affliction (Irene)

Mixed Paint
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Irene looks up and smiles at the approaching girl.


“Hey.” Amber sits in front of her, placing her bag beside her. She thanks the waiter for the menu but she doesn’t look at it.


“How are you? Where’s Krystal?” Irene missed her friend. Although they see each other in school, they haven’t been hanging out like they used to.


“I’m fine. Krystal is, too. But enough about us. I had a feeling you’re not doing well when I read your text. What happened?”


Irene smiles and promises to tell her everything while they eat lunch.


Words fail her. Although she easily speaks her mind, no words can ever express what she feels inside.


Words failed her when she left Seulgi. Words failed her when she hurt Wendy.




Amber looks up from eating her pasta, eyes full of concern and ears ready to listen.


“I’m afraid.”




Wendy is far too amazing and it kills Irene that every thought makes her smile, that every little thing reminds her of Wendy. Whenever something interesting happens, her immediate reaction is, “I should tell Wendy.”


It scares her. Seulgi used to give her butterflies. But Wendy is giving her birds, too strong and too chaotic in her stomach.




“No offense, Wendy. But this is the best carrot cake ever.”




“I’m kidding. I love yours better. But this is a close second! Taste it!”


Wendy opens at her girlfriend’s persistence. She looked like she would cry and Irene felt guilty for a good 2 seconds until Wendy smiles and nods.


“Ugh. This is good! Who baked this? Just wait, Irene! I’ll make a much better one next week!”




Irene orders a carrot cake from the restaurant. She’s not really up for heavy meals today. It’s probably not as good as Wendy’s but it’s still comfort food, anyway.


Amber looks at her curiously.


“What? Is there something on my face?” Irene takes the napkin and wipes the corners of .


Amber shakes her head. “Carrot cake?”


Irene puts the napkin down. “Yeah. My favorite.”


“But I thought…” Amber shakes her head. “Never mind. So tell me what happened.”




Irene sets schedules for herself and keeps them. On one Saturday morning, she planned to clean and rearrange her apartment. Excitement radiates her as she started dusting the bookshelf in the living room.


She kept the noise to a minimum while she padded through the apartment, not wanting to wake up Wendy knowing

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1714 streak #1
Chapter 23: Ah, this is the "fear is much worse than danger itself" personalified, tho in the end Irene do let go of that fear.
elrein #2
Chapter 23: Just found this story, and this is beautiful.
A whole rollercoaster emotions ㅠㅠ.
Thank you, author!
daot10 #3
Chapter 4: oof can't believe i only found this. i like the slight nonlinearity, makes me have to work my brain a little, yet it's structured and written so well that it comes together nicely and makes sense. can't wait to finish reading!
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 23: Beautifully written story here. I like how it is very easy and pleasant to read this story. The chapters are short and simple, but they bring up lots of emotions and tackle bits and pieces of issues which tie up nicely at the end. I like it that we get to see the perspectives of most characters involved. Thank you so much for this.
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 19: Great chapter. Interesting to see the difference between Seulgi and Wendy in their relationships with Irene.
The line that Amber says is really deep. I had to read the sentence again to fully grasp its meaning.
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 17: I'm glad that Irene has Amber to tell her those things. It's understandable that Irene is afraid.
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 14: Ahahaha poor Wendy. What a way to make the first impression on your sister-in-law!
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 13: Aww, love that last line. I like the five seconds part.
cjmoo_ #9
Chapter 11: I'm soft for Seulgi.