
Stuck With The Boys
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"Hey, stop being so awkward. What's wrong with you?" Namjoon threw a dish towel towards Seulbi as she stood in front of the kitchen counter. She was hovering over a coffee mug, the world around her spinning. She was still hung over from the night before, and Jimin had been helped her around that morning. 

"Excuse me? Don't ask me why I'm so awkward. You must be stupid." She spoke, picking the cup up and slowly moving away. Her feet shifted around the floor with little to no movement, her gaze set on the tile floor underneath her. Jimin's feet pattered their way up the small, dark hallway. His gaze sharply hit Namjoon before he grabbed Seulbi's arm, helping her over to the couch. 

"I told you this is what happens when you drink, Seulbi. Don't go drinking without letting me know first." He spoke. She made her way over to the couch, taking a spot next to Jungkook. An ice pack in his hand, Jungkook reached out to gently place it onto her forehead, knowing that Seulbi had always like that when her head was bothering her. He pushed himself closer towards her, his free arm falling onto the upper part of the couch behind her.

"I know, I know. Why are you lecturing me like a child?" She asked as Jimin placed a blanket into her lap, watching as she sat backward against Jungkook's arm. Seokjin watched the two of them, surprised that a flustered hadn't grown onto his youthful face. Maybe they had gotten closer, but Seokjin was praying they hadn't. It had been selfish of him, but he didn't want his own chances to expire right before his eyes.

"Because you drink too much, what if you got hit by a car or something? How would you have gotten home if I wasn't there to carry you back?" Jimin asked. She took his hand and pulled him downwards, seating him beside her as she let out a sigh. She released his hand, patting his shoulder lightly. Her eyes had been shut in the slightest, the brightness of the lights bothering her. Taehyung stood up from his spot, moving towards the light switch to dim the area. He then closed the shades that had been sitting behind the curtains, Seulbi hadn't even known they were there. The room was looking a bit more dark, Seulbi continuously Jimin's muscular shoulder. 

"I know, I know, I get it. You'v

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IM BACK ONCE AGAIN WITH “Stuck With The Boys”!! School caught up, sorry for the lack of updates.


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Mamm012 #1
Chapter 27: The only thing I don't like about this story is that I love this story too much. I can't decide who I ship her with because all of the boys are so freaking perfect. I just really hope that the boys accept whoever she chooses and stay friends. I hope you update soon!!!
princessofchina #2
Chapter 27: i love yoongi's cold on the outside warm on the inside image. i'm so happy we finally get to see more of him :)
Chapter 25: i am endlessly in love with this story, and i am endlessly in love with jungkook. yoongi is too hard on himself, but i hope that once he tells her the truth they will form a mutual understanding with one another. in a way i kind of want her to help him free himself from his guilt.
Chapter 22: Oh Kook....
machichrlak #5
in the other chapters i had in mind a very shy fetus jungkook but damn that fighting scene ripped all of the image i had with mentioning his BARE HANDS and him unleashing his primitive side ahhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHH that was intense AF
machichrlak #6