Chap 1: Stages of Grief

24 Hours
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It can't be...

It can't be...

It can't be...

Of everyone... Why would it be me?

There must have been a mistake...

A grave mistake...

But she said my name...

That death angel said Moon Byulyi clearly...

No... No... No...

There must be someone else with the same name...

That's it...

That must be it!

She's mistaken...


The phone clutched in my hands started to vibrate, making it known to the phone owner that a notification has arrived.

--- Oops sorry, I just saw your message **sticks out tongue** Thanks to you, the one and only Moon Byulyi in this world who is also known as my favourite boss, I probably won't be getting off anytime soon with thousands of photos to develop **pouts** It'll be pretty late by the time I get to your apartment, so I guess I'll sleepover on tomorrow night instead? --- 이 세상에서 가장 빛나는 사람 *,10.50 PM

*이 세상에서 가장 빛나는 사람 is the name Byulyi has saved Wheein as in her phone (It does not mean that this story is a continuation from my last-- Memories of Love, I'm just too lazy to think of something else kekekeke)

"You're right..." Unknowingly, a soft sigh left my mouth, lingering in the air. "There's only one person in this world with this unique name... Moon Byulyi..."

That person who has fallen for Jung Wheein...

That person who is dying in 24 hours...

Tears started to form in my eyes, threatening to break out any moment from now. A gush of cold air blew past, rustling up the leaves hanging on the skinny branches of the trees surrounding me.

"Of all names why am I called Moon Byulyi!" The loud screams that escaped resounded through the whole forest.

"안녕 (Hello), my name is Moon Byulyi. You can call me Byulyi, just like the stars in the sky."

I used to love my name so much...

I never knew that there would come a time where I have started to hate it...

"No... I should ask what is wrong with you!" I pointed towards the night sky that was lit up by the stars, directing my rants towards the one who was in charge of the universe. With my sincere heart, I earnestly hoped that my pleas would reach the one who is in charge of life and death and possibly change my fate. "I'm only 25 years old! I just started out my career at the world famous ShiningStar Studio! How could you do this to me?! Telling me that I'm dying in like... 24 hours?!"

It was the last straw. Droplets started to fall, rolling down my cheeks and leaving behind evidence of my sorrow.

"How could you do this to me?!" Right at that moment, a flash of light cut across the sky, dividing it into two. A loud thunder followed, as though it was encouraging me to continue pouring my tale of woes. "My whole life I've worked so hard to be here... Even if you didn't have the time to see it, you should at least acknowledge that I lived till this age, bringing the least worries to my parents! You should at least give me an additional day or two

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Hi guys, I'm sorry to inform that this week's chapter will be up late (probs midweek next week) I'll try to finish it ASAP lots of loves <3~


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Hello there, the angel from my nightmare...

Missed this story and voicing my theories :(

Hope you are doing fine author-nim :)
Windwhee #2
Chapter 30: Great story writernim. Hope you can continue the story until ending
b0rEd0me #3
Chapter 30: Author-nim, please update this story T-T
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 30: Wise advice from Wheein there, to just follow the feeling, but then again, Wheein knows~ Man, Hyejin just had to witness the whole fake girlfriend scene! Evil author hehe. Poor Hyejin. I feel like the purple part is in the past, but hmm, it can be a future event as well?? I hope you stop running author! :D
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 29: Glad that we get a Yongsun POV chapter after the last one, especially since we get to see Yongsun's flashback. This revelation gets much more interesting! It's no wonder Yongsun became Byul's personal assistant. It's good that Byul cleared the air about Wheein with Yongsun. Ah, so Yongsun didn't know about the death angel part huh~
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 29: Will read this soon ;-;
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 28: Gosh, I would have done the same thing as Byul if my two friends keep bugging me for an answer, but gosh Byul, you have to answer for pointing to Yongsun! At least she's protecting Wheein...
Chapter 30: I'm really late with this one... Sorry. As always, thanks for the update ♥
Chapter 30: I like the flow and it's not confusing at all.. =)
I have faith in Wheebyul.. ^^
Thanks for the update! ❤
Chapter 29: Wow, talk about desperate measures...haha...
Glad to know how Yongsun came to be Byul's assistant...hope they both get to be with their love..
Thanks for the update!! XD