One Shot Stories of TaeNy

Living in the city is like living in a race track, you have to get first and roared your way to it. Every other car will try to get you at their backs. You have to race with everyone to cope with the life in the city. The busy city a lot of people wished to live in, facing every day the busy life. And you’ll meet busy people that will make you even busier than you already have. It’s like a different world from what you were accustomed.


For Taeyeon, that new place is her new life. She has to abandon the place she grew up and find her new life in this new city, new world. Her simple life before was alter into some bigger and different one.


She is now living alone in her apartment. She tends her expenses by working different part time jobs. And let herself go with the flow of her current situation. Amidst of her busy days, there is this one urging feeling of letting something to go out from her. Something she refrain herself from.


“Taeng, are you coming with us tonight?” asked by her buddy, Sunny.


“Yeah, it’s Friday night. We should be getting into happenings.” Agreed Hyoyeon.


They are Taeyeon’s buddies in a café shop she is part timing every night. Because of their same schedules, they got closed to each other. And the two were Taeyeon’s constant reminder that she is still alive despite of exhausting and busy living.


She is currently busy at checking their supplies when the two took their breaks by talking with her. Taeyeon, though she doesn’t want any interruption while she is working, just let her friends to coax her. She’s used to her buddies persuasions and she’s not bothered by them. Listening to them is part of her everyday life.


“Okay. But I am not going to drink.”


“Where’s the fun there Taeng?”


“And we will not get ours if you will not join us.”


“You know that I still have a part time tomorrow.”


“It’s in the afternoon. You’ll have the whole morning to rest.”


“Then I won’t go with you.”


“NO! Okay, we will agreed but! You have to take a shot. Just one shot!”


“After that you can just watch us partying.”


Feeling defeated, she just shrugs her shoulders and her buddies took it as she agrees to them. She knew that the two won’t stop until she agrees so she just does. They will never take no as an answer and she doesn’t want to provoke a drama from the two.


“Alright! Taeng is in! Will let you know what time we’re going later.”


After she nods, the two exited the storage room and leave her doing her job. Working in that café for almost a year now is one of the three part time jobs she have. The storage room has limited ventilation and she’s having a hard time to maintain her cool because of the heat. Her part time before in that café takes in the city library and she was exposed in a fully air conditioned room there. So working in a hot place, like where she is now, is kind of difficult for her after working for long hours in a fully air conditioned one.


“This is what I get on deciding to live here.”


She just continued her works until her buddies announced their leave and drag her into some famous bar she hasn’t been before.


Locksmith Bar...


That’s what Taeyeon have read outside the establishment. She also noticed some small words under it but the lower part of the signboard was dull so it is hard to read. And her friends were literally dragging her in. When they got inside, Taeyeon thought that she was brought into some other dimension. Not because of the interior of the place, it looks like a typical bar actually; dancing lightings, huge sound systems, a large bar area with a lot of kind of alcoholic drinks and the partying crowd. What makes Taeyeon thought about being in different dimension is because of the atmosphere inside the bar. It is different and she just can’t explain it herself.


“Hey guys! Where the hell did you bring me in?” she asked with a slightly louder voice that she sounded like she’s shouting. The bar was so full of noise and talking in a normal voice was just a waste.


“A bar, duh? Are you that busy to actually know what a bar looks like?” Sunny’s voice was visible with amusement for the expression her friend was making.


“I know what a bar looks like, but, I don’t know, I don’t feel quite right in here.”


“Taeng, relax, you’re just tired from work that’s why your body is still adapting with the atmosphere here.”


Hyoyeon tried to explain to Taeyeon hoping to let her friend to loosen up and start to have some fun like what she and her other friend Sunny is now.


But Taeyeon can’t contain her cool. And she has that feeling of wanting to go home that moment. But she also doesn’t want to disappoint her friends anymore in killing the fun whenever they go on some parties.


Little did she know that her friends wants her to take this time to forget her boring and exhausting situation even for a while. They brought her in that bar to take some breather. Taeyeon doesn’t know but one of the owners of that bar was a friend of her buddies.


“Hey guys! Having some fun?”


“Yul! We’re glad that you’re here!”


“It’s Friday and I knew that you two will be here. But, tonight is different…” the woman trailed off as she looks on Taeyeon’s direction.


“Oh yeah… by the way this is Taeyeon, our friend. Taeng, this is Yul. We met her here.”


Taeyeon was surprised when she heard her name. She’s busy with looking on the whole place. She really thinks that something is wrong in that place. But because she was now mentioned in her friends talk, she takes her attention to the woman whose hand is in front of her.


‘Hi Taeyeon, I’m Yuri, or Yul. Nice to meet you!”


“Hey, Taeyeon. Nice knowing you.”


Then they shook hands after giving pleasantries to each other. Taeyeon noticed her two buddies making their way on the dance floor.


“Anyway, you look like you’re bored. Aren’t you having fun?”


“No, I’m fine. It is just my way of having fun.”


“Oh~ ok. But I want you to really have some fun. And I think I know someone who is perfectly fit to help us with it. Just wait here! Sunny, Hyo! Wait for me here.”




When Yuri has left, the other girls put their attention to their quiet buddy.


“Hey Taeng! What did you talk about?”


“Talk about what?”


“With Yuri?”




“No way…”


“She just asked me if I am not having fun here.”


“Typical of Yuri. And I guess you answered her that being boring in a corner is your way of having fun. Anyway, I knew Yuri. Let’s see what she will do this time.”


(Taeyeon’s POV)


After a good ten minutes, Yuri got back from wherever she came from. But this time, she’s with someone. Someone I thought doesn’t exist. Someone I never imagined that I will meet someday, in this case, tonight. Am I dreaming?


But unfortunately, before I got to face that someone, my two friends had turned their backs from me and covered my view. Some friends I have.


When I thought that they are enjoying talking and have forgotten about me, I just check my phone to check my mails. I still need to find another job `coz I’m leaving the other one I have. It is to be trapped in a job with so much work load yet pays low.


I am now enjoying scrolling on my phone when suddenly an arm was draped on my shoulders. I didn’t glanced at it knowing that Sunny was a clingy when she’s drunk. But wait! I don’t remember Sunny has a thing for me to even kiss me on my cheek.


“”Hey… what are you doing Su~”


My sentence was hanged when I looked at the person beside me on my left, side-hugging me on my waist and kissing me now at the back of my ear. Holy death kisses! What’s happening on earth!?


“I like your tattoo… and I like how adorable your face right now. Could you do me a favor by having fun with me?”


“Sure!” Woah! Wait! I really don’t know what’s going on here!?


“Good. Here, drink this first.” As she gives me a glass of I don’t know but a pink colored drink with a yellow something liquid above it.


Wow… how does they are not mixing?


And because she’s waiting for me to take the glass, I immediately grab it and gulf half of it’s contain. I liked the taste but I don’t know how to explain what has gotten inside of me. Then I took again the glass on my mouth and finish it all.


“How was that?”


“Nice. I like it? What is this?”


“ in the beach. Want another one?”


“Ahm~” I can’t answer her because my mind is starting to kick in me. I felt dizzy and I am having a hazy look on her. But I still can feel myself, I can even stand straight if I want to without wobbling. And I am serious.


“Tiff, Taeng can’t tolerate more than one glass of alcohol.”


“Ooohhh~ okay. She won’t do any dangerous stunt if ever, right?”


“Oh no. Just…”


“Hey babe…”


I can’t resist it anymore. I wanted to kiss this girl beside me since forever! She’s beside me and hugging me so I think she’s my girl.


“Hi Tae…”


Then I did what I wanted to do. I need to do it. And will never regret doing it. It is heaven and she tasted the sweetest. She didn’t budge so it means that she liked it to. We continue the lip-locking while our friends are having fun on their own until I just felt her pulling me to somewhere. We passed over the people dancing in that club and step in a room. I took a sit on a chair there when she told me to wait for her. After some time, she pulled me again but now towards the exit. We rode a car that I think was hers.  I can’t help but took her other hand and kissed it again and again. Then the last thing I remember was our senseless kiss after entering a door.




“Argggg….” I groaned when I felt a tremendous headache. But let a loud gasp when I felt someone is hugging me on my waist. Then the arms left me when the person moves as she wakes.


“Morning Tae…” she greeted me while stretching her arms. “Are you okay? Do you have a headache?”


“I feel a little but~” I contemplated whether to ask what happened first or to ask why she’s with me. The last time I checked her, she then gave me a glass of drink and the next was a blur.


“You wanna know what happened?”


I just nod with an obvious confusion on my face that turned into shock when she brushed her lips on mine before speaking.


“You got drunk last night. You started kissing me then asked me if I want to go home with you. Of course I said yes. You’re so cute and I can’t say no to you. You insisted on getting here, hence we are here. And even you can’t remember our beautiful last night, it’s pretty obvious now what have we done.”


“Ooh… did we really did it?”


“Yes. And I have no plan of letting it go. Or letting you go.”


I think I have to find a more stable job now. She’s not letting what happened go. It means, I have to take full responsibility of her.




“Hey, don’t worry. I won’t be a burden to you. I know your situation and I assure you, you’ll never have a problem with me, at least, financially. You responsibility is your own life.”




“Yep. I just need you to be mine, that’s all.”


“Did I save a country in my past life to deserve you?”


“No. I simply like you.”


“But how come?”


“I don’t know. All I know is I want you.”


“Okay, if that’s what you said. Then that’s it.”




“I like you, too. And I’m so happy to have you.”


“Even if I will live with you from now on?”


“It’s cool. I want to see you every single day. At least I won’t have a hard time in that.”


“Sweet talker! Can you start shutting up and just kiss me?”


“As you wish, milady…?”


“Tiffany. Tiffany Hwang.”


“Okay, Tiffany.”


From then on, my life has changed. I thought that living in the city is always about misery but it’s not. If you will find the right people, you’ll have a very nice life. I still struggle in this life but at least she’s always there beside me, giving me the support and love that really helped me.


“Stop talking in your mind Tae, the girls are waiting for us in the LS… come on… we have a lifetime for each other, but the girls will kill us first if we don’t move now.”


“Yes nagger, I love you.”


“I love you, too whipped.”


She giggled first before kissing me. Then she pulled me to her car and off we go. While looking at her, I just realized something.


My life really has changed, and it changed for the better.


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Chapter 22: yes we will believe and we still believe in you
Chapter 22: Haha Tae should have just confessed without worrying too much ^^ I'm glad that Tiffany feel the same way
Chapter 21: Taeny <3 Let's continue to cheer on them
Chapter 20: I'm glad that they are finally together :) Love is worth the wait and sacrifice
Chapter 18: I can definitely relate to this chapter . You're a very talented writer author shi. I really like the fact that your story is light and its easy to read :) Thank you for the hard work
Chapter 17: Aww this is so sweet and cute :) Feels like teenage dream . Thank you author shi
Chapter 15: Noooo ...This is so sad :'(
Chapter 16: Prince Taeyeon and Princess Tiffany :) a perfect match ^^ thank you for the update author shi
Chapter 20: Love Taeny's love