Chap. 28


               “Now this is the latest design I’ve made… I haven’t showed it to others only you Mr. Lee” Taeng said smiling looking at the tall guy “I’m flattered Mr. Kim what can I say you never fail to impress me… I hope I could use that design for my new building” Jungshin smile standing up from his chair “oh I’m honoured Mr. Lee” Taeng smile in return “would you like to join me for lunch so we could more about our business?” Jungshin smile at the two “we would love to” Yul smile.


                “Fany-ah we promise we won’t be long ok? We’re just going to meet some old friend… please call us if anything happens ok?” Sunny smile after pulling out from the hug “aigoo I’ll be fine ok? Me and the baby are fine… I promise I’ll call you both if anything ok? Go now shoo” Tiffany playfully push the short girl away “ok, be careful Fany-ah! See you later… I’ll bring some ice cream ok? BYE!!” Sunny waved one last time before leaving the pregnant woman alone.

                “Hey my little seed, it’s only the two of us again… I miss your daddy, don’t you too? I wanted to call him but I’m afraid once I did he’s busy with work… are you excited to meet him? Help me how to surprise daddy ok?” Tiffany smile talking to her baby makes her day the best, she doesn’t feel alone anymore since she got company inside her stomach “I’ll be able to see you when mommy’s stomach is big and daddy Tae will be able to see you too” Tiffany wipe the tears “aigoo why do you have to make me emotional sweetie, mommy’s hates crying… if anyone will see me right now they’ll think I’m crazy” she suddenly laugh “aigoo, let’s go out for a walk later ok? Mommy will just take a rest” Tiffany lay down on the sofa and turns on the TV.


                “Wow congratulations on having a long relationship Taeng… I hope I’ll be able to have one soon” Jungshin clasped his hands “oh I’m sure a guy like you will definitely find a perfect girl soon” Taeng said smiling but Yul cough and Jungshin flash a smile “did I say something wrong?” asked the confuse Taeng “I’m sorry Tae, I’m not who you think I’ am… you see I’m gay” Jungshin smile again “and I admire people like you” he added making Taeng awkward “oh I’m so sorry Jungshin, I didn’t know… Yul didn’t say anything” Taeng felt nervous suddenly making the two guy laugh at him “it’s ok Taeng, I ask Yul and Jessica to hide it from anyone and I felt that I can trust you so I told you myself, I hope you’re not awkward though” Jungshin said concerned “oh no, no I’m not against any relationship… I’m actually happy to those who have courage to continue a unique relationship despite the judging people and world around”, “you’re wife is lucky to have you Taeng and I hope she won’t make that kind of mistake anymore and I’ll pray that you two will hit the jackpot soon… Oh please take me as one of the god parents if ever” Jungshin smile widely “thank you, I’ll be glad if you’re going to be one of my child’s god parent” Taeng said retuning the smile “what about me Taeng? Aren’t you going to be glad?” Yul asked pouting “of course….. Not! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Taeng laugh loudly earning a playful punch from the tan guy “aigoo hahaha the two of you will be a great fathers, one day… Take good care of your wives and children ok? Do not disappoint me” Jungshin smile at the two dorks.


                After taking a full rest Tiffany walked to the nearest park just to stroll and breathe some fresh air and also she could watch the children playing around she immediately caress her stomach “me and daddy will bring you here every weekend so we could play and have some bonding time” she smile at the thought, “hi pretty noona does your tummy hurt? But why are you still smiling” a little boy went to Tiffany with his curious eyes, the latter smile at him “no noona is just talking to her baby inside” the boy looked up gasping “there’s a baby inside? But noona why is it small?” he pouted when he starts to touch Tiffany’s stomach “because he’s still developing, but he’ll grow soon” she smile patting the boys head “really? Then I hope he’ll be a boy so I could play with him when I got see you again noona but I also it’s a girl so I could protect her” the boy said smiling cutely at Tiffany “hahaha we hope to see you again too” the two of them shifted to a woman shouting for a boy’s name Tiffany then looked at the boy beside her who looked back at her “I will go now noona! Take care of your baby… bye!” the boy waved and skip his way to his mother who immediately hug him, Tiffany and the woman exchange smile when the little boy point at her she wave back in return after the two left her sight, her hand never leave her stomach as she smile remembering the little boy “I hope you’ll grow soon my little seed”.

                Tiffany had left the park when the kids left one by one making her bored so she decided to walk around a little more just to kill time while walking her phone made a sound indicating there’s someone calling her to her surprise it’s an unknown number, she didn’t answer thinking maybe it’s a wrong call but then she received a message from the same one

From: unknown

                Hey Tiff!! It’s me Jessica, sorry if I ask your number from Taeng… I was hoping we could meet right now if you’re not busy, call me when you’re aren’t J

                Tiffany smile as she immediately made a call to a certain brunette accepting her invitation.


                “I hope you didn’t wait that long” Jessica smile sitting at the opposite chair in front of Tiffany “oh no, I just arrived too” Tiffany return the smile “have you ordered?” the brunette asks as she calls for a waiter and was answer by a shake of the head by Tiffany “what would you like?” Jessica asks “I’ll have what you have Jessica” Tiffany smile “ok then we’ll have this lasagna… dessert?” Jessica took a glance at Tiffany who nodded its head “can I have sundae please? Oh Jessica I hope you wouldn’t mind but can I order one more lasagna” Tiffany asks shyly “of course make it three lasagna and two ice creams, thanks” Jessica smile at the waiter then to Tiffany “I didn’t know you love lasagne” the brunette said “ahh no.. I was just having some cravings” Tiffany smiles “you haven’t eaten lasagna for long time?” the other girl asks “no Jessi … I really have some cravings right now and it’s really weird and crazy… I pity Sunny and Soo” Tiffany pouted at the thought of the two “why would you have some weird cravings and pity that two couple... is there something wrong?” Jessica couldn’t understand “actually Jessi I’m pregnant” Tiffany said but frowns when she sees no reaction from the other girl and was just staring at her “Jessica? Are you ok?” she asks holding the latter’s hand “wait what you’re pregnant? Kim Taeng’s baby?!” Jessica asks as her voice went higher “shhh, shh yes Jessi me and Taeng will be having a baby” Tiffany smile widely calming the other girl “since when? Oh my god congratulations” Jessica couldn’t hide her happiness anymore as she hug the girl “It’s been a week now and the symptoms just showed up two days ago”, “oh my god I’m excited… does Taeng knows?” Jessica asks but the other girl shakes its head then smile “ohohohoh you’re planning to surprise the midget huh? Hahaha can’t wait to see his reaction” Jessica smirk “but I hope your baby won’t get it’s father’s height or it’ll be such a turn off if he’s a guy” Jessica pouted earning some laughter’s from Tiffany “but Jessi… I hope you won’t tell Tae and Yul for a while I want to tell him myself” Tiffany said “I promise… oh and another thing, call me too when you need extra help ok? We can just stay at your house to chat so you wouldn’t be tired going out” Jessica said smiling “I will, thanks Jessi” Tiffany smile as she appreciates the latter’s help.


                “I thought he’s a guy Yul why didn’t you warn me or give me signs that he bends” Taeng said annoyed “well I thought there’s no need for you to know and I also thought that you already knew by the way he dressed” Yul explained “no Yul! I didn’t tsk… Sometimes believing in your thoughts could kill you, know that? Aigoo what if he suddenly ask me out huh?!” Taeng glared but the tan guy just laughed at him “not a chance Taeng hahaha he likes tall guys like him not a midget bwahahahahahaha but I guess he likes your baby face Taeng hahahahaha” Yul teased still laughing “haha very funny burnt stick!” Taeng rolled his eyes leaving his friend alone die in laughter “what a friend aissh I’m lucky Soo isn’t here if else I can’t imagine… better call Fany” his mood suddenly change while looking for his wife’s number waiting but his call wasn’t answer, he frowns his calls will be answered right away when he called her so he tried again thinking that she’s busy but still it went straight to voice mail Taeng is starting to get nervous as his other hand tap went to his waist and he kept walking around waiting for his called to be answered, he tried again and it was still the same “no… don’t! Get rid of the bad thoughts Taeng… believe in her, maybe her phone is in silent or she’s just busy… send her a message, I’m sure she’ll answer… just get rid of the damn bad thoughts” He said following his thoughts calming down his nervous self by breathing slowly “you’re cool Taenggoo …. You’re cool” he said after sending the message, but then his phone vibrated and he frowns when Jessica sent her a message

From: Jessica

                                Tae it’s me Tiffany… I’m with Jessi don’t worry… I ran out of battery if you’re trying to call me and I couldn’t answer… I hope you’re not worried, I’m fine… I love you baby J

                Taeng sigh in relief his nervousness gone after reading the message, after he replied he finally can take a rest.

CHAPPY 28... I'm sorry I was about to post this yesterday but the stupid net ruined everything XD AND WISH ME LUCK TOMORROW ON MY FIRST DAY!! I'LL MISS YOUR COMMENTS :'( THIS WILL BE ON HIATUS NOW ... BYEEEEEEEEE!!!!

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1137 streak #1
Chapter 43: lol Aiden is too curious hahaha
kyutmohdaw #2
Chapter 43: Becoz of the late update authornim, I'm gonna read this again to refresh my mind haha...btw, thank you so much for this wonderful story, gonna add this to my collections LOL.. FIGHTING!!!! story (?)
1137 streak #3
Chapter 42: Aren't they married already? Why does Taeng wants to marry her again if they are married already?
jasonds #4
Chapter 42: cant wait for the surprise romanticccc
Res_ss8 #5
Chapter 42: Can’t wait to read how the proposal turns out like
ttblub #6
I thought it’s a double update
Beetlebee #7
Chapter 40: Uhhh I am confused... Aren't they married? Is he like remarrying her?
1137 streak #8
Chapter 40: Lol yulsic that's your change to experience having your own kids hahaha that's not fair sica but knowing Yul he'll do anything ng just to make sica happy ^_^
Res_ss8 #9
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim I appreciate your updates and take your time no rush hehe Fighting!!! (:
jasonds #10
Chapter 40: nice story u have author nim...i am reading all the chapters in one day hahahah