Chapter Two

Strawberry, Peppermint and Fairy Tale Endings
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Sook joo’s POV


I bit my bottom lip. It is a habit I had gotten used to.


I think I’m beginning to lose my confidence.


I sat down nervously looking at him with expectant eyes.


I have no idea what had gotten into me but I am desperate and I know he can help me. He had been a very close childhood friend and I am taking advantage of it. I know we haven’t seen each other for quite a while and we parted with heavy hearts a few years back. We left him behind, Sooyeon and I. But we were kids and we don’t have a choice, right?


“What the hell are you talking about Sook joo?” he didn’t sound pleased. He looks annoyed as if trying to tame a child.


I pouted. It works all the time.


“Oppa.. I just. I just need a boyfriend right away.”


His eyebrows met in a jiffy making his face contort beautifully, he still looks as much as a prince as he was in the past. He is tall but not skinny, lean and firm, the kind of person that exercises enough to build muscles but not make them bulge out his shirt. Soft curling black hair, midnight black eyes, and his long sleeve shirt is in a light shade of blue it’s almost white. He has sleek black pants and pointy black leather shoes that complete his attire. You could mistake him as a model. He looks perfect.


He still plays the part of the prince charming. The difference is that he will only willingly do it in my dreams. I quickly brushed the thought away.


“Not really my boyfriend but a pretend boyfriend.” One of his eyebrows rose as I blurted out the words. “My dad..” I blinked away the tears starting to form in my eyes. “He wants me to marry.”


“Where do I come in?” he is listening now. I got his attention. Good.


“I don’t want to marry the guy. I am still young. If that guy thinks I am already in a relationship he wouldn’t pursue me anymore.”


“So you know this guy?” he asked amused.


“Sadly, yes.”


“And you don’t like him.”


“Not entirely.” I admitted. “He’s not that bad.”


He shook his head. “I can’t believe this.”


“What?” I asked innocently. I know he is thinking something unimaginable. I wouldn’t even want to know but asked anyway.


“You like him but you are asking me to be your pretend boyfriend. We are not even official and you’re cheating.”


I didn’t expect his response so I just stared at him in complete silence.


He cleared his throat. “I am just joking Sook joo.”


“I know oppa.”




It was deafening.


“What do I get for doing it?” he asked after a few seconds. He was considering. Good.


Then again what can I offer him in return?


“I am still not sure.” I replied defeated.  “I’m sorry. I still haven’t thought about that part.”


“Then I will not do it.” He smiled smugly. Somehow I think he is enjoying himself.


“O..okay.” I nodded. “I know it’s a stupid idea.”


He nodded with me. “It is!” He said a matter of fact.


That hurt.


“Are you staying here for good?” he asked changing the topic trying to lighten up the mood.


I’m upset and it wou

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my second update for this week! ^_^ despite the fact that I'm having emo moments.. hope I'll hear what you think about it! XD


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Chapter 14: Love it!!!! Love it!!!!! What will Changmin think when she cut the call???????? UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Chapter 14: Waah..I'm so confused on who Changmin really likes..Is it Sookjoo or Sooyeon? Really excited for this..
Chapter 13: This ep is also in madness haha
Oh my! The drama! Changmin finally comes to (almost) grips with his feelings for Sookjoo and now the past comes back! I was waiting for her actually ever since the foreword lol
This would be exciting.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 12: Smooth. Real smooth Chunnie. She'll never give you the time of day lol
"She's my next girlfriend." OTL. Unnie, I demand a Chunnie-centered fic!

Hohoho. Changmin, listen to DongMang. Dogs know better lol
Chapter 11: Ahehe, things are getting exciting ^3^
someone is jealous .. \\
You updated! Hahaha!
And a flirt? Lolololol

I guess changmin is no longer bored lol
Hohoho. Indeed. Someone is jealous.
It's just a cake though.

But if they wanted their plan to work, sook joo should be more serious. It's funny how she was the one who proposed the idea and yet it looks like changmin who is the one determined. Nyahaha.