Apart- Chapter 8

Too Much To Handle

Solji's P.O.V.

Was I saved? I didn't feel anything, that must've meant that I'm already dead. Am I wrong? I opened my eyes to seeing the night darkness. I felt warmth, but got shocked after hearing words.

"Are you crazy? You could've died.", Leo scolded at me. I had no words, only to be angry at him for scolding me? He grabbed my hand and walked inside.

"How'd you know I was out there?", I asked him.

"I followed you. You're lucky I was out there to save you from that car, you just stood there like an idiot."

I glared at him behind his back. But he was right, I was lucky he was there or else I would've lost everything.

"Are you okay?", He turned around and asked me.

"Um, yeah, I mean I guess, I didn't get hit.", I answered back.

"Solji where were you?", Junghwa came up to me.

"Oh I was, um, outside, getting fresh air.", I told her.

"Okay, you sound, scared.", She was getting worried for me.

"I'm fine.", I walked away. I needed to clear my mind, but I couldn't if Gyuri kept bothering me.

"Leave me alone, Gyuri, you're the last person I would want to talk to or see today.", I walked away from her.

"I saw what happened outside.", She started getting jealous.

"and..?", I turned around.

"You don't deserve him, I know you're doing that on purpose.", Gyuri stared at me back.

"I'm not interested in dating, or relationships, and would I actually be that dumb and risk my life hoping Leo would save me so he could fall for me?", I walked away once again, "Leave me alone."

She scoffed at me. I sighed, what more can happen now?

~Next Day~

Narrator's P.O.V.

After a long night, Solji could not stop thinking about the car incident. It was too much for her that she couldn't tell anyone, not even Junghwa, her soul sister.

"Solji can you please tell us?", Junghwa begged.

"No, it's too much for you guys to handle, it's too much for me to handle.", Solji told her back.

"Can you tell me at least?", She whispered to Solji. 

"I will later.", Solji chuckled at how curious Junghwa was. Junghwa smiled back and got back to work.

"Solji, Prince Hyuk needs you to clean his room.", Hyerin came in the kitchen.

"Alright I'm coming.", Solji told Hyerin back.

Solji's P.O.V.

I walked upstairs with the cleaning tools I needed. I looked at the tools as I was walking up not knowing where I was going. 

"Where are you going?", Someone had asked me at the top of the stairs.

"I have to go clean Prince Hyuk"s room, now please get out of my way.", I looked up. I walked up the stairs and moved to the side not to get in her way, but apparently moving to the side wasn't enough for her. As I passed her she had a mischievous smirk and walked forward pushing me with her shoulder on "accident". As light as I am, I fell backwards and down the stairs. I laid there and moved my head around seeing blood coming from my head, I slowly closed my eyes, as my body forced me to.

"Oh my god. What the hell happened?!", I couldn't tell who said that as my vision was blurry. The voices echoed in the background as I slowly fell asleep, or had passed out.

"Gyuri this is all your fault!"

"I promise I didn't do anything."

"Stop lying, she's gonna die now."

And that was the last thing I had heard before the black darkness took me away.

Narrator's P.O.V.

After seeing all of the blood covering the marble floor of the mansion, everyone called for help immediately. 

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Um my friend had fell down the stairs because someone pushed her, I believe, please send help fast."

Everyone was talking at the same time to each other, the only person they knew who did this was, Gyuri.

"Why in hell would you do that?"

"The police are coming too, you have a lot of explaining to do."

"I swear, I didn't do anything.", Gyuri tried to get her way out of the situation.

"Don't lie.", Everyone was blaming her.

~7 Hours Later~

Everyone was standing in front of the emergency door worried, the maids kept walking back and forth. Once the doctor came out every rushed to him.

"Doctor, how is she?", Junghwa asked.

"She lost a lot of blood, she isn't waking up. She unconscious, we're not sure if she's gonna be able to wake up.", The doctor sighed.

Junghwa started crying, literally.

"Junghwa, she's gonna be fine.", Le comforted her.

"What if she never wakes up?", Junghwa asked while wiping her tears away.

"She is gonna wake up.", Le tried to convince her.

"This is all Gyuri's fault, I never liked her, ever.", Junghwa was starting to get mad. Le patted her back.

"Seems like she will wake up after all.", The doctor came back.

"Really?", Junghwa asked.

"Yes, someone was kind enough to donate blood to her."


"Um, it doesn't say, but her blood type is O."

"Okay thanks for informing us."

They were wondering who the person was.

Solji's P.O.V.

I woke up already feeling that my head hurts. I was in a hospital room, healing. 

"Oh my gosh. Unnie you woke up!", Junghwa almost screamed.

"My head hurts so bad.", I tried to sit up but Junghwa put me back down.

"You can't sit up until your head stops hurting.", She told me, "One person was so nice to donate blood to you, if they didn't then you wouldn't have woken up."

"Who was it?", I asked her. 

"We don't know, neither does the doctor.", Junghwa told me, "You should get some rest for your head."

"Why is this hospital room so big?", I looked around.

"I don't know, because the princes were with us?", Junghwa guessed.

I fell asleep in the comfortable bed. Waking up, I felt refreshed. My head didn't hurt anymore. I think I healed completely. No one was in the room at the moment, I wonder where they went. I looked at the clock 6:48 pm. How long did I stay in here? I grabbed my phone which was on the table next to me. 15 Missed Calls , 4 New Messages. Wow, were they really worried for me? 15 missed calls?! I unlocked my phone to see who it was. All from Min Jun, I thought he got arrested. The messages were form him too.

Hey, I just got out of jail. My parents got me out.

I'm really sorry for what I did to you.

Please forgive me, I just really wanted you back.

Please reply back, you're making me worried.

I wonder how he felt when he heard that I'm in the hospital. Does he know? I sighed, when will he get the fact that I don't wanna see him or talk to him anymore. I deleted him from my contacts and turned my phone off. I the tv and watched the news.

"Breaking News: Hello, Seoyeon here with another report on the Park family. Park Jung Hyung, from Lotus Industries has some trouble with his princes, as well as the maids. As it may seem surprising, Maid Heo Sol Ji had caused some trouble for the family. With highly priced expenses, Heo Sol Ji had came into many accidents, for example, a car accident, a missing incident, and recently, a stair incident which caused her to have emergency help immediately. She is getting healed right now, as for the Park family paying a $2000 hospital bill for her. I she working for the Park family, or using the Park family? We heard that the incident had caused her head to almost break open, but luckily for her it didn't. She had lost a lot of blood, but according to the reports, she is fine with someone else's blood donated to her. Thank you for listening to Korea's Finest News, and now with the weather reports."

How did the news reporters even know all of this happened in 7 hours? Someone must've told them. Could it be Gyuri? Or was it someone who none of us knew and recognized the princes to tell the whole social media? I had came up with a whole bunch of theories. None of them made sense, at all. 

"Hello hello, we're here!", Le came in and scared me.

"Where were you guys?", I asked them.

"We went to go get things for you.", Hyerin replied.

"Oh, okay."

"Did you see the news?", Hanni asked me.

"Yeah, everyone knows in one day.", I sighed.

"How are you gonna fix it?", Junghwa asked.

"I can't, I mean there's no excuse for me to say, except that I caused all of this.", I replied, "Maybe I should just quit."

"No. You can't, I mean everyone will forget about it in like a couple of days.", Junghwa pouted.

"I cause too much, even Gyuri got in court.", I complained.

"No you haven't, I mean maybe you should just stay away from drama with the princes, and be, you know, a regular servant.", Le suggested.

"You're right. I should start avoiding being into accidents, and, drama from the princes and get out of their way.", I said. She nodded.

~A Couple Days Later~

Narrator's P.O.V.

Solij could finally go home now. She now started avoiding the princes and drama from anyone she could interfere with. She had started working again and as for cleaning Prince Leo's room, she avoided talking or answering him.

"Aren't you gonna answer me?", Leo asked Solji. It was like she didn't even hear him. 

"Is something wrong with you?", He asked her. But yet again Solji ignored him and walked out of the room once finishing the cleaning. She thought ignoring him had worked, but it didn't. It made it even worser. 

"How'd it go?", Junghwa asked.

"Good, I guess, he keeps asking me questions, it's hard to ignore him, I don't think it's working.", Solji told her.

"Well he'll get over it, sometime.", Hani said back.

"I hope.", Solji expected. She walked out and ran into Gyuri. Solji walked passed her pretending that she didn't see her. 

"I got back with Leo.", She smirked. Solji walked on. She didn't care, but she wondered why he would want her back. Solji went into the kitchen and the maids were somewhere else cleaning rooms. She exhaled deeply, tried to keep the tears back, and believed in herself that she can do it. She wouldn't give up and quit the job, she loved the job here, mostly about her friends. 

Author's Note: Sorry guys, this chapter is short. I had to go to a party today .-. Next chapter is gonna be better I promise!

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Love Seolji <3
Chapter 11: nice ~ nice ~ nice~
Michua1011 #3
Chapter 8: Chapter 9 pls~~~