One Shot Stories of TaeNy

Attention: Remember the reading system; “ODD” chapters are for Taeyeon’s POV and “EVEN” chapters are for Tiffany’s POV.


I’m enjoying now what I am seeing. She’s so cute and hilarious. She’s telling us a story about the guy she used to date but left because he was such a jerk and a big mama’s boy. She literally told us his embarrassing acts.


Don’t get me wrong, I am not into girls and I have a man on my side, but not beside me right now. It’s a girls’ night out and we ruled it as ‘No boys allowed.’


The story telling is just so ridiculously enjoyable and the teller is so innocently looked so enthusiastic. She was always the center of happiness in our group and we admire her always. She’s cool and fun to be with and we are attracted to her wits.


“Then I saw him the day before I dump him on a supermarket with his mom. Guess what? He’s clinging to her like a ten year old boy. Even when he saw me, he didn’t bother to take his hands away from his mother’s arm. I was giving hint to him that seeing him being a mama’s boy is disgusting yet he doesn’t care. And the worst, he introduced me to his mom as a friend. A friend. Before I dumped him, I asked him that and he told me he’s just afraid that his mom will get furious if she knew that he was dating someone. What the hell, right?”


Everyone bursts out laughing including me. She really can bring herself that she doesn’t even doubled think to tell us how hilarious her relationship. Taeyeon was such a sweetheart if she wants to. But most of the time she’s a dork who just wants to make the people around her happy. Sometimes, she’s so serious even I doubt if I can make her smile.


“What the heck Taeng! Why do your partners should always have the greatest flaws?”


“I don’t know. Should I just date you guys? You are all my perfect friends. And I mean that. Yes, you are dorks as me and you have your own flaws but you are not jerks.”


“How sweet, our Taengoo… but no. We are not interested in you, not in romantic way I mean.”


As always, Jessi will drop the harshest thought. But she’s right anyway. I felt sad for Taeyeon because she just can’t find the right person for her.


“And Taeng, we’re all girls here, except Yul. Are you drug? The last time I check you’re still into guys.”


“I know Sunkyu. I know that. It’s just; I thought that maybe I am not meant for guys. HAHAHA!”


What the hell? Is she serious? How can she think of those kinds of things? Maybe not finding the right person or guy has gotten into her that bad.


Our group fall into silence but the reason of it made her decision to make us don’t take it deeply and just let her do whatever she wanted to do.


“Hey guys, it’s just a thought, okay. I’m still not desperate to do that.”


“Taeng, just know we’re all here.” I’m glad that Yuri can understand our friend though she has told us that she’s into girls sometimes. At least she didn’t push Taeyeon in joining her.


When I decided to make a word for her, I felt my phone vibrated. I took it and felt glad when it is just a text. I can’t just talk with anyone right now. Not now.


The text is from my guy telling me that he can’t fetch me `coz he’s attending some appointment. I understand though I am a bit disappointed. I didn’t brought my car for him, but oh well I can ask my friends for a ride. Deciding on what I should do with my ruined plan, I replied that it is ok then put back my phone on my bag this time to avoid disturbance.


When I looked back at my friends, I was captured by Taeyeon’s stare. I don’t know what she’s doing but I can’t seem to take my eyes away. The stare is somewhat serious, like she’s telling me something but I can’t get to know it.


“Wait guys! I hate to say this but I think we have to get our asses out of this restaurant now. We’re taking our time for so long now.” Said our maknae who obviously just want to remind us where we are. And yes, she’s right, we’ve been done eating a long time ago and we’re just talking there and perhaps she has seen some of the crews here that giving us some look.


“Oh shoot! Thanks for telling though Juhyunie. And I know exactly where we can go.”


“Hyo, is that the bar you were telling me the other day?”


“Yup, Soo! That place is a blast, people won’t mind others. You have your own world there.”


“It sounds creepy but we can do whatever we want anyway.”


“I agreed to you Yoong. And we can meet a lot of people there.”


“Shut up Yul. Aren’t you finding someone right now, are you?”


“You shut up Tiff. I mean friends, we can find new friends there.”


We burst again into laughter before we took our leave. Taeng do the honor of paying for our meals and I saw her putting some extra large tip, maybe for our stay. It doesn’t bother her if she has to spend a lot in our night outs. Why would she if she’s the richest among us, having her own successful businesses, and being a daughter of a multimillionaire? She can afford to spend for anyone, though we don’t allow her sometimes. We don’t take her for granted, for Pete’s sake! She just really loves us and she sometimes showed it by paying for us.


“Hey Taeng, you don’t have to put a lot of tip for them, you know.” I told her when I stayed behind to wait for her.


“It’s fine. We perhaps bothered them when we stayed longer.”


“But they don’t charge people for staying.”


“I know, I just want to. Just let it go. Anyways, you can have a ride with me. I know that you didn’t bring your car.”


“ASSA!! You’re the best Taeng!”


“Welcome. And do tell us if he ditches on you.”




“I saw your reaction earlier when you read your message.”


“Oh, that’s why I caught you looking at me.”


“Actually I’m staring at you to tell you something but I guess you didn’t understand it.”


“Yeah, I’m kinda confused about it.”


“Just like the tip back there, let’s forget about it. They are waiting.”


“Hey you two! Can you walk faster? It’s getting late.”


“See, you know our friends. They are kind of impatient people…”


“I know, thanks for reminding me.”


We all decided to convoy and follow Hyo’s car to the bar she was talking about. A total of six cars, I mean gorgeous six cars, have crowded the parking lot of the bar when we arrived. Tell it to my friends who love to flaunt their expensive toys. Yeah, I have mine but I left it at home, I wonder if it’s lonely now…


The bar was chaotic and everyone, like what Hyoyeon said, doesn’t mind others. They are like having their own world. And we liked it like that. We want to have our own fun all together but not to the extent of excluding ourselves from the society. Just away from being interrupted by others when we’re talking and catching up with each other.


“I already told my friend, one of the owners here, that we’re having a VIP room for us.”


“That’s cool Hyo!”


“That’s the benefit of being a party animal…”


I laugh along them while making our way to the VIP room reserved for us. But my laugh caught in the air when my eyes fall into a man sitting in the corner of the bar area while hugging a woman on his side. The two were immerse into their talk, which looks so intimate for Tiffany. She very well recognizes that figure and she won’t be wronged to tell that she knew the person.


My gaze was block by someone and I was pulled to somewhere. The next thing I knew, I was seated in a car that I perfectly knew who the owner is. It’s not that long when I last seated in it and I always love the smell inside this car.


“You know that you can cry here.”


“But I am not.”


“Hey, it’s normal to react like that. I won’t bother you and I’ll keep my mind to myself unless you need it.”


“Seriously, I can’t cry. I don’t know why but I don’t feel like crying.” I said and I look at her. I can clearly see the concern and shock in her eyes.


“Okay. Then call him now and end everything.”


“That’s what I’m going to do. But first…”




I know it is wrong and against to what I said earlier but I don’t know why I’m so eager to do it, at least my body wanted to do it. And I let myself succumb to my body’s desire, not thinking what will be the consequences are.


Lips latched onto lips. And that’s the sweetest thing I’ve had ever feel in my whole life through my lips. It is unexpected yet it is spectacular. It’s just that, I can’t form any words after that. It is a short and simple kiss that brought me to wonderland, and I guess that’s an exaggeration.


I’m still looking at anything but to her. This awkward moment is killing me but still I can’t find the right words to say, heck I can’t find myself to speak. Scared, embarrassed, shy, and expecting are some of what I am feeling right now. Opposite of the anger I felt before we get into this silence.


“Okay… what was that?”


“I don’t know..?”


There’s a movement but I don’t know what it is, rather I don’t want to know what it is. The embarrassment is rising up again and a distinct nervousness was also rising. Nervous because…  there is a possibility that what I did earlier has madden her.


But to my surprise, Taeyeon has put her palm against my left cheek gently, and turn my face to hers. What shocked me more is when a pair of lips has touched mine and again, I have had that sweet taste I just got a taste a moment ago. I haven’t started to return it but she pulled away beforehand.


“I will not let you return it unless you have ended everything with him.”


“Wow, you’re such a tease Tae.” And I felt a little pissed.


“You started it, so deal with it. Now?”


I took out my phone immediately and dialed his number. When he answered the call, he hasn’t had the chance to say hello when I started my tirade. I have this urge to just get over it the faster the better. And I am feeling again the anger towards to my guy, who will be my ex now, but in a different reason. The reason I want to deal later after this call.


“Enjoy talking to her, Phil, for how long you want and I won’t care! Make her your girl friend; I don’t freaking care, okay?! I just don’t care anymore. We’re over, do you hear me? We are so over! I don’t want to see you anymore! Goodbye!” then I hanged up my phone with hearing any word from that guy.


“There! Enough?”




Simple word but resulted in a long and fervent kiss that I think, we both are waiting for. I broke first when I felt I need to get some air back into my lungs. I don’t know how to explain what I am feeling now but the mere fact that when I saw her dorky yet shy smile, it gave me the feeling of some butterflies in my stomach and I felt like my whole being turned a somersault, means that I am in something out of my norm. I think I saw Taeyeon now in a different way, unlike before that I am just glad I became her friend. That she’s always there if me, or the other seven girls were having problems in any aspects. When did I ever saw her in a different way? I mean, when it started because it is impossible to develop in just a small time that we are here after that unpleasant scene back inside the bar.


I can’t believe that I am in love with a girl…


Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this one shot. There's more to come... promise... ^^V


Anyways, let's vote for our TaeNy here... 


HWAITING Locksmiths!

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Chapter 22: yes we will believe and we still believe in you
Chapter 22: Haha Tae should have just confessed without worrying too much ^^ I'm glad that Tiffany feel the same way
Chapter 21: Taeny <3 Let's continue to cheer on them
Chapter 20: I'm glad that they are finally together :) Love is worth the wait and sacrifice
Chapter 18: I can definitely relate to this chapter . You're a very talented writer author shi. I really like the fact that your story is light and its easy to read :) Thank you for the hard work
Chapter 17: Aww this is so sweet and cute :) Feels like teenage dream . Thank you author shi
Chapter 15: Noooo ...This is so sad :'(
Chapter 16: Prince Taeyeon and Princess Tiffany :) a perfect match ^^ thank you for the update author shi
Chapter 20: Love Taeny's love