Saved But Hated- Chapter 3

Too Much To Handle

Solji's P.O.V

I went into the kitchen to wipe the food off of my uniform and saw the girls running up to me.

"I am gonna say you're lucky to be in a car next to one of the princes but Gyuri is the problem, shes gonna hate you forever if you go now.", Hani has told me.

"Well what the hell am I suppose to change into now?", I asked.

"You could borrow some of my clothes.", She suggested. And right after she said that Leo came in impatiently, "Are you gonna hurry up or what?". I nodded and followed him to his car. I turned around to see Junghwa giving me a thumbs up and wishing me luck that nothing goes wrong. At least I hope nothing goes wrong.

The car was hella nice. The doors opened upwards and the inside looked so luxurious.

I went in but didn't know how to close the door making Leo close it for me

I went in but didn't know how to close the door making Leo close it for me. I looked around and as Leo came in he had already seatbelted, as for me, I didn't even know where the seatbelt was.

"Hurry up and put your seatbelt on.", He demanded. I nodded with confusion, having no idea where the heck the stupid seatbelt was. He sighed and reached over me grabbing the seatbelt and put it in the slot. Throughout the whole drive it was awkward and quiet. Once we arrived I unbuckled myself and opened the door to get out, same as Leo. He threw the car keys to the valet person and in the mall we went.

People were staring at me, first surprised that one of the princes were there then confused to why there was a maid coming with him. People were whispering to each other which made me worried. We came into one of the big stores.

I looked at one of the dressed and picked up the tags

I looked at one of the dressed and picked up the tags. $2000 for one simple dress. I ran up to him and said," Sir these dresses are really expensive." He turned around and quickly replied saying, "I own this store.", I was even more shocked. He came up to one of the workers and she turned around and bowed to him.

"Welcome Prince Leo.", She said.

"Find her some clothes to wear.", He ordered. She nodded right away.

"Follow me miss.", She pointed to the back of the store where the most expensive dresses and clothes are. After a while, she had found me the perfect dress, it wasn't too fancy, which I'm glad it wasn't or else people would look at me in a different way.

It was simple pastel blue dress, I liked it, she even gave me shoes to go with it

It was simple pastel blue dress, I liked it, she even gave me shoes to go with it.

It was simple pastel blue dress, I liked it, she even gave me shoes to go with it

She put my maid uniform in a bag and I headed out wondering where Leo was. I was trying to find him throughout the whole mall but eventually started looking at stores. All of a sudden this I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around, it was a stranger.

"Well hello there young lady.", He smirked.

"W-Who are you?", I was scared pushing his hand away. He grabbed my hand again tightly this time and pulled me closer to him. "Get away from me!", I screamed grabbing peoples attention this time. I pushed him away even harder.

"What a feisty young lady.", He said in his deep voice. I quickly ran off down the stairs and looking back to see that he was chasing after me. That was when lots of people came out the stores to see whats happening. No one helped me, they just stood there whispering, shocked. I wasn't paying attention to where I was running, as I was looking back I bumped into another man and we both fell. I apologized and stood up and was running but I had heard something from that one guy who was chasing me.

"You can't get away from me, young lady.", He said while running to me. I screamed and everyone had their eyes widened.

Leo's P.O.V

I was in one of the stores waiting for her to hurry up and change but then I heard screaming. I turned around and people were standing still, I wondered why. I walked out and saw two people running, a guy chasing a girl. The closer they came to me the more I recognized who she was. It was her, Solji. Why would she run away from him though. I was standing at the bottom of the stair case they were about to run down, when she ran down the stairs she was running too fast that she had slipped. Luckily I was there to catch her, my arms hugged around her waist and we both fell, my arms were still on her as she was on top of me, people recording what happened. We stayed like this for a while until I pushed her off of me.

Solji's P.O.V

As I was running down the stairs I tripped on my foot and fell down knowing that blood was gonna gush out of my face. But I felt something wrapped around my waist, I had no idea until I opened my eyes. It was Leo. I fell on top of him, since when was he standing there? He pushed me off stood up and grabbed my wrist before I could get up. He dragged me with him outside of the mall. The valet guy drove his car back to us and we quickly got in before people started taking pictures. I was afraid they were gonna post this online and have everyone see the dramatic scene of me, I was thinking of how much people are going to judge me. I didn't know how to thank him exactly.

"Who was that guy?", He said out of the silence.

"I-I have no idea, he came up to me and started doing things and I just had to run away.", I replied in my quiet voice. He never said anything back for the rest of the ride. As soon as we got to the mansion I ran into the kitchen to have all of the girls stare at me with big eyes.

"What?", I asked. They showed me their phones and someone at the mall had recorded the incident and posted it online. I gasped.

"I knew something was gonna go wrong, you better watch out for Gyuri.", Junghwa warned me.

"I'm not scared of her, I could care less about that video.", I said with confidence.

"Well you better be scared if she sees this she's gonna kill you, literally."

I sighed and went up into my bedroom, finding something on my bed. There was a note, "Since you didn't have enough time to get pajamas, what are you gonna sleep in?". That person didn't even put their name on it, I had no idea who sent this to me, but with that there were pajamas on the bed for me to sleep in, and next to that a school uniform? Who in the world did this? I know I have school tomorrow but how did this person know I'm going to Lotus University?

I had showered and changed into my pajamas. I jumped into bed and fell asleep easily.

~Next Morning~

I woke up and looked at my alarm, 7:38 am. Holy crap I ran into the bathroom brushed my teeth, changed my clothes and tied my hair up in a ponytail just because I didn't have enough time to do my hair. I went downstairs and the limo was outside, I didn't know if that was for me, I felt like to walk there without being seen as that who got saved by Gyuri's boyfriend. I sneaked out hoping no one would question me. I then easily got lost and had to ask someone where the university was, they were kind enough to show me the way not recognizing who I was. I checked in and got my schedule from the office and went to first class, I went to find a seat and when I did this girl just randomly came up and sat in it glaring at me. I had to sit in the back and the class. Next to me was this guy whom I didn't know. I looked at his and he turned his head and I quickly looked back into the front of the classroom.

"Hello my name is Sehun.", He introduced himself to me.

"Hi I'm Solji.", I said back.

"Wait, Solji as in THE Solji who got saved by Prince Leo last night?", He questioned.

"Yes I am her.", I rolled my eyes hating the fact that he probably thinks that I'm .

"Oh my god, I can't believe it.", He said shocked. That was when class had started. The teacher came in the classroom and said her name, Song Ji Hyo.

The teacher came in the classroom and said her name, Song Ji Hyo

"We have a new student here today.", She started the class, "Can you come up to the front and introduce yourself please?"

I went out of my seat and walked up to the front of the classroom slowly.

"Hello my name is Heo Sol Ji, I am 27 years old attending Lotus University, please take care of me.", I introduced myself. When I stated my name I swear people were whispering to one another recognizing who I am. Thats when I got scared that people would start hating me. The school time was almost over and it was lunch time, I had no one to hang out with except for Sehun he was hanging out with his friends. I grabbed lunch not knowing where to sit, just hen Sehun grabbed my arm and dragged me to his table where his friends were. He introduced me to them.
"This one is Byun Baekhyun.", Sehun said.
"Yah! You're younger than all of us here, have some manners.", Baekhyun scolded. I chuckled. Sehun then introduced me to the rest, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Chen, and lastly Kai. I had told them I already knew Kai but I never told them how. 

We started hanging out after school and I had to go back to the mansion to work. As soon as I got back I changed into my maid uniform and worked in the kitchen following the princes orders.

"Solji, Prince Leo needs you in his room immediately.", Kai told me. I wondered why it was me though. I knocked on the door and Leo told me to come in.

"What is it that you need sir?", I asked.

"I need you to clean my room again.", He commanded me.

"But I already cleaned it yesterday.", I said.

"I said 'again', that was yesterday, I need you to clean my room everyday from now on." 

"But why?" 

"Just do what I say and if you don't listen you're fired.", He yelled. I nodded and bowed. Cleaning his room with him watching me is pretty awkward. He was watching my every move, I was making sure everything was spotless like I cleaned his room yesterday. While I was cleaning someone had knocked on the door. 

"Come in.", Leo said. The guy who came in was, Baekhyun. I looked up and he looked at me, " Oh Solji I didn't know you worked here." 

"I didn't know you worked here either, does the rest work here too?", I asked surprised.

"Uh yeah they do, we were talking about you earli-", Our conversation got inturrupted.

"What is it that you need Baekhyun?", Leo asked him curiously.

"Um the head master wanted to see you, sir.", Baekhyun replied. 

"Alright, you may leave now.", Leo ordered Baekhyun. Baekhyun went out and Leo looked straight at me. 

"How did you guys meet?", He asked even more curious.

"Um we go to the same school, sir.", I replied back to him.

"Well you stay here and clean, don't stop cleaning until I get back, understand?", He demanded me like I was some 5 year old. I nodded and he walked out closing the door. 

~30 minutes Later~

He wasn't coming back and I had already finished cleaning his room, even his bathroom. I walked slowly to the door with my hand on the knob. I wanted to open it but scared that he was coming back and seeing me sneak out. My hand was shaking when I tried pulling on it. But the knob didn't budge. I tried harder but it was like stuck. Was the door locked? Why would he lock it? Does he really not trust me? I was standing there trying to get the knob to open yet also thinking why he would do this. Just then the door smacked open and I thought I got it opened for a second but realizing that it was someone else. Next thing I know my nose was bleeding. 

" Oh I am so sorry miss, the door was hard to open because it was locked him the outside.", This other butler had apologized to me.

"Its fine.", I said covering my nose, " it seems like I've never met you before."

"My name is Yixing but you can call me Lay.", He smiled, 

"Here let me help you with that." He grabbed a tissue for my nose. I had thanked him. At that time Prince Leo came walking in and right away he stared at us.

"How'd you get the door to open?", He asked almost about to get furious.

"It was locked from the outside, sir, I just wanted to give you this.", Lay gave a manilla envelope.

"You may leave now.", Leo ordered as he pointed at the door. Lay nodded as he grabbed my wrist and walked me out the door with him. 

"It sounded like he hated you for a second there.", I told him as we were walking to the kitchen where everyone was.

"Well he does demand butlers and the maids a lot, but he does it in his cold mean tone, I have no idea why though.", Lay answered back. Once we got in the kitchen Hyerin immediately gave me a tray full of alcoholic drinks. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What's this for?", I asked her.

"Its for the princes in the hang-out room, they told us to get them drinks, so you can bring the tray to them.", She explained.

"But why me?", I asked hoping not to do it.

"Because Prince Leo wanted you to do it.", Hyerin replied. I was wondering why he always told me to do stuff for him and it always had to be me, not the other maids. I grabbed the tray and turned around to look at Lay. 

"Does my nose look fine?", I asked him. He nodded and I walked off to the hang-out room.

As I walked in the only person I didn't want to see today or ever was in there, Gyuri. They were all talking and I set the tray down on the coffee table. I tried to do it quickly so I wouldn't have to be seen. But apparently I was too slow. As soon as I set the tray down Prince Ken looked at me with confusion. 

"We never ordered alcoholic drinks, who are you anyway?", He asked.

"Um one of the maids told me to bring this to you because you asked for it.", I replied.

"Hmm interesting, I never had told them to bring it to me, now answer my other question.", He said.

"I'm a new maid my name is Solji.", I introduced myself, I thought he already knew who I was. But once I had stated my name Leo turned around and said,"I ordered them." Ken then nodded at Leo and excused me. I bowed to them and as I walked out Gyuri kept giving me this dirty look like I was up to something. As I got back to the kitchen, Lay was still there.

"Solji you're back, I wanna show you something.", He said excited. I followed him to the back door, and outside we went. It was a garden, a beautiful one. One that I have never seen before, so many flowers and trees.

One that I have never seen before, so many flowers and trees


I gasped. We were walking and I was looking at the flowers and lights, it felt so magical. 


"Wait until you see the back yard we have here.", He said. This isn't even the back yard? This mansion is decorative, every part of the mansion is decorated and it looks astonishing. He lead me to the back yard, and holy, it was like the size of my whole house and yard put together.

He lead me to the back yard, and holy, it was like the size of my whole house and yard put together

It was so modern and just perfect. I was amazed, how can anyone have a mansion like this? 

"Lay we need you!", Kai yelled at him, "I've been trying to find you. Its urgent, hurry up!"

"I'll be back just stay here or you'll get lost like I did.", Lay said. I nodded at him. I was walking around making sure to stay in the backyard because I literally didn't know how big the backyard is. Standing around the pool, I was waiting for Lay to hurry up and come back, it was getting late and the sun started setting. 

~10 minutes later~

I stood in the same place for about 10 minutes already and all I could hear were the crickets chirping. But then all of a sudden whispers came to my ears.

"You better watch out, I'm not like any other girl, flirt with him one more time and your whole life is ruined." I turned around, but it was too late to see who the hell said that, things happened so quickly before I knew it I was in the water. I swam my way to the wall, the pool was not at all shallow and I'm not a very good swimmer. I got out of the water to see no one, anywhere. The first person that came into my mind was, Gyuri. Of course she would say that, she thinks I'm "hanging" out with Leo too much but what she doesn't know is that he's just telling me what to do, he also hates me. I have had enough of it. I knew my way back to the hang-out room, it was time to confront her. I stomped my way in the room and right away everyone looked at me. 

"Gyuri, I know you hate me but that doesn't give you the right to push me into the pool and step on my toes to completely humiliate me, I'm just a new recruited maid I don't mean to harm you or your boyfriend, so leave me alone, please.", I confronted her and walked out not caring whatever crap she's gonna say next, her excuses do not affect me anymore. 

~Next Morning~

Everything was a mess the next morning. The maids kept asking me questions about what I did last night. Sooner or later the gossip about it came to everyone at the university. Gyuri had posted something online with my name in it, I was making a point and I didn't care what those people at school would say to me now. I walked to school once again and as I walk in people started to throw paper with these mean quotes on them at me. Quotes like, "No one ever liked you anyway", "Just a maid starting out and look at how much drama you have done", "You have no idea what Gyuri is gonna do to you next", and "Don't think you're cool for confronting her like that, it obviously didn't work." I looked up to see once again Gyuri smirking and walking away. When will she ever stop? 

Author's Note: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it literally took me the whole day to write.

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Love Seolji <3
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