Crazy, Stupid "Love"- Chapter 6

Too Much To Handle

~Next Morning~

Solji's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling light-headed. I knew I wasn't in my bed, who's room is this? I looked around and took off the blanket. I was just about to step down off the bed but almost screamed when I saw someone sleeping right next to me, on the floor. I covered my mouth and sighed in relief, it was Leo. But why was he sleeping right next to me? All I remembered last night was holding a glass cup and getting water then 'boom' everything was black. I didn't know if I was dreaming or not. So I decided to use my foot and kick him in the face lightly. He didn't move at all. I kicked him again, this time he turned to the other side. This tie I had to stretch my foot longer to kick him in the face again, but it was a fail. I slipped off the bed from sitting on the edge, having to use my arms to hold myself up. Hoping to fall on the floor, I fell on him. I still covered my mouth from making any sounds. Of course he woke up, I fell on his side. He sat up quickly making me roll over to my side.

"You're awake?", He asked me seeming like he didn't care that I fell on him.

"Um yeah, what am I doing here?", I asked.

"You fainted."

"So you didn't bring me back to my room?"

"It was too far away, and you looked too pale so we had to do something about it."

"So you took me here?"

"It was the only idea that came to my mind."

"How will I know that you didn't do anything, weird, to me while I fainted."

He looked at me with confusion.

"Are you dumb? I'm not a .", He yelled at me. It hurt my feelings that he said that, yeah maybe I am dumb. He pinched his nose bridge and sighed. 

"Sorry, you're right, I am dumb.", I stood up and walked away out the door, if I could find it. There were five doors in this room, Leo thought I actually left. I opened a door and looked in, what was inside it looked like a hallway, maybe it was the door to the actual hallway. I went in and closed the door behind me, turns out it didn't lead out to the actual hallway, it was a small hallway connecting the other five rooms in his room. I turned around and tried opening the door, but it was locked. There was no lock on this door. I went into the other rooms and tried opening the other five doors, they were locked too. I knocked on the door almost banging on it. 

"Leo!", I yelled. No reply.

"This isn't a joke, let me out.", I said seriously. Still, no reply. I pounded on the door. Will he actually leave me in here? 

~1 Hour Later~

Junghwa's P.O.V.

I wonder where Solji unnie is. She late and we're really busy in the kitchen with orders from the princes too. All I heard what happened to her last night was that she fainted and Leo carried her to his room. But he came back downstairs. How could she not come? 

"Hani unnie, do you know where Solji is?", I asked Hani.

"Wait she's not here?", Prince Leo came in all of a sudden.

"Um no she isn't, we were about to ask you if you knew where she is.", I told Leo concerned. 

"Well we should find her.", Hani suggested. I nodded at her response. We went searching in the whole mansion, but couldn't find her. We checked Leo's room five times, that was where he saw her last. He said she left his room this morning but we had no idea where she went. 

Leo's P.O.V.

I thought she left my room though. The last time I saw her was when she was walking to the bedroom door, at least I think so. I walked into my bedroom for the 6th time, searching literally everywhere. But there was one thing I heard that was strange. It sounded like it was saying "Help!", could it be her? I walked near the sound, in the connected five rooms. I knocked on one of the five doors. 

"Is anyone in there?", I asked loudly.

"Yes! It's me, Solji, please let me out.", Solji begged. I opened the door and saw her sitting against the wall, looking like a mess.

Solji's P.O.V.

I was hungry, tired, and thirsty. I had no idea how long it has been that I've been stuck in here, but I feel like I'm gonna die. But then all of a sudden, I hear a door open.

"Help!", I shouted immediately, but my throat was so dry it sounded like nothing came out.

"Someone help me, please!", I coughed.

"Is anyone in there?", Someone knocked on the door.

"Yes! It's me, Solji, please let me out.", I begged. The person opened the door, I was glad it was Leo. I raised my hand so he could help me up. When he grabbed my hand I tried standing up without his help, but I stumbled a bit. Which made him put my arm around his shoulder and carry me out of his room.

"I found her.", He told the other maids.

"Oh my gosh, Solji we thought you went missing, we were literally about to call the police. How could you scare us like that?", Junghwa scolded at me.

"I'm sorry. I had no idea where I went, I thought one of the five doors was the bedroom door. His room was so big.", My voice cracked.

"Okay darling, you need water, quick.", Hani ran downstairs and grabbed me a glass of water. Leo carried me to the nearest couch we could find. Just then, the doorbell rang downstairs. 

"Um Solji, someone is here looking for you.", Junghwa told me while she went upstairs. I stood up, again, stumbling. Even ten feet away I can recognize who that person was. I gasped. The guy smiled. 

"Why are you here? How'd you find me?",  I asked the guy.

"I came here for you Solji.", He said.

"Who is he?", Le asked in the background.

"One of my friends.", I replied.

"Don't you remember? We dated, back then.", He said.


Solji was in high school before she met her ex-boyfriend. It was such a cliche how they met, actually. Solji was late for class and she ran in the hallways, it was going fine until she tripped and dropped all of her books, then this guy who was also late was generous enough to help her up. He even picked up her books for her. They then introduced themselves to each other, not caring that they were late to class. His name was Min Jun. He was her first love. They started hanging out after that had happened. He asked her out and obviously she said yes, even though she said she wasn't interested in dating, she just loved him too much to even think about not dating. But one day one of Min Jun's friends told Solji that Min Jun had been seeing this other girl. He had been cheating on Solji for at least two weeks already. She was hurt badly. After asking Min Jun if he cheated on her, he didn't refuse. He said both of the girls had completed his life, but she didn't care, she broke up with him on the spot. Ever since Solji made sure that she wouldn't be in any relationships with anyone anymore because she didn't want to be hurt again. She realized she needed to focus on her education more than her love life.

~End of Flashback~

Solji's P.O.V.

Why would he be here though?

"I haven't seen you in forever.", Min Jun smiled.

"Um it's nice to meet you too, but how'd you find me.", I asked.

"Taeyeon told me you were here, I had to come immediately.", He exhaled with happiness, "Can I come in?"

"Um sure, why not?", I opened the door widely for him to come in.

"It's not your choice to let random people in.", Leo walked downstairs.

"Um but he's my friend.", I turned around. I walked up to Leo, "I know I'm just a maid, but shouldn't I have the right to invite my friends, like once in a while?"

Leo sighed and walked away. I guess that's a yes. I lead Min Jun to the small living room. 

"So what are you doing here?", I asked Min Jun.

"Oh, I broke up with my ex two weeks ago.", He informed me.


"I came here to tell you that, I want you back.", Min Jun hesitated.

"Min Jun, as happy as I am to hear that you broke up with her, I could care less. I told you I'm not looking to be in a relationship, I don't want to date at all."

"But I broke up with her because I realized how important to me you were, she only used me for my popularity. I wanna be with you."

"Well you should've realized how important I was to you years ago. I'm over you Min Jun, you need to get over me too."

"Please Solji, I said that you both completed my life but now only you complete my life, without you I can't live."

"Oh don't be so dramatic Min Jun, you're desperate for a girlfriend, I'll be happy if we are friends though."

"Fine I guess I can't stop you from getting what you want, can I get your number? I guess you got a new phone."

"Yeah I'll give it to you.", I said ending the conversation and giving him my phone number.

~One Week Later~

Narrator's P.O.V.

Ever since Min Jun had found Solji again they wouldn't stop hanging out. Leo was suspicious of him though. He thinks that Min Jun was using her and tricking her to get her back. Leo had tried to convince Solji, but she never believed him. She trusts Min Jun, he was a good friend to her.

"She's hanging out with him too much.", Junghwa sighed.

"I know everyday they have to go somewhere together.", Leo replied back.

"Are you jealous?", Junghwa smiled.

"Of course not, I'm just worried for her.", Leo glared back at her.

"Mhm, definitely.", Junghwa chuckled.

Solji's P.O.V.

This Saturday Min Jun invited me to his house to hangout. I agreed and I was excited to see what his room was filled of. I had picked the perfect outfit for that day.

I had picked the perfect outfit for that day

It was simple, yet cute. 


Solji's P.O.V.

I had asked the head master to take the day off and hang out with Min Jun, he approved. Of course Leo and Junghwa didn't, but I didn't care what they thought of them.I met Min Jun at an ice cream shop in the city. We spent all morning and afternoon together. Then it was evening when he took me to his house. He lead us to his room.

"Wow, nice room you've got here. Everything changed since the last I was here.", I looked around his room.

"Yeah and the last time you were here was years ago.", He laughed. I chuckled. I went to his bookshelf and looked at the books he reads.

Min Jun's P.O.V.

I wanted her back, really bad. This was the only good plan.

Hey, are you here yet? I got her in my room.

Yeah I just got in your house with two of my other friends.

The more, the merrier.

Are you sure you wanna do this?

Of course, I want her back in my life again.

Alright, but this is a huge risk if it doesn't work then she'll hate you forever.

Oh it'll work, give me some faith.

Alright, I'm at your bedroom door, I'll knock first.

Leo's P.O.V.

I had to follow them around, I surely didn't trust him with her. I was outside of his house and spotted three of his friends at his front door and getting inside. I was getting worried.

Solji's P.O.V.

He was just standing there, texting his friends or something. Knock Knock. 

"Can you get that? I'm kinda busy right now.", Min Jun instructed me. I opened the door to see three guys there. Before I could ask who they are, Min Jun randomly took both of my arms and one guy took my legs. They put me on the bed, I tried squirm out. 

"Min Jun! What the hell are you doing?!", I screamed.

"I said I wanted you, now you're mine.", He smirked.

"What?! I said I was over you for a reason! I thought we were friends!", I cried.

"We were 'till now. When you said you were over me, it hurt.", He lowered his voice, "So you deserve this."

He started kissing around my neck, I couldn't move. So I started screaming.

"Get the duck tape!", One of his friends yelled at the other. They wrapped duck tape around my mouth to secure it from making any other noises. 

Leo's P.O.V.

I was standing in front of the door, then I heard screaming. I called the cops and barged in the door.

Solji's P.O.V.

Tears were rolling out of my eyes. I can't believe I trusted him. He really wants me back, but I don't like him anymore. In fact, I hate him now for doing this. I kept thinking in my head what they were gonna do next, but it made me scream even more. But then, I heard police sirens, it became louder and louder every second. 

"The police are here!", Min Jun shouted. They all ran out the door, but the last guy to get out duck taped my arms and legs together and threw me in the closet to make sure I didn't go anywhere. I was glad to be in here, glad that they are gone to leave me alone. I heard someones footsteps. I tried squirming in front of the door so I could use my legs to bang on it. 

"Solji, are you in here?", Someone from the outside had asked, I recognized his voice. It was Leo.

I banged my legs against the door again and he ran to the closet. Seeing the brightness of the bedroom made me happy, especially seeing him. He took the duck tape off of me and hugged me.

"Are you okay?", He asked concerned.

"Y-yes, I think so. Thank you so much.", I stuttered. We were gonna walk out but I found out that I was limping. My feet were as cramped as hell. They were also numb, there was no way I could walk. 

"Are you coming?", Leo turned around asking me.

"I can't, my feet are really cramped.", I said trying to stand up.

Leo rolled his eyes as he walked towards me and picked me up on to his back. He gave me a piggyback ride. I was shocked, I had no idea where to put my arms.

"Put your arms around my neck, or else you'll fall off.", He told me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He walked to the limo and carried me in. 

After a while, I had been getting tired, and the car ride was long. I was sitting next to Leo and didn't want to make it awkward or embarrassing. So instead on leaning on my left, I leaned on my right. Being half-asleep can really trick people into thinking you're really asleep. Leo had leaned my head on his shoulder. I really wanted to "wake up", but realized that he was sleeping too, and I didn't want to wake him up. 

~Back At The Mansion~

Walking in I ran to the kitchen to see the maids.

"Oh, Solji the maids are having a sleepover at the guest house, they're waiting for you to hurry up and go.", Xiumin informed me as soon as I walked into the kitchen.

"There's a guest house?", I asked surprised.

"Yes, there is it's on the right side of the mansion.", He said while walking out, "Have fun."

I walked up to my room and grabbed the things I needed. Walking out of the mansion I texted Junghwa asking if she was at the guest house.

Hey, you at the guest house?

Yeah, we're all here, hurry up! We're getting impatient and we can't start it without you.

Alright, I'm trying to find it.

I'm standing outside once I see you I'll scream your name as loud as I can.

Hehe, okay. See you!

I laughed at that part. It was so dark outside as I was walking to the guest house.

"Excuse me ma'am, where do you intend to go?", The security guard scared me.

"Oh, you scared me.", I gasped, "I'm trying to find he guest house."

"Oh it's right over there.", He pointed to my right.

"Thank you.", I thanked him.

I walked to my right and saw how wonderful the guest house is, even in the dark. 





Finally, a night with my friends, no boys, no drama, just having fun



Finally, a night with my friends, no boys, no drama, just having fun. Junghwa wasn't lying when she said she was gonna scream my name once she saw me.

"Solji! Unnie I'm over here! Hurry up, walk faster!", Junghwa shouted. I chuckled.

"Alright! I'm running now!", I shouted back at her. I ran to the door and hugged her.

"I missed you, I can't believe you left us to hang out with him.", She pouted.

"C'mon let's go in.", I smiled. She dragged my arm inside, and everything was already set up. Blankets and pillows set up nicely, just for a sleepover.

Blankets and pillows set up nicely, just for a sleepover

We turned the music on to start it off, and danced to it. The night was filled of relief and fun, with sharing secrets about one another, doing devious dares, and dangerous pillow fights. All of this had cleared my mind of everything that I thought would ruin my life. We hadn't sleep until like 5 in the morning. 

~Next Day~

Narrator's P.O.V.

"Guys, c'mon, wake up. We're almost late, it's 10 am.", Hani yawned.

"That was so much fun.", Junghwa stretched.

"Solji, wake up. Leo might be worried for you.", Junghwa and Hani chuckled, joking with Solji.

"Stop it, we don't have anything with each other.", Solji groaned of tiredness.

"Is it morning already?", Hyerin mumbled.

"No, it's 4pm.", Le rolled her eyes.

"Alright, it's time to clean up before we get scolded by the head master.", Solji started picking up the pillows. They all helped her clean up the guest house. 

"Alright is everything cleaned up?", Le said while closing the door and locking it.

"Yeah I think so.", Hyerin started walking back to the mansion.

"No! Don't go that way, the princes and the head master are having a meeting with the C.E.O of the Aloès Department.", Hani stopped her.

"Let's go in the back then.", Junghwa suggested. Everyone nodded and went out in the back.

~Inside the Mansion~

The head master and the C.E.O of the department were talking while the princes were sitting there.

"Can you check the guest house? Just in case the girls left something there?", Ken had called over the security guard.

"Yes sir.", The security guard walked out the door quietly. He unlocked the door and walked in searching the place for anything they left behind. He turned around about to walk out the door but saw something on the floor. It was a phone. He picked it up locked the doors and walked back to the mansion. 

"Did you find anything?", Ken asked him.

"Yes sir I did. I found a cell phone.", He handed Ken the cell phone.

"Thank you, you may go now.", He told the guard.

"Well thanks for meeting us.", The head master told the C.E.O.

"Thank you for having me, it was nice meeting you, I look forward to working with you.", The C.E.O shook his hands. Then he left.

"What's that Ken?", Hongbin asked him.

"I phone, the girls left it at the guest house while cleaning up this morning, I just don't know who's it is though.", Ken told the princes.

"Turn it on, see who's it is.", Ravi suggested.

Ken the phone, surprisingly there was no password. He swiped the screen and went to the photos. It was Solji's.

"It's Solji's phone.", Ken said looking up, which made Leo turn around and look at him.

"I'll take it and give it to her.", Leo took the phone out of his hands.

"Okay.", Ken said raising one eyebrow with a look of confusion.

"Why would he want her phone though? We could've given it to her.", Hyuk said.

"Hmm, do you think they have something together? Like, an affair?", Hongbin asked.

"Are you stupid? Why would Leo have an affair with a maid?", Hakyeon scolded at Hongbin.

"Well we never know.", Ken said.

"You guys are really dumb.", Hakyeon glared at all of them.

Solji's P.O.V.

"Hey have you guys seen my phone?", I asked all the girls.

"Um no, at least I haven't.", Hani replied back.

"Did you leave it at the guest house?", Le asked.

"I double-checked already.", I said worried.

"I'll help you find it later, Prince Leo called me.", Junghwa said while walking away.

Later on Junghwa came back running to me.

"Okay okay, Prince Leo wants us to be his assistants for the ceremony he's having for owning the mall for 5 years.", Junghwa announced.

"His assistants?", I asked her.

"Yeah we have to do what he says.", She rolled her eyes, but it's just you and me.

"What?! Not us?!", Hyerin almost yelled.

"His orders said just me and Solji.", Junghwa smiled, "Oh and Solji I saw your phone on Leo's dress."

"Really? Why would he have it? How did he get it though?"

"I have no idea, but you better go get it. I can distract him if you want.", Junghwa suggested.

"That sounds great , I can't do it without your help."

I walked slowly to his bedroom door. I opened it with Junghwa's cue, saying that Leo was in the main living room with her. I went in and closed the door a leaving a little crack open just in case I run into that same incident that happened to me in here. I walked to his desk and saw my phone, I grabbed it immediately. As I was walking closer to the door I heard Junghwa and Leo talking.

"I really need to get back to my work, Junghwa.", Leo told her.

"Wait! I have one more question for the ceremony!", Junghwa stalled him. I quickly opened the door and shut it accidentally closing the door too loud. "!", I thought in my head, "I'm so screwed". I turned around and saw someone right in front of me. I was about to scream but he covered my mouth immediately. 

"It's not nice to barge into someones room and take stuff from it.", He said.

"Um but it's my phone.", I told him. Instead of listening to me, he took my phone out of my hand and walked in his room. I looked at Junghwa and sighed.

"I'm sorry, he wouldn't listen to me, I saw you walking out but he saw you and ran.", Junghwa told me while we were walking back into the kitchen.

"But I really need my phone, like right now.", I told her. I could literally barge in impolitely and take my phone not caring what he would do.  


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