Chap. 8


   Taeng decided to join Tiffany at the market and help her, he just planned it last night Tiffany was surprise when his husband choose to help her instead going to work and she’s also worried that Nickhun might appear even though she texted him that her husband is with her at the moment and she thank all the gods for answering her request because Nickhun is not showing up.

     “Fany-ah you’re spacing out are you ok?” Taeng asks looking at her worried was plastered on his face “y-yeah I’m ok” she said flashing her a smile “aigoo Miyoung you’re lucky to have Taeng all of the old ladies here wanted a help from him… he’s so adorable” said the old lady as she pats Taeng on the cheek “thank you ahjumma… I should be thanking all of you for taking care of my wife when she’s here” Taeng flash a smile “ahh Tiffany’s an angel too, she’s very kind hearted” the lady smile “I thought you brought another friend with you… since you always come here with Khun to help” the lady said smiling at them, Taeng looked at Tiffany confusedly “who’s Khun?” he asks making the two ladies to look at him “u-uhh he’s just a friend baby, he’s from here too and he’s helping the ahjussi’s here” she said smiling at him “oh ok” he smile at her then drank his water, Tiffany bit her lip continuing her work.

   “Fany-ah when are you going to invite Khun again, tell him he’s still not finish cracking the nuts” said one of the old man as they gather around to have lunch, Tiffany just smile “aigoo I really thought he’s your husband since you always go here with him and he’ll help you carry the things you bought” butted an old lady, Taeng frowns but smile once again when an ahjumma offered him a drink and some side dishes then he stole a glance at his wife “who’s this khun Fany-ah?” he thought

     On the way back to their apartment the two was quiet and Tiffany didn’t like it at all, he took a glance at his husband, Taeng’s face is serious brows furrowed and she hated it, she look at his hands but it’s inside his pocket she remember that he’ll hold her hand when they’re walking she look back again at his face “Tae?” she called but the short guy didn’t answer “Tae are you mad?” she asks again but he’s still not answering. Taeng is still not talking to her when they reach their apartment he went straight to their room not forgetting to close really hard, Tiffany gulp she knows he’s mad for not telling him about Nickhun, she sat on the couch waiting for the time her husband has cooled down. She waited for hours but Taeng didn’t came out from their room, she checked their room only to find her husband is already sleeping she bit her lips while approaching their bed and sat on it slowly careful not to wake him up “Tae?” she called but he didn’t respond, Tiffany then lay down beside him hugging him tight as she started to talk “I know you’re mad at me for not telling you about Nickhun… I just… I just don’t find any reason to tell you because he’s… n-not important” she said then she felt him shift so she continued “I’m really sorry if I get you mad and disappoint you at the same time… I can… a-assure you that nothing will happen” she said then he felt him moved removing her arm around his waist and he faced her and he sigh “I was just… I don’t know… jealous maybe… because he get to spend time more with you and now the people there thought that he’s your husband and not me… I wanted everyone to know I’m your husband not him” he said and she saw sadness in his eyes and it made her feel guilty and once she kissed him she already made a decision to talk to Nickhun.


     Taeng hesitated if he’s going to work today or not sine he doesn’t want to leave his wife, this is the first time he thought of not going to work, he doesn’t know this feeling like something will happen. Soo noticed his hyung was not in his usual self so he approached him “hyung are you ok?” he asks “y-yeah Soo… sorry I was just thinking” Taeng smile “about what? Are you in trouble? Do you need help?” Soo asks “no, no don’t mind me Soo… I’ll be fine while I’m working later ok?” Taeng said assuring the younger one “ok hyung but don’t worry… we’ll close the club earlier… since I’ll meet my mom tonight” Soo said smiling at him.

      “Hey Tae you’re spacing out” Sunny said “huh? Oh sorry what are you saying?” Taeng asks making the short blonde to frown “you know… you’re not in your usual self tonight… Soo said you’re also spacing out earlier” Sunny said “really? Hey since when the two of you are contacting each other huh?” Taeng said changing the topic and it seems working since Sunny is blushing “t-two months ago” answered the short girl “aigoo ahahaha I knew it you two will fit for each other… hahaha I can assure you Soo is a good guy, you can punch me if he hurt you” Taeng wink “I’m holding onto that Taeng” Sunny said smiling making the short guy to laugh.


       “Why did you want to meet me and you sounded so serious” Nickhun said and tried to joke but Tiffany didn’t smile nor laugh “ok what is it?” Nickhun said seriously “Nick I think we should stop this” Tiffany said looking at him but Nickhun stayed quiet “I-I know it’s sudden but… I just… I don’t know how to explain” Tiffany said placing a hand on her forehead “is he suspecting something?” Nickhun finally said something “no I don’t think he’s not… he seems pretty normal the way he act and such” Tiffany replied “then there’s nothing if we continue… we just have to be more careful Tiff, please” he plead holding her hand “I can’t lose you not now… we’re just starting… please” he added then pulled her into a hug which the latter returned “I love you” he heard him mumble her heart betrayed her as she felt it beats faster “me too” she looked at him and share a kiss.


      Tiffany was surprised to see Taeng was home earlier “hey your home” she said and hugged him and when she look at him she frowns because of his red and puffy eyes “did you cry?” she asks “huh? Oh yeah I was just watching a very sad movie… and it touched me so much” he said smiling sadly at her “aigoo such a cutie~” she cooed pinching his cheeks “what’s the title?” she asks as they both sat down on the couch “I forgot already… how’s your day at the market?” he asked resting his head on her shoulder as she hug her tight “hmmm I had fun… how about you?” she asks, “oh I have fun too, Sunny drop by to see Soo to meet his parents” Taeng said “Soo’s girlfriend?” Tiffany asks his husband who nodded its head “Fany-ah… I talked to one of the customers at the club… and you know what he’s problem? His wife… cheated on him… they’ve been married for 2 years now and she just wasted it for someone …. The guy saw them together, you know he loves her so much… he take her out to dates when he has time and always makes it up to her the next day so she wouldn’t feel lonely but the girl played with his feeling… he said that she always says that she loves him but did she cheated Fany-ah? Is he not enough? Is there something wrong with him? Did he do anything wrong?” Taeng asks as he felt himself choking, Tiffany couldn’t utter a word since gulp “I… I don’t know Tae… maybe that woman is… is so stupid to… to cheat on her husband…. I don’t know why she cheated maybe there’s a reason… maybe he did something that he didn’t notice” Tiffany replied caressing his husband hair, Taeng looked at her “if you ever cheated on me… I don’t know what to do Fany-ah, I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive you and that guy… but I hope it doesn’t happen” Taeng said as he caress her face and kiss her on the forehead “I’ll go take a shower now ok?” Taeng said leaving his wife on deep thoughts.   

CHAPPY 8 OUT!!! <3

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1133 streak #1
Chapter 43: lol Aiden is too curious hahaha
kyutmohdaw #2
Chapter 43: Becoz of the late update authornim, I'm gonna read this again to refresh my mind haha...btw, thank you so much for this wonderful story, gonna add this to my collections LOL.. FIGHTING!!!! story (?)
1133 streak #3
Chapter 42: Aren't they married already? Why does Taeng wants to marry her again if they are married already?
jasonds #4
Chapter 42: cant wait for the surprise romanticccc
Res_ss8 #5
Chapter 42: Can’t wait to read how the proposal turns out like
ttblub #6
I thought it’s a double update
Beetlebee #7
Chapter 40: Uhhh I am confused... Aren't they married? Is he like remarrying her?
1133 streak #8
Chapter 40: Lol yulsic that's your change to experience having your own kids hahaha that's not fair sica but knowing Yul he'll do anything ng just to make sica happy ^_^
Res_ss8 #9
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim I appreciate your updates and take your time no rush hehe Fighting!!! (:
jasonds #10
Chapter 40: nice story u have author nim...i am reading all the chapters in one day hahahah