No Matter What- Chapter 10

Too Much To Handle

Narrator's P.O.V.

Solji thought he was joking.

"Are you serious?", Solji chuckled a little.

"Yes I am, very, not killed someone on the inside but on the outside.", Leo seemed very scared, "Last year when I dated Gyuri we went to this one club and stayed there until midnight. Of course we got drunk, very drunk, at least I was. The next thing I know is that she's carrying me into a room, a hotel room. There was a girl there, a e to be exact, so then Gyuri tried to make this a . I refused, but since I was drunk they somehow seemed to have convinced me. So, we did the , at least tried. It didn't work out very good, because the e was on drugs, she even brought some to the room. Since it didn't work I decided to give her some of her drugs so she could stop bothering me. That didn't turn out so well, she took them but then started foaming, Gyuri and I were shocked. So she called 911 and we went off without anyone noticing, but the problem was that when the ambulance arrived I stayed outside the hotel hiding in the alley. I saw the way they carried the girl out, she was dead, they put her in a body bag and zipped her up. Gyuri ran away, leaving me, thinking that I was gonna get arrested. A couple weeks later I found footage of it, Gyuri had recorded it on a camera. I don't know why though."

"Oh my gosh, do you think she did it because, she wanted you to go to jail? Or maybe she did something to the drugs and made you give it the girl and have you take the blame?", Solji gasped.

"I don't know, ever since, I never had wanted to talk to her, ever, but the head master forced me to be with her, he was paying her family because they were going homeless. Her family never got to pay us back. I had to stay with Gyuri until they could pay us back.", He explained.

"Well you're away from her now, right?", Solji asked.

"Yeah I am, and I'm happy to be with you.", Leo smiled.

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"No, no one, I was too afraid to tell them. So you can't tell anyone. Okay?"

"I got it, I won't tell anyone."

Leo smiled and kissed her on the forehead, "I gotta meet the other princes now, talk to you later?"

She nodded and he walked away. Solji walked into the kitchen looking shocked, still.

"What happened Solji? You look like your puppy died.", Hyerin asked.

"Um nothing, I'm not shocked.", Solji said back.

"Okay then.", Hyerin turned back around to wash the dishes.

Solji walked off out the kitchen and ran into Ken.

"Solji, what's wrong with Leo? He's not talking to me.", Ken asked her.

"Um, I don't know, sir.", She lied to him.

"Are you lying to me?", Ken was suspicious.

"Um, no. I promise.", She almost stuttered.

"I don't believe you, tell me what happened or else-", Ken tried to threaten her.

"Or else what?", She interrupted him, "I can't tell you, I'm sorry. If you want to know, ask Prince Leo."

Ken scoffed and walked away. Solji exhaled of relief and glad she was able to kind of pull the lie off. She could've gotten caught. 

"Are you sure nothing happened?", Hyerin walked out and folded her arms, disappointed that Solji lied to her.

"I'm sorry I lied to you, Leo didn't want me to tell anyone.", Solji sighed.

"Now that I know, tell me.", Hyerin told her.

"I can't, Leo will kill me if I do."

"I'm one of your best friends, why can't you tell me?"

"Fine, but you promise you can't tell anyone, not even the other mai-"

"Maids? C'mon if you tell one of the maids, you have to tell all of us.", Hani and the others walked out interrupting Solji.

"Fine, but we need to go into the kitchen, and lock the door.", Solji walked in. They all nodded and Hani locked the door.

"Alright, Leo killed someone.", Solji said hoping no one would believe her.

"Really?", Hani shouted.

"Shhhhh.", Hyerin scolded at her.

"Last year when he dated Gyuri they went to a club and they both got drunk. She got him in a hotel room with a e, she was taking drugs, and Gyuri tried to make this a . But it failed, so Leo gave the girl her drugs so she would stop bothering him. Things went wrong, like completely wrong. started foaming up and Gyuri called 911 then she and Leo ran out without anyone noticing. He hid in the alley of the hotel and saw the ambulance take her out and she was in a body bag. She was dead. Gyuri ran off without him and hoped he would be arrested. We thought that she did something to the drugs and made Leo give it to the girl so he could go to jail, I don't know why she hated him though.", Solji explained.

"Oh my god, innocent Leo killed someone.", Junghwa covered .

"I can't trust him anymore.", Le sighed.

"It wasn't his fault, it was Gyuri's.", Solji took Leo's side.

"True, what should we do?", Hani asked.

"We can't do anything, I wanted to take revenge on her, but she left Leo for good.", Solji told Hani.

"Solji's right, Gyuri left Leo for good, she won't come back to him.", Hyerin agreed with Solji.

"Well well well, seems like I don't need to ask Leo at all.", Ken barged in.

"H-how did you get in here?", Solji stuttered.

"I overheard from outside the door and got the key to open it, haven't I told you not to lock any doors, Hani?", Ken asked her.

"How'd you know I locked it?", She asked him.

"I saw you guys talking, you thought I left to go to Leo? I saw you guys go in the kitchen and ran over here to hear you guys talk about him.", Ken smirked, "Solji, Leo told you specifically not to tell anyone, but you did."

"They're my best friends, they promised me not to tell anyone, I'm sorry.", Solji apologized.

"Ken, I know you're mad at her, but blame us. We were the ones who kept bothering her to tell us.", Hani stood up towards Ken.

"Come with me, Hani.", Ken pointed at her and walked out the door. She stood there and didn't listen to him. He cleared his throat. She still didn't budge.

"I'm not going anywhere, especially not with yo-", Hani tried to argue with him but he grabbed her and kissed her to make her come with him. The maids gasped, shocked. He grabbed her wrist as she covered and he dragged her out to another room. 

"D-did he just kiss her?", Junghwa still couldn't talk.

"I think s-so.", Solji stuttered with her.

"Do you think Ken likes her?", Hyerin asked.

"Oh my, maybe that's why!", Le almost shouted.

"Shhhhh.", Hyerin scolded at her.

"This all makes sense now, the emerald ring, the expensive birthday party, and now a kiss.", Le made up a theory.

"You're right, he liked her this whole time.", Solji was surprised.


"What is it Ken? You just kissed me, what now?", Hani asked still covering .

"Just listen to me, don't be mad at me.", Ken calmed her down.

"Don't you dare say that! I've always thought you would be a person who never talks and is always innocent. But I was dumb enough to think you were kind.", Hani shouted.

"Calm down would you? Listen to me for once.", Ken shushed her.

"Fine just this once, first and last time.", Hani folded her arms.

"I like you.", Ken held her hands.

Her eyes widened, and she let go of his hands.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do, you're the only maid who did everything I said with out talking back to me. You are right, I was the innocent one, I never talked, but now I did, because I like you."

Hani looked down. He picked up her chin and made her look at him. He kissed her once again, this time she kissed back.


"What the hell is taking forever? What if he's doing something to her?", Hyerin was worried.

"Oh my god, are you crazy? He's confessing to her I think.", Solji guessed. Then Hani finally came back.

"What happened?", Junghwa stood up to Hani.

"He confessed to me, and we kissed, I think we're dating.", Hani said to her.

"Solji dating Prince Leo, and now Hani dating Prince Ken? This is amazing.", Junghwa hugged Hani.

Solji hugged Hani, "We're twins now!"

Hani chuckled, "We have to go on double dates."

Solji nodded in excitement.

"How about tonight?", Hani asked her.

"Tonight? Let me ask Leo. He probably knows I told you and all of the other maids. We'll have a long conversation.", Solji walked out and walked up to Leo's room and knocked on it. She walked in anyway. 

"Hey.", She smiled at him.

"Oh hey, I heard you told the maids.", He didn't seem mad at her.

"Oh I'm sorry, they're my best friends and they wouldn't stop bother-", She got interrupted.

"It's fine I'm not mad at you, I heard that Ken asked out Hani, he suggested we go on a double date.", Leo looks calm.

"Are you okay? Before you were all scared, and now you seem very cool, calm, and collected.", Solji was actually worried for him.

"I'm fine, it seems like no one is that shocked at the incident last year. So, I don't need to worry.", He smiled at me.

"Alright, but I suspect something, double date tonight?", She asked him. He nodded. Solji was excited to pick the perfect outfit. She ran to her room and opened her closet thinking what could be perfect. Just as she was finding an outfit, Hani walked in.

"Help me, does this look good?", Hani asked her advice.

"Oh my gosh, it looks perfect.", Solji adored it, "How about mine?"

"It matches you so much, I'm excited for this.", Hani jumped up and down.

"I know right. I wanna see where we eat at.", Solji was curious.


Time passed and it was evening, the sunset was as beautiful as the two girls in their dresses. The guys finally walked downstairs and complimented the girls.

"You look amazing.", Leo wrapped his arms around Solji's waist.

As for Ken he came and walked up to Hani with his mouth wide opened. He hugged her and she hugged back.

"You guys ready to go?", Solji asked them.

"Yeah, come on we're gonna be late to our reservations at Masa (A/N- Masa is the most expensive restaurant in America. I know this takes place in Korea but I couldn't find expensive restaurants in Korea).", Leo said.

"Masa?!", Hani was surprised.

"Yeah Masa? Isn't that like a really expensive restaurant.", Solji asked him.

"Don't worry about the prices, we have it covered.", Ken said to them.

"Alright, I guess.", Hani walked out with Solji going into the limo.

They all arrived at Masa and it looked incredibly huge.

They all arrived at Masa and it looked incredibly huge

There was even a dress code for it. 

"Right this way sir.", The waiter lead them to not only one of the tables, but a V.I.P room?

Solji and Hani wasn't used to this

Solji and Hani wasn't used to this. It was too fancy for them, but they thought that's what they have to deal with when dating one of the princes. 

"I'm gonna use the ladies room, I'll be back.", Solji excused herself.

"Yeah I'm coming too.", Hani followed her.

Even the ladies room looked luxurious

Even the ladies room looked luxurious. Solji fixed her makeup as Hani was using the restroom. Then this girl walked up next to Solji. Solji thought she was a stranger.



"Well hello.", The stranger spoke. Solji jumped and looked next to her. It's Gyuri.

"Are you stalking me now?", Solji looked back into her mirror.

"It's not my fault my new boyfriend took me here to eat, in the V.I.P rooms.", She scoffed.

"Are you getting more money from him more than Leo?", Solji joked. Gyuri glared at her.

"He's happy with me now, after what you did to him, he hated you ever since.", Solji walked out. Bu before she could she went to the stall Hani was in. She knocked.

"Hani, are you done? The is here.", Solji turned around to see Gyuri glaring at her and walking out of the ladies room. Hani walked out looking sick.

"You look pale, is everything okay?", Solji asked her.

"I think I'm sick or something, can we go home? I can't eat anything now, I've lost my appetite.", Hani was using the walls to help her walk out.

"Okay, let me tell the princes.", Solji linked arms with her.

"No, can we ditch them?", Hani asked.

"Ditch? They're gonna get angry at us.", Solji said back.

"I know but they can't know I'm sick."

"Why not?"

"I'll explain at home, can we leave out the back door or something?"

"Um, okay, let's go."

Solji and Hani walked out the back door of the restaurant. Calling a taxi and left.

Where are you? What's taking so long?

Oh, um, Hani and I had an emergency. We'll be out, soon.

Alright, Ken is really impatient, so hurry.

I know, tell him that Hani had a dress emergency.

Solji texted Leo. Hani and Solji arrived home, running into the kitchen.

"So, tell me.", Solji closed the door behind her.

"You're gonna be shocked if I say this.", Hani was stressed out.

"Oh please, I've probably heard things wors-"

"I might be pregnant.", Hani interrupted Solji.

"Pregnant?!", Solji shouted.

"Shhhhh. Yes, may be though. I'll tell you the story just be quiet."

Solji nodded.

"So way before you first worked here, I worked for Ken, and only him. We started hanging out and things had gotten far, like up to the point where he kissed me. So I asked head master for a vacation for five days, and he said, 'Sure'. So then I came back and Ken apologized to me, when he did I forgave him and we started hanging out again. Then there was a night where he was really drunk and I had to bring him to his room, when I laid him down on the bed he pulled me closer to him. I tried pulling back but he kissed me, and that's when we had, you know.", Hani explained.

"Oh my god! Did you guys use protection?", Solji asked.

"No, that's the problem, you can't tell anyone ever since that happened I stopped working for him."

"Okay I promise I won't. But did you take the test yet?"

"No, I'm gonna do it now. Wish me luck."

"For which baby, or no baby?", Solji yelled at Hani as Hani walked into the bathroom. Solji was definitely happy for Hani but she didn't know if Hani wanted a baby or not. After a while Hani walked out with the test in her hand. Solji turned around.


"It's a positive."

"Ahhh! You're gonna have a baby."

"Shhh, I wanna tell the others myself."

"Okay, I'm so happy for you. But you need to make sure that it's yours and Ken's baby."

"Solji, I've never have had with any other guys except for him."

"Alright.", Solji chuckled and walked out up to her bedroom.

"Solji what was all of that screaming downstairs?", Hyerin came out of her room.

"Okay Hani said she wanted to tell you and the others herself, but I just can't keep it a secret. It was a positive!", Solji told her.

"Like positive positive? As in baby positive?", Hyerin asked.

"Yes! Baby positive, I'm so happy.", Solji jumped up and down, "But you can't tell anyone else."

"Alright.", She went in her room. Solji walked in her room too. Leo was listening to all of that, he and Ken realized the girls had ditched them when Solji said 'emergency'. 'She's gonna have a baby? Solji?', Leo thought. After hearing that, he thought that Solji was pregnant.

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