Chapter 2

The Unlikely Match

The proposal

“For the nth time Junmyeon, I’m not gonna marry you,” Yixing said with a disapproving look. “Please, just give up already.”

Junmyeon sighed. He held in his urge to take the bouquet Yixing was arranging, smack him on the head with it and say he should stop being an idiot. Yes, he held in that urge. Instead, Junmyeon forced himself to smile and replied, “One day, Zhang Yixing. You will one day.” Then, he left the flower shop.

Once outside Junmyeon breathed out. He rubbed his temples while saying, “Stupid gardener. Why do you keep giving me gray hairs?”

Junmyeon walked to his car and drove to Yifan and Tao’s house. He wasn’t in the mood to be reprimanded by Tao for coming late to their Friday dinners again.

The ideas were starting to run out of Junmyeon’s head. The second time he had returned to Yixing’s flower shop, he had carried a briefcase full of money. It was a freaking fortune. He asked Yixing to look inside the suitcase and reconsider his decision. Anyone in their right mind would have said yes, well at least according to Junmyeon. But Yixing? He closed the case, carried it outside, stood in front of a large trash container and threw away the briefcase. ‘Junmyeon, I’m a human being, not some kind of property you can just buy,’ Yixing had said calmly. Junmyeon had cursed inwards and facepalmed himself when Yixing walked back to the shop. He had to call one of his assistants to come pick that briefcase. There was no way Kim Junmyeon was putting his hands into the trash.

On his third attempt, Junmyeon had brought with him a tempting contract. He handed Yixing the documents explaining that with this, Yixing’s flower shop would be able to expand and new stores under his name would be opened around the city. Junmyeon had thought that maybe Yixing wanted to build his own fortune and that the last offer had hurt his pride. Junmyeon smirked when he saw Yixing reading the contract attentively. However, Yixing didn’t give in. No, of course, Yixing would have ripped the contract into pieces. ‘Junmyeon, I don’t need your help to expand my business,’ had he said.

And despite the failed attempts and Yixing’s reluctance to cooperate, Junmyeon continued offering him things. A new house, an overseas trip, a new car, land to plant his own flowers, etc., etc. But as it was proved today, when Junmyeon offered him a VIP-pass to meet whatever celebrity Yixing wanted (no matter the time, day nor place), Yixing still said no.

He sighed yet again before getting off his vehicle. Junmyeon had gotten used to sighing during the two weeks he had tried to persuade Yixing to marry him.

Junmyeon walked towards his friends’ house. It was Friday evening of the first week in April. The weather was slowly shifting to spring. The trees were flourishing, and Junmyeon couldn’t help thinking he was losing time trying to convince Zhang freaking Yixing to marry him.

He pushed the doorbell button. Tao welcomed him, and so their dinner night began. After eating a delicious meal and talking about multiple topics such as their hectic days at work, the trio sat in the living room. They drank some wine and watched a random TV-show.

“How did it go today, Junmyeon?” Yifan asked during the commercial break.

“Ugh, that man keeps making me older every day.”

The married couple laughed.

“I’m running out of ideas guys! I’ve tried offering him anything. Money, fame, a high-position job. And that obstinate gardener keeps refusing… I don’t know what else to do,” Junmyeon said. “Maybe I’ve been too nice, maybe I should blackmail him… Say I’ll close down his flower shop or something.”

“Junmyeon!” Tao scolded him.

“What? It’s just a threat, I wouldn’t do it… Don’t look at me like that,” Junmyeon said. Of course, he shouldn’t say something like that in front of someone who worked at the Security Department.

Rapidly Tao’s face went from judging to grinning, “Good! Because there are other things you could do, like trying to get to know him for example? Like on a personal level?”

Junmyeon furrowed his eyebrows. “For what purpose?”

“Well, didn’t he say he wanted to marry someone he loves? Maybe if you try wooing him like in the old times, he’ll end up falling in love with you.”

Junmyeon looked at Tao, then he exchanged glances with Yifan. He erupted in laughter along with Yifan. Tao elbowed Yifan, who whispered ‘Sorry, honey.’

“Tao, you know me. I’m not one of those ridiculous romantics from the old century expecting my ‘soulmate’ to stumble into my life. That’s old thinking, and let’s not talk about time-consuming. Who knows how many years that gardener would take to say yes?” Junmyeon explained, “With the System, all that previous stress is gone, you’re given your perfect match served on a plate. It’s quick, efficient and convenient. We all know that, well except for that Zhang Yixing who seems to be stuck in the 21st century.”

In response, Tao rolled his eyes.

“I just need to give him something he really wants, and he’ll give in. I’m sure of it,” Junmyeon said and took a sip of wine.

“Wait,” Yifan uttered pensively, “Didn’t you say he mentioned something about proposals?”


“That’s it,” Yifan said proudly and snapped his fingers. “Just give him one of those proposals showed in the movies.”

Junmyeon grinned while caressing his jaw. “That might help,” he said and nodded. “A cheesy and outdated proposal sounds like something that eccentric Zhang Yixing would like.”

Tao shook his head. “Okay, that’s a terrible idea. For one, I’m sure after all the things you have offered him, he would refuse to follow you somewhere. And secondly, what if he’s already in love with someone else? What if that’s why he keeps rejecting you?”

It was a possibility. Junmyeon had thought of it. But because Zhang Yixing had never said something like that before, and after confirming it with the flower shop’s employees, no, Zhang Yixing wasn’t in love nor dating someone else. “I’ve already informed myself, and no, I can assure you, he isn’t.”

“So, you’re gonna do it?” Yifan wondered.

“Yeah, I’m gonna plan an old 21st-century proposal! Or well my assistants will do it,” Junmyeon said triumphally.

Tao just rolled his eyes and shook his head yet again.



After one week of preparation, everything happened on the following Friday afternoon. His assistants had arranged a yacht proposal on the river, under the setting sun and orange sky. Junmyeon sat on a comfortable couch, and the dinner table was decorated with scattered rose petals, a vase full of red roses, some aperitives, fancy cutlery, a bottle of champagne and two glass cups. Everything was lovely and perfect, would any ridiculous romantic think.

He waited until the boat moved further away and they were at a perfect distance from the city’s skyline. Then the yacht stopped as it was planned, and the important building could be seen.

“You can bring him up now,” Junmyeon ordered the waiter. “And make sure he is wearing a jacket, it’s quite windy up here.”

Not even five minutes later, a blindfolded and tied up Zhang Yixing came up from the cabin into Junmyeon’s view.

“Where the hell am I?! And why is the floor shaking so much?” Zhang Yixing said nervously. Junmyeon was surprised Zhang Yixing hadn’t made a more significant fuss or screamed for help. His Emotion Watch hadn’t even lightened up yellow. Admirable, Zhang Yixing didn’t let his emotions cloud his rational mental state.

He monitored the waiter to bring Zhang Yixing next to him. He gestured the man to leave them alone. Junmyeon thought of untying his hands first, but thought better of it and went for removing the blindfold instead.

Zhang Yixing blinked a couple times, getting used to the light again. And when his eyes focused on Junmyeon, he looked at him outraged.

“Welcome, Zhang Yixing.”

“But of course, who else than you could be behind all this mess?” Zhang Yixing said. “Untie me now, Junmyeon,” he ordered firmly.

“Will you hit me?” Junmyeon asked.

“What do you think?” Yixing said menacingly.

Junmyeon raised an eyebrow.

Yixing huffed, “For as much as you deserve it, I’m not a violent man. I promise I won’t lay a finger on you.”

After brief consideration, Junmyeon grabbed a knife and cut the rope. Zhang Yixing might be taller, but he couldn’t be stronger than him (hopefully).

“Ah, finally,” Yixing exclaimed once he was free. His rage started to dissipate as he looked around only to be replaced with confusion. It was now he realized they were on a yacht. He stared at the fancy set up on the dinner table. And then he eyed Junmyeon too, who was wearing a tuxedo. “What in the world is all this, Junmyeon?”

“I thought we could share a nice dinner.”

“And you couldn’t have asked, like a normal human being? Instead of sending your gorillas to ‘kidnap’ me.”

“Would you have said yes?”


“Exactly, I know it was rather unconventional-”

“More like almost a crime,” Zhang Yixing interrupted Junmyeon.

“As I was saying,” Junmyeon retook his sentences, “Unconventional, but I just wanted us to share a meal. You know, to… Talk some more and… Stuff.”

Zhang Yixing laughed. He laughed so much that tears formed in the corner of his eyes and Junmyeon just wanted to shut him up because he couldn’t stand being laughed at.

“You keep surprising me Junmyeon. Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more annoying, you go ahead and pull this , only so we could talk?”

“Well, yes. Isn’t this a beautiful place to talk at?”

“No, this is horrible! I’m tired, surprisingly, being tied up and blindfolded in an unknown destination inevitably takes away your energy. Besides, I’m hungry and getting motion sick. Take me back home,” Zhang Yixing demanded again.

“It’s a good thing we have an efficient waiter, Zhang Yixing,” Junmyeon replied. He took his phone and called the waiter. He ordered him to bring the food and some medicine.

“Do you ever listen to what other people say to you?”


Zhang Yixing sighed and said, “And stop calling me by my full name… It’s weird.”

“Well, that I can concede,” Junmyeon replied.

The waiter came up with the medicine, and later the food. It was a full course dinner. Yixing had taken the medication but refused to touch the food.

“ing eat already, there’s nothing suspicious about it,” Junmyeon said.

After three more times that his stomach had growled, Yixing finally picked up the fork and took a bite of the food.

But they didn’t talk much, or anything at all. Yixing was still annoyed and mad. And Junmyeon had his pride to preserve. Thus he didn’t initiate any conversation. If Yixing wanted to talk, he should do the talking. They ate in silence as the sky turned from orange to dark blue.

“I’m done. Can you take me back now?” Yixing asked.

Junmyeon saw the time on his watch and realized there were only a couple of minutes left. “Sure, but first look over there,” he told Yixing and pointed at one of the buildings in front of them.

“What is it that I’m staring?” Yixing wondered. Suddenly, on the building appeared in big bright letters: ‘ZHANG YIXING, WILL YOU MARRY ME?’ He turned and stared at Junmyeon, who was holding a ring box with a beautiful silver band inside. “Oh my god,” Yixing muttered and covered his eyes with one hand.

“Well, what do you say?” Junmyeon asked after impatiently waiting for Yixing to say something.


“I knew you would-what?”

Before Yixing could reply, he got distracted by the colorful fireworks that appeared in the sky above them. It was a beautiful show with different shapes and colors.

Junmyeon sighed and tossed the box on the table. “That was because you were supposed to say yes. Don’t tell me you were expecting me to get on one knee?” he asked annoyed.

“Are you serious? Did you really think that after kidnapping me and giving me some fancy dinner, I would say yes?”

“Well, didn’t you say you wanted a proposal? Look I went a long way to prepare this for you.”

“Oh wow thanks,” Yixing replied. “And yes, I want a proposal but an unexpected one by someone I love.”

“Wasn’t this unexpected?”

“No, this is some weird mess.”

Junmyeon buried his face on the table. Of course, Yixing would continue to get on his nerves. Oh, how Junmyeon inwardly cursed for being matched with this man.

Yixing sighed. “Why do you have this rush to get married? You don’t even like me, do you?”

“No, I don’t. And I probably never will,” Junmyeon said

“Well, neither do I.”

Junmyeon sat up straight. Maybe if he explained how things were, they could reach an agreement. It was worth a shot. He was tired of persuading this obstinate gardener. “Yixing, you know how our election system works, right?”

Yixing nodded.

“Well, as you know five years before the elections, the System picks the most eligible candidates. I was chosen two years ago. And during the first four years, the political campaign is pretty much informal. You know, the candidates get introduced to the public, and they’ll do things like attend charity events or public happenings for the voters to get familiarized with them. Almost like a popularity contest you might say.”

“Yes, I’m aware of that.”

“When I started, my popularity was at the bottom. I was labeled as the ‘arrogant, rich and privileged’ kid. Me and Byun Taehyuk belong to the same class, but because he was this ‘idealistic and considerate’ boy, they liked him more, and he had won the people’s heart… Even that stoic Oh Sehun was ahead of me.”

Yixing huffed.

“Sure, I’m successful and smarter than them, but the people don’t seem to care about that if they don’t like your charisma. But, that was in the past, my campaign assessor has helped me change that, and do you know my ratings now?”

“You’re in a tie with Byun Taehyuk.”

“Exactly, and well, having a family plays a central role in the voters thinking because how you care for your family portrays how you’ll take care of the nation. Byun Taehyuk is already married and expecting a child. And even Oh Sehun’s numbers rose a bit when he and his husband adopted a little girl. I’m going to fall behind, Yixing. So, I need to marry soon and start my own family before the elections official campaign starts.”

“Then why don’t you just marry someone more appropriate for the position?”

“Because I can’t. I need to marry my elected partner. Otherwise, won’t that make a hypocrite of me? Saying we should all support the System, yet I go against it myself?”

Yixing sighed.

“That’s why I need you by my side. I need you to be my husband.”

“In another context, that phrase would have been so romantic…” Yixing trailed off. “But right now, you just want me to marry you, and start a family, only so you can win over Byun Taehyuk?”


“Do you want to become the Leader of the Nation that badly?”

“Of course. It was such an honor to be chosen a candidate, and well, instantly that became a dream of mine. I mean, can’t you see what the title means?”

Yixing shook his head. “No. Junmyeon, you’re asking me to stay in a loveless marriage. Something I don’t believe in. And not only that, but also raise a family with you? A fake family? I don’t want any of that.”

“So, we both have our ideas. But let me tell you Yixing, in exchange for that sacrifice, I’m giving you anything you want. There must be something in your head that you had always wanted but thought impossible of getting. Well, with me anything you ask for is possible… Except for the leadership of the Nation. But you get my point,” Junmyeon said and stared at him eagerly. Come on gardener, take the bait, Junmyeon thought.

Yixing’s eyes widened. It was as if Junmyeon’s words had brought him some notion. He thought for some minutes. At first he hesitated to talk, until finally. “Can you really do that?”

“Yes,” Junmyeon nodded effusively, “Ask for it. Anything.”

Yixing leaned closer to Junmyeon and whispered, “Then can you get, like, confidential information… Or worse… Do something illegal?”

Junmyeon raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t taken Yixing for the breaking-the-law type of person. But he nodded nonetheless. “Yes, I have all the right connections to do whatever you ask me.”

And Yixing nodded back, “Okay, I accept your deal but only if you…”

Junmyeon smirked subtly. “What?”

Yixing said something under his breath.

Not quite hearing the word, Junmyeon asked, “Huh?”

“I want Qian back,” Yixing said as his dark eyes stared decisively at Junmyeon.

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LalaLola #1
Chapter 1: Omg such an ugly personality. I hope he will learn.
Chapter 29: Hello, my child!

Wow, what a lame SuLay reader and mom I've been :(( I just finished reading the fic after many tries. I was legit scared it would end up Joonmyeon being the bad guy, but I said this, Caro writes good fics and I will read them no matter how tragic they will be. And voila! It wasn't! And I am happy Joonmyeon got the redemption arc. :) Thank you so much for this fic. It was so well-written and I love reading long chapters. Yes to your new attitude towards writing! No one should dictate how you write your stories. They're yours alone and you should be able to have fun while writing them. Keep writing, anak!

Thank you again and till your next works! :) *KUDOS*
Venus23 #3
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for writing this story! I love it
fuschiapinks #4
i feel really sad now that my fave fave FAVE story is over. no more waiting anxiously each week, wondering what will happen now to joon and xing. I love you for writing this, thank you for not giving up. The ending is sweet and open for an imagination how their life will be next. I can still feel their love for each other still linger there.
thank you author-nim for this 28 parts of rollercoaster ride!
NarwhalPower #5
Chapter 29: I'm about to sob. I'll never be able to read anything again without thinking of how amazing this story was. Thank you for not giving up, author! <3
Chapter 29: TT... huhuhu... I love this story so much. Thank you so much. This story is beautiful.!!
Chapter 29: I don't think I say this enough but I really love your fics TT thank you for writing for us and giving us so many quality fics. From the plot to the characterization, you've never disappointed me!

I'm also happy with how this fic ended, I'm glad they all have their own happy ending. And for once I don't want to hit either one of them so yixing and junmyeon please live happily together forever i love you guys bye.
Chapter 29: ¿Cómo se supone que siga viviendo después de esto????? No puedo creer que esto ya se haya terminado... sólo... así... :)))))) ASjkjsks esto fue tan bello TT No tengo palabras para expresar lo bonito que fue todo jajaja es que fue algo tan bien pensado que me sorprende no poder tenerlo en formato físico, con la forma de, ya sabes, un libro. Eso es algo que realmente compraría xD

No, pero en serio... ¡LO AMÉ CON TODO MI SERRRRR! El final fue perfecto. Simplemente perfecto. Ni siquiera sé qué decir JAJAJA Estoy en shock (pero muy contenta, de hecho) por Jongin y Minseok asjksjs qué bonito que Nini haya encontrado con quién ser feliz, después de todo lo que pasó :') Y la bebé de Tao y Kris... creo que la imagen alimentó mi corazón sólo un poco demasiado :'))) No voy a ponerme a hablar de cada uno porque nunca terminaría, pero repito, fue perfecto. <3333

No tienes idea de lo mucho que agradezco que no te hayas rendido y al final hayas podido terminarla después de tanto tiempo. Fue un camino un tanto tortuoso para ti, pero lo lograste y me da mucho gusto que estés contenta con el resultado. <3 Voy a extrañar con todo mi ser a estos dos, y a Sohee todavía más (⊙﹏⊙) Peeeeero en mi cabeza y en mi corazón siempre van a estar y ahora puedo vivir tranquila después de haber sufrido tanto (o más, de hecho u.u) con ellos jajaja

¡Gracias, Caro! Por amar tanto al Sulay y regalarnos tan bonitas historias ༼ つ♥ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ♥ 。°* ♥・。♥°* Ahora ya me voy... Qué vergüenza ponerme tan sentimental JAJAJA <33
IAmMissTerious #9
Chapter 29: Noo it ended ;-;
It was so goodddd ;-;
MerbinWilk #10
Chapter 29: I am so sad this has ended. Hope you write more stories.