Chapter 22

The Unlikely Match

Turn of Events

“If you keep taking those pill, one day you will truly not feel anything.”

The doctor had mentioned that continuous intake of the emotion suppressants could lead to his brain losing all ability to identify emotions, and him losing the ability to feel them. Junmyeon had been taking them for a week now, but it could take a couple of months before reaching that stage. There wasn’t a bone in Junmyeon that cared. Why should that matter? Feeling happy, feeling sad, feeling angry, he couldn’t find any reason why it was vital for his survival. Currently, he was doing much better without them. Although the memories of Zhang Yixing were still in his brain, the recall of them no longer affected him. He remembered what had occurred between him and Zhang Yixing, but that didn’t change his mood anymore. He didn’t cry or feel his body physically hurt. The thoughts of the man no longer distressed him, they were just there like fuzz floating in the air. With nothing to hinder him from thinking clearly, Junmyeon had returned to the company. He could concentrate on work and how to make the business flourish even more. By the second day, he had already fallen back into the routine. He thought he was finally a useful entity and not a crying burden.

“You’re not even real,” Junmyeon said, swallowing the pill and looking away from the illusion of a man with dimples standing next to him on the mirror. Some of the most common secondary effects of taking emotions suppressants were nausea and sleep deprivation, sometimes worse things could happen, but Junmyeon was experiencing hallucinations instead of that. It couldn’t be due to lack of sleep, he had slept well the whole week. But going to the doctors and ask why visions of Zhang Yixing sometimes appeared before him wasn’t a choice, not when he was taking drugs that had not been prescribed to him. Asking Yifan would only lead to a speech on why he shouldn’t be doing that and more things Junmyeon didn’t care to listen.

A make-up girl walked inside the dressing room, and Junmyeon closed his eyes to let her embellish his face. When she was done, and he looked around, the illusion of Zhang Yixing had left him. His interview would take place next. He left the dressing room and followed a producer to the set.

Today, almost one month since his relationship ended, Junmyeon would make an official statement. An extensive discussion between him and Minseok’s team had happened last week. They had to decide details like where, when and how to say it, most importantly a way people wouldn’t disapprove of Junmyeon and damage his image. They reached to answer that would hopefully avoid that. Since Junmyeon was no longer an emotional mess, he accepted to talk about it during live television. It was unlikely that he’d have a break-down or appear too saddened by it. There wouldn’t be a risk of embarrassing himself in front of millions.

Junmyeon walked into the set while the audience received him amid cheers and claps. Unlike the previous times he had done this, he didn’t feel any nervousness at all. Talking live used to have that effect on him, mainly because it would be digitally stored for ages to come. On the outside, he had always portrayed a calm demeanor, but deep, deep inside he had always feared he’d make a mistake. All that self-doubt was gone now. He didn’t feel anything except a little bit of hunger and tiredness from having woken up early to memorize the script Minseok had given him. After greeting and thanking the hostess, Luna, for her invitation, Junmyeon sat down on the chair in front of her.

Evening Talks with Luna was one of the most cherished talk shows, with high ratings even during peak hours. It was all due to Luna having been a child celebrity and earning everyone’s heart while growing up. Well in her adult years, her popularity was still intact. When her talk show had debuted, Junmyeon had been one of her first guests. And it was there that people had gotten to see the more human side of his character, or the persona Minseok wanted him to portray, not who they had assumed Junmyeon was. Nevertheless, after that appearance, the public began taking Junmyeon’s candidature into consideration. So, Minseok had chosen this talk show precisely for that reason. Other upsides were Luna’s kind and calm mannerisms, one that would not try to ruin his reputation. The relaxed and informal setting of it all was also a better option than Junmyeon making an official announcement on a press conference. Ever since last week, when it had been revealed that Junmyeon would attend tonight’s show (alone), it had been what everyone had talked about. People had many speculations of what Junmyeon would say tonight, most of them accurately brought up it would be about he and Yixing, given that they hadn’t been seen together in public for almost a month.

Here sat Junmyeon, chatting with Luna about what he has been up to these days, the holidays and such trivial matters. One of the downsides of the emotions suppressants was that Junmyeon no longer reacted by instinct. If someone made a joke, he’d have to process the words in his mind and think whether he was supposed to laugh. He had to think when to smile, frown, grimace, make sure his voice didn’t sound too monotonous or make another gesture at what people were saying. The lack of comprehension of what he should feel when being surrounded by others, disconnected him from the world. It could be quite mentally tiresome to think about how to behave ‘normal’ around others. But Luna was one of those people that would smile or laugh to make her guests’ feel comfortable, like an open book she gave away what she felt. Reciprocating her gestures was quick and easy to catch. And Minseok had already shown him what questions she’d ask, what topics they’d talk about. So, Junmyeon knew what to expect and what to say. He just hoped that the way he moved the muscles of his face were convincing enough to pass as smiles, laughter, or whatever it was he was supposed to feel.

“We haven’t seen much of you and Yixing recently,” Luna said, shifting the conversation into that topic, “We were expecting holiday updates, right everyone?” she asked, looking at the public seated in front of them. Everyone agreed. “How are things between you two?”

Junmyeon inhaled as if having a hard time thinking of what to say when he knew exactly every word by heart. It was here Minseok had said he was supposed to feign sadness, but how did sadness use to feel? He thought of Yixing screaming he was despicable, of Yixing ignoring his ‘I love you,’ of Yixing ignoring him, but nothing occurred. The memories were just there. Frowning, was that it? Fidgeting with his fingers in nervousness? Smiling ruefully? Or perhaps pouting? What did he use to feel?

“Junmyeon, are you okay?” Luna questioned with a confused face.

“I’m sorry, it’s still hard for me to talk about it,” Junmyeon said at last. His struggle to find the correct reactions had passed by as struggles to find words, he hoped. The intonation in his voice must have worked because Luna smiled understandingly at him. “Yixing and I have ended our relationship.” That one sentence, on the other hand, came with an impassive face, a dead voice.

The audience gasped, let out noises or words of discontentment, others were eagerly typing on their phones or taking pictures of him. Luna handed him a box of tissues and a glass of water. Junmyeon only accepted the drink and took a sip before he began clarifying why they had broken up. Just like he had told people previously, and Minseok agreed they shared that ‘truth,’ irreconcilable differences, that had been the main cause of their break-up. Needless to say, Junmyeon had omitted the actuals reasons, but those ones nobody else besides Tao and Yixing should know. Instead, Junmyeon explained that nobody had been at fault, they had genuinely cared about each other, a lot, but slowly they had realized they were way too different to live in harmony forever. The fights had come until they became too much to deal with.

Junmyeon hadn’t asked Yixing whether it was okay to say those things in public, but he knew that for Yixing he’ll always be a liar, so why should he even ask?

In conclusion, Junmyeon told the audience that an unlikely match like theirs had sadly not worked out as everyone had been rooting for. When Junmyeon had finished, some people in the audience were blowing their noses and wiping their tears. Junmyeon was supposed to shed a few tears like it was meant on the script, but even while looking at those persons he didn’t feel inclined to do anything, other than wanting to grab a bite of those cheese appetizers he had seen backstage. Not blinking for a minute or two didn’t do the trick either.

“I’m truly sorry to hear that,” Luna said, apparently also affected by the news, “You and Yixing made such a beautiful couple.”

People in the audience clapped and agreed with her. But someone shouted, ‘He’s your perfect match! Why aren’t you trying harder?’ At that question, others also began questioning their break-up choice or voicing out their concerns. Had people always been this prying? Junmyeon had always been annoyed by it before, but now, he just wondered why it was like that. What was so interesting about their life? Luna tried to calm down the uproar. In his earpiece, Minseok said they’ll go to a commercial break, and Junmyeon didn’t have to answer anything. But even if Minseok reprimanded him for doing this later, Junmyeon wouldn’t be able to feel sorry about it. Quite frankly he didn’t care much about getting scolded or called a liar or much worse. He thought he should care about ensuring that the campaign, the company, and his family were pleased with everything he did. Which was why he couldn’t let these people turn against him. Junmyeon could think with clarity now. And his current purpose was to save his campaign and don’t lose the lead in the elections. With all those thoughts in mind, he went off script.

“We did try. A lot. But some things are beyond repair, and it’s out of our hands to mend them. Rather than to condemn ourselves into unhappiness, it’s better to go our separate ways. After all, the System’s main purpose is to guarantee our happiness. It seems rather counterproductive to subject oneself to unhappiness.”

The spectators had calmed down their ruckus and listened to what Junmyeon had answered. Another viewer asked to get the word and got handed a microphone. Luna explained to the cameras that it seemed the questions from the audience segment would be much earlier tonight, one segment Junmyeon wasn’t even supposed to take part in (it was meant for another guest). He continued ignoring Minseok yelling on his earpiece to shut up.

“Then, are you saying the System took the wrong decision? You don’t believe in its choice?” asked a young man.

Thankfully, he could think faster now. “I do believe in it. Just like the one-point-five percent of couples that believed in their results but ended up in divorce or break-up. Sometimes the right choices aren’t meant to be for all of us. I consider myself lucky for having met my perfect match, and I wouldn’t have wanted any other outcome. But sometimes it just not enough, and it doesn’t work out in the end, no matter how much you try. Unfortunately, we fell into that percentage.”

And that answer seemed to have the crowd pleased because the questioner nodded and began clapping, along with everyone else, including Luna.

This time an elder woman took the microphone. “What about Yixing? Why isn’t he here to explain his side of the story?”

Junmyeon cleared his throat. “I decided to come out here on my own and be honest with everyone who has been waiting for news about us. But Yixing has always been a reserved and private person. Being in the spotlight has been quite draining for him. I would appreciate it if you could give him space and don’t disturb him on this topic in the future. I’m the election candidate, not him.”

The public agreed to that, but Junmyeon knew someone would do otherwise regardless.

“Do you still talk?” came another question from a woman possibly his age. “Will there be any chance of reconciliation in the future?”

“We ended things on good terms but are holding our distance for now. It’s easier to cope with the heartbreak that way. And we both are of the mind that some things can be… Irreparable.”

There were more questions after that, each one answered as eloquently as he could, and with what was hopefully the right reactions. Most of the inquiries were the same, why, how and if there really wouldn’t be a chance of reconciliation. Others were, would Junmyeon marry someone else in the future, maybe search for his adequate match? No, he wouldn’t. Why? Having already experienced what he and Yixing had, he wasn’t eager to try again. So, Junmyeon would have no family or husband in the future? Most probably not. Didn’t he mind being alone for the rest of his life? Only time would tell. But I’ve been alone most of my life, that was a thought Junmyeon didn’t share with anyone. After what seemed hours, but probably lasted around twenty minutes, Luna announced she had to go on with her next guest, and Junmyeon answered one last question.

“How are you feeling, Junmyeon?” was the question.

Nothing. Junmyeon wasn’t feeling anything; only what physiological needs his body had. But before that, there had been something. For once in this interview, he decided to be honest with everyone. “I’m hanging in there,” he said, doing his best to add a convincing smile, a muscle movement that nowadays only hurt his cheeks.





Junmyeon’s appearance on Evening Talks with Luna had been one of the most-watched episodes ever. Almost everyone in the country had tuned in to see what he had to say. With those numbers in mind, just like Junmyeon had guessed, Minseok had been angry with him for having ignored the script, his commands on the earpiece and talking freely with the audience. Junmyeon hadn’t been affected by his advisor’s worries, not even while he saw Minseok frantically pacing around and freaking out about what people would think now, how one of those statements could easily be taken out of context by his rivals and their followers, how it could cost them everything they’ve worked for all these years. Would there even be a prospect for retrieval? At some point Minseok had also said he’d quit, he wouldn’t be able to handle the inevitable backlash.

As the days passed after the interview, the fears turned out to be unfounded. Contrary to the belief that it was over for Junmyeon’s campaign, people were taking the bad news and somewhat bold statements in a good way. Sure, most of them felt disappointed that their ‘beloved pair’ wasn’t together anymore and couldn’t help voicing out their disappointment. Overall, though, it had started a discussion regarding different matters. One of them was the stigma of not being with one’s perfect match. People who had gone trough Junmyeon’s experience praised him for bravely telling the nation about it, the hardships of accepting that not everything was perfect or meant to be. Others acclaimed that it could have been easier for Yixing and Junmyeon to remain in a loveless relationship for the sake of appearances like maybe many others did, but when it came to matchmaking, just like Junmyeon had said, the System’s choices were meant to end in love and happiness. If that wasn’t the case for either Yixing and Junmyeon, then in a way they could understand why it was over and they were better off without each other. That was the other issue that was being debated over keyboards mostly, could the System’s advice sometimes not be the right one for everyone? Junmyeon had been invited to further discuss those topics by different media, but it was too soon to take any political stance and continuing testing the waters seemed a safer option.

There was also talk about how genially sorry and upset Junmyeon was that things hadn’t worked out between him and Yixing. People pointed out how devoid of emotion Junmyeon had been during some parts of the interview, almost to an abnormal scary point. It must have taken a lot of guts for him to be there and recall the rupture.

But most importantly, everyone was respecting and admiring Junmyeon’s honesty and loyalty. It showed that in times of distress he would remain truthful to the nation. He was only being human, and not acting as the embodiment of perfection most candidates appeared to be. He was someone worthy of their trust. All in all, the break-up had turned out to be in favor of Junmyeon. He was still on the run for leadership of the nation, not that Junmyeon cared much about having that job, he was merely doing it for his duty.

As Junmyeon had seen the headlines, heard people on television discuss the latest sensational topic, read the opinions on social media, or as he was doing right now, listening to Minseok eagerly report the reactions, he didn’t feel anything. Not a tiny bit of happiness or relief at knowing that he hadn’t lost anything, that he was still a respectable candidate with integrity that the people esteemed. It just meant he would have to continue making sure nobody would be disappointed.

“Junmyeon, are you listening? Your numbers have risen by zero-point-zero, and zero three percent since that night! If we keep this rate growth until the end of the year, you might be ahead of Taehyuk by two units. The difference can be substantial by the election year.”

The only thing Junmyeon thought of was how hard and uncomfortable the seat’s cushion was. He’ll have to tell Minseok to change the conference room’s chairs or order it himself. “I hear you. And that’s great.”

“Your face doesn’t seem to think that. Are you sure you’re okay?”

He had forgotten to add a smile. How bothersome to try to remember reacting every single time. Junmyeon nodded his head while standing up. “Yes, I am. I must go now. I have lunch with my mother. See you later, Minseok.”

Minseok said goodbye, still looking at him dumbfounded.

Junmyeon had promised his mother that they would eat lunch together every day for now. When she had returned from the trip, they had talked, and she said how concerned she had been about him and thought it was enough time to be sad on his own. Junmyeon shouldn’t be pushing away everyone who cared about him, they just wanted to be there for him. Which was why his mother had asked him to please at least eat with her one meal just so she could check on him. Junmyeon had accepted, not because he felt guilty or anything else toward his mother’s worries, but because he didn’t want her to be upset. If eating with her was all it took to avoid that, then he’ll do it.

Today they were eating together at that French restaurant again. His father couldn’t join them due to an urgent meeting at Kim Industries with some partners. While eating, Junmyeon listened to his mother speak about various topics he frankly didn’t care about. Why should he be concerned about his second cousin expecting her third baby? Or the fact people in this and that country were in crisis? But of course, he put effort into appearing interested and engrossed in the conversation. It was also preferable than talking about himself and what he felt like his mother had tried to do the first day they saw each.

“So, how are you doing now?” His mother asked once she was done eating. “I see things are going better for you with the campaign.”

Junmyeon chewed and swallowed his last bite before answering. “Fine. And yes, that has been great for us, mom. Minseok is happy.”

“And you?”

“I am too. It’s good news. I may actually win.”

His mother didn’t seem convinced by that answer. No wonder she asked again, “Are you sure you’re doing okay?”

A smile, Junmyeon did that muscle movement to reassure his mother he was happy. “Mom, I’m doing better. Promise.”

She reached forward to hold his chin tenderly. “You’re smiling, Myeonnie. But I see no happiness in your eyes, only emptiness.”

There was supposed to be some meaning behind his mother’s word, perhaps more worry over him. But Junmyeon didn’t put much effort into thinking further. His mother could have an intuition that he was in fact not feeling anything at all, but overtime Junmyeon would get better at mimicking emotions and maybe it would reach his eyes too. He just needed more practice. As long as Junmyeon didn’t do anything drastic, his mother had nothing to worry about. He reached his hand to hold his mother’s hand. “Thank you for worrying over me, mom. But I’m doing fine, you’ll see.” Although the act didn’t entirely make her believe it, she did let the topic go. Before leaving the restaurant, she said would go to the lady’s room while Junmyeon asked for the check.

He had just given the waiter his credit card when the seat in front of him was occupied. Choi Haewon sat in front of him, smiling in a way that was meant to be flirty?

“Hi Junie,” she greeted him with what should be considered an overly sweet tone.

Irritation, her mere presence used to cause such strong feeling within him. Now, though, Junmyeon wasn’t bothered by her company, only asked himself what she wanted. He remembered the last time they had seen each other, when her face had landed on chocolate cake frosting, and Haewon never approached him again after that. “Choi Haewon,” Junmyeon said.

“I heard what happened,” Haewon said, not hiding her pleased grin, “I always knew you two weren’t meant to be. You were way too good for that peasant.”

He should have said something, but Junmyeon didn’t feel persuaded to say anything in return. He had always known Haewon spoke ill of anyone she didn’t like. And hearing her insult Zhang Yixing and their relationship didn’t wake any need to protect it, or say she was wrong. He only continued listening to her ramble but not bothering forging a reaction with his face. Most of her words reached one ear and left through the other, just like anything that wasn’t important nowadays did. In his mind, he was thinking of what to gift his father for his birthday that was in February, and that would be soon. Junmyeon did pay attention when suddenly Haewon’s hand was on top of his. She had some sweaty palms.

“I’m always gonna be there for you, Junmyeon. Any day, anytime, just call me, and I’ll be there.”

Was there supposed to be a suggestive tone to that? Either way, Junmyeon didn’t care to think about it. “Aren’t you dating your perfect match?” If he remembered correctly, Minho had told him a couple months ago that she had finally decided to let go of her crush for him and be with who the System had picked for her.

Haewon rolled her eyes. “If you could let go of that man, why couldn’t I? Sometimes, the System’s choices aren’t for us, right? Besides, you and I make a perfect couple.”

“I’m not remotely interested nor ually attracted to you. And I would never feel anything for you either,” Junmyeon said with that monotonous voice that seemed to be his natural voice nowadays.

That didn’t make her smile fade, in fact, it got wider, “Details. But if you ever change your mind and decide to search for another life partner, choose me, Junie. I wouldn’t mind it being a marriage of convenience,”

Junmyeon was ready to talk again but was interrupted by her.

“I know what you said on Luna’s talk show. But I also know the old Kims are very traditional. They want you to have a child that can serve as the second heir of Kim Industries, secure someone for the next generation. Right? Perhaps your grandparents won’t pressure you now when the break-up is still a fresh wound. But later, who knows.”

That… Did make some sense. His grandparents certainly wanted him to have a family. Although they had never fully approved of his match with Zhang Yixing, they still had subtly but clearly told him what they expected of them: to have a surrogate mother that would carry Junmyeon’s child, not adoption like many same- couples’ opted for and resulted in adopting a child the System matched them with (Like Park Chanyeol and Do Kyungsoo had done). His grandparents had wanted them to have a baby with Kim blood running in their veins. Sometimes his grandparents, from both sides, could have very outdated ideas.

The sound of Junmyeon’s mother clearing made Haewon withdraw her hand and stand up to greet her. Before leaving, Haewon looked at him and said, “Just think about it, Junie.”

Junmyeon saw her go back to her table, where she had been eating with her friends.

“What was that about?” asked his mother, raising one eyebrow in suspicion.


For now, his grandparents hadn’t said much other than giving him their condolences over the rupture with Zhang Yixing: ‘that’s such a bummer’ and ‘we hope you’re recovering well, Junmyeon.’ But if one day they did ask him to have a successor, maybe even pushed him to marry whoever they deemed suitable for the task, now that the System had failed, then there was one option. Single parenting wasn’t what he wanted. Spending his life with someone nagging why he never felt anything wasn’t it either. At least Haewon would have that clear, and if there were a bone in her capable of feeling it, she would perhaps love that child, something he undoubtedly never would.





Ever since realizing he was an unreadable, Yixing had avoided crowded or public places. He went from work back home, from home to work. A little bit of paranoia had been accompanying him these days. He tried his best to lay low and not raise any suspicious during his final weeks in this country. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol thought it was rather strange, but assumed it had to do with him avoiding Junmyeon or nosy people. At least Tao had kept his words and around two weeks after their meeting, Yixing had been notified that his request to move abroad had been approved by the Migration Office. He hadn’t needed to get his mental health tested. And although that notion had brought him a bit of relief, everything had turned worse when Junmyeon decided to share ‘their truth’ in national television.

Yixing hadn’t seen the show. Why would he want to see the face of Junmyeon lying to everyone? He had already experienced it first-hand. As much as he had tried to ignore it, the rest of the country hadn’t done so, and they were all eagerly discussing it. One way or another those video clips of Junmyeon answering questions about their former relationship had made their way to Yixing’s social media accounts, sometimes even co-workers or acquaintances had messaged him asking if this or that was true. He had to admit, Junmyeon truly had cunning campaign advisors. For someone else that might have been the end, but the whole issue had worked in Junmyeon’s favor. ‘Kim Junmyeon: The Most Trustworthy Candidate?’ had Yixing read a headline on a column in the newspaper the other day. If only they knew. And Junmyeon could indeed play the role of a man devoid of emotions, which only earned more sympathy from the foolish people. However, in some instances, Yixing did believe Junmyeon was faking most of what he felt. He hated how well he had come to know the man because he knew that none of the smiles Junmyeon had shown were genuine. Those eyes had lost the gleam of happiness that used to be there. Still, why should Yixing care about him? Yixing should be more worried about himself.

Having been in a relationship with a public figure like Junmyeon had been hard in the past, ending the said relationship was much worse. The day after the program, Yixing arrived at the flower shop only to see it flocked by reporters or media outlets wanting to have his exclusive statement. Yixing later found out that in the show Junmyeon had asked that they let him alone, but neither of those vultures had listened. For days they camped outside his workplace and temporary home, probably until Yixing would say something more than ‘no comment.’ Even normal people approached him and asked about his break-up with Junmyeon, but Yixing refused to talk about it. It was Junmyeon’s lie, and he should deal with it. But the intrusion was angering him and raising his stress levels. He was starting to worry whether someone would notice that he was indeed stressed and frustrated, but it never showed on his Emotion Watch. Wearing long sleeves didn’t help either because the watches could shine through it. Paranoia, he had to get out of there fast. Luckily for him, the situation didn’t last for long, and some police officers, or ‘crime prevention enforcers,’ had come to disperse the commotion and make sure he wasn’t being bothered and chased anymore. Tao must have sent them, still trying to make it up for him. Too bad nothing he did would ever achieve that. Eventually, everyone left Yixing alone, and he could work in peace without having nosy reporters or officers babysitting him. Although normal people still bothered him to get his side of the false story.

On the bright side, Yixing would be free from all this drama and unwanted attention in one week. Everything was ready for his leave. Surprisingly, nobody had gotten a tip regarding his move abroad. Perhaps there was some privacy left in this country. Yixing had already mailed his parents some boxes he couldn’t take with him on the plane. And most of his stuff was already packed. It was difficult trying to forget your ex when everyone was talking so highly of him or when his face appeared almost everywhere you saw. Despite the hurt and betrayal, Yixing had a hard time not missing him sometimes, even though Junmyeon didn’t deserve any of it. He had fallen for a pretense, but it still affected him. He also thought of how he would probably never come back to this country so there won’t be a chance they’d ever see each other again. That was a good thing. But the stupid heart wants what it wants, and he felt a tinge of sadness. Then, he remembered everything Junmyeon had done to him and all that disappeared to be replaced with irritation. Leaving was the right thing to do.

Tonight, Yixing was working late. He decided to arrange on his own the final centerpieces for a christening tomorrow. The other workers should enjoy their Saturday night. His mind tended to get distracted when he worked, and he often forgot to think about what went on in the outside world, with lying boyfriends being praised, authorities after him and whatnot. He was listening to some music in the background, humming to the tune. There were only two flower arrangements left.

When the front door suddenly opened, Yixing looked up from his working table. He turned off the music and went to see who had walked in. A young man wearing a winter jacket twice his size had stepped inside. After Sooyoung had left, Yixing had forgotten to lock the door. He shouldn’t be this careless.

“Sorry, but we’re closed,” Yixing said. It was odd that the man had missed it, Sooyoung did turn around the sign that said closed.

“I know,” the man said, “But my phone ran out of battery, and I was wondering if I could charge it here for some minutes?” he asked, holding up said items.

Well, Yixing was going to stay here a while longer. The man seemed genuine too, and the smile on his lips reminded Yixing of a cat smiling. He couldn’t be harmful, could he? And this neighborhood was rarely the cause of any attempts at crimes either. “There’s an extension cord behind the counter.” He took the phone and charger from the stranger’s hand and made his way over there. After plugging it in, he stood up and went back to his working table. From his seat, he could see the man, who was looking around and observing the plant and flowers. Eventually, the man walked to stand in front of him.

“You’re Zhang Yixing, right? Junmyeon’s ex?”

“I have no comments regarding the situation with Junmyeon,” Yixing cut him off, “My private life is, and will remain off limits.” If the man was some sneaky reporter thinking he could fool Yixing into talking, he was utterly mistaken.

Another smile from his mysterious companion appeared. “I wasn’t going to ask for your opinion about it.”

“Sorry, I’m quite used to people only asking me about it.”

They remained quiet while Yixing finished the centerpiece. He was just starting to set up the second-to-last one when the stranger talked again.

“But if I were to say anything, it’d be that it must have been your fault.”

Yixing dropped his scissors on the table and looked at him confused. “What?”

“You must have cheated on Junmyeon with Kim Jongin or something along those lines… But Junmyeon is a gentleman and said no one was to blame.”

His eyebrows met in a frown. What kind of audacity did that man have to say that? This must be one of Junmyeon’s obsessive supporters, believing or making up theories on why Yixing wasn’t talking about the matter at all. He had enough with reading how a few people badmouthed him online, he wasn’t going to allow it to his face. “Your phone must have some battery now.” Yixing stood up.

“You and Jongin were really close, weren’t you? Did Junmyeon find out about your affair only just now?” the odd, annoying man asked while following him close behind.

Yixing bent down and unplugged the cord.

“Are you happy you broke poor Junmyeon’s heart? He who loved you so much.”’

He ‘broke poor Junmyeon’s heart?’ ‘Who loved him so much?’ Yixing almost laughed, almost. His hands itched to drag and push the man outside, but his common sense said it was better not to. Getting physical with someone one week before leaving could put at risk everything. Instead, he held out the charger and the phone for the man to grab. “You can leave now.”

The man didn’t take the items. “So, how does it feel being a liar, Yixing? A cheating bastard with no morals?”

Liar? Screw common sense. Yixing threw what he was holding on the floor and grabbed the stranger by his jacket, drawing him closer. Perhaps his advantage in height would help him intimidate the other man, the anger in his face must be helping. “Shut your mouth! Who the hell do you think you are? You don’t know anything!”

While smiling ruefully at him, the stranger said, “I’m afraid I do know a lot… Unreadable.”

Yixing’s jaw dropped while his eyes widened. How did he know? Who was this person? Too thunderstruck to even react, he didn’t think of fleeing or doing something to stop the stranger. It wasn’t until now he realized the man had never taken off his right hand from his pocket before. Suddenly, he saw the man taking out and holding one of those modern gun’s ordinary people could only see in pictures. The gun was pointed at him, and the stranger pulled the trigger, but instead of bullets being fired, a dart injection of some kind pierced through the skin of his arm.


That was the last thing Yixing heard.





On this Sunday morning, Junmyeon sat on his dining table eating breakfast. Taeyong had brought him the food along with his mail from this week. The ghost of a man with a dimpled smile accompanied him. By now he had gotten used to ignoring the ghost’s presence telling him to stop taking the emotion suppressants. His fingers were more occupied scrolling through the envelopes, opening and reading them. Bills and other vital documents were not included in this batch of letters. These ones were invitations to this upcoming charity event, this gala, this wedding, this opening night, and so forth. He always liked to read what he would be getting himself into before telling Taeyong to confirm his attendance. But then, he found a golden envelope that stood out from the rest. It was addressed to him in calligraphy, but only the initials of his name had been written ‘K.J.M.’ not ‘Mr. Kim Junmyeon’ like the others. Junmyeon opened it because it was the next one on the pile, not because he was intrigued or anything. Inside was a white card with golden letters with the same calligraphy handwriting.


Quitting the battle returns what your heart longs for.

Grains of sands will fall until the full moon

During which no one shall come for your succor.

Or the dissident bird caged will remain till the end of time.


“What do you think it is?” the illusion of Zhang Yixing asked. The next time he saw the doctor that had given him the emotions suppressant, he’d have to ask how to end the hallucinations. It was getting too much.

A letter from his supporters must have mixed with his invitations, that must be how the card ended in that heap of envelopes. He would often get letters from people telling him why they were on his side, about their concerns and other reasons his supporters thought they needed to reach out to him. There was always a pre-made response letter to their correspondence that Minseok had asked someone more expressive to write for him, but the letters were all signed by Junmyeon. From time to time, he did read some of the mail from his supporters and would personally choose which type of response to give. This letter was probably a poem, not an impressive one, someone had wanted to share with him. Junmyeon couldn’t find himself to care or try to understand its meaning.

“Trash,” he said to himself and tossed away the card on the table. He grabbed the cup of coffee and took another sip, reviewing in his mind the answers for his interview with some journal in the afternoon.




Wow, we’ve officially passed 100K words. You guys still reading this are stronger than the us marines asdfjyjdhsdg. Seriously, thanks for keeping up with me despite my disappearance and all that.

100K… that’s truly a lot :o I feel somewhat proud? But also, that somehow it means I still haven’t improved my verbosity, especially when I narrate haha. But writing this is just for fun anyway :3

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LalaLola #1
Chapter 1: Omg such an ugly personality. I hope he will learn.
Chapter 29: Hello, my child!

Wow, what a lame SuLay reader and mom I've been :(( I just finished reading the fic after many tries. I was legit scared it would end up Joonmyeon being the bad guy, but I said this, Caro writes good fics and I will read them no matter how tragic they will be. And voila! It wasn't! And I am happy Joonmyeon got the redemption arc. :) Thank you so much for this fic. It was so well-written and I love reading long chapters. Yes to your new attitude towards writing! No one should dictate how you write your stories. They're yours alone and you should be able to have fun while writing them. Keep writing, anak!

Thank you again and till your next works! :) *KUDOS*
Venus23 #3
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for writing this story! I love it
fuschiapinks #4
i feel really sad now that my fave fave FAVE story is over. no more waiting anxiously each week, wondering what will happen now to joon and xing. I love you for writing this, thank you for not giving up. The ending is sweet and open for an imagination how their life will be next. I can still feel their love for each other still linger there.
thank you author-nim for this 28 parts of rollercoaster ride!
NarwhalPower #5
Chapter 29: I'm about to sob. I'll never be able to read anything again without thinking of how amazing this story was. Thank you for not giving up, author! <3
Chapter 29: TT... huhuhu... I love this story so much. Thank you so much. This story is beautiful.!!
Chapter 29: I don't think I say this enough but I really love your fics TT thank you for writing for us and giving us so many quality fics. From the plot to the characterization, you've never disappointed me!

I'm also happy with how this fic ended, I'm glad they all have their own happy ending. And for once I don't want to hit either one of them so yixing and junmyeon please live happily together forever i love you guys bye.
Chapter 29: ¿Cómo se supone que siga viviendo después de esto????? No puedo creer que esto ya se haya terminado... sólo... así... :)))))) ASjkjsks esto fue tan bello TT No tengo palabras para expresar lo bonito que fue todo jajaja es que fue algo tan bien pensado que me sorprende no poder tenerlo en formato físico, con la forma de, ya sabes, un libro. Eso es algo que realmente compraría xD

No, pero en serio... ¡LO AMÉ CON TODO MI SERRRRR! El final fue perfecto. Simplemente perfecto. Ni siquiera sé qué decir JAJAJA Estoy en shock (pero muy contenta, de hecho) por Jongin y Minseok asjksjs qué bonito que Nini haya encontrado con quién ser feliz, después de todo lo que pasó :') Y la bebé de Tao y Kris... creo que la imagen alimentó mi corazón sólo un poco demasiado :'))) No voy a ponerme a hablar de cada uno porque nunca terminaría, pero repito, fue perfecto. <3333

No tienes idea de lo mucho que agradezco que no te hayas rendido y al final hayas podido terminarla después de tanto tiempo. Fue un camino un tanto tortuoso para ti, pero lo lograste y me da mucho gusto que estés contenta con el resultado. <3 Voy a extrañar con todo mi ser a estos dos, y a Sohee todavía más (⊙﹏⊙) Peeeeero en mi cabeza y en mi corazón siempre van a estar y ahora puedo vivir tranquila después de haber sufrido tanto (o más, de hecho u.u) con ellos jajaja

¡Gracias, Caro! Por amar tanto al Sulay y regalarnos tan bonitas historias ༼ つ♥ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ♥ 。°* ♥・。♥°* Ahora ya me voy... Qué vergüenza ponerme tan sentimental JAJAJA <33
IAmMissTerious #9
Chapter 29: Noo it ended ;-;
It was so goodddd ;-;
MerbinWilk #10
Chapter 29: I am so sad this has ended. Hope you write more stories.