Chapter 18

Poor People Don't Deserve Happy Endings.


"What are you guys doing?" Dongwoo circled his arm around Haerin while asking the man with such threatening voice. 

"That girl, we found her first," the leader from another group demanded. 

Dongwoo scoffed and patter Haerin's shoulder while she was just awkwardly standing there, tucked safely underneath Dongwoo's arm.

Suddenly, Hoya appeared from behind his men and slowly approached the leader. He looked up and coldly stared into his and the other men's eyes. Some of the stepped back, being intimidated by his strong gaze. Suddenly one of the man's breathe hitched. He quickly scrambled to his leader who was standing face to face with Hoya and whispered something to the leaders ears, whose eyes just widened in response. He looked at Hoya, but the flame in his eyes died down, replaced by a fearful one.

Hoya didn't say a word. He just stood there calmly and yet it was intimidating for others. 

Suddenly the other group's leader quickly bowed and ran away with all of his men. Hoya just smirked at their disappearing figures while Dongwoo and the others laughed. 

"Look at them, being scared out of their guts," Dongwoo shaking his head disapprovingly while releasing Haerin from his arms.

"They look like a bunch of pigs being chased by dogs," one of the man commented, earning laughter from others. 

Hoya turned his body and quickly softened as he looked at Haerin. "You okay?" he gently asked while observing her face and body. She quickly nodded and bowed, "I'm totally fine, thank you so much for helping me," she sincerely said. Hoya just softly smiled. *If only there's someone who saved her back then* Hoya thought bitterly. 

Haerin turned around to face Dongwoo and quickly bowed, "you too. Thanks for helping me," she said. Dongwoo use patted her shoulder before leaving with other men to give Haerin and Hoya a chance to talk. 

"Where are you going in the middle of the night like this alone?" Hoya asked.

"Umm, I'm going home actually. It's just nearby," She said. Hoya nodded to himself. "Well, I'll walk you home, just in case," he offered her. She hesitated for a moment, but agreed at last second. *Well, it's just nearby anyway* she thought. "Let's go," Hoya said. 

They were walking sided by side, awkwardness filled the air. Hoya wasn't good at words, to begin with, and neither is Haerin. They just walked side by side, leaving a good distance between them. 

"Haerin!" Suddenly someone shouted from the distance. They both looked up and found Woohyun running to her direction. He quickly held both of her shoulders, still panting hard. He observed her from head to toe. Hoya rolled his eyes *too late, you dumb-* he bitterly grumbled inside. 

"You okay? What happened?" Woohyun quickly questioned her, his voice and expression was flooded with worries. Haerin softened at the sight of someone truly worrying her like that. She smiled and nodded her head, "no worries, I'm alright," she ensured him. He released a relieved sighed. 

"Oh my God! I swore when I received your voice mail I was just scared. I ran away from the party just to look for you." "That explains the extra glamorous outfit," Hoya mumbled a little too loudly. Woohyun, just realizing Hoya's presence, eyed him in suspicion before looking back at Haerin. 

"Is he the one bothering you?" Woohyun asked. Haerin quickly shook her head while Hoya scoffed. "Yah, are you a man?" "Excuse me?" Woohyun raised his eyebrow in annoyance. Haerin quickly put her hand on Woohyun's chest, trying to calm him down. Hoya smirked, "If you're a real man, you should've known better than to send a girl off to such neighborhood full of criminals alone. You should've at least sent her off by a cab. God knows what would've happened to her if she didn't found my crew," Hoya scoffed again before looking away. 

Woohyun's eyes widened in horror as he quickly cradled her head, "What exactly happened, Haerin-ah?" He desperately asked. Haerin shook his hand away, "I'll explain later," she simply replied, earning a groan from Woohyun. Haerin turned to Hoya, "thank you for saving and walking me and I'm not Woohyun poppa's girlfriend, we're just friends. Thank you once again, you can go back now, I'll be ok now," she bowed sincerely. Hoya smiled at her before giving a slight nod and walked away. 

Woohyun and Haerin walked together to her house with her explaining the whole incident to him along the way. 

Hoya suddenly stopped on his track and looked up to the sky, gazing at the beautiful full moon. He smiled. *See, I saved someone who almost ended up the same way you did, sweety. Are you proud of me? I really hoped someone had been as kind as I did to you back then * he thought sadly as a tear escaped his eyes. He took a deep breathe, harshly wiped away his tears before continuing his journey.  



This is the very first time I'm talking to all of you, isn't it?

i'm so sorry for being such a snobby writer. 

Well, how's my story so far? I know there are heaps of flaws on my grammar and story lines, and for that I'm deeply sorry about it. 

I'll continue to imrpove and work as hard as I can.

The reason I won't be able to update a lot is because I'm moving away from my country. yipee! 

I'm going to college in another country and there are too many preparatios for it. So, I slacked quite a lot of times in updating *shame*

Anyway, I hope you all will forgive and continue to support me cause I'll do my best, I promise. 


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I wonder what happen to Hoya's past?
Please update!!!
Hoya is always the gentleman he is
Yes finally Hoya is here!!
It have been very long
Please update soon!!!
here come Hoya.......
Such a lovely sister. :'(
Awww<br />
This is so sad!!! >~<<br />
Sungjong is to sweet to get hurt!!!<br />
Woohyun is always the sweet one<br />
Sunggyu is always the caring one
Awww Woohyun and Sunggyu is so sweet and caring<br />
Please update!!
Love the story!!!<br />
Can't wait till Hoya appear!!<br />
I subscribed so you can have the energy to update!!!
smart_thing #10
Woah~ Good story<br />
Like it ^^