One Shot Stories of TaeNy


“Miss? Do you need anything?”


“I need you.” I mumbled.




“I, Kim Taeyeon, need you!”


“What’s wrong with you, Miss?”


“I said I n-need you! What the h-heck? Can’t y-you understand that?”


I know that I’m not doing well right now. Who in the world will listen to a drunk anyway? Yeah, I’m drunk, I know that. Who cares? I just need to have the spirit. So, no question anymore. Just leave me alone, I still need to talk to this woman.


“I completely understood what you said. But, what I don’t get is, ‘why do you insist that YOU need ME?’ Hell, I don’t know you. And worst, you’re dead drunk girl! Are you even in the legal age to drink?”


“Jeez… I’m Taeyeon and you’re Tiffany. Now, we know each other, okay? I’m older than you, and I’m sure I am at the legal age for drinks.”


“Fine, but why do you need me?”


“I need you to….”




“I need you to say yes and be my girlfriend.” My drunkenness is starting on leaving me… I need to get her answer now.


“Woah! Wait there! Say what?!”


“You, my girlfriend.”




“Yes, or no?”


“I don’t know.”


“Is there an ‘I don’t know’ in a Yes-or-No question?”




“So, yes or no?”


“Hey, I just met you now and you’ll just ask me that?”


“Yes or no?”


“What if I said no?”


“Just say, yes or a no.”


“What the hell? Are you insane? Why should I answer you if I don’t know you that much?”


“Yes or no?”


Hell this! How can this woman have a lot of question? She’s making it hard for me.


Argg… my head is starting to give me my own medicine. this drunk! all the alcohol in the world!


“I - !”


I really can’t take it anymore so I just did what I know is the best way to shut up her God-forsaken luscious red lips. Now I sound ert! But WTF! She’s annoying-yet-beautifully loud! A kiss would always do the magic! There, she’s quiet.


“Yes? Or no?” I asked her after I broke the kiss that just lasted for a minute. She’s so shocked that she didn’t even respond to me.




“Okay. I thought so. Thanks for your time. Bye.”


Hey, I’m not drunk anymore. And hell! It hurts! I have like the wrong girl for months. And now this? Seriously? I officially hate alcohols now.






“Give me back my first kiss!”




“Give me back my first kiss!”


“Wait! How will I do that? Jeez… what are you? A kid?”




“Chill… I can’t give it back to you, you know.”


“Give me back my first kiss!”


“I told you - !”


It’s my turn to be stunned. Why? She just got what she wants. She got back her kiss, but not her first of course. But nonetheless, I benefit well on it.


“Now, we’re even.”


“Cool. So, we’re good now? I can go now?”


“Yes, and…”




“You’re my girlfriend now. Bye.”


I, Kim Taeyeon, am renouncing my hatred on alcohol right this moment! KUDOS DRUNKS! 


It's good to be off sometimes... XD

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Chapter 22: yes we will believe and we still believe in you
Chapter 22: Haha Tae should have just confessed without worrying too much ^^ I'm glad that Tiffany feel the same way
Chapter 21: Taeny <3 Let's continue to cheer on them
Chapter 20: I'm glad that they are finally together :) Love is worth the wait and sacrifice
Chapter 18: I can definitely relate to this chapter . You're a very talented writer author shi. I really like the fact that your story is light and its easy to read :) Thank you for the hard work
Chapter 17: Aww this is so sweet and cute :) Feels like teenage dream . Thank you author shi
Chapter 15: Noooo ...This is so sad :'(
Chapter 16: Prince Taeyeon and Princess Tiffany :) a perfect match ^^ thank you for the update author shi
Chapter 20: Love Taeny's love