How Does She Know?

The Berserker

Sehun believed that not many people could stand so much time without blinking: it was a natural movement of your body and you just do it without thinking about it; so when Jongdae moved a hand in front of his eyes, while everyone inside the room looked worriedly at him, Sehun supposed he had not blinked for a long time.

“Are you okay?” asked Jongdae, a little unsure, afraid of the answer.

Sehun looked over at him and didn’t reply immediately; how could he? After everything he had just heard, his mind was just pure static by now.

“Sehun?” asked Baekhyun this time, honest eyes peering into his.

“How could this have happened just beneath our noses? How could we fail to notice this situation? It’s happening in our own damn village!” he exploded, voice raising up a few octaves, surprising everyone around him; Sehun was the calm one, he rarely got mad.

“You couldn’t really have known.” Replied Chanyeol quietly, arms crossed in front of his chest and face somber. “It’s not something that you would’ve guessed that happens right where you live, or that you could relate to the people you know. Also, the control that your Council inflicts upon you doesn’t allow you to think otherwise! They really censor everything you do, say or learn which is really just a way to keep you ignorant, not question what they say, and fear them. I once read a book that called this type of behavior as a dictatorship.”

“Oh?” quipped Jongdae from the sideline. “Where did you read that? It’s an interesting concept and knowing the name-…”

Jongdae paused abruptly, growing a little red when he felt eyes on him.

“I’m sorry. This is not the appropriate moment.”

The male sounded truly embarrassed which drew some smiles from some of the men in the room. It was quite funny that, even in the most troublesome moments, Jongdae was able to focus on irrelevant things.

Chanyeol gave a little laugh at the display and, very casually, placed an arm around the other’s shoulders. To Sehun’s surprise, his best friend said nothing at the gesture and even allowed himself to be pulled more firmly towards the other's firm body.

“Anyways,” continued Jongin, rolling his eyes a little at his brother’s possessive behavior “The creatures that have been attacking villages lately have birth right here at your village, and the Council is definitely involved. What’s the point of making that area so secure and punishing people so harshly for trespassing if they didn’t know? They are behind it, that is for sure. The only thing I don’t understand is how they manage to create those chimeras? It’s not scientifically possible, is it?”

“It shouldn’t be!” replied Jongdae with a frown on his face.

“There were some books that indicated that they were really into Alchemy. Do you think that, by some sort of strange procedure, they found a way of transforming the words from the paper into something palpable?” asked Baekhyun with a frown on his face, his fingers twitching slightly in a habit that Sehun had learned, over the days, to interpret as restlessness.

“Alchemy is a finicky subject; I sincerely doubt that anyone could interpret the numerous books about it, and be able to extract something from the letters in them to reality.” Mumbled Yixing from his place across Baekhyun; occasionally eying his brother, who was focusing on pretending he didn’t see it.

“There are reports of successful attempts of the usage of Alchemy; after all that, 'why we exist'.” Countered Jongdae. “Although it’s rare to have someone in history that was able to use the mechanics of Alchemy correctly, there were a few attempts that were successful, made by our ancestors who created us, and by us I mean all the rational creatures that are alive up to this day. Let us not forget that we have very different characteristics from our ancestors, they did not possess one tenth of the abilities that we do. There were no wolves, or banshees, or nymphs; the only thing that ever existed back in those days was plain, normal humans. And what’s scarier is that they went in search for something, which was the common metal to gold achievement, and they found something better: creatures. Who says that someone just like us, a creature, didn’t reenact all those steps and create those chimeras that have been around?”

“It's a definite possibility.” hummed Jongin, while everyone else pondered on Jongdae’s words.

“It is, but who would be smart enough to do something like that? Let’s face it, our pack lack the scientific knowledge and alchemy bases to manage something this grand!” rebuked Sehun.

“True! For some reason, our village has always been very poor when it comes to education and knowledge, we have the essentials to know ourselves and not much more.”

“So are we assuming that this is not a one man job? That somehow they aren’t working alone?” asked Baekhyun, looking over between Jongdae and Sehun.

“We have to take that hypothesis as very probable.” Replied Jongdae. “We know that realistically, there is no way anyone could tinker with Alchemy in a way that would produce such results; they are powerful, they are smart, but this matter requires a lot more than simply their brains to make it work.”

“If that is so, we have a real problem at hand which is to know who is working with them, and giving them such a leverage on everyone else.” replied Chanyeol with a grunt, tightening his grip around Jongdae’s body and pulling the smaller to his side, his mind already lost in the potential danger of the situation.

“My--…I feel like my head is going to start aching at any point now.” mumbled Jongdae, raising his hands to cradle his head, as if the headache he just mentioned was really starting to creep up. “It feels like the more we dig through this, the more problems to solve surface. It’s an endless, spiraling mess that keeps evolving and all of this is at our own risk.”

“But we need to solve it.” Replied Baekhyun softly. “They are hurting people, both by destroying their houses and killing them, or by forcing them or coercing them to become chimeras to their profit, because I seriously doubt that they are doing this because they want to. The one I saw was suffering.”

Sehun turned abruptly at the news. When Baekhyun retold the story of what he had discovered to him, since everybody else had already been informed, Sehun hadn’t really understood that Baekhyun had had contact with a chimera.

“You talked to one?” he asked in surprise, abruptly pulling Baekhyun’s forearm toward himself to look at the other male's face, not really realizing that the gesture showed a level of comfort between the two of them that clearly hadn’t been the same when Sehun had left to look for Baekhyun just an hour or so ago.

Baekhyun looked surprised; he didn’t allow, by nature, that many people to touch him. He was perfectly okay in providing comfort to others in the form of pats and an occasional rub on the back, but he didn’t really like when other people touched him, especially out of nowhere. It was strange to him that it didn’t bother him much when Sehun grabbed him; although he wasn’t sure why, it certainly seemed a lot less uncomfortable when the younger had grabbed his forearm.

“I did…” he replied slowly, not really sure of how to answer the beta.

“Did she do anything to you?” asked Sehun, nervous at the prospect of someone hurting Baekhyun; it wasn’t because he thought the man couldn’t defend himself, Baekhyun was a strong man after all, but he didn’t like the thought of adding more suffering, directly or indirectly, to Baekhyun, as he had too much sadness and pain in his life already.

Baekhyun shook his head, denying it, but he didn’t utter a word; he didn’t wish to relay what had happened to the mermaid, still not knowing how to digest and process what happened between himself and the mermaid: he truly hated to be the one who killed her, but she was suffering and that made him unsure about what to feel on the situation.

“So, she didn’t harm you? Is she still there? What happened?”

Seeing Baekhyun’s agitation, his internal conflict about answering the question, Jongin decided to speak for his brother.

“Baekhyun wasn’t harmed in anyway; he’s perfectly fine as you can see. She is not there anymore though.”


“I think you know what you needed to know.” Replied Jongin evenly, not allowing Sehun to proceed with his questions; he understood the natural curiosity but Baekhyun’s privacy was first, and this was clearly a matter that the male did not want to share.

Sehun seemed to understand what Jongin was saying even without all the words spelled out for him, and he resorted to staying quiet. If Baekhyun wanted, he would tell him eventually. With an understanding nod of his head, he allowed himself to brush his fingers upon the skin of Baekhyun’s wrist before completely releasing his grip on the other male. Baekhyun shivered a little at the contact, his skin tingling at the soft brush.

“Have you seen anything in your visions?” asked Jongdae quietly to Jongin, the truth about the identities of the trio as an Oracle and Berserkers, had been revealed to Yixing who didn’t seem remotely fazed by the news.

“No!” Granted I have been having some, nothing truly violent, but it’s almost always a black canvas or static noise. I cannot tell what there is to come; it is as if things have stopped from advancing. I wish I could be more helpful in this situation, but I get nothing. The only thing I get every time I am here, in this village, is a good headache.”

“A headache?” asked Yixing confused. “Is that something connected to your… visions?”

“No. I don’t even think they have anything to do with the visions; it’s just the general bad energies that I get from this place. People live in fear or are completely oblivious to the toxicity of this village.”

“True, although it is not really obliviousness but rather a sense of complete devotion for the system that we have, their word is the law around here. The Council is something sacred in here, as if they were Mother Nature's representative's on Earth. It because it makes people blind to their faults; to their major faults.”

Jongdae laughed out loud at Sehun’s words, a mixture of anger and bitterness. It was an ugly sound and it was completely strange hearing innocent Jongdae laughing like this.

“This is a dictatorship in disguise. People are being manipulated and are scared to do their bidding. Whoever follows is good, those who think for themselves and refuse to follow the stupid impositions they make, are severely punished.”

The smaller beta really seemed rather upset, and even Sehun’s expression was rather sullen, which was a clear indication about how they feel about their current situation as members of the pack. Chanyeol tightened his hold on the little beta and the man let himself be pulled, even more by burying his nose on Chanyeol’s shoulder, trying to clear his head and let his anger evaporate.

“Not everything’s bad. For the first time we have a good leader; Yifan is a great man, he listens to us and protects the people. He protects us from the Council and all of their crazy decisions, it’s not an easy task since he bears the brunt of their anger, and does everything in his power to prevent the Council from completely overpowering us, and mistreating us. However, although he tries, he has some trouble because he fears that the Council can harm his mate. Junmyeon is not a meek person, but he is rather docile and doesn’t like conflict.” Explained Sehun.

It was true: Yifan really tried to protect us but that could come at a cost, and he constantly watches over his shoulder in order to keep those scums from hurting the ones he loves the most.

“When I talked to him,” cut Yixing “he did seem like a really good person: level headed and mature, down to earth. However, I do understand what you are trying to say; there is only so much he can do. And if they are capable of producing chimeras, imagine at what lengths they will go to, to hurt Yifan if needed.”

“This is a very complicated situation. More so if there is, in fact, people working alongside with them. If that is the case, we need to understand who it is, why and how to unmask them. We could possibly be facing a war if things get to an extreme point.” Commented Jongin sitting on a chair, a hand coming up to wipe at his face, trying to rid the tiredness from his body and will the headache to go away.

Yixing seemed to notice the feeling, and laid down a comforting hand on the other’s shoulder, startling Jongin and surprising Baekhyun who lifted an eyebrow at the other’s gesture. Yixing had always been, out of the two, the most cuddly one, the one who enjoyed contact the most. He remembered that from his childhood, it was a fact that had always been engraved in his mind. He remembered very well when Yixing, toddler Yixing, had picked his little brother up, cuddled him and gave him a lot of kisses and hugs that he enjoyed a lot but Yixing wasn’t a toddler anymore, and neither was he. However, it seemed that some traces of Yixing’s personality were hard to erase and this seemed to be one of them.

“We need to figure out something.” Sighed Sehun. “We need to find all of those things, ensure our security and yours as well as survive, until Yifan comes back. When he comes back, I think we can talk to him about all of this and have his help in order to solve all of this.”

“Which is going to be difficult.” replied Jongdae with a groan, momentarily lifting his head from Chanyeol’s shoulder. “Sooyoun is already suspicious of us, plus, there is someone out there who is trying to kill Kyungsoo and almost got me by mistake! I don’t know. I want things to be normal again!”

“We all do.” stated Sehun. “I also want this crust on my back to just... heal up and fall off and leave my back lhow it was before.”

It was half a grumble and a half attempt to just try and lighten up the mood a little. He didn’t really have any success. He sighed a little when he noticed that his joke had no effect.

“Well, we should speak with Kyungsoo as soon as he gets here with Minseok.”

“And should we tell Minseok about this situation? He could help protect Kyungsoo if needed. I’m not really that strong: I have the brains not the brawn. There is only Sehun but I suspect that he will have difficulty with his back still recovering. Also, you can’t always be in the village to help us. Plus, even if we do have Yixing now, there is only one person for so many of us. We have the responsibility for other people, especially all those people who are innocent and don’t deserve to have something happening to them.” Commented Jongdae.

“We can be here for you whenever you need us.” mumbled Chanyeol, feeling like he needed to prove to Jongdae that he could protect his mate.

There was an uncharacteristic semi pout on his lips that made him look quite cute, at least that was what Jongdae thought, although he would never voice it aloud; there was something attractive about Chanyeol, something that pulled the beta towards the tall wolf, however he did not know the other very well, therefore he could commit to the other as he wished.

Both Baekhyun and Sehun saw the small smile that Jongdae tried to hide at Chanyeol’s behavior. They looked over at each other and Sehun, despite the fact that it was a pretty serious situation, burst out laughing and even Baekhyun let out a small chuckle at the taller beta's reaction.

“What’s the matter?” asked Yixing confused.

“Nothing.” replied the laughing beta, only managing to laugh harder.

It took quite a few time for the beta to stop laughing, especially when Sehun’s laughter became so infectious that everyone began laughing, some more freely than others, who preferred to let out a chuckle or two at the situation.

When the silence finally came back again, and everyone stopped laughing, Jongin spoke up.

“Well, it’s time to really dig deep into the situation and solve this thing or, at the very least, try to prevent worse things from happening. And it would be better, in a cohesive group perspective, for Baekhyun to talk with Yixing and for Chanyeol to talk with Jongdae, because there have been too many revelations in one day and, truth be told, I am kind of wishing that night would come sooner for me, so I can curl up and sleep. I am tired and it’s not even that late in the afternoon.”

The sentences, proffered in such a calm but serious tone of voice, sobered up the mood and made the mentioned people stiffen up, although there was a certain amount of excitement on Chanyeol’s part.

Baekhyun wasn’t happy. He really wasn’t. He wasn’t good with words and he didn’t even know what to say to Yixing, he knew that he had to have a conversation with his brother but after this morning, the revelations and the conversations with Sehun, he felt like this was pushing  the limits of his comfort zone even further.

“Hey.” Baekhyun turned his head to look at Sehun when the other called him softly, with a gentle look in his eyes. “You know as well as I do that you need to speak with him, as much as you may not want it. It will bring you a sense of peace or at least some closure. You need to speak with him. Just be honest and speak what’s on your mind and heart. It’s not difficult and he, as your brother and as an apparent good person; he will get what you told me and understand it. Just give it a try.”

Baekhyun sighed; he knew that Sehun was right and Yixing’s hopeful face on the other side of the room only made it inevitable. He needed to talk to his brother. With a small sigh in Sehun’s direction he gave the beta an almost imperceptible nod, gaining a small smile from him, while nodding with his head to Yixing, silently telling his older brother that he was willing to talk to him.

As Yixing trailed behind the slightly smaller wolf, both jumping out of the window just like Baekhyun had done hours ago, Jongin came to sit next to Sehun, occupying the place that his brother once had, leaving Chanyeol and Jongdae in one corner of the hut conversing in hushed voices.

“How do you think this is going to work?” asked Sehun to the other male, closing his eyes and trying to escape reality by doing so.

“I think that well, while my visions seem to be mocking me and not revealing a lot of things, I’ve caught a glimpse of us with other people together, which means there's some sort of unity between us; therefore, I think things will work just fine.”

“Even Chanyeol and Jongdae?” asked Sehun opening his eyes just to look at the other in mocked surprise. “Because those two…”

“I know.” Laughed Jongin. “I think they do make a good pair though: Jongdae has the calmness and can be level headed while Chanyeol is really impulsive and harsh. They balance each other out much like a puzzle. They just need to understand and accept that they do fit together.”

“I predict a lot of fighting between those two if they do get together.” replied Sehun with a huff and a groan, imagining how many times there would be a raging Jongdae at his door if they did get together.

“I know that they’ll fight a lot. It’s imperative for their relationship to work out and it will do Chanyeol some good to grovel at Jongdae’s feet.”

The way that Jongin had said it raised some suspicion on Sehun’s part, who looked over at the slightly older male.

“You know something, don’t you?”

Jongin didn’t say anything but he cackled while he moved away to raid Jongdae’s cupboards, ignoring Sehun’s calls.

“Jongin? Jongin! Get back here and tell me what you know!”











Baekhyun reached the clearing, the one he had previously been in with Sehun, with Yixing trailing behind him without uttering a word. He stopped at some point, rain still pelting on them hard, but he didn’t turn around to look at his brother. He could be a little hard headed at times and, while he knew this had to happen, he was very reluctant; firstly he didn’t want to open his heart to someone that he felt was a stranger, one dose of opening a day was enough for him; secondly, he didn’t want to hurt Yixing by saying something that would be a little too honest: the man was still his brother after all, even if he only had a small, strained bond linking them.

“Aren’t you going to speak at all Baekhyun?” asked the older man softly.

“It’s not that I don’t want to… I just don’t know what you want me to say.” Replied the male just as softly.

“I want to hear whatever you have got to tell me. I know this is hard for you Baekhyun, but don’t think this is any easier for me: I thought you were dead for years too and I, also, had to learn to live without you. I also suffered.”

“Let’s not compare those experiences Yixing, because I am certain that what you’ve been through and what I’ve been through were very different.” Replied the Berserker harshly, turning to face Yixing with an angered expression on his face: Yixing should never compare experiences, he wasn’t the one to constantly fight out people who wished to kill him or the one to lose people he loved once again.”

“If you don’t explain to me whatever it was that you went through, I’ll never understand it, and of course until then, I’ll compare it. I know that we are strangers but I’m still your brother, and that is a bond that I never want to lose. You are important to me.”

“I don’t doubt that; that's not even the point.”

“Then what is the point? Explain it to me Baekhyun- I want to understand you and I want to understand this seeming animosity towards me.”

“It’s not animosity. This was rather sudden: I thought I didn’t have a brother anymore and now I find out that he was always alive. I don’t blame you for that but seeing you here, so well and healthy… I resent you, even though I shouldn’t. I resent the fact that you got to have a perfect life while I struggled so much to survive.”

The words seemed to slap Yixing in the face harshly. He was probably not expecting the words but Baekhyun had decided to follow Sehun’s advice and just be honest: how could he move on if he didn’t speak truly and freely to his own brother?

“I didn’t know Baekhyun...” replied the alpha sounding hurt. “I thought you were dead, if I had known you were alive, I would’ve searched high and low for you! It wasn’t my fault that I had more luck than you.”

“I know that!” stated Baekhyun with more force than he intended, he could feel a sense of anger creeping up and burning his stomach: he was perfectly aware that this wasn’t his brother’s fault but he still resented it. “I am not resenting you directly, I am resenting the sense of luck you had. You lived a perfectly okay life, despite everything, and I am still struggling to find my footing. I had to fight all of my life to stay alive, to eat, to sleep with both eyes closed, to protect my brother’s and now to help this village and its wolves, especially those I know, to live in a way that I didn’t.”

“Is it because of your… berserker quality?” asked Yixing slowly. “Jongin and Chanyeol explained a little to me.”

“Yes, among other things. It’s not easy to be considered the scum of our society based on something that we have no control of; it’s difficult to be an outcast.”

“You don’t have to be an outcast. You didn’t ask to be like this. You were a normal wolf when we were small… you were always a beautiful-”

“How can I not be an outcast? What you know is very different from what I am now.” Interrupted Baekhyun, not letting Yixing finish his sentence.

“You can leave them. We can leave, find a nice pack somewhere and live in peace. You have no obligations to them; first of all you aren’t even their real brother, you don’t owe them anything. You don’t owe anything to this village either. You can have a quiet and peaceful life if you want to, I can provide and assure you that you have the life you want”

Yixing sounded almost desperate when he voiced his words aloud; he wanted nothing more than to get along with his brother, the only bit of family that he had left. He wanted his brother to have the life he never had: it had been painful for Yixing to hear Baekhyun’s words.

However, Baekhyun seemed a little shocked at his birth brother’s words; appalled would be the appropriate word.

“What are you trying to say? That I should just leave them and run away?”

“I am not saying that, just that you don’t have obligations to them.”

“Things don’t work like that Yixing; no matter how hard life is, I would never turn my back on any one of these people. It doesn’t work like that. I stand by those who stood with me, and helped throughout any moment of my life as they did. I believe in loyalty and that is something that I am, I would never abandon my brothers…”

“They are not your brothers!” replied Yixing with a barely suppressed growl.

“They are! They are my brothers from the moment I entered their house, as a little child, and received nothing but the best from them. It was them who I bonded with and them who loved me unconditionally. It’s not always a peaceful relationship and the hardships made us a little jaded to everything around us, but bonds like those are unbreakable. They are my brothers just as you are, don’t try to diminish their role in my life just because we weren’t born out of the same womb.”

“I am your brother too!”

“You are, but you don’t know me like they do.” Stated Baekhyun resolutely.

Yixing looked flabbergasted at his brother. He could not believe, for the life of him, that he was really hearing this from his brother but, in reality, what had he been expecting? For his little brother to simply comply with his every wish?

“You are really not the sweet, bubbly, little omega wolf from our childhood aren’t you?”

“I am not. I was that person once but I was also a child. I grew up… and being an omega or a berserker had nothing to do with how my personality is like. Circumstances made me be who I am today; I could’ve still been an omega and I’d still be exactly like that. It’s belittling people when you assume that based on their rank they are supposed to act a certain way.”

“I can see that-. However, you were an omega at some point and I am still your brother.”

Maybe it was fraternal protectiveness, maybe it was the tone of the conversation that escalated due to Baekhyun’s harshness, but Yixing’s tone seem to be escalating from calm to furious and Baekhyun was beginning to not like it, although he only rose an eyebrow at the other’s behavior.

“Your claims, or whatever you want to call it, are completely null; you have no rights over me and I sincerely don’t give two damns about it. I know this is not what you wished to hear, that you expect to come here and that things would be fine. Maybe I could’ve been calmer and more… polished with my words but that isn’t me and that is something you need to acknowledge. You don’t know me Yixing, and that is the truth, don’t come here thinking that you can order me around because I am younger than you, because I am your brother or because you once defined me as an omega.”

With those words Baekhyun his back and left the clearing and Yixing behind. He didn’t wish for things to go out like this, but Yixing was dealing with his alpha instincts who tried to take control of the situation on the worst way possible, and also because his own temper was getting the best of him, and he had seriously been minutes away from launching himself at his brother in anger.

Baekhyun didn’t even look behind as he made his way back to Jongdae’s hut, jumping through the window and landing back in the familiar place.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, Sehun looked over at him with wide eyes before relaxing when he noticed who it was.

“You’re back!”

“I am.” Replied the berserker looking around. “Where is everyone? When I left there were a lot of people here.”

“They were but then Jongin ate almost all contents of Jongdae’s cupboards. When Jongdae noticed, despite talking with Chanyeol, he flipped, shrieked and demanded them both to go with him to pick up food in the clearing. It was quite fortunate since not ten minutes later, one of the Guardian wolves came to warn us that we are expecting a summer storm that should last for about a week or so, therefore, all activities are ceased for the time being and all citizens should stay inside their houses unless contrary to order.”

“Is it normal for you to have this kind of storms?” asked Baekhyun with a lifted eyebrow. “It sounds intense.”

“We do. Our summers are too hot and we have these kinds of storms all the time. That was why we cropped our fields some time ago. The next two months are going to be intense.”

Baekhyun nodded while picking a discarded towel of the floor to clean himself.

“How did things go with your brother?” asked the tall beta softly; upon seeing the other’s expression at the question he immediately back tracked. “Well, I can tell by your expression that it wasn’t... all that great, hm?”

“It really wasn’t, but I am not really in the mood to talk about it.” Replied the smaller male with a sigh.

“Okay then, I won’t ask any more questions.”

Baekhyun nodded in appreciation at the other’s understanding, and sat down next to the male when Sehun made a hand motion for him to sit next him.

“Give me some company. I was quite bored.”

Baekhyun chuckled slightly and sat near Sehun’s head. He would’ve been far more comfortable at the other end of the bed, but Sehun had to be propped on his stomach so he was limited on vision.

“So, do you want to hear what Jongdae’s…”

Sehun didn’t even had time to say whatever he was going to say because the door burst open and they both froze as Seungwan entered the room with an enormous basket filled with food.

She saw Baekhyun straight away but, to their disbelief, she didn’t even bat an eye at them.

“Hi, Sehun. I’ve brought some food for you. It’s been distributed by the huts because of the approaching storm, this is nothing compared to what is coming, according to people. You should be all settled up. I’ve loaded Kyungsoo and Minseok too, so they should be okay. The Guardians actually told Kyungsoo to remain with Minseok since they believe that he is better protected with an alpha. Since you and Jongdae are beta’s they believe you are okay but seeing as Baekhyun is here, which means that both Chanyeol and Jongin are as well, you should be okay. Anyways, I have got other places to be before I go home and rest. You try and apply your medicine well so that you can be up and about when the storm passes away. Take good care of him Baekhyun.” She told them in one breath, placing the basket on top of the table before retreating.

As soon as she had arrived, she was gone. Both Baekhyun and Sehun looked over at each other completely confused and shocked at what had just happened with Seungwan.

“Do you know her?” asked Sehun faintly, looking at Baekhyun. “You never told me you had met her!”

“I don’t know her.” Replied Baekhyun looking so shocked that it was almost comical on the other man’s usual stoic face.

“You don’t’?”

“No, I am sure of it! There are not a lot of women in my life, at least female wolves, other than my mothers. I have no idea who she is.”

Sehun looked startled at the information; he fully believed that Baekhyun was telling the truth, and that he didn’t know Seungwan, as there was such sincerity in the other’s voice and eyes that it was impossible not to believe him.

Baekhyun looked properly disgruntled at the meeting, completely and totally confused and lost. The feeling only became more obvious as Sehun asked the question.

“Then how did she know who you were?”





A/N: Hello everyone! How are you?? First of all, to everyone who celebrates it, HAPPY EASTER! I didn't update last week since I hibernated the only weekend, I swear to you all, I slept so much because I was beyond exhausted but it was a fun trip so, it was kind of worth it.
Now, for this chapter, dun dun duuuuun, more mystery! It comes on coming, over and over again and our boys just have to surpass every little obstacle and, at this point, they are a lot.
What did you think of this chapter? Please, tell me all your thoughts in a comment or in private message! If you like the story please subscribe and upvote it.
Also, I would like, as always, thank to -lubehan for beta-ing my chapters and for having so much patient to deal with my crappy skills as a writer and for doing such a wonderful job. LOVE YOU, YOU ARE THE BEST!!! <3
Lastly, please be healthy and safe, love and love others and just BE HAPPY! ALWAYS!
Lots of love,

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Chapter 42: It took me so long to get back on track but after almost a whole year I'm finally back... Did I just finish a novel or a fanfic?? Amazing, absolutely amazing... Every single thing was perfect and I'm still amazed how beautifully u pulled up an entirely different plot (u know right I'mma hugeee fan of all ur stories) but this one was totally unexpected for me . How u showed all characters especially Baekhyun's , veryy different from his usual character... Wanna discuss everything but I know I can't.. Anyway I Loved it Alot...❤️❤️❤️❤️
This was so good! I binge read it, and highly enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing this story :)
Being_aeri #3
Chapter 42: I was here to read this again.. this is soooo good ??? I want more.. do tell us if you are going to write an epilogue..
Being_aeri #4
Chapter 42: Your story is a masterpiece and I strongly recommend this,so much to read, so much to anticipate and with that unexpected twists just added to the charm, thank you so much I greatly appreciate being one of your reader take care..
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 42: Love it :3
ExoLscanloveBTS #7
I just passed by and wanted to complement you more because <3 it has been so long since i logged into this account and wanted to tell you how much your story brought me joy <3 I want you to be loved and appreciated for what you do <3 you are an amazing writer and i love your work <3 The world needs more people like you so please save more people from their miseries and take them to their neverlands just like you did with me XD ILY <3.
Chapter 42: I just finish reading this story. It's such a beautiful story and I love it so much! You did a great job writing this! Thank you so much for this lovely story. :)