Have Had Enough But Won't Let Go- Chapter 4

Too Much To Handle

Solji's P.O.V


Walking into class was embarrassing enough but having people throw food at me at lunch was even more embarrassing. Overall, the day was horrible. No one spoke about what had happen last night ever since, it was like nothing had happened at the mansion. The only people who were nice to me were the maids and butlers, they understood how I felt.

"It's okay Solji, people will forget about it after a while.", Junghwa comforted me.

"Yeah but not Gyuri, obviously she'll do anything to make me quit and leave her alone forever, all I did was confronted her, if she would have accepted it I would have left her alone and none of this would have happened to me today.", I complained, "I think I might quit...".

"What?! You can't quit, you're like my best friend, you're super nice to me, and you are like my sister more than the other maids.", Junghwa complimented.

"I know but it's just too much drama for me to handle.", I sighed.

"Look, I used to be like you when I was new here, Gyuri actually thought I was gonna steal Leo away from her, no matter how many times she insulted me and embarrassed me, I didn't care, I could actually care less because I ignored her and moved on with my job as a maid to make my family happy, over the time she would forget about me and everything would go fine."

"Thanks for the advice, Junghwa, but what she did to you wasn't like what she did to me.", I stood up and walked out the door smiling at Junghwa. I knocked on the head masters door.

"Come on in." He said. I sat in the guest chair in from of him. But it wasn't just only him inside, the 6 princes were in there too.

"What is it Miss. Solji?" He asked. I was afraid to say it in front of all the princes but I bet they would be happy that I quit.

"I.. would like to quit my job as a maid please.", I requested. That was when all of the princes turned around looking at the both of us.

"May I ask why you would want to quit?", He asked concerned.

"I just don't think its going too well."

"Tell me, what's the problem? Is it the princes?"

I shook my head.

"Is it the university?"

Again, I shook my head.

"Then what is it?"

"I can't say."

Just then someone randomly interrupted the conversation.

"You may not quit.", I turned around to see who said that. It was, Leo.

"Um why not?", I asked him.

"Because first of all, you don't have a specific purpose, and second of all, you still work for me no matter what.", He explained, " and if you're quitting because of "her" then I'll just tell you, I broke up with her."

I was shocked. He broke up with Gyuri? But why? Because of me?

"Now I need you to hurry up and clean my room.", He demanded me. I nodded and bowed. Quickly going into his room I opened the door and closed it. Turning around, I see someone close to my face, I almost scream but stop when I saw the ugly hoe face.

"Gyuri, what is it that you want from me now? I tried to quit, but they won't let me what do oyu want me to do now?", I asked her with anger.

"I want you to leave.", She answered back.

"I tried that, they won't let me."

"No, I mean literally leave, this instant."

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to get out the door and LEAVE!", She shouted, "I have had enough of you, because of you Leo broke up with me, now I have no one to be with to make everyone jealous of us, to make everyone want to be like us!"

"So you're saying that you used him?"

"Obviously! Don't you get it? Once you date a rich and powerful guy, you can't help it but use all of his money for your own, soon after you don't love him anymore. Now I want you to get out that door and do not let anyone know that you're gonna leave and never come back here, ever again. if I can't have Leo, neither can you."

"Gyuri, Leo broke up with you for a reason, he realized you used him, guys are not dumb, and I don't like him that way. I only work here because my parents offered me to the head master to pay him back after what he did for my parent's company. Don't think ahead of time like that."

"I don't care what you say. Just get out! Thank you for what you just told me because now I have a reason why you need to leave and never come back, the head master doesn't need you here, neither do the princes, you can go back to your hometown. Your parents can find another way to repay the head master back easily."

She pushed me out the door and told me once again to leave after glaring at me. I can't believe what I had just told her. I wasn't suppose to tell anyone, not even the maids. Now she's gonna blackmail me? I guess the best idea is to leave. I walked out the front door sneakingly and ran out to the limo because I know I don't have enough time to walk back to the city.

"Where to Miss?", The driver asked.

"Seoul, please.", I replied.

~Back at Seoul~

My eyes started watering after thinking about what had just happened, I told Junghwa that I wasn't gonna leave, but now I lied to her. But it's not like they can find me, right? After dropping me off in the city I had no where to stay. Ring Ring. My cell phone went off, I picked it up.


"Unnie (A/N-Unnie means if you are a gal you call other gals who are older than you unnie, or unnie can mean sister.) Where are you?"

"Is it Junghwa?"

"Yeah it's me, the maids and I are wondering where you are."

"Um I'm just buying things at the supermarket, I'll be there later."

"Okay well then we'll see you, the princes also want to see you too."

"Wait wha-.", Before I could ask, she hung up. The princes wanted to see me? But why? Ugh, is it because of Gyuri? Has she already told them about my parents offering me to the head master? Thoughts like these ran through may head for the rest of the night. But the next thing I could think of was, where am I gonna stay? I called one of my good friends that lived in Seoul, we went to school together. After five rings she finally picked up.

"Oh Hey, what's up?", her friend said.

"Can I stay with you for a couple of days?" I asked.

"Um sure come on over."

"Thanks.", After arriving at her house, it was finally so good to meet her again.

"I haven't seen you in forever, Taeyeon." I said.

She hugged me,

She hugged me, "I know ever since you left I had no one to hang out with."

"Well thanks for letting me stay here.", I thanked her.

"Now tell me why you were all over the internet with the 6 princes."

"Get ready for a super long story.", I chuckled. We were sitting on the couch together talking. It was nice to talk to one of my best friends again.


Junghwa's P.O.V.

It started getting so late, and I was concerned for Solji unnie. Not just me though, everyone else too. The maids, butlers, and the princes too. I was walking around and found Gyuri trying to knock on Leo's door and apologize so he could take her back.

"You're trying too hard. He'll never take you back.", I said.

"Oh shut up, you don't know anything.", She glared at me, "I'm trying hard after that Solji girl left."

"Wait what?"

"Oh you didn't hear.", She smirked, "Solji just left to go back to her hometown."

"How do you know?"

"Because I told her to. It was about time that went away and never come back."

"How dare you tell her to do that?! Now Leo will never talk to you again."

"And how do you know that, servant?"

"Because he actually was concerned for her, everyone was actually, now the head master will and since you did something unacceptable, I'm sure he'll have to do something about it.", I smirked back at her. Walking away, I went to the head masters office. Knocking on the door, I was thinking of what to say to the head master.

"Come in.", He said.

I cleared my throat, " Um sir I have some very unpleasant news."

"What is it Junghwa?"

"Solji left to go back to her hometown."

"How in the world could she go back there."

"Because Miss. Gyuri told her to go back to the city and never come back here."

"She what?", he almost yelled, " Is it because Leo broke up with her?"

"I don't know sir, all I know is that Gyuri started all of this.", I was smiling on the inside.

"Alright, thank you I'll do something about it.", He said. I nodded and bowed to him. When I walked outside the door I jumped because Prince Leo was standing right next to it. Did he hear all of this? If he did, great. Now he'll definitely hate Gyuri for what she did.

Leo's P.O.V.

I followed after the maid, Junghwa, because I had something to say to the head master, but it turns out so does she. I was waiting outside the door for her to be finished talking, but since they were talking a bit loud, I heard everything. Solji went back to her hometown because of Gyuri, it all makes sense now. Gyuri was mad at Solji because I broke up with her, and she thinks its all Solji's fault when it isn't. So she told her to leave back to the city, but why would Solji listen to her?

"What is it Leo?", He asked.

"Um I overheard your conversation with Junghwa, is it true?"

"Well I'm not sure but it could be, I already sent the email to everyone in Seoul saying if they know a girl named Heo Sol Ji. Her hometown is Seoul, we just don't know if she's there or not."

Just then there was a knock at the door, it was the limo driver.

"Head master I just want to tell you that one of the maids asked me to take her to Seoul."

"Alright, thank you, you may leave now.", Head master told him.

"I guess she actually in Seoul.", I said.

"But where would she be in Seoul?", Head master asked, "We need to track her down. I've already called the authorities, they've called the police, now the police should be investigating."

"Alright, but can you make sure to tell me the news first thing in the morning?", I asked.

"Yes, I will, but Leo why are you so anxious to hear from them?"

"I just want to make sure she's safe."

"Do you like her?"

"Uh, no, we've met for a couple of days, why would I like her? And besides I just got out of a relationship, I don't need to get into a new one just yet."

"Alright just making sure you can go now, get some rest.", Head master gestured me off.

After all that has happened, I'm not sure I could get any sleep. That night was so stressful.

~Next Morning~

Narrator's P.O.V.

In the next morning, Loe and Junghwa woke up at the same time. They quickly got ready for the news the head master was going to give them. Junghwa ran in her slippers not caring what the head master is gonna say about them. Leo was still in his sleeping outfit, and walked downstairs while rubbing his eyes to see the head master as well. As Junghwa ran down one end of the hallway, Leo ran down the other. Together, they both were in front of the door.

"What are you doing here?", Leo asked her.

"What are YOU doing here?", She asked back.

"I came for the information.", He replied.

"Same.", Junghwa added. The both opened the door not even knocking. The head master was in there looking at some papers.

"Did you get any information on Solji?", they both said at the same time.

"Calm down, I got a couple of files from the police investigators.", Head master said, "It turns out she's staying with her friend, Taeyeon, she also had gotten a job at a bar."

"Oh, I know Taeyeon, Solji was talking about her once, she even told me where she lived.", Junghwa said.

"Well then we need to go now.", Leo said in a rush.

"Well change then, I already sent our limo driver to go to Seoul and meet up with the investigators. You better hurry and go now before he leaves.", Head master warned.

Solji's P.O.V.

I woke up on the couch downstairs, I borrowed some clothes from Taeyeon last night. I might need to borrow her clothes again. I knocked on her door gently. I went in and shook her awake.

"Taeyeon, I need new clothes, I have to get to my interview with the boss at Jyoti Restaurant.", I rushed her. She got up not talking and went into her closet, and gave me this outfit.

She got up not talking and went into her closet, and gave me this outfit

I curled my hair and walked out the door, feeling like a new person. Arriving at the restaurant, I walked in and saw how nice it is. I asked the girl at the counter where the manager could be, she said in the back. Making sure I was ready I came to the back of the restaurant into the manager's office. Knock Knock. I knocked on the door many times until he finally told me to come in.

"Ah, you must be Heo Sol Ji.", He said.

"Yes I am, I'm here for the interview?.", I asked him.

"Yes you are, lets begin shall we?", He started off, "Why would you like to be a full-time worker at this restaurant."

"I would like to be a full time worker here because, I was once a maid not too long ago and I feel like I have some experiences dealing with catering, so I came here to continue my job with catering.", I explained with confidence.

"Interesting, next question. What responsibilities do you have with catering?"

"I can surely make sure everything is right where it is, I can make the customers happy and leave the restaurant with full satisfaction, I can be friendly and interact well with my work teammates, and I can work late at times where customers come in at night."

"Perfect, just what I needed."

He continued to ask me more questions, and I was hired for the job immediately. I was so excited, I had put on my apron since he told me start right away, and I served customers. I was glad to see that they were happy when they left.

Leo's P.O.V.

We were in the limo asking the driver to pick up the speed. We visited the Seoul investigators and they had some files on Solji, they knew where Taeyeon lived. As soon as we heard where she lived, we got in the limo with the police officer and drove away to the address.

Junghwa's P.O.V.

I was wondering why Leo was so anxious to find Solji. We arrived at the address, and turns out that Taeyeon wasn't there. So we decided to wait for her to come home.

~6 hours later~

We've stayed at the same spot because of Leo. After 2 hours have passed, we all decided to go somewhere to eat because i was obvious she won't come home until evening, but Leo on the other hand, wanted to stay, "just in case" she was gonna come home early. I sat next to the window, and saw a girl walking down the street, could that be her? I opened the door to have a closer view.

"Yah, Junghwa where are you going?", Leo asked. I ignored him. It was her.

"Excuse me are you Kim Taeyeon?", I asked while running up to her.

"Um yes I am, who are you?", she asked back.

"I'm with the investigators and we are trying to find Heo Sol Ji, they said she was living with you at the moment."

"Oh, you must be Junghwa?"

"How did you know?"

"Solji told me, she was talking about you yesterday."

"Oh well do you know where she is?", about that time everyone started walking out of the car and came towards me and Taeyeon.

"Um she's at her job interview right now."

"Well do you know where she works at?"

"I'm sorry I don't, you can come in my house and wait for her to come home if you'd like.", she suggested.

"That sounds great, thank you.", I finished the conversation and we all followed her in her home. She allowed us to sit on the couch and wait for Solji to come home.

"I'll try to text her and ask where her interview is.", she said.

"Alright.", I nodded.

~10 minutes later~

Taeyeon's P.O.V.

I don't know who these people are but I recognized Leo and Junghwa. But how would they find her here. I had to text Solji to ask where she is right now.

Where are you?

I'm at my job interview, I got hired!

That's great, but where are you working?

Um at Jyoti Restaurant, why?

Oh I'm just wondering.

Alright I'll text you later, we're kinda busy right now.

With that I showed Junghwa and everyone else the text message.

"Thank you so much", Junghwa thanked me.

"No problem.", I gave her luck on finding Solji.

Narrator's P.O.V.

Junghwa and Leo drove to the restaurant, but the driver kept making the wrong turns. They were suppose to turn left but ended up turning right. It took them 30 extra minutes to get to the restaurant. It was 8 pm. when they finally had arrived. The restaurant looked nice.

The restaurant looked nice

Solji's P.O.V.

"Solji, I'm heading out early to run some errands, close the restaurant when the customers are done eating.", the manager told me.

"Yes sir I will.", I nodded. The only customers left were these guys whom were drunk. I didn't trust them so I came up to them saying that I;m about to close the restaurant.

"Oh come on, we know you want to join us.", I man said drunk.

"Just one drink with us won't hurt.", another man said.

"Sir if you don't leave in the next 5 minutes, I'm gonna have to call my manager.", I warned them.

"Oh please, we know you won't actually do that.", he said smirking. Then, one of them touched my leg. I immediately backed away.

"Come on.", the man grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his lap. I quickly got up but they were holding me down.

"Get away from me! I'm warning you.", I screamed. I pushed him away and ran to the counter to try and call the cops, but one of them grabbed my foot and made me trip. I fell on my right side and my arm was suddenly isolated from my body. All I felt was that my arm was numb and I couldn't move it. Of course I screamed.

Leo's P.O.V.

We were at the front doors walking in. All of a sudden we heard screaming, that's when I ran. I came closer to where the screaming was.

Solji's P.O.V.

I closed my eyes feeling the pain of the guys trying to kick me for "disobeying" them. I screamed louder the more they kicked me. But for some reason the kicking stopped. Was my body really numb to not feel the kicks anymore? I fainted I guess, after seeing nothing but darkness.

I opened my eyes, seeing everything all blurry. After my eyes had fixed itself, the first person I saw was Junghwa.

"Oh you're awake unnie.", she turned around relieved.

"What h-happened?", I asked scared, "Why am I in the hospital?"

"Don't worry Prince Leo saved you, again.", she smiled.

"Wait how'd you guys even find me.", I asked.

"Head master called the authorities a.s.a.p after I told him that Gyuri told you to leave and never come back."

"But how'd you know that she told me to leave forever?"

"Well, she was standing in front of Leo's door trying to apologize after you left, and I came up telling her that it won't work but she said it will because she made you leave."

"Oh, wait when did Leo save me?"

"When we heard screaming, he ran to the noise and basically punched one guy and the other ganged on him, but luckily the police officer called back up."

"Where is he now?"

"In the infirmary, healing, seems like those guys really know how to fight."

I couldn't believe it, Leo saving me, again?

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