Chapter Seven

Strawberry, Peppermint and Fairy Tale Endings
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Chapter Seven


Narrator’s POV


The rain just stopped a few hours ago. No one could even imagine it just rained since the sun is now scorching hot.


“Ahh..ah..ahhhh!” Junsu gasped. He is leaning his back at the railings of the fire exit’s veranda playing his videogame. “Ahhhh.. No!” he exclaimed making the students from the first floor take a peek upward.


Yoochun who is standing a few meters away from him is not a bit concerned with his cries. He is quietly enjoying the view of the expanse of the whole school that walks by. “Hmmnn, Seven.” He murmured straightening his sunglasses. He securely placed his arms by the railings facing the crowd. He smugly grins as girls passed by waving at him.


“Ahhhh! Kyaa! I’ll die!” Junsu whined loudly making a few more eyes look for the weird sound only to be welcomed by Yoochun’s charismatic pose by the railings.


“Maybe an eight on that one.” He grinned mischievously nodding back to another girl that’s using her aeygo. Suddenly he saw familiar faces on the crowd. “Ah, Yunho -hyung! Changmin-nah!” he called.


The two stopped walking and looked upwards only to be welcomed with Yoochun’s smiles and Junsu’s back still engrossed on his own world. Yoochun’s grin becomes wider as he called the other two guys to come up with them. “Yo! Let’s hang out up here! Nice view.”


Yunho shook his head and pat Changmin on his shoulders as they parted by the foot of the stairs. He waved at Yoochun and the oblivious Junsu as he anxiously walked away. Changmin on the other hand shrugged it off and climbed up the stairs alone.


“Changmin-nah what happened to hyung?” Yoochun asked as they exchanged high fives.


Changmin gave out a dramatic sigh as he looked back at Yunho walking away from them. That made Yoochun overly curious as he leaned back at the railings for support. “Did something happen?”


“We just had a weird morning that’s all.” He denied in suspense.


“Come on spit it out. I know something happened. Yunho hyung looks overly anxious and you look like you just receive some gossip from the fishmarket.”


Changmin pointed at himself. “Me?” he denied again then grinned.


Junsu stopped playing and put his PSP down as he faced Changmin. “So what actually happened?”


As soon as Changmin saw that he got his hyungs attention he looked back at Yunho trying to see if he’s observing them. He made sure that the coast is clear as he gestured his two other hyungs to come closer as they huddled together in a small circle.


“We were just looking for a stalker.” He whispered as if what they are talking about is classified information. “And Yunho hyung got beaten up.”


Yoochun and Junsu’s eyes grew wide as Changmin elaborately describe what happened.


“So Yunho hyung didn’t even get to fight back?” Yoochun is flabbergasted as he put his hands on his mouth not wanting to believe Changmin’s story.


“I can’t even beat Yunho hyung since he studied Hapkido. His defense is flawless.” Junsu exclaimed scratching his head. “That can’t be true Changmin.”


“Shhhh..” he puts his finger on his mouth asking for his hyung to lower his voice as he whispered.  “It’s true. That stalker might be one hell of a strong guy to begin with.” He exaggerated.


“How did you end up looking for the stalker in the first place.” The oldest of the three asked.


Changmin gave them an awkward smile as he remembered Sook joo. He is uncomfortable talking about her again for the second time that day.


“I have this childhood friend that I met up in the cafeteria earlier.” Changmin said obviously not meeting his hyungs eyes. “She asked me to go back and check the building.”


Junsu has a confused look in him while Yoochun gave a knowing smile patting Changmin’s back. “And of course you can’t say no.” He added. “It’s her stalker?”


“Anniyo.” He shook his head. “Stalker of her new found friend.


Junsu wrinkled his nose. “Then why did you went and check it out in the first place? It’s not something you’d do especially if you don’t get anything out of it, right?”


Yoochun gave a suppressed laugh as he elbowed Junsu to shut up. He ended up taking off his sunglasses wiping off tears. Changmin on the other hand has a huge frown on his face.


“What? Did I said something funny?” Junsu asked innocently.


“No.” Yoochun said still laughing. “I think maybe you just got it right this time seeing our maknae’s face.”


Changmin gave out a huge sigh signaling he’s getting annoyed. “It’s not what you think hyung. Sook joo is really just my friend.”


Yoochun nodded. “Yea, I mean you went home early last night and went to her place right?”


“How did you even know that?” Cha

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my second update for this week! ^_^ despite the fact that I'm having emo moments.. hope I'll hear what you think about it! XD


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Chapter 14: Love it!!!! Love it!!!!! What will Changmin think when she cut the call???????? UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Chapter 14: Waah..I'm so confused on who Changmin really likes..Is it Sookjoo or Sooyeon? Really excited for this..
Chapter 13: This ep is also in madness haha
Oh my! The drama! Changmin finally comes to (almost) grips with his feelings for Sookjoo and now the past comes back! I was waiting for her actually ever since the foreword lol
This would be exciting.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 12: Smooth. Real smooth Chunnie. She'll never give you the time of day lol
"She's my next girlfriend." OTL. Unnie, I demand a Chunnie-centered fic!

Hohoho. Changmin, listen to DongMang. Dogs know better lol
Chapter 11: Ahehe, things are getting exciting ^3^
someone is jealous .. \\
You updated! Hahaha!
And a flirt? Lolololol

I guess changmin is no longer bored lol
Hohoho. Indeed. Someone is jealous.
It's just a cake though.

But if they wanted their plan to work, sook joo should be more serious. It's funny how she was the one who proposed the idea and yet it looks like changmin who is the one determined. Nyahaha.