from there on went haywire. Bottle after bottle was opened, not because they finished them, but because Yixing felt curious about liquors he had never tasted before. Junmyeon didn’t object, some of those bottles he had never seen before either. So, the night went on like that, them drinking and talking, sharing stories, that were either true or just retold badly. At some point, they had removed their shirts because it was too hot in there and none could figure out how to use the thermostat. They even made a disaster on the minibar when Yixing dropped two bottles of scotch on the floor. Fortunately, he was still wearing shoes, so he didn’t cut himself, not that any of them were aware of the dangerous situation. Yixing had only giggled his way to the couch and told Junmyeon what just happened, even if Junmyeon had been there. Junmyeon began laughing with him too, saying he owned the place and they could do whatever they pleased.

“I’m sleepy Myeonie,” Yixing said, yawning.

“You know what, Xingie, I am too.”

“What should we do?”

“Go to sleep?”

“Ah, that’s true! You’re so smart, Myeonie.”

“You’re smarter, Xingie.”

They helped each other stand up and walked together, Yixing with an arm around Junmyeon’s shoulder, and Junmyeon holding Yixing’s waist. When they finally arrived, after bumping into the wall a few times, Junmyeon left Yixing sitting on his bed. Yixing tossed away his shoes. But before Junmyeon could go, Yixing stopped him, holding his hand.

“Where are you going?”

“My room. I-I don’t think I live here.”

“No!” Yixing shook his head. “I don’t want you to go!” He stood up to grab Junmyeon by his shoulders and pushed him onto the bed, but in the process falling on top of him. “Stay here with me,” he purred, looking at Junmyeon straight in the eye.

“Why?” Junmyeon whispered, raising his hands to caress Yixing’s , enjoying the way Yixing’s silky skin felt against his hands, and their warm torsos collided.

“To do this.” Yixing cupped Junmyeon’s cheeks and leaned in to catch Junmyeon’s lips in a sloppy, needy kiss.

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LalaLola #1
Chapter 1: Omg such an ugly personality. I hope he will learn.
Chapter 29: Hello, my child!

Wow, what a lame SuLay reader and mom I've been :(( I just finished reading the fic after many tries. I was legit scared it would end up Joonmyeon being the bad guy, but I said this, Caro writes good fics and I will read them no matter how tragic they will be. And voila! It wasn't! And I am happy Joonmyeon got the redemption arc. :) Thank you so much for this fic. It was so well-written and I love reading long chapters. Yes to your new attitude towards writing! No one should dictate how you write your stories. They're yours alone and you should be able to have fun while writing them. Keep writing, anak!

Thank you again and till your next works! :) *KUDOS*
Venus23 #3
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for writing this story! I love it
fuschiapinks #4
i feel really sad now that my fave fave FAVE story is over. no more waiting anxiously each week, wondering what will happen now to joon and xing. I love you for writing this, thank you for not giving up. The ending is sweet and open for an imagination how their life will be next. I can still feel their love for each other still linger there.
thank you author-nim for this 28 parts of rollercoaster ride!
NarwhalPower #5
Chapter 29: I'm about to sob. I'll never be able to read anything again without thinking of how amazing this story was. Thank you for not giving up, author! <3
Chapter 29: TT... huhuhu... I love this story so much. Thank you so much. This story is beautiful.!!
Chapter 29: I don't think I say this enough but I really love your fics TT thank you for writing for us and giving us so many quality fics. From the plot to the characterization, you've never disappointed me!

I'm also happy with how this fic ended, I'm glad they all have their own happy ending. And for once I don't want to hit either one of them so yixing and junmyeon please live happily together forever i love you guys bye.
Chapter 29: ¿Cómo se supone que siga viviendo después de esto????? No puedo creer que esto ya se haya terminado... sólo... así... :)))))) ASjkjsks esto fue tan bello TT No tengo palabras para expresar lo bonito que fue todo jajaja es que fue algo tan bien pensado que me sorprende no poder tenerlo en formato físico, con la forma de, ya sabes, un libro. Eso es algo que realmente compraría xD

No, pero en serio... ¡LO AMÉ CON TODO MI SERRRRR! El final fue perfecto. Simplemente perfecto. Ni siquiera sé qué decir JAJAJA Estoy en shock (pero muy contenta, de hecho) por Jongin y Minseok asjksjs qué bonito que Nini haya encontrado con quién ser feliz, después de todo lo que pasó :') Y la bebé de Tao y Kris... creo que la imagen alimentó mi corazón sólo un poco demasiado :'))) No voy a ponerme a hablar de cada uno porque nunca terminaría, pero repito, fue perfecto. <3333

No tienes idea de lo mucho que agradezco que no te hayas rendido y al final hayas podido terminarla después de tanto tiempo. Fue un camino un tanto tortuoso para ti, pero lo lograste y me da mucho gusto que estés contenta con el resultado. <3 Voy a extrañar con todo mi ser a estos dos, y a Sohee todavía más (⊙﹏⊙) Peeeeero en mi cabeza y en mi corazón siempre van a estar y ahora puedo vivir tranquila después de haber sufrido tanto (o más, de hecho u.u) con ellos jajaja

¡Gracias, Caro! Por amar tanto al Sulay y regalarnos tan bonitas historias ༼ つ♥ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ♥ 。°* ♥・。♥°* Ahora ya me voy... Qué vergüenza ponerme tan sentimental JAJAJA <33
IAmMissTerious #9
Chapter 29: Noo it ended ;-;
It was so goodddd ;-;
MerbinWilk #10
Chapter 29: I am so sad this has ended. Hope you write more stories.