Can't Seem To Avoid You- Chapter 9

Too Much To Handle

Solji's P.O.V

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop myself from avoiding him. I even accidentally walked in on him sleeping with Gyuri next to him. I had to walk out immediately, hoping they didn't wake up. But I thought he had hated her. He never wanted to get back together with her, but I guess he can't make any promises. 

"How are you feeling?", Le asked me. She had asked me everyday to make sure I was doing fine with ignoring Leo.

"Good, I guess. I walked in on him sleeping with Gyuri.", I sat down in a chair.

"Well, at least he doesn't have feelings for you anymore. Right?", Le said back.

"Wait he had feelings for me?", I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You didn't know? I mean it was obvious. Even all of the maids noticed it. How could you not see it?", Le was surprised.

"I don't know, I guess I wasn't paying attention to the fact that he was loving me.", I said sarcastically.

"What's going on guys?", Junghwa walked in.

"Solji couldn't tell that Leo had feelings for her before she ignored him.", Le informed Junghwa.

"Oh wow, how could you not tell?", Junghwa asked me looking at me like I was some dumb persin who couldn't notice things.

"I wasn't paying attention to the "love" he gave me, I was paying attention to all the drama I created with him, and if I ever told him I had feelings for him, things would get even crazier.", I pointed out.

"I guess you're right, even ignoring him is too much for the both of you.", Le agreed.

"I just can not believe that he got back with that .", Junghwa complained.

"Woah, calm down. He just doesn't realize that she's using him, again. Probably to make me jealous or maybe using him for his fame and money.", I chuckled at the way Junghwa cussed.

"Maybe both.", Le thought.

"Yeah, maybe.", I agreed with her and sighed.

"It's okay unnie, she'll stop bothering you after she has realized that she's happy with Leo.", Junghwa comforted me.

"Yeah, she'll stop bothering me in like 1000 years later.", I joked. Junghwa and Le laughed.

"What are we laughing at here now?", Hyerin walked in.

"Oh nothing?", Le wiped her tears away from laughing. 

"Alright, Solji, how are you doing on avoiding Leo?", Hyerin asked me.

"I'm doing fine, things are getting worser by the day.", I complained.

"Just keep it up.", Hyerin gave me a thumbs up. I walked out but quickly behind the kitchen door as I saw Leo and Gyuri talking.

"I just can't believe that you're using me like this, I'm telling you it's not working. She keeps avoiding you.", Gyuri complained to him. Using her to do what with me?

"Just do as I say, you want the money right?", Leo told her. Money? For what?

"$100 a day right?", Gyuri asked him. $100?!

"Yes, she'll stop avoiding me if you act better. She'll get jealous over time.", Leo whispered to her, but I could still hear. Are they talking about me? I walked back inside with huge eyes, not believing what I just heard.

"What is it?", Hani asked me.

"I eavesdropped on Leo and Gyuri talking.", I said.

"What'd they say?", Le asked.

"They said something about Leo paying Gyuri and using her to get to me.", I explained.

"Pay her?", Junghwa asked.

"Yeah pay her.", I told her back.

"So she's gonna act as his girlfriend until you stop avoiding him?", Hyerin asked.

"Yeah, pretty much.", I was still shocked. 

"Wow, I knew he would never take her back. I mean come on, he hated her for using him.", Junghwa pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess. I can't believe he can't just talk to me, but to pay Gyuri and make me jealous?", I said angry, "I mean I admit I was jealous a little, but now, I'm just so mad at him."

"Well, stop avoiding him, he'll notice that you're talking to him now and confront him completely.", Hyerin suggested.

"That sounds great. I'll try.", I walked out. I walked into Leo's room and saw them talking to each other. 

"Just remember that I love you.", Gyuri told Leo. The acting made me wanna puke. I wanted to laugh so much. They were then talking to each other in whisper. I felt something hit my head. I turned around and Gyuri smirked at me. 

"Well, your acting is really off. But thanks for this, it really helps.", I smirked back.

"What? How'd you know.", Leo asked me.

"I over heard you guys talking.", I told them, "I must say you got me. But not anymore."

"Ugh I told you it wouldn't work.", Gyuri walked out. Now it was just me and Leo.

"Well I guess you can quit now for the behavior I made.", Leo looked up at me.

"No, I'm good.", I refused.

"Can I talk to you?", Leo asked me.

"I mean, I guess. You're already talking to me.", I told him.

"Seriously, for real this time.", Leo said seriously.

"Isn't it "for real" every time?", I joked.

"Listen to me, ever since I had realized that Gyuri used me I felt so dumb and used then thrown away with Gyuri escaping, tricking me again. But when you were in those incidents I saved you because I felt like I had started over with you.", He confessed to me.

"So you used me too?", I turned around.

"No, I'm saying that, I'm a new better person when I met you.", He stood up and went in front of me

"Are you trying to, ask me, out?", I gulped.

"Trying.", He smiled.

"Well then, I don't know what to say."

"Say what you want to say, I can take no for an answer."

Was I dreaming? Is this actually happening? I didn't know what to say, for real. I do like him. So he used Gyuri to ask me out when he could have done it himself? I mean it is romantic, but all I ever did to him was create a big drama mess. I'll say yes, I guess.

"Yes, I would love to.", I told him, maybe the "I would love to", is a little too much. He smiled and hugged me, I hugged back. I couldn't believe it. I'm dating one of the princes. I walked out of the room, excited to tell the other maids what literally just happened.

"What are you happy about? Did you confront them?", Junghwa asked me.

"Yes, I did confront them.", I wanted to jump up and down but sat in a chair.

"Why are you so happy about it?", Le asked me.

"Because, like, I can't explain it, I'm too happy to.", I answered back.

"I feel like you're gonna explode from happiness.", Le chuckled.

"He asked me out.", I covered my face with my hands.

"Oh my, for real?", Hyerin shook my shoulder.

"Seriously?", Le could not believe it. All of the maids were going on and on about my relationship with Leo.

"He really does like you.", Junghwa was in awe. 

"I'm jealous.", Hani pouted.

"So what are you guys gonna do?", Hyerin asked.

"I don't know. I mean it's all so much to handle already, once people know on social media things will start to get crazy.", I replied back.

"I just can't believe it, literally, I feel so happy for you unnie.", Junghwa hugged me. I hugged back.

"Thank you, I feel like we're gonna be something that him and Gyuri could never have been when they were together.", I smiled at her. I walked out seeing Leo in the main living room, depressed.

"Hey.", I walked up to him.

"Oh, Hi. You scared me.", He pulled my arm so I could sit next to him.

"What's wrong?", I asked him.

"Are you gonna judge me if I tell you?", He looked at me.

"Definitely not.", I shook my head.

"Alright.", He sighed. He looked like he was out of control.

"So tell me, what's wrong?"

"I.", He stopped.

"C'mon you can tell me, no matter how bad it is."

"I killed someone."



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Chapter 11: nice ~ nice ~ nice~
Michua1011 #3
Chapter 8: Chapter 9 pls~~~