Chap. 17


           “I’m sorry to remind you in a short period of time Hyo” Taeng said smiling apologetically at the camera “it’s alright Taeng; I can still handle this… I’ll just ask you or Seo from help” the blonde smile “ok Hyo gotta go see you real soon ok?” Taeng waved at the camera ending the video call and proceed to read some works Hyo sent him, he was in a café not too far from the hotel they’re staying when a guy sat on the other chair, Taeng look at the guy and chuckle “and you still have the guts to face me Nickhun-ssi” the short guy said leaning his back on the chair “I wanted to talk to you” Nickhun said “why don’t you order first my treat” Taeng said as he look back on his laptop “I’m not here to chit chat Taeng-ssi… it’s about her” Nickhun said catching the short guys attention “*chuckles* I can’t understand where you could get those guts to talk to me the real husband and lover of the girl you stole from me” Taeng glared “p-please don’t get mad at Tiffany… she’s got nothing to do with this… I did this so just punish me instead” Nickhun said making the short guy chuckle again “don’t tell me what to do Horvejkul and don’t cover her up being a hero all of a sudden…. Her having secret affair with you is enough reason for me to get mad at her and to punch you and break your face at this moment, but I don’t want to be the villain here, I’ve heard from my friends that you don’t want to be the loser… well let me turn the table now, I was once the loser when you’re wooing her now let me make you the loser when she leave you and go back for me” Taeng stood up taking his things before leaving “then you’re such an too… having two woman in your hands aren’t you selfish too Kim” Nickhun said making Taeng stop “I’m just teaching my wife some lessons on how you two stab me from the back… don’t worry Nickhun-ssi I’m not only going to teach my wife, you never know you’re the next one I’m going to teach you might enjoy my subject” Taeng smirk before going back to the hotel.


                Yul and Jessica were having a date when the tan guy excused himself to the restroom leaving the brunette on the table, while waiting Jessica was looking around and saw a brown haired girl whom she believed that she met last night, smirking she called for her attention and when she successfully did Jessica approached her while smiling “hi you’re Tiffany right? I hope you remember me we just met last night” she smiles widely “yeah Jessica-ssi” Tiffany flashes a small smile “are you alone? Come join me and my cousin” Jessica said dragging the latter with her; Tiffany couldn’t refuse now since she was dragged forcefully “Yul just went to the restroom, please order what you like… I’ll just message him” Jessica smile as she fished her phone out messaging the tan guy and once she successfully did she looked at the girl “so Tiffany why were you so quiet last night? I hope you wouldn’t mind me asking” Jessica flashes a concerned face “like what I said last n-night… I’m just not used” Tiffany replied preventing herself from being annoyed “why though? I mean does Taeng doesn’t bring you to dates when you two are still together? Hmm Taeng always bring me to dates ya’know… even though how busy he is, he’s such a cutie pie movie dates at home, *sigh* I’m so lucky don’t you think? I was just wondering why you the two of you broke up?” Jessica rest her chin on her palm as she waited for the latter’s answer, Tiffany on the other hand was just controlling herself by clenching her fists good thing Yul came greeting Jessica and Tiffany “have you girls ordered yet?” he asks smiling “oh my order is coming, but Tiffany hasn’t ordered anything yet” Jessica pouted while looking at Tiffany “don’t worry I’m fine” Tiffany smile at the two “hey cous do you remember Ivan? Have you heard about what his wife have done?” Yul asks rolling his eyes “oh yeah god I feel sorry for him, tsk I never thought she could do such a thing” Jessica frowns shaking her head “yeah that woman is so selfish tsk, she says she loves Ivan but she keeps on meeting her secret lover what selfish … she wanted two man in her palms why can’t she just leave Ivan for good” Yul spat emphasizing the words ‘selfish’ and ‘’ stealing a glance at the girl on his left who was just quiet “how about you Tiffany? What can you say about that girl?” Jessica turn her head on the side “you’re right… she is a selfish but maybe she’s telling the truth that she loves him” Tiffany said “but why does she keep on seeing that guy behind him if she really loves her husband, as far as I know that guy is really kind hearted that he’ll do anything to his wife” Yul asked glaring at Tiffany “I don’t know” she replied “that’s right… I don’t know why I did that to him… and now someone is making him happy and it’s not me” Tiffany thought then she stood up making the two to look at her “I-I’m sorry but I have to go” Tiffany bowed and leave, Yul and Jessica high fived each other for their success “what a girl, she herself couldn’t understand her own mistake on why she choose to do it” Jessica said mouthing a ‘thank you’ to the waiter “hmmm at least she know she’s being selfish and a at the same time or maybe she thought that being a little selfish wouldn’t hurt but it turns out different” Yul voice out his theory “I don’t know… let’s just wait for what will happen” the brunette replied sipping on her drink.

                “What a selfish ”, “I was betrayed by the person whom I thought loved me for who I am” Tiffany wiped her flowing tears as she remember those words, her husband knows what she’s doing but Taeng didn’t said anything to confront her and just stayed with her letting her feel all the love he could give her but what did she do? She ruined it because of choosing the biggest mistake ever, she remember those days when they were so happy before things turn upside down, she knows to herself that Nickhun is just a companion and was not serious with him “but why did you say you love him and you kiss when you didn’t mean it? You’re such a player and a very selfish Tiffany” her thoughts spat at her making more tears to flow down on her eyes “you have to make things right Fany-ah, you don’t want to lose him right? But how am I going to do that? Taeng must be so mad at me to even look at me in the eyes and be with me in the same room… God please help me, I know what I did was wrong but please help me win Taeng back” Tiffany thought as she look up the bright sky.

                Taeng was walking along the beach where there are no people so he could be alone to think about all the things that will enter his mind carrying with him is a bag pack with a blankets, pillow, art materials, snacks and a lighter on his pocket to make a fire to keep him warm in a windy place, finding a perfect spot he drop his bag taking out the blanket then unfolding it before setting it down on the sand he took the other blanket out and the pillow followed his snacks and art materials, smiling he stood up to gather some woods and dry leaves to set up a fire. Dusting his hands off he again smile widely everything is going according to his plan as he settle down on the blanket, playing his favourite music then after starts scribbling on his sketchpad, Taeng sure loves art as his hand skilfully move the pencil around the pad making a figure, eyes focus on the drawing, frowning when he made a mistake and will have to redo the mistake all over again, this was his so called relaxation aside from listening to music seeing his artworks makes him calm at some point then after some time Taeng stopped smiling widely feeling proud on the masterpiece he has made a pair of eyes that’s what he has made, to other experts it’s just a basic thing to draw but for him it’s not this pair of eyes is so precious to him, he used to look at those brown eyes with so much love and will stare back at him with the same amount of love, caressing his drawing he sigh sadly how did things turn out this way, they were so perfect, happy but because of a guy? Taeng close his eyes as anger started to fill him up he closed his sketch pad placing it on the side to calm his nerves down, looking up at the now dark sky filled with stars that use to make him smile now he can’t seem to smile since he promised her he’ll only watch the stars with her but now he couldn’t make that promise, she probably looking at the stars with that jerk “that jerk had the guts to talk and see me what an ” Taeng shake his head but sigh once again “oh Tiffany … my dear Tiffany what had happened to us? We used to be so happy my love… I wish I could turn back the time and stop you from doing that but I couldn’t…. I’m so, so angry at you but at the same time I still love you, you’re still as beautiful as before but … why could I see sadness in those beautiful eyes or I’m just imagining things? *sigh* I wish I’m not because I’m still hoping that we can fix this and everything will turn back the way they were… I love you so, so much Miyoung” Taeng wipe the tears on the corner of his eyes, because of her he didn’t notice the tears falling from his eyes he chuckle “yeah my tears will always be because of her” he thought once again, but he went back to reality when he heard someone approaching squinting his eyes when he saw a figure moving, standing up and walk a little closer his eyes widen as he saw the figure “it’s her… but why is she here?” , “Tae?” oh that husky voice that he fell in love, closing his eyes as he thought it was a music in his ears he wished for her to call him again “Taeng!” he smile widely when God grant his wish and for a bonus she hugged him tightly “T-Tae” he frowns when he heard a crack in her voice, he pulled her away and saw tears on her beautiful face unconsciously he wipe her tears while staring at her “please don’t cry” he finally said while staring at her eyes “Tae I’m so sorry p-please… f-forgive me” Tiffany still continue to sob but Taeng didn’t listen as he drag her with him and they both sat down on the blanket, he gave her something to drink to calm her down but he remain silent again the latter beside him didn’t like it even a bit “T-Tae please say something” Tiffany said wanting to touch his husband but she refuse she didn’t want to ruin the moment

                “Why?” that was the first word to come out Taeng’s mouth, Tiffany looked at him as he looked back at her “why did you do that Tiffany?” he ask coldly while glaring at her, she gulped “I… I don’t k-know Tae…-“, “THAT’S BULL TIFFANY! HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW?! YOU DID THAT YOURSELF WITH CONFIDENCE AND NOW YOU’RE GOING TO TELL ME YOU DON’T KNOW WHY YOU DID THAT?! DON’T PLAY GAMES WITH ME BECAUSE I’M SO TIRED WITH THE LIES!! DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG?! IF I DID YOU COULD’VE CONFRONT ME AND I’LL MAKE IT RIGHT! IF IT’S ABOUT MY WORK THEN I’M SORRY YOUR ING HUSBAND DIDN’T GET THE CHANCE TO GRADUATE AND HAVE A BETTER JOB BECAUSE HE IS A POOR GUY!!!” Taeng breath hard as he burst he wants to control but hearing her answer it’s not the answer he wanted to hear “I really don’t know Tae … p-please believe me… I r-really don’t know” Tiffany said having the courage to hold the guys hand but Taeng pulled his hand away “I don’t want to believe you anymore Tiffany… I’m scared to believe you, after what you did… I don’t think I can trust you anymore; I don’t want to get hurt b-because it’s so ing scary like it will make you crazy! I-I don’t want to g-get hurt anymore… p-please stop T-Tiff… n-no more lies, I… I just w-wanted to know… w-why did you h-hurt me so much like this?” Taeng drop on his knees as he sob in front of her “p-please… I b-beg you… stop h-hurting me when a-all I did was to l-love you…” he said through his sobs, Tiffany sob also as he approached him and hugged him tight as he struggle to be free  “I’m s-sorry Tae” she said over and over when he manage to pull away from her he cup her face and kiss her hard not the usual kiss he gives her this time it’s rough and Tiffany just let him do what he wants that’s the only thing she can do for him after what she has done, he bit her lips letting her feel all the pain he felt when she kissed that guy and when she said that she loved him, remembering the secret calls and message made Taeng to bit her lips very hard and she moaned in pain as they both taste blood, the short guy pulled away staring at her eyes, wiping her tears “I wanted to get mad at you but I can’t, I just c-can’t” Taeng sobs as he kiss her again but now passionately when Tiffany was about to kiss back he pull away “I love you so much” he said kissing her on the forehead “I love-“, “no please… don’t say that… I’m not ready yet” Taeng stopped her and it hurts her when he moved away from her, but she had to understand him since she’s the one who had hurt him, now she is so sure that she’s going to make things right.

OK CHAPPY 16 & 17 ARE OUT!!! I apologize again for the slow update *bows 90 degrees* I'm really sorry... I'm having problem with my internet connection and it cause me so STRESS!!!! S.T.R.E.S.S! STRESS! I WANNA KILL THE OWNER OF THE BRAND OF OUR INTERNET CONNECTION UGGHH! I'LL MURDER THAT PERSON!! 

      P.S. I hope some comment's will boost author-ssi up and THANKS NEW SUBBIES!!! <3

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1134 streak #1
Chapter 43: lol Aiden is too curious hahaha
kyutmohdaw #2
Chapter 43: Becoz of the late update authornim, I'm gonna read this again to refresh my mind haha...btw, thank you so much for this wonderful story, gonna add this to my collections LOL.. FIGHTING!!!! story (?)
1134 streak #3
Chapter 42: Aren't they married already? Why does Taeng wants to marry her again if they are married already?
jasonds #4
Chapter 42: cant wait for the surprise romanticccc
Res_ss8 #5
Chapter 42: Can’t wait to read how the proposal turns out like
ttblub #6
I thought it’s a double update
Beetlebee #7
Chapter 40: Uhhh I am confused... Aren't they married? Is he like remarrying her?
1134 streak #8
Chapter 40: Lol yulsic that's your change to experience having your own kids hahaha that's not fair sica but knowing Yul he'll do anything ng just to make sica happy ^_^
Res_ss8 #9
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim I appreciate your updates and take your time no rush hehe Fighting!!! (:
jasonds #10
Chapter 40: nice story u have author nim...i am reading all the chapters in one day hahahah