I'll Be Back- Chapter 14

Too Much To Handle

It was Leo.

"Please don't go. If you're leaving, you're leaving me, you're leaving everyone who was your friend.", Leo convinced her to stay.

"Leo, I don't have a choice. If I refuse to go, I'll be held captive again. I barely survived last time, I was really close to dying. I don't want to experience that anymore. I don't wanna hurt you.", Solji said back.

"You're already hurting me, don't go, please.", Leo begged her.

"I can't stay, do you want me to die, again?", Solji asked.

"No I most certainly don't. But I can do something about it.", Leo said.

"No you can't. This is my family, there's nothing to do to fix this situation. Look, promise me that, you won't forget about me. Promise me that you will take care of everyone. Tell them I'll get back as soon as I can.", Solji trusted him.

"I will never forget about you, no other girl can amaze me as you can. I bet everyone will be so sad. I'll text you every single day. Don't forget to call me, okay?", Leo kissed her forehead and she nodded. She let go of his hand and walked away not turning back because she knows that she'll miss him even more. She sat next to two lovely ladies who were so kind, Solji had talked to them the whole entire ride to Manhattan, New York. As soon as she got there her phone started up and it had started ringing and making notification sounds. It was so loud that everyone starred at her. Of course she didn't know how to speak English that she couldn't understand what the hell those people were saying. Luckily, she had her translator by her side. She received messages like, 'Unnie , how dare you leave me like that? Everyone is so sad right now. ~From Junghwa', 'Do you know how mad we are at you for leaving us? We'll miss you, come back home soon!~ Kai', 'Heo Solji, you will be missed, just know that we love you!~ Hyerin'. She started smiling and walked forward to the pick-up. Her mother stood there smiling. Solji rolled her eyes and came to her mother and sat in the car. She thought her mother was really gonna "change", but it was the total opposite. Right away whenever Solji had ignored her mom, she'd slap her in the face or elsewhere. Solji was her personal slave for days now. She had to do dangerous things like, go on the roof and clean the snow off, go into black dark alleys at night searching for anything useful as her and her mother were poor, and most dangerous of all, sleep with guys that her mother had thought she was cute with. Solji's mother didn't like the thought of Leo and Solji being together. Solji tried really hard to refuse sleeping with them in bed, sometimes she would sneak downstairs and stay down there until 6 am. Overall, she was treated as some peasant to her mother, it was like she wan't even her daughter anymore. But at least she facechats with Leo every single day, they would stay up all night talking, she would hide her face so he wouldn't get too worried about the cuts.

~5 Months Later~

Solji had bruises and cuts all over her body, but now she was happy to be going back to Seoul. Why? One day the Heo family had gotten a letter saying that Mrs. Heo can be Solji's guardian until May 5th. After that day, Solji can no longer be under Mrs. Heo's orders and/or demandments. Which means that Mrs. Heo is no longer Solji's mother, Solji will have another guardian in Seoul. Solji's mom was so angry at the authorities for saying that, that she threw a vase glass at Solji's face and screamed, "You never had helped me anyway, you're such a terrible servant! You dragged me down to hell instead of bring me up to heaven! Get out of here!" Solji was so glad to leave that she picked up the glass not caring that her hands are bleeding and threw it at her mother's face. Well now her mother is a complete stranger to her.

"I will never miss you.", Solji hesitated,"Mother."

Solji walked out carrying her luggage and satin the limo. She sighed and once they arrived at the airport, everyone started staring at her. They were whispering about her face and cuts. They felt so bad for her. 

Solji arrived at Seoul and drove to the Park family mansion. She was wondering if everyone would remember her. She rang the doorbell and after a while someone opened it. It was Junghwa. Junghwa screamed to the top of her lungs at the fact that Solji was there and that she looked like she'd been thrown in a fire. 

"Omg! Unnie! I can't believe you're here! What's up with your skin?!", Junghwa yelled at her.

"Ah! You're so loud.", Solji held her arms out so Junghwa can hug her. She hugged her tightly. 

"Junghwa, why are you so loud, the princes are sleeping.", Hyerin complained. She looked up and ran to Solji literally jumping on to her.

"Aish! Hyerin, you're hurting me.", Solji hugged her back.

"I missed you so much. What happened to you? Why are there bruises all over you?", Hyerin asked worried.

"Don't worry. They're not permanent.", Solji replied back.

"Come in, Le is in the kitchen.", Hyerin pulled her arm while Junghwa carried her luggage.

"Oh my. Solji is that you?", Le turned off the faucet and ran to Solji, "That is you. I've missed you so much Solji."

"I missed you too.", Solji said back, "Do you think I should go meet Leo?"

"Yes, but he's gonna be worried immediately with that big scar in your cheek and purple bruises on your arm.", Hyerin pointed out.

"I know, I'm afraid to let him see me.", Solji admitted.

"But the butlers went go nonstop about how you left them.", Junghwa informed her.

"Oh really?", Solji chuckled.

"Junghwa!", Leo called out her name.

"Ugh. Ever since you left, he had no one to use as his personal servant, so he used me.", Junghwa rolled her eyes, "Coming!"

"Leo also went nonstop about you.", Le added.

"We would call every night, talking nonstop.", Solji sat down in a chair, "Do you guys have a bandage I can borrow?"

"Yeah, you miht need to cover those up before Leo sees you.", Le went to the cabinet and grabbed the First Aid Kit.

"So, how did it go over there?", Hyerin asked.

"Terrible. My mom abused me, I was her stupid servant. She used me, once again.", Solji rolled her eyes.

"Really? Is that why you have all of those cuts on you?", Hyerin asked.

"Yeah, you can't tell Leo about this though. I haven't told him yet, and I'm not planning to.", Solji whispered.

"Got it.", Hyerin nodded.

"Here you go.", Le wrapped her arm with the bandage.

"Thank you Le. I just need to wear long sleeve shirts now.", Solji thanked her.

"No problem.", Le patted her shoulder.


"Yes, Leo.", Junghwa rolled her eyes on the inside.

"Why is it so loud downstairs? I stayed up all night last night.", Leo complained.

"Because you talked to Solji all night.", She folded her arms.

"How'd you know?", Leo glared at her.

"Well she told me herself, downstairs.", Junghwa was trying to tell him that Solji was downstairs.

"Hm, calling sure does a lot.", Leo had no clue Solji was here.

"Yeah it sure does, but not when it's downstairs.", Junghwa said downstairs even louder than last time.

"What's the difference?", Leo asked rubbing his eyes.

"Well it's different if Solji is live right now.", Junghwa gave him hints, at least tried.

"Um aren't calls always live?", Leo asked again.

"Yeah, but not when they're live right now.", Junghwa pointed downstairs.

"What are you trying to say?", Leo was so confused.

"Oh my.", She whispered to herself, "You are so hard to work with. Dude, she's downstairs right now!"

"Downstairs of her house?", Leo raised an eyebrow.

"Oh my lord.", Junghwa rolled her eyes.

"Yah! Don't you dare do that to me.", Leo glared at her.

"She is downstairs, right now, in the mansion.", Junghwa said clearly.

"No she isn't.", Leo stood up.

"Yes she is, that's why I was screaming.", Junghwa moved out of his way. Leo ran downstairs like a five year old waking up on Christmas morning. He saw her in the kitchen and he couldn't believe it. He went in and grabbed her arm dragging her to the living room. Solji bit her lower lip because of the pain. She pulled out of his grip and held her arm. He looked at her with confusion. He grabbed her arm again, and she held back the tears of pain. He rolled up the sleeves and saw a bandage.

"Why is there a bandage around your arm?", Leo asked taking it off.

"It's nothing.", Solji pulled her arm away.

"Let me see it.", Leo grabbed her arm again. He unwrapped the bandage.

"Why are there bruises all over your hand?", He asked.

"It's nothing.", Solji told him.

"This isn't just nothing. Does it hurt?", Leo poked her arm.

"No Leo. It doesn't hurt, really. My mom abused me for 5 months, I mean how could this hurt?", Solji said sarcastically.

"Really?", Leo was shocked.

"Wait you didn't send those papers?", Solji asked, she thought he told the authorities about what Solji's mother was doing to her.

"No. I couldn't do anything about your mom abusing you. The head master wouldn't let me do anything.", Leo said.

"Oh, well who did?", Solji asked.

"I don't know, it was none of us though that's all I know.", Leo looked at her arm again.

"You even have a scar on your face. It's bleeding.", Leo touched her cheek.

Solji pulled back and pushed his hand away.

"It stings.", She said.

"Oh, sorry. You should go to the doctor for that.", Leo told her.

"I know.", Solji picked up her things.

"I'll take you.", Leo stood up with her.

"No it's fine, the head master doesn't know that I'm here.", Solji hugged.

"No, I wanna take you. I haven't seen you in forever.", Leo hugged back, "I missed you."

"I missed you so badly, I always had hoped you wouldn't fall asleep on our calls because I had no one to talk to and didn't want my mother abusing me.", Solji said. Leo chuckled at her response.

"C'mon, let me take you.", Leo begged.

"Fine.", Solji rolled her eyes while smiling.


Author's Note: Sorry everyone reading my story this chapter is really short. I can't process ideas while typing the story. Also this week and last week has been a stressful week for me, I'm getting tired and sleepy, so please forgive me on my poor behavior. I'll do better next time.



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Love Seolji <3
Chapter 11: nice ~ nice ~ nice~
Michua1011 #3
Chapter 8: Chapter 9 pls~~~