One Shot Stories of TaeNy


“That's all, meeting's adjourn. See you guys on Monday!”


Tiffany stays still in her chair after she dismissed her team. It's a long and excruciating month for them yet they still have a lot of work to do for the next two weeks. They have just reach the advance stage for the project they were working.


Being the head of their team, she has the most things to do. She is the one responsible to come up for the ideas, she has to monitor every work her team were doing, she needs to call and talk to a lot of people to relay their plans especially to their suppliers, and lastly, she has to talk to the Board of Directors about the progress of the project.


For the past month, she rarely gone out to socialize or to party with her friends. Luckily, they understand her. Work first, play later, as what she had told them a lot of times before until they just accepted that sometimes… her presence will not always be there with them. That sometimes, bailing out with them is a natural thing for her.


Tiffany always thinks that she was bound to be like that in this life; alone and lonely. Despite her shares of parties with her friends, colleagues, and other acquaintances, she still has that dreary and void feeling that she doesn’t know why she's feeling them. All her life, she gets what she wants and achieved every dream she had dreamt since her 'Princesses-Knights-and-Pirates' days.


Only her current work that's wearing her out the most. No stress over other aspects of her life, as what she thought of.


“It's your zero love life Tiff…” Her nagging friends once told her that, and she doubted them back then. She was in a relationship that time with her boyfriend of 6 months so why would her friends said something like that, right?


But now, they have broken up half a year ago after another month since her friends words, and she will be a hypocrite if she will say that she didn’t feel a lot of relief on breaking up with him. And it is still a mystery for her because he was kind of a perfect partner for her and he could have been the one… but that’s just it, she can’t find herself happy with him.


And that's because of her.




“Is there a problem, Miss Hwang?”


The head of her secretary popped out from the slightly opened door of the meeting room she was in after she screamed. A bit flustered from being embarrassed, she just nodded to her as a sign that there's no problem at all and dismissed the girl. She took a deep sigh before tidying her things on the long table in front of her.


“I'm just tired and stressed out. That’s all.” She said to herself.


After a minute, she left the meeting room and got to her own office. Like her everyday routine, she worked herself until all her colleagues had left their office floor; her secretary included. Now that she's all alone in the confinement of her office, she fell in a deep thought again. The familiar fang of pain was enveloping her whole self.


In every waking up she does, she will tell herself, “New day, new life!”, but whenever the day ends, she would always end up saying, “Another has gone, but where are you?”


God knows how she pushed herself to move on and forget everything that happened before, but like how cliché it is, she hasn’t, she can’t move on. And there's that truth that… she doesn’t want to move on at all.


Everyone who knows what happened on that day, exerted a lot of efforts to help her. She was not blind and inconsiderate towards those people so to return every favor they gave her, she always tells them that she's now okay and she's moving on - though it's just half true – on her life, hence the relationship with him before. In her mind, she can always fool anyone and pretend to be okay but she also knows that deep inside her, she can’t always fool herself; she never intended to do anyways.


And though she's exhausted with what she's doing with herself, she believes… she always believes it’s all worth it when she comes back… even if it takes a very long time. Like she had done already, whatever way of moving on is not enough.


So now, she has just embraced the truth that she will, always will be waiting for someone, for that one person.


When she has calmed a bit from that pain in her heart, she decided to just go home. She wants to sleep the heartache away and to welcome another day faster. She thought, if it is possible, she will pull the days so that the day when she returns to her, will be the one she will wake up on.


After enjoying the city lights while in a slow traffic going home, she came in front of their house. The one they've planned to live in together before that unfortunate day happened. She just stepped out of her car when a figure of a person greets her from behind.


“Hi Fany-ah… I'm home!”





A/N: Sorry because I can only focus on my One Shots nowadays.. tablet is all I'm working with and, yeah, it's so difficult to write on this... :(

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Chapter 22: yes we will believe and we still believe in you
Chapter 22: Haha Tae should have just confessed without worrying too much ^^ I'm glad that Tiffany feel the same way
Chapter 21: Taeny <3 Let's continue to cheer on them
Chapter 20: I'm glad that they are finally together :) Love is worth the wait and sacrifice
Chapter 18: I can definitely relate to this chapter . You're a very talented writer author shi. I really like the fact that your story is light and its easy to read :) Thank you for the hard work
Chapter 17: Aww this is so sweet and cute :) Feels like teenage dream . Thank you author shi
Chapter 15: Noooo ...This is so sad :'(
Chapter 16: Prince Taeyeon and Princess Tiffany :) a perfect match ^^ thank you for the update author shi
Chapter 20: Love Taeny's love