Chap. 29


               “Good morning Fany-ah” greeted Sunny and Soo after seeing the other girl entering the kitchen “morning” answered the gloomy girl “what’s wrong? Something happen?” Soo asks placing the girl’s food on the table “I was awake all night and couldn’t sleep at all” the latter pouted as she played with the food “hey don’t do that… you can have all the sleep you want today since we’re not going anywhere, I decided to close the club for today” Soo smile as he ate his food “yeah and instead of drinking that powered juice drink this milk first and I’ll make you fresh juice later” Sunny smile brightly as her name while giving the pregnant woman her milk “thanks guys… me and my little pea will sure be healthy” Tiffany also smile brightly drinking the glass of milk. “Fany-ah we’re going to have your check up today” Sunny reminded as she walk out of the kitchen “what time? Maybe we could ask Jessi to join” Tiffany replied “I think 4 in the afternoon? Wait I thought Jessi is in LA… she’s here now?”, “yeah, the two of us hanged out yesterday” Tiffany replied staring at the apple Soo was eating, the shikskin felt awkward when he caught Tiffany her lips while staring at him “u-uhh want some?” Soo asked giving her a piece of bread that Tiffany took and start munching “whoa Fany-ah are you going to be the next shikskin aside from me?” Soo chuckle taking another bread “I don’t know little pea here is making me hungry all the time and when I try to stop I’ll get emotional and when I eat too much I’ll always throw up at night” Tiffany pouted “so you’re the one who I always hear sneaking out aigoo Miyoung, you can wake us up if you need anything” Sunny said as she side hug the girl “I don’t want to be a burden to you guys especially when you just came home from club… don’t worry about me” Tiffany smile showing how grateful she is.


                “I can’t wait to be home tomorrow” Taeng smile widely wiping his sweat “me too, I can’t wait to have some y time with Sica” Yul said with his dreamy eyes “same here Yul… gaahh by just thinking of it makes me want to go home now” Taeng chuckle “we’re such a erts” Yul chuckled also “only to our wife’s” Taeng added slinging his bag on his shoulder as the two went out of the gym together. “Hey Taeng I was wondering, how does it feel to be married?” Yul asks “it’s fun because you’ll be with the one you love until death do separates both of you; someone will face the future with you and pull you up when you’re down… why are you asking suddenly?” the short guy looked confusedly at the tan guy next to him “nothing, I just wanted to be sure o my decision in marrying Sica… not that I’m having seconds thoughts but… don’t you think I’ll be a good husband like you?” Yul asks eyes show concern “Yul not all husbands are the same, there are different ways on how to show your love to your wife… but please don’t hurt Sica and I know you wouldn’t go that far, I can only tell you that be open to her, share your problems with her, don’t bottle up the things inside or you might hurt her and yourself also, have trust and faith with each other… if you feel that the two of you are getting distant confront her in a gentle way ok? Don’t just pop it up all of a sudden… and when she’s the one having problems be the knight and shining armour she ever dreamt of” Taeng said smiling at the younger guy “and I bet you’ll be more than just a good husband Yul” he added assuring the tan guy with a smile “yeah, thanks man” Yul said as he was touched by the short guys words.


                “I’m nervous Sunny” Tiffany said holding the shorter girls hand tightly “its ok Tiff, we’re just going to see your little pea to see if he/she’s healthy and you too” Sunny smile reassuringly “I hope so too” Tiffany said her voice low as she was trying to calm herself down “Mrs. Tiffany Kim the doctor is ready to see you” the nurse smile as she called the name, Tiffany and Sunny looked at each other before going inside the room. “Mrs. Kim I’m happy to see you again and Ms. Lee” smile the doctor decreasing the nervousness of Tiffany “I’m Doctor Angel, please have a sit while I’ll check your heartbeat ok?” the doctor smile as she approached the pregnant woman starting hear the girls heart beat and the baby’s “this is your second time coming without your husband Mrs. Kim” the doctor smiles after putting the stethoscope on the table “oh he’s on a business trip and I haven’t told him that I’m pregnant” Tiffany smile “aigoo I can understand you Mrs. Kim, I’m sure you’re husbands reaction will be priceless… please lay down here, are you ready to see your baby?” the doctor smile while gently wiping the gel on Tiffany’s stomach who couldn’t help but get excited and nervous, the latter looked at Sunny who’s feeling the same as they held hands, “can you both see that pebble like shape that’s it’s head and that red thing that’s moving fast is the heart” the doctor said as she points in every part making Tiffany shed a tear “hey little pea it’s good to see you” the latter wiped her tears greeting her baby “oh I’m sorry Mrs. Kim but there’s another heart beat, can you see that?” the two girls gasped in surprise as they could really see another heart beat on the screen, “wow Fany-ah congratulations” Sunny hugged the girl in excitement “oh my god…. They’re so beautiful” Tiffany couldn’t control her tears when it flows continuously down her eyes “congratulations Mrs. Kim, this is such a great news once your husband came home” the doctor flash a wide smile at the two girls.


                “OH MY GOD! REALLY?!” Jessica squeal in happiness once she heard the news “oh god congratulations Tiff, I can’t oh god I can’t imagine you guys will hit a jackpot… Kyaaa I can’t wait, I’m getting excited” the brunette said not erasing the huge smile on her face “so how you’re going to surprise the midget?” Soo asks leaning his chin on his palm “I already got it planned… don’t worry let’s just wait for tomorrow ok? Oh I’m going to miss Sunny and Soo” Tiffany pouted “aww just give us a call when you get bored ok? I’ll make Soo wear some funny thing ok?” Sunny wink but the taller guy pouted “that will be great… my peas will love it” Tiffany giggle “*sigh* thinking of babies makes me want to have one now” Jessica said making Sunny to agree with her “then make one Jessi… You and Yul can do it” Tiffany winked “we’re trying Tiff, like really, really trying but we always get false alarm”, “have you talked about that with Yul?” Sunny asked concerned “we haven’t talked because as you can see we’re still busy and I’m planning once he’s here we’re going to talk seriously about this”, “how about the wedding Sica?” Soo asks “we’re still going to get married and it’s on December…  I just wish that we could hit the jackpot too” Jessica smile lightly “I know you will Jessi” Tiffany smile patting the brunette’s hand.

                Tiffany was just inside their room while Sunny, Soo and Jessica were at the living room watching some random movies. Her hand was gently caressing her still flat stomach “hey there my little peas, mommy was very happy to see you… I’m also excited to tell it to daddy Tae once his home tomorrow, are you excited to hear his name? I hope you are… Daddy Tae’s voice is very gentle and warm, you’ll like it and he sings really well we will ask him to sing us a lullaby every night ok? I hope tomorrow comes so fast so he’s here already” Tiffany brought her two index and middle finger in front of her lips as she pecked it before placing back to her stomach and smile “I love you my little peas, I hope you grow strong and healthy” she mumbles , her smile widen when her phone rang and Taeng’s name flash in her phone screen

“Hey baby~”

“Hi honey, how are you?”

“I’m fine baby… you? Have you eaten?”

“I’m fine too, can’t wait to see you tomorrow and yes I have eaten, how about you?”

“I did too don’t worry, your husband is a good boy… I miss you Fany-ah I also can’t wait to see you”

“Want me to pick you up?”

“No need hon, Yul will send me home … also you don’t have to make breakfast, I’ll buy us on the way so you won’t need to wake up early”

“That’s very thoughtful of you honey, thank you and I love you”

“I love you too baby”



“TaeTae… I’m sorry… Sorry for everything I’ve done, I know I couldn’t change the things I’ve done before but I wanted to say how much sorry I’ am and I know inside your heart you still don’t still trust me and I understand, I’ll do anything to gain your trust Tae I won’t promise this time…. I love you so, so much Tae only God knows how much, if only we could live long I’ll always let you feel how much love I can give you but we couldn’t and if I’ll be given the chance to talk to God when I died I’ll ask him to let us meet again so we could be together, that’s how much I love you Tae… so I hope soon you’ll be able to love and trust me again” Tiffany smile wiping the tears on her face

“F-Fany-ah, I told you it’s already in the past and you’re right I still couldn’t trust you but we’re getting there Fany please wait patiently my love…. You know even I’m mad at you I still love you, no one will stop me from loving you, even when I die right now I’ll still love you and I’ll also talk to God to give you as my partner in next life.. Fany-ah remember that death only could separate us physically but mentally you’ll always be in my heart even if it stops beating….I may show it to you that I don’t trust you is because I’m awfully scared that someone might take you away from me again I don’t really know what I can do if someone does it again… Just always remember no matter what happen I will always love you forever and ever and ever until we grow old”

“I-I love you Tae so much”

“I know my love…  I love you too”

CHAPPY 29 OUT!! SOOO guys, I updated today cause tomorrow I have no school because it's holiday but I won't be updating tomorrow cause I'll study a little bit... So my plan is I'm only going to update every week ends and  Friday's or if I'm not busy on Friday's and Saturdays... cause heck my schedule is really, really full I even got 2 hours of subject huhuhu poor me *comforts myself* so I was hoping y'all ok with it? 

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1214 streak #1
Chapter 43: lol Aiden is too curious hahaha
kyutmohdaw #2
Chapter 43: Becoz of the late update authornim, I'm gonna read this again to refresh my mind haha...btw, thank you so much for this wonderful story, gonna add this to my collections LOL.. FIGHTING!!!! story (?)
1214 streak #3
Chapter 42: Aren't they married already? Why does Taeng wants to marry her again if they are married already?
jasonds #4
Chapter 42: cant wait for the surprise romanticccc
Res_ss8 #5
Chapter 42: Can’t wait to read how the proposal turns out like
ttblub #6
I thought it’s a double update
Beetlebee #7
Chapter 40: Uhhh I am confused... Aren't they married? Is he like remarrying her?
1214 streak #8
Chapter 40: Lol yulsic that's your change to experience having your own kids hahaha that's not fair sica but knowing Yul he'll do anything ng just to make sica happy ^_^
Res_ss8 #9
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim I appreciate your updates and take your time no rush hehe Fighting!!! (:
jasonds #10
Chapter 40: nice story u have author nim...i am reading all the chapters in one day hahahah