Chapter Eight

Strawberry, Peppermint and Fairy Tale Endings
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Chapter Eight


Sook joo’s POV


I stared back at him not sure what’s going on his mind. Is he angry with me? I want to run away from him and his piercing gaze. I felt him move closer his face inches away from mine.


What the heck is Changmin oppa doing?!


My eyes grew wider as I realize what’s happening. My heart is about to burst with so much anxiousness




I felt his warm breath on my face.




I closed my eyes not wanting to cry.


He is about to kiss me! And heavens! It’s my first kiss!


I want to push him but my hands are tightly clenched on my sides not wanting to move. Every inch of my body went paralyzed.


I am not sure if I’m scared or anticipating. This is not the way things should be, I cried to myself.


Then he moved back and I felt a strap imprisoning me in my seat. I couldn’t feel his ragged breathing anymore so I opened my left eye to see what he’s up to.


“I told you.” He said as if he is breathing as abnormally as I am. “Seatbelt.” He said indifferently.


I just nodded.


For a moment there, I thought he is going to kiss me. I sighed. Maybe my mind is just playing a trick on me.


That’s it.


There is no way he’d even think of kissing me.




As soon as we arrived my breathing started to stabilize. It’s a relief after the long awkward silence I just endured. I looked back at Changmin oppa getting ready to get out of the car. He doesn’t even bother to look at me.

Hyojin unnie came rushing towards us hugging me tightly. “Sook joo yah.” She dramatically said and in slow motion she turned to Changmin oppa with almost teary eyes.


“Changmin sshi thank you for sending Sook joo home.” She bowed with a refined ladylike manner. “I am worried on how to get Sook joo back home. I hate to trouble you but thank you for doing this for me Changmin sshi. You are truly very kind. I don’t deserve this.” Hyojin unnie wiped away fake tears on her eyes as she extended her arm to him asking for a kiss on her hand.


Changmin oppa has an awkward smile on his face as he accepted Hyojin unnie’s hand and gave her a handshake. I gave out a suppressed giggle. We were interrupted when a white Audi A5 parked beside Changmin oppa’s car.


I am surprised to see Jung soo oppa grinning widely at us carrying a box of cake. I was about to greet him when Hyojin unnie came rushing towards him as if she’s the mistress of the house. “Jung soo sshi. You are back.” She greeted him with grace.


Jung soo oppa smiled widely at her giving her the box.


“You shouldn’t have.” She said throwing out a playful punch in his shoulders. I can actually see Jung soo oppa flinched and knew that Hyojin unnie did hurt him unintentionally.


“Ehe..” Jung soo chuckled. “I know noona and Sook joo likes cakes so I bought you some.” He added making Hyojin unnie twirl with so much delight while Jung soo send me a telepathic wink.


I felt Changmin oppa clear his throat that made Hyojin unnie startled that she almost fell over.


“Sorry guys.” Hyojin unnie said back to her usual self. “Come on inside and let’s share the cake.”


I thought Changmin oppa won’t stay long but he walked towards the door with Hyojin unnie leading the way.


“What are you doing?” he smirked at me. “Let’s go in.”




 Narrator’s POV


As they went inside Sook joo asked to be excused to change in more comfortable clothes. While, Hyojin on the other hand, insiste

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my second update for this week! ^_^ despite the fact that I'm having emo moments.. hope I'll hear what you think about it! XD


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Chapter 14: Love it!!!! Love it!!!!! What will Changmin think when she cut the call???????? UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Chapter 14: Waah..I'm so confused on who Changmin really likes..Is it Sookjoo or Sooyeon? Really excited for this..
Chapter 13: This ep is also in madness haha
Oh my! The drama! Changmin finally comes to (almost) grips with his feelings for Sookjoo and now the past comes back! I was waiting for her actually ever since the foreword lol
This would be exciting.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 12: Smooth. Real smooth Chunnie. She'll never give you the time of day lol
"She's my next girlfriend." OTL. Unnie, I demand a Chunnie-centered fic!

Hohoho. Changmin, listen to DongMang. Dogs know better lol
Chapter 11: Ahehe, things are getting exciting ^3^
someone is jealous .. \\
You updated! Hahaha!
And a flirt? Lolololol

I guess changmin is no longer bored lol
Hohoho. Indeed. Someone is jealous.
It's just a cake though.

But if they wanted their plan to work, sook joo should be more serious. It's funny how she was the one who proposed the idea and yet it looks like changmin who is the one determined. Nyahaha.