Chapter 15

Poor People Don't Deserve Happy Endings.


Haerin was running to her usual pick up spot, in front of the small bakery shop owned by a very nice ahjumma. She had been doing this every morning for the past 3 weeks. Sunggyu and Woohyun would pick her up every morning to help them handing out breakfasts. It's more of volunteering rather than working as she's not getting paid due to her request. She felt that they had helped her too many times, including paying for Sungjong's hospital bills, and it was her turn to at least gave something back to them. 

"Aigoo, Haerin-ah! Starting your day already?" The ahjumma of the bakery shop warmly greeted her.

Haerin gave a polite bow and smiled to the ahjumma, "ne, ahjumma. Good morning," she politely greeted back. These days the people around the neighborhood had been treating her nicer than before. Before, they only saw Haerin as a troublemaker, but now they greeted her and even talked to her. It's partly because she had been trying her best to show more respect and act warmer to everyone. 

"Aigoo, so polite. Have you had your breakfast?" the ahjumma asked nicely. 

Haerin shook her head, "No, ahjumma. Maybe later," she smiled. 

The ahjumma quickly shook her head, "No, no. You need to have a decent breakfast to start your day! hold on…" the ahjumma quickly scrambled inside her store and came out with a freshly baked bread and handed it to Haerin, "here, have some bread. Eat it while it's still fresh, arasso?" she said while smiling.

Haerin beamed and slightly bowed, "Kamsahamnida, ahjumma. I'll eat it well," she said. "Haerin-ah!" suddenly she heard Woohyun's voice calling for her. She turned her head and spotted Woohyun waving his hand from inside the van. "Ahjumma, I need to go now. Thank you for the bread. Have a nice day!" Haerin quickly bowed before running to the van. 

"Morning Haerin-ah," Sunggyu greeted her when she entered the van. "Morning Sunggyu oppa, Woohyun oppa," Haerin greeted back. 

"Woah, bread! It's looks delicious," Woohyun drooled. "Want some? The ahjumma gave it to me," Haerin offered both of them. They both shook their heads. "No, we already ate at home. I was just joking, you eat it," Woohyun encouragingly nodded. Haerin smiled before stuffing the fresh bread into . 


Today, they are handing breakfasts in the Hongdae area. They never did this in the Hongdae area before, that's why Sunggyu picked the area. The van stooped nearby an alley. 

"This is a new place, so the needy people here might not know what we're doing very well. That's why we need to drew people here," Sunggyu explained. "Woohyun and Haerin, you both go find those people and tell them to come here, ok?" He added. Both Woohyun and Haerin nodded their heads before exiting the van and went around finding beggars and homeless. 

"Haerin-ah, I think we should look under that tunnel," Woohyun suggested while pointing at a crossing tunnel. Haerin nodded her head and they both walked to the tunnel. As Woohyun had predicted, there was probably around 30 homeless and beggars sleeping there. Woohyun and Haerin looked at each other before smiling and stated their work. 

"Excuse me, sir," Woohyun knelt down in front of a man with thick beard. The man looked at Woohyun, confused. "If you like, we are handing free breakfast just across the road. You can come and get some," Woohyun offered. The man's eyes sparkled as he grabbed Woohyun's hand and patting it while smiling to him, showing his gratitude. Woohyun just smiled and nodded his head. 

They both continue to notice all the people inside the tunnel and soon the tunnel was empty as all the homeless and beggars went to crowd the van. After the last man was gone, Haerin and Woohyun did a high-five and quickly ran to the van.

"Great job, you two!" Sunggyu complimented as soon as both of them came back. "Now, quick! Feed the crowd," he added and they all quickly get to work. 

Soon, the crowd grew larger. More and more needy people joined the line. All three of them and other workers were busy handing all the foods. 

"What is this?!" Suddenly a very angered voice shouted. All of them looked back and found a group of men standing behind them, looking very angry. The needy people quickly ran away in fear. The group approached the van. Sunggyu quickly ordered all the helpers, Woohyun and Haerin to go inside the van, but both Haerin and Woohyun refused to.

"Yah! Who gave you the permission to cause such a riot?!" a short but fierce looking guy scolded. 

"Ah, we're very sorry. We're just social workers handing out free breakfasts for-" "Enough bull!" the guy spat. Sunggyu was taken back. "We're in charge of this area. As you all have caused a riot in our area without our permission, you all need to be punished, eh?" the guy smirked. "No, no, we'll-" "Shut up!" the man quickly shut Woohyun up. "Guys, let's teach them a lesson not to intrude other people's area." the men started to surround the van. The staff inside the van was shaking in fear. 

"Stop!" Haerin shouted and blocked the short guy who almost broke the van's window. "Stop, please. We'll just go. We won't come back to this area, please," Haerin pleaded.

"Aish, this girl!" the guy was raising his arm, almost hitting her. Both Woohyun and Sunggyu were alarmed and quickly scrambled to protect Haerin. 

"Dongwoo, don't you dare!" a very firm voice stopped the short guy. Dongwoo looked back and found Hoya, his boss, standing behind him with menacing glare. 

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I wonder what happen to Hoya's past?
Please update!!!
Hoya is always the gentleman he is
Yes finally Hoya is here!!
It have been very long
Please update soon!!!
here come Hoya.......
Such a lovely sister. :'(
Awww<br />
This is so sad!!! >~<<br />
Sungjong is to sweet to get hurt!!!<br />
Woohyun is always the sweet one<br />
Sunggyu is always the caring one
Awww Woohyun and Sunggyu is so sweet and caring<br />
Please update!!
Love the story!!!<br />
Can't wait till Hoya appear!!<br />
I subscribed so you can have the energy to update!!!
smart_thing #10
Woah~ Good story<br />
Like it ^^