Lies! All Lies!

'Forced' Marriage!?
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I welcome you to a 7000+ chapter (the longest I have written so far) Please enjoy it!

"Excuse me... but I don't really remember knowing any of you..." Siwon said.

Minho and Jiwon pull back from the hug. They ask in sync "You d-don't recognize us ?"

Siwon looks at Kyuhyun, asking for some help. Kyuhyun understands and tells them "Minho, Jiwon, I think you're mistaking him for someone else."

"How can we not recognize him ?!" Minho shouts.

"And Kyuhyun, how could you not recognize him? You're even married to him." Jiwon continues "Oh... you both are acting, aren't you ? Please don't do it. This is not funny."

Kyuhyun sighed "We're doing nothing funny. I don't really think you have met him before" turns to Siwon "have you ever seen them anywhere ?" Siwon shook his head in denial. Kyuhyun looked at Jiwon "And what do you mean recognize him ? I've never seen him before a few months ago."

Minho scowls "How can you not see hyung in him ?"

Kyuhyun frowns "Which hyung are you talking about ?"

"Which hyung would I be talking about, Kyuhyun ? It's An–"

"Stop!" Kyuhyun shouted " Never." Kyuhyun was shooting daggers at Minho "Do you think I wouldn't be able to recognize him ?"

"Well, you're not able to. He's right here in front of you and you're denying it!" Minho shot back.

"Excuse me again but whom are you guys talking about ? and what does it have to do with me ?" Siwon asked, looking clearly confused.

"Nothing. Minho and Jiwon have lost their senses after traveling for such a long distance and they're now talking nonsense. Don't worry about them." said Kyuhyun.

"We're not talking nonsense. You're blind." Minho and Jiwon say in sync.

"I'm not!" Kyuhyun grabs their arms and looks at the confused Siwon and Nainai "We need to talk about this privately so I'll take them to the study. I'll be back after sorting this out." 

Before Siwon or Nainai could reply, Kyuhyun dragged Minho and Jiwon out of the room. He took them into the study "What do you think you guys were doing ?!" Kyuhyun flared up.

"Kyuhyun..." Minho said, calmly "how can you not see hyung in him ?"

"Because he is not him." 

"Oh come on! He looks so much like Andrew hyung! And his name matches too!" Jiwon shouted.

"How on earth does his name match ? He's Choi Siwon, not Choi Andrew!" Kyuhyun shouted.

Siwon shuddered at Kyuhyun's voice.  He had secretly followed them and was standing outside the door, trying to listen and Kyuhyun was helping him in that by shouting. He had never seen Kyuhyun so furious. And one thing made him curious Who is Choi Andrew ? And why are they comparing him with me ? Just as he was trying to listen more, Baba called him. Siwon sighed as he walked away, curious about how the conversation goes.

Minho sighed and looked at Jiwon "Doesn't he know Andrew hyung's Korean name ?"

Kyuhun frowned "He has a Korean name ?"

Minho scoffed "Like seriously ? You don't even know his Korean name and you said he was your first love. Dumbo! Of course he has! And it's none other than Choi Siwon!"

Kyuhyun looked at Minho shocked. Andrew hyung's name was Siwon ? But they're not the same. They're not. Siwon and Andrew are different. And... Andrew hyung is dead. He can't come back alive, can he ? He looked at Minho and Jiwon "Even if their name matches... they both can't be the same."

"Why ?" They ask together.

"Because Andrew hyung died 18 years ago. How can he be alive ? We have seen him dying in front of us..." Kyuhyun's eyes gathered tears remembering the incident.

"Kyuhyun, you have the answer yourself." Jiwon tried to explain "We saw him dying, not dead. What if, just what if he was saved before he actually died ? Give it a thought too."

"No." Kyuhyun shakes his head in denial "It can't be him. I would have recognized him if they were the same person. They don't have anything in common."

Minho lifted a brow "Nothing ?"

Kyuhyun thinks for a while "Actually... he does. You remember Andrew hyung being mean to me in the starting? Siwon was also the same. He was really mean to me. That is the way he behaves with people whom he wants to talk with... just like Andrew hyung..." Why did I never think about this before ?! Wait... I did think of this before. I was blinded by hate though...

"Oh my! Kyuhyun, you are a huge idiot! The most unique trait of Andrew oppa is in Siwon oppa and you don't realize it ? This proves that they're the same person." Jiwon says.

"I don't know... nothing else matches though. And, how on earth are you both sure that they're the same person just by knowing the name ?" 

Jiwon laughed "Do you think we're that dumb that we'd assume he's our brother just by his name ?"

Minho said "Kyuhyun, you must be really blind to not observe that they both have the same eyes, the same smile, the same aura."

Kyuhyun sighed "He does ? I never really observed since I hated him..."

"You hated him ?" Jiwon asked confused.

"Well, I didn't marry him because I wanted to. I married him because..." Kyuhyun explains the whole incident to the confused Minho and Jiwon, resulting with horrified expressions on their face.

Minho shouted "He did that ?! How dare he! And we were considering him as our brother. You're right Kyuhyun, he's not our Andrew hyung."

Jiwon thinks for sometime and asks "Kyu oppa, did he treat you bad after the wedding ?"

Kyuhyun shook his head "No. Instead, he protected me from an attack and tried to help me stop Zhou Mi's marriage with Victoria."

Jiwon asked, softly "If he wanted to make you regret, why would he do that ? Have you ever thought about it ?" 

Kyuhyun nodded "I did. And I think he didn't do it because he wanted to. Maybe... he was forced into it..."

Minho scoffed "First you told that he wanted to save Zhou Mi from you and now, he was helping you get him back ? I seriously don't understand. But I want to ask you something, can I ?" Kyuhyun nodded. Minho sighed "Do you still love Zhou Mi ?"

Kyuhyun looked at him, surprised "What kind of question is that ? Of course I do."

"Then, why didn't you do anything much for stopping Zhou Mi's wedding ? Kyuhyun... your love has changed, hasn't it ?"

Kyuhyun sighed. He didn't know what to say. He never gave it a thought. Do I still love Zhou Mi He realized he didn't really care. After Zhou Mi married Victoria, the feeling of love for Zhou Mi had slowly faded away "Maybe I don't love him... anymore..."

"Then, let me ask you something" Jiwon said "Do you hate Siwon oppa ?"

Kyuhyun instantly shook his head "I don't! I used to but he's a good man. He doesn't deserve hate."

Jiwon chuckled "Omo, this is fun." Kyuhyun frowned. Jiwon smiled "Kyu oppa, you like Siwon, don't you ?"

"Of course. I do like him. He's my friend after all."

"Not just as a friend. Even more than that. Isn't it ?"

Kyuhyun went into deep thought. He's just my friend. I can't love him. I don't love him. Why would I ? We're going to be divorced in 2 months anyway... "No, you're wrong. I don't like him more than a friend." If I don't, why does my heart hurt so much as I say it ?

Jiwon laughed "You should see your expression. You look sad as you say that. You definitely like him more than just a friend. Kyu oppa likes Siwon oppa. Cute~"

"Shut up, Jiwon!" Kyuhyun scolds her. He sighs "You both, Siwon is not Andrew hyung. Remember that. Don't run around him calling him Andrew. Get it ?"

"Okay." They nodded.

"Let's go." Kyuhyun went out of the room. Jiwon looked at Minho "Why do you think Siwon oppa is a bad guy ?"

"Who said that I think he's a bad guy ? I scolded Siwon hyung to know whether Kyuhyun cares about it or not. And, he does. Kyuhyun has moved on. He isn't connected to Zhou Mi anymore." Minho smiles "Siwon hyung looks like our Andrew hyung so I can't hate him. Let's go before Kyuhyun drags us out of here." Jiwon chuckles and follows Minho out. 


Siwon was sitting on the bed, deep in thought. Kyuhyun returns after showing Minho and Jiwon the guest rooms. He asked "Siwon, are you still thinking about Minho and Jiwon ?" Siwon nodded slowly. Kyuhyun sighed "Don't give it much thought. I guess they remembered their brother whom they lost 18 years ago."

"Oh... I'm sorry. How did he die ?"

"As–...a car accident. Their parents and elder brother died in a car accident. But why are you asking that ?" 

Siwon sighed "I don't know how but I feel that their names are very familiar even though I don't know their faces. As if I'm connected to them somehow... I think the name Jiwon and Minho came in my memory flashes as well... Am I going crazy ?" 

Before Kyuhyun could say anything, Minho and Jiwon come into the room, smiling "Hey, both of you are here!"

Kyuhyun frowned "What do you want ?"

Minho pouted "Don't be so mean" He looked at Siwon "Siwon hyung... I can call you that right ?" Siwon nodded. Minho smiled "Thanks. Well, we came here because we both wanted to say something." Minho nudged Jiwon.

Jiwon nodded "Siwon oppa... We both see our elder brother in you. You remind us of him a lot... so can we consider you as our brother ? We won't force you to do it though..."

Siwon smiled, his eyes with tears he didn't notice "You both want me as your brother ? Didn't Kyuhyun tell you I'm a bad man who ruined his life ?" He looked at Kyuhyun "You didn't tell them ?"

"He did" Minho walked towards Siwon and kneeled in front of him "He told us that but he also told that you're a good guy as well. We both know everything, yet we want you as our brother..."

Jiwon walks towards Siwon and kneels beside Minho "Are you okay to accept us as your siblings ?"

The look in Minho and Jiwon's eyes tugged Siwon's heart. The tears were threatening to fall out. Before they could actually fall, Siwon hugged the kneeling Minho and Jiwon. He wanted to say yes but the emotions were not allowing him to voice them out.

"Is that a yes?" Minho asked. Siwon nodded. Minho and Jiwon look at each other, smiling and hug Siwon back. 

Kyuhyun, who was standing beside the bed looked at the scene, smiling. They really look like siblings... Andrew hyung, are you watching this ? They've found someone who can fill the empty space you had left. Are you happy ?... He looks at Siwon Siwon looks as if he has met his long lost siblings. They've connected so well. Kyuhyun smiled and wiped the tear that had come unknowingly.

"Look at you all. It looks like a reunion of long lost siblings." Kyuhyun chuckled.

Minho and Jiwon pull back from the hug and shoot a glare at Kyuhyun "Don't ruin the moment. We really feel as if we met our brother. You feel the same too, right ?" They look at Siwon.

Siwon laughed and nodded "Yes, my prince and princess." Minho, Jiwon and Kyuhyun look at each other, shocked. Siwon looked at their faces "I'm sorry... that just came out naturally..."

"You... called us prince and princess... just like our brother used to..." Jiwon said. Siwon looked at Kyuhyun, who nodded slowly, still looking shocked.

"So, can't I call you the same ?"

"Of course you can!" Minho and Jiwon jump on Siwon, hugging him tightly, crying. Siwon just patted their backs, confused with the reaction. 

Why did Siwon call them that? The main question is... how did he call them that ? Kyuhyun pondered on the question but was soon distracted by the trio's laughing. They must have joked about something and Kyuhyun had missed it. Discarding his previous thoughts, he smiled at the laughing trio. Doesn't matter. They look so happy. I've never seen Minho, Jiwon or Siwon so happy before.


Victoria sighed for the nth time "Should I tell him or not ? Tell him... don't tell him... tell him... don't tell him..."

"Don't tell what to whom ?" Victoria froze and looked up from her magazine to find Ma standing at the door. "Not tell what to whom ? Are you hiding something ?"

"Wh-what would I be hiding Ma... haha..." Victoria laughed nervously.

"I heard you before. You can't lie to me." Ma said, sternly.

Victoria looked at Ma for a while and then burst into tears. Ma hurriedly came to her "What happened Victoria ? Why are you crying ?"

"What do I do if my husband doesn't love me ?" Victoria cried.

"Who told you Zhou Mi doesn't love you ? He declared–"

"Lies! All lies! He lied to everyone. He..." Victoria told about Zhou Mi's confession during the honeymoon, with Ma look at Victoria unbelievingly. Victoria sobbed "I called him 15 times yesterday but what did he do? Called me and asked to give the call to Kyuhyun and tell him to go to the headquarters as soon as possible. I know I should tell Kyuhyun but he's the reason Zhou Mi doesn't love me..." Victoria continued sobbing.

Ma was furious. So Kyuhyun is affecting Zhou Mi even though he's married to Siwon. He needs to get out of the house. 2 months is a very long time to bear him now. He needs to go out of this house and it needs to be fast. Ma hugged Victoria "Don't cry... and don't tell Kyuhyun about it. Zhou Mi can call him if the work is that important."

Just then Ma's phone rings. She looks at the caller "Why is Zhou Mi calling ?" She lifts the phone "Hello... Yes... Victoria ? She told him about it... He's busy. His–... But, listen... Hello ? Zhou Mi ?" Ma sighs "That boy called me too to inform Kyuhyun... Victoria, don't do it. I'll support you." Ma smiled and hugged Victoria again.

Victoria brought her hand up and wiped her tears, smirking Finally, the acting classes were helpful.


Kyuhyun, Siwon, Minho and Jiwon were chattering away excitedly. Siwon and Kyuhyun had taken Minho and Jiwon for a short tour of Seoul. They had done a lot of sight-seeing and shopping. They had enjoyed their time together.

"Kyuhyun!" Kyuhyun turned around and found a furious Zhou Mi getting inside. Zhou Mi looks at them "Oh! So, you're having a good time here ?"

Kyuhyun looks away from him. Zhou Mi sees it "Don't you dare ignore me! We needed you there and you were here, frolicking around with your husband and friends ?"

Kyuhyun looked at Zhou Mi "Is it wrong if I'm enjoying my life ? And why did you need me anyway?"

"No" Zhou Mi scoffed "There's nothing wrong with you enjoying your life. Looks like you care more about fun than your work. Where did that devotion towards work go ?"

Kyuhyun frowned "Why are you questioning the devotion for my work ? You have no right to–"

"I have all the rights to do that!" Zhou Mi shouted. All the members of the family came to hall, hearing the commotion. Zhou Mi continued "Just because of you, we lost a huge project. They wanted to meet you and finalize but you..." He looks at Siwon " were busy having fun..."

"What are you talking about ?! I don't know what–"

"Just shut up, Kyuhyun! Don't you dare give an excuse that you didn't know! I had already told Victoria to inform it to you. And please don't keep your damn phone off!"

Kyuhyun looked at Victoria. Victoria looked away. Kyuhyun sighed "Look Zhou Mi... I didn't know. She never told me about it."

"Don't lie. Even Ma confirmed it that Victoria told it to you. And Ma wouldn't lie." 

Siwon looked at Ma She can. She can if it's to hurt Kyuhyun... Kyuhyun looked at Ma "Ma, when did you see that ?"

Ma said "Well I saw Victoria talking to you. When I asked her, she told that she informed you about Zhou Mi calling you to the office." 

Kyuhyun sighed. Of course he had seen Victoria that day but all she did was glare at him and walk away, acting arrogant as ever. Ma might have misunderstood and Victoria is good at deceiving

Zhou Mi scoffed "What are you thinking ? New excuses ? Sorr

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Hikaru96 #2
Chapter 36: I hope you will finis this one. I love it
someday1965 #3
Chapter 36: Take some time off and enjoy life maybe your muse will return. I will sadly miss wonkyu fanfics seems like everybody is leaving SJ fanfics lately and I am not saying this to make you feel bad, please don't its just a fact. But whatever you do please don't delete your stories I would like to read them over and over again. Good luck!! My many thanks for writing masterpieces. Au revoir.
Cynthiagrace #4
Chapter 36: Pls just keep on fire, even u don't hv spirit for write now, i hope someday ur spirit to write will back. N i will wait for that patiently. I love your story, i can wait how many times u need. So don't worry anything. Nado saranghae
Chapter 36: It must be very sad for your followers, after so many months and years, you say you have no interest or time to finish your Fincs, read comments from people who still think you will finish your Fincs and sad. I think your lock in writing should be the fact that you have to finish Fincs with Super Junior members, try writing about BTS, Jikook or other Shipper, who knows you unlock or your creativity has returned and you are ashamed to tell the truth.
Lokikitten #6
Chapter 35: Congrats ...i love this story so far i hope you can handle the problems ..why dont you make a little baby for wonkyu ....
Chapter 35: I just wanted to wish you a happy new year, and i really miss this story so i wish you will overcome your writing block soon ^^.
Chapter 35: Ask your questions in the reply!! I hope you guys ask a lot of questions ^^
kyuwonfan #9
Chapter 34: waiting for ur update.....i love ur story
Chapter 34: why would she burn her own proof of pregnancy ?i didn't get it...
poor zhoumi but i still want him to suffer for losing kyu...^^!
thanks for the update been missing this fic lately