Won't Let Go- Chapter 13

Too Much To Handle

Narrator's P.O.V.

Solji stayed in the hospital and no one was allowed in. Leo kept asking the doctor to let him in, but the doctor refused to.

"It's gonna be okay, she's gonna be fine.", Ken comforted Leo.

"But, it sounded deadly. The crash, the bullets, and the screaming. It all scared me, I was so worried.", Leo sighed.

"The doctor said she's fine, and the driver also.", Ken said.

"That stupid driver, the police told me the brakes wouldn't work, the driver did something to them probably.", Leo predicted.

"Don't blame the driver. Why would he hurt himself if he were to do something to the brakes?", Ken asked.

"You're right. The brakes wouldn't just stop working all of a sudden, especially in this situation. Someone was like mad at them and wanted to kill them or something.", Leo predicted again.

"We can ask the investigators to investigate the crime or whatever. I'm sure we'll get a lot of information.", Ken stood up and walked away.

Leo was walking back and forth impatient. Then the doctor came.

"Visitors are now allowed.", The doctor informed him.

"Thank you.", Leo opened the door and came in to hold her hand. He sat in the chair next to the bed, never letting go of the hand. 


Solji had woken up, feeling ache. 

"Leo.", Her voice cracked.

"Oh you woke up. How are you feeling?", Leo stood up and was about to get the doctor.

"I'm fine, what time is it?", She tried sitting up.

"It's 9:15 am., you crashed yesterday.", Leo stopped her from sitting up.

"The brakes weren't working, like I hit my feet as hard as I can but it didn't work.", Solji said.

"I know that's what the police said. We're trying to figure out the situation and who did it. I mean the brakes wouldn't stop working like that.", Leo said.

"Thank you for being there with me. I got really scared."

"I would never leave your side.", Leo kissed her forehead, on the wound.

"Ow.", Solji pouted.

"Sorry.", Leo chuckled and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

"When can I go home?", Solji asked.

"The doctor said tomorrow.", Leo answered her.

"I can't tomorrow.", Solji said.

"Why?", He asked.

"Because it's December tomorrow. My parents said they'll come back tomorrow, but the thing is, I don't wanna go back.", Solji said.

"Then stay.", Leo said back.

"I can't, if they find out I'm in the hospital they're gonna be mad and think I wasted all of your guys money, on me. They're gonna think I'm spoiled or something.", Solji said.

"Well, do you want me to do something? I mean I really want you to stay."

"There's nothing to do. I have to leave."

"But you can't leave me like that."

"We can still visit."

"No, I want you here. Without you I'm not complete. I need you."

"Leo. I'm forced to come back home. There's nothing to do about that.", Solji said, "I'm sorry."

"I can't let you go like this.", Leo shook his head. Just then someone barged into the room.

"Solji, Leo, we have to go now.", Ken started helping Solji out of the bed.

"What's going on?", Leo asked.

"Solji, your parents are invading our space at the mansion, looking for you.", Ken told her.

"Wait what? They're at the mansion?", Solji asked.

"Yeah, they're pretty angry right now. They wanna take you home but the head master refused to give you to them.", Ken explained. They hurried and went into the limo driving fast to the mansion. Solji got out and saw her parents destroying the door.

"Mom, dad, what are you doing?", Solji ran up to them.

"Oh sweetie, we're so glad to see you. Were you in the hospital?", Her mom asked.

"Um yes, why are you doing this ti the mansion mom?", Solji asked.

"Because they refused to give you to me. Why were you in the hospital? I told you not to get into any accidents. Come on, you're coming with me.", Her mom grabbed her wrist.

"No, I'm not going anywhere, and for your information you never had ever told me to stay out of accidents. Yes I may have had incidents in the past that affected my life but that doesn't mean I'm an accident-prone. I don't need you to watch out for me anymore, especially after you offered me to a rich guy just so you can pay him back for all of those times where you were about to go bankrupt. I realized that I don't need you guys anymore. Mom, you lied to me, you said everything was going fine. I loved you guys so much, but you lied to me my whole life. You were pretending to be happy just for me, then you just left me. You used your own daughter. I'm done with you and this family, I'm part of a new one now, I don't want you involved in my life anymore.", Solji pulled her wrist from her.

"Solji, listen to me, you are making a very bad decision right now. We only offered you to help our company, we didn't sell you or anything. We needed money for our house and family. We loved you so much."

"Loved. Mom you loved me. You don't anymore, do you?", Solji teared up.

"No that's not what I meant. We still love you, we only did this to help our family. If you come with us everything will be twice as better.", She tried to convince Solji.

"No mom. Nothing was better in the first place, I overhear you and dad fighting and arguing everyday about money and the company. It was too much to handle for me that I have realized that, our family is no longer happy anymore. After you guys had divorced, I wanted to run away forever. But to know that you guys were still working together just for the company. You never told me and my brother that you guys separated, you basically lied to us. You kept us held back in that home of ours and you went on with your life by yourself, forgetting about us. Every night you would come home with random guys you met at the club. You didn't love us anymore. I had enough of it, I'm not going back to hell again with you. I'd rather stay here, away from you, and my family. Don't bother me again, please.", Solji cried.

"You don't have a choice Solji, we offered you to this man for a specific amount of time. It's either you come home, or you're going to a shelter."

"A shelter? Really? I'd rather stay there than go with you."

"She can stay with us. It's obvious she doesn't want to go with you, just leave her alone.", The head master said in the background.

"You're coming with me wether you like it or not.", Solji's mom pulled her arm. Solji pulled back.

"Leave me alone! I said I didn't want to go with you.", Solji screamed.

"Solji you do not have a choice. You have to come with us."

"It was your fault for offering me to this man. You were the one who created all of this. You were the one who changed my life forever. You ruined my life by lying to my face every single second."

"Don't say that. We all know I saved your life from those people."

"I'll have you know those people were the ones who saved me from you, they helped me get away from you, until you tracked me down with your dumb device and held me captive in my room for weeks. You never trusted me anymore.", Solji slapped her mom in the face, "Leave me alone for the rest of my life, ."

Her mom stood there not believing her own daughter called her a . Everything Solji said had everyone convinced that her mom was a , or maybe even worse. Solji ran inside and covered her face so no one would see her crying. Leo followed after her. She went into his room and crashed into the bed.

"I don't care if you get tears all over my blanket.", Leo comforted her by sitting next to her.

"She was a terrible mom, she never thought of me as a loving daughter, all she did was use me. Impressing people was her talent, She had a baby boy but sent him to adoption, she was pregnant with one of the men she would bring home from the club. She was so scared, that she didn't want us to find out and left us for a month. She came back telling us she had a company "accident". We eventually found out and we were as shocked as she was. But she never had changed. She still would bring guys home from the club, I was so disappointed in her. When she started smoking all I could ever think was, 'what if I lose my mother forever?', but to be honest after all of those times I didn't care if she had gone away or not anymore, she influenced me to be like her. I was depressed and was thinking of killing myself, until I met these wonderful people. They helped my problem of depression, I would stay the nights with them playing games and having amazing sleepovers, but my mother had found me and thought that I was doing drugs. She called the cops on them, and brought me to a doctor I didn't even need. She locked me in my room for as long as I can remember, no food, nothing to drink, I just sat there doing nothing. You probably think I'm crazy now.", Solji sighed.

"I would never think that, even if you did something crazier, like jumping off of a bridge. I'd never think you're stupid or crazy.", Leo brushed his fingers through her hair, "Now get some rest, hat argument looked like it was a lot of stress."

"I'm already getting tired from you brushing my hair.", Solji yawned. Leo chuckled and kissed her on her head and left the room after covering her with a blanket. 


Solji woke up after a horrible dream of her family. She walked out and downstairs. No one was in the kitchen or living room. She went to every room, no one was in there. Not even the head master was in his room. She checked her phone.

You thought you could get away? I called the authorities. Get packed up, you're going home.

Why do you want me so badly? So you could use me again in your stupid plans?

I never had used you.

Don't lie to me mother, you're being a very bad parent right now. You should let your children chose what they want to do.

Stop it with your stupid life lessons. For once and for all you're coming with me.

I'll never come with you.

You don't have a choice my dear, I'm arriving in 30 minutes.

Solji was scared. What should she do? She started packing her bags early and thought she had no choice. She put her face in her hands and exhaled. The doorbell rang then. She was shaking and walked downstairs. It didn't seem like her mom. It was a man. 

"Um, H-hello.", Solji stuttered.

"I'm here to take you to the airport.", He said.

"Who are you?", Solji asked.

"I work with the authorities, I believe you are Ms. Solji.", He looked at a piece of paper.

"Yes I am, but why do I have to go to the airport?", Solji asked.

"Mrs. Heo asked to bring you to the United States.", He said.

"Wait why?", Solji started getting confused.

"She said she will meet you there. You will no longer come back to Seoul for the rest of your life.", He answered her.

"I don't wanna leave though.", Solji refused.

"You will have to. If you refuse then we have no choice but to keep you captive.", He said. Solji didn't want to be held captive again.

"Um okay just wait.", Solji grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something down, I'm sorry for doing this to you guys, but I am forced to leave Seoul forever. Spending my time here was the best time I had ever had in my life. I'm going to go to the airport now, Goodbye everyone. She walked back to the man and followed him to the car. She looked back at the mansion one more time and sighed. Arriving at the airport she carried her luggage and went to the gate she was suppose to go to. She handed her passport and ticket to the woman and was about to go in but someone turned her around. 

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Love Seolji <3
Chapter 11: nice ~ nice ~ nice~
Michua1011 #3
Chapter 8: Chapter 9 pls~~~