Early Riser

Stuck With The Boys
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At only 4AM the next morning, Seulbi dragged herself out of bed and slugged her way over to the living room in an unpleasant manner. She wasn't sure what had woken her up, she was just unhappy to be awake. She fumbled her way into the kitchen only to be hit with the scent of coffee. Seulbi opened her drowsy eyes up completely. Yoongi was standing beside the counter, his back facing her.

"Early riser, huh? I thought you were the one that was always sleeping." Seulbi spoke. The sound of her sudden voice hadn't made him jolt up in the slightest. He poured hot, black coffee into a mug and stirred. There was nothing to even stir. Yoongi liked  his coffee extremely bitter. 

"Trust me, I'm not one." He spoke in a drowsy, deep voice. Seulbi couldn't lie to herself, it was quite attractive. She wanted to pry more words out of him, enjoying the sound of his raspy tone. 

Seulbi inched towards him to grab a glass out of the cabinet beside him. He said nothing to her. He hadn't even moved.

"Why are you up, making coffee and all? You do know it's 4AM right?" Seulbi asked. Yoongi moved towards the sink to wash the spoon he had used. Seulbi reached up towards the glass cups on the top shelf, standing on the tips of her toes. As Yoongi turned around, a glass cup began falling. 

It was as if the cup was falling in slow motion as Yoongi stared at it. Quick to act, he wrapped his arm around Seulbi and pulled her away from the glass. The sound of a shatter echoed through the tiny kitchen. Seulbi's heart was thumping, Yoongi's arm tightly secured around her waist. All she could do was laugh, uncomfortable with the situation. Yoongi was silent. 

"That was pretty close, thanks." Seulbi said. Yoongi still hadn't let go, his hand lingering on Seulbi's side. One of

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IM BACK ONCE AGAIN WITH “Stuck With The Boys”!! School caught up, sorry for the lack of updates.


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Mamm012 #1
Chapter 27: The only thing I don't like about this story is that I love this story too much. I can't decide who I ship her with because all of the boys are so freaking perfect. I just really hope that the boys accept whoever she chooses and stay friends. I hope you update soon!!!
princessofchina #2
Chapter 27: i love yoongi's cold on the outside warm on the inside image. i'm so happy we finally get to see more of him :)
Chapter 25: i am endlessly in love with this story, and i am endlessly in love with jungkook. yoongi is too hard on himself, but i hope that once he tells her the truth they will form a mutual understanding with one another. in a way i kind of want her to help him free himself from his guilt.
Chapter 22: Oh Kook....
machichrlak #5
in the other chapters i had in mind a very shy fetus jungkook but damn that fighting scene ripped all of the image i had with mentioning his BARE HANDS and him unleashing his primitive side ahhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHH that was intense AF
machichrlak #6