Maybe I Do Have Feelings?- Chapter 5

Too Much To Handle

Solji's P.O.V.

I stayed in the hospital for a couple of day until the doctor finally let me go home. I was actually worried about Leo. Is he gonna be okay? I had to keep asking Junghwa. But all she would do is shrug her shoulders. It was hard enough to say goodbye after staying with my best friend for one day. We promised to text each other each and every single day. Coming back into the mansion was so hard, it's like coming back to all of the drama. But at least I'll get to see the butlers and other maids.

"Ahhhh! Solji you're back, we've missed you so much, how could you leave us like that?", Hyerin shouted with excitement but her shouting created everyone to come to the living room.

"I'm sorry to leave you guys, you probably know why I left..", I apologized, "and did the mansion get remodeled?"

"Yeah we heard why you left, and yes it did get remodeled, we thought the decorations and the way the living room looked was too old-fashioned."

The living room looked even better than last time.

The living room looked even better than last time

Even the maid's kitchen looked different.

Even the maid's kitchen looked different

Everything changed, I was so happy. 

"Oh my, Solji you're here," Suho one of the butlers recognized me, "you've changed so much."

The rest of the butlers came in after Hyerin shouted my name

The rest of the butlers came in after Hyerin shouted my name.

"Since you didn't get to meet all of the butlers during your job here, let me introduce you to them, you already know Sehun, Lay, Kai, Baekhyun, Suho, meet Chen.", Hyerin introduced me to him.

We shook hands and she introduced me to the rest

We shook hands and she introduced me to the rest.

"Now meet Chanyeol."

He smiled at me and I smiled back

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hello noona (A/N-Noona is when a gal is older than a guy).", He greeted me with manners.

"Xiumin is the oldest out of all of the butlers."

"and lastly theres Kyungsoo, I'm sure you've met him but not fully met him."

It was so nice to finally meet and understand the butlers names

It was so nice to finally meet and understand the butlers names.

"Hey, wheres Prince Leo?", Kai had asked me.

"Um I think he's still in the infirmary.", I replied.

"Infirmary?!", The head master came to us overhearing our conversation.

"Yes sir, he got ganged by these guys who were kicking me, so he's healing right now.", I explained to the head master. Everyone was shocked. No one spoke for an extended amount of time.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to meet him later once he's out of the infirmary. Maybe you should get some rest.", The head master suggested. I nodded and went up to my bedroom. I had tried to sleep but just couldn't after hearing that Leo had saved me from those terrible guys.

~Next Morning~

I woke up, changing into my maid uniform just brought me back to the old days where my life had turned around. I walked into the kitchen hearing that Leo got back from the hospital and he's in his room. The maids assigned me to go bring a cup of water for him to drink his medicine. I knocked on the door twice. No reply. I decided to just barge in the door like I could care less because I wanted this to be over already. I didn't want to see his face, with cuts and bruises. I set the glass of water down and before I could pick up the tray, he grabbed my arm.

"Please, stay here, with me.", Leo suddenly said in his deep quiet voice.

"Um I thought you were asleep, sir.", I said awkwardly.

"How could I sleep without thinking about what happened in Seoul?"

"I'll clean your room for you sir.", I suggested.

"No, just sit in that chair next to me until I tell you to leave."


I sat in the chair, but he won't let go of my arm. I tried pulling away but his grip was too strong. Eventually, someone knocked on the door.

"Um Solji, we need you immediately in the kitchen.", Hani came in.

"Um alright.", I tried standing up but yet again he won't let go of my arm, "Um sir, I have to go back into the kitchen and work."

"You're not going anywhere, until I say so.", He said not looking at me. I sat down again. 

~30 minutes later~

I was sitting in the same spot until he was asleep. He loosened his grip and I stood up and walked away to the door. Closing it gently, I walked quietly to the kitchen.

"What took you so long to get here?", LE asked me.

"Oh um, Prince Leo wanted me to stay with him, I don't know why though.", I replied back.

"I saw him holding on to your arm, do you guys have something together?", Hani randomly joined the conversation.

"No way, I don't know why but the thing that happened in Seoul is just too awkward for us.", I said.

"Alright, sure.", Hyerin said with sarcasm.

~Next Morning~

It was a Saturday, I didn't go to school so Lay told me to wake up all of the princes. I wondered why it was me though. I had to ask him, he said it's because none of the other maids wanted to do it. Of course they told him to tell me to wake the princes up. First the room closest to me was Kens room, I knocked on the door and said, "Prince Ken, it is time to wake up.". I went into the room to see if he was actually awake. As soon as I walk in, he threw a pillow at me saying, "Five more minutes.". 

"But sir, the mead master needs you and it is very past 9.", I told him.

"Does it look like I care, I had a very stressful night, tell the head master that he can wait.", Ken demanded to get out of his room. I nodded and bowed.

Next prince, Hyuk. I've never really talked to him before or the other princes, I never really had time. I knocked on the door, and surprised, that he was actually awake. I came in telling him that the head master needed him quickly. He nodded and gestured me out. That wasn't hard at all. I then next knocked on Ravi's door, another prince whom I didn't have time to talk to. I knocked on his door and right away he told me to go away.

"The head master needs you, sir.", I told him. 

"Ugh fine just go away please.", He groaned. I went to the next room, Hakyeon, I knocked on the door and I went in I poked him on the shoulder hoping he would wake up. He then grabbed my hand to stop poking him.

"I got it, you may leave now.", He said. The next prince, Hongbin, I knocked but he didn't answer. I barged in and shook him awake.

"Sir the head master needs you.", I told him. But it was like he didn't move, it looked like he didn't even breathe. I started to get worried. I shook him even harder, he wouldn't budge. I was getting scared, I quickly went out of the room but something got a hold of my hand. I turned around and saw his hand holding my hand, I screamed and jumped back. Then, he started laughing.

"I love messing around with the new recruits.", He said while laughing really hard, "I got it, thanks I'll meet him soon."

"Um the head master needs you.", I cleared my throat. He didn't reply he just moved to the side and walked forward ignoring me, completely. Well that was sure not awkward. I walked downstairs and bumped into Chanyeol, accidentally. 

"Oh hey Solji, good morning.", He greeted me.

"Good morning, Chanyeol.", I greeted him back.

"The maids need you, I heard it's urgent.", He informed me.

"I got it, thanks.", I waved at him and walked off. Walking into the kitchen, I heard the maids talking about this party tonight, but they looked straight at me when I had walked in.

"What is it now?", I asked.

"The Head master is hosting the annual company opening anniversary for this year, they've had the industry for 20 years now.", They said.


"The head master wants us to cater. We also have to wear matching dresses for some reason, probably to be formal."

"Alright, but what's the dress?"

"The head master said it's on the way over here, specially from Paris."

"Just for us?"

"Yep, I'm excited to see what it looks like.", Hyerin said  with excitement.

"But when is it?"


Great everything is gonna go wrong, completely. 

"Ahhh, Solji the dresses are here!", Junghwa shouted at me.

"Alright alright, I'm coming.", I yelled back at her. I walked to her and saw brown boxes with the dresses covered in plastic. Junghwa ripped open the plastic, too anxious to see the full dress.

"Junghwa calm down, it's just a dress.", I chuckled.

"It's not just any dress, it's a dress from Paris. This is the first time the head master actually cared for what the maids wear to a party.", Junghwa spoke quickly, "Oh my god, this dress is beautiful."

She was right, she dress was so beautiful that it could've looked better than all of the other girls dresses at the party.

She was right, she dress was so beautiful that it could've looked better than all of the other girls dresses at the party

The fabric felt so soft, I couldn't wait to wear it on. Good thing I'm wearing it with the other maids, it would be weird to wear it myself.

~At the Party~

The party was hosted somewhere else besides the mansion, it's more like a dining hall, a fancy one.

The party was hosted somewhere else besides the mansion, it's more like a dining hall, a fancy one

It was so big, hopefully I don't get lost. 

" Attention everyone, I would like to make a toast, to all of the workers and co-workers at Lotus Industries, staying together for 20 years is unbelievable, and as for my princes, they have stayed by my side ever since the start. Cheers to 20 years!", Everyone clapped and drank their champagne. That's when everyone had started communicating with one another. The maids and I carried trays around offering appetizers to the guests. 

After a while, we started serving entrées. Then dessert. With other alcoholic drinks too. Obviously, there were drunk guys that I didn't want to get involve with. I saw some of the security guards take out drunk guys making sure they don't ruin the party. As I was putting trays away, I had saw the one person whom I never wanted to see ever again. Gyuri. She had been invited? I had no idea if she'd had seen me yet.

Gyuri's P.O.V.

~Five Days Ago~

"Gyuri I know you want him back, just trust me it will work.", He said to me.

"A-alright, I mean I guess, I do want him back, what was the plan again?", I asked him.

"You show up to the 20 year anniversary for the Lotus Industries, confront Solji to everyone saying that she went to Seoul to convince everybody that you told her to leave and never come back to the mansion, so then they will know you're the innocent one, and all the hate goes to her.", He explained.

"Okay, but why are you helping me get Leo back again?"

"Because I know you were his first love, he feels empty now without you."

I guess he doesn't know that I used him, just to get to his money and fame to make everyone want to be like us. I nodded at the head master. I did exactly what he told me to do.

Solji's P.O.V.

Why was she here? 

"Excuse me everyone, I'd like to make a toast to my good friend, Solji.", Gyuri announced to everyone here staring at me, "Overall, all of the bad days with Solji, I had decided to forgive her. Some of you might have not heard but, Solji ran off to Seoul leaving her friends here, including me, convincing everybody that I told her to leave, making me the bad person in this situation."

Everyone started whispering, "Oh my god, so Solji lied to us?", "And all of this time I thought Gyuri was the bad person". The maids even had second thoughts of me. 

"Cheers, to Solji.", Gyuri smirked. The only right thing to do right now is to run away. I sneakily walked out the main doors and ran down the street, hopefully no one had gotten pictures of me. I called a taxi and drove back to the mansion. The garden was a pretty good place to think deeply into my thoughts. I wanted to be alone, away from anyone as possible. 

"Hey.", I jumped and turned around seeing Lay standing there.

"Oh, you're here..", I spoke with my quiet voice.

"Yeah, thought you needed someone to talk to, so I followed you back."

"Oh it's fine, I bet Gyuri convinced everyone to hate on me now."

"Yeah she does, but I'm pretty sure Junghwa objected it so she also trying to convince everyone to take your side now."

"She has no proof though."

"Yeah she doesn't but she's trying."

I sighed.

Junghwa's P.O.V.

I surely had to do something. After getting everyones attentions, I had tried to convince them with proof, but they won't listen to me. I texted Solji.

Tried to convince them, didn't work

It's okay, thanks for trying though. Just when will she stop with this nonsense.

I have no idea, why would the head master even invited her?

I have no idea also, how'd she come up with the idea to confront me like that?

She couldn't have done it by herself.

True, I'll text you later, Bye.

"How could she does this?", I walked up to the other maids and asked.

"I don't know why, but maybe to get Leo back?", Hani suggested.

"Look, they're talking to each other, I bet he's really mad at her.", Le spotted them standing near a dining table.

Solji's P.O.V.

"Thanks for talking to me, Lay.", I thanked him

"You're welcome, look they arrived home.", the car had been parked at the front of the mansion. Great, now I have to explain. I walked back to the main living room bowing to the princes.

"I need to talk to you, meet me in my room immediately.", Leo demanded me walking away. Is he gonna blame me now? Give me a lecture for lying? What ever he's gonna tell me, I won't listen. I followed him to his room, once we were both in he closed the door shut. To be honest, I was scared about what he was going to say.

"Is what Gyuri said tonight true?", He asked me.

"No it certainly isn't."

"How can I believe you?"

"How can you not?", I almost yelled at him, "Didn't you hear the conversation Gyuri and Junghwa was talking about right in front of your door? Gyuri exposed the fact that she blackmailed me to get to you."

"Well, if you knew it wasn't true then why didn't you protest it?"

"I didn't know why, it's just that she had everyone convinced, and I had no proof"

"You are really stupid aren't you?", He glared at me, "You could've just had asked me and I would have helped you fight her."

"Why would I ask you for help? You would be the last person I ask for help."

"Do you hate me?", He asked not angry anymore. I didn't want to answer that question he just asked me. It was either to stay quiet like this, or, turn around and leave. Of course I chose to not stand there and keep it awkward. But one part of me was behind, he had grabbed my wrist.

"Let go of me.", I said without looking at him in the eyes. 

"Answer my question,  you've been avoiding me for days now.", He said concerned.

"No, I don't hate you, just please let go of my wrist, please.", I begged him. He finally loosened his grip and I fled out the door. I slammed the door shut and stood there breathing, hard. 

Narrator's P.O.V.

Solji was standing near the door with her back against it, slouching. As for Leo, with one foot against the other side of the door thinking what he has done wrong. 

~Next Morning~

 Sun shines, and a new day comes up, a new day of ignores and demands, but what Leo did could really show his feelings for Solji, if he has any. 

"You won't tell us what happened last night between you two, still?", Junghwa had asked out of curiosity.

"It's too private.", Solji had told Junghwa.

"Too private to tell me? One of your best friends?", Junghwa pouted.

"I'll tell you later.", Solji chuckled at Junghwa's cuteness.

The whole day has been a mess for Solji. The only reason why is, Leo. Thw whole day filled with Leo calling her name to do orders for him.

"I'm so glad the day is over and the princes have gone to sleep, I'm really tired.", Solji sighed while stretching.

"Well, I'm sorry to add more stress on to you but, can you stay and clean up the kitchen.", Hyerin asked me.

"Fine, I guess, why not?", Solji agreed.

As Solji was cleaning up wiping the floors and counters, she felt a little faint. So much work was put on her today all she wanted to do was be like Sleeping Beauty and never wake up. She touched her forehead to see if she was okay, she was sweating and her whole body was scorching hot. She stood there grabbing a glass and walking to the refrigerator for water. But as soon as she got there she was breathing hard all of a sudden. Her hand was shaking and and she felt like she could fall any second now. She did fall. Solji dropped the glass and made a dramatic fall to the ground. The glass dropping woke almost everyone in the mansion. The first person to realize she fainted was Hani. She ran out to wake one of the princes, and it had to be Leo.

"What the hell happened to her?", He asked Hani worried.

"I have no idea, I heard glass shattering and I ran down here.", Hani explained.

Leo picked up Solji bridal style and carried her to his room, since her room was too far away. He told Hani to get towels and cold water to dab her forehead with. He covered the blanket over her and touched her forehead for the last time and turned off the lights.




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Love Seolji <3
Chapter 11: nice ~ nice ~ nice~
Michua1011 #3
Chapter 8: Chapter 9 pls~~~