Ontae PG13

Prompts and Drabbles

Ontae #1 “Come over here and make me.” PG-13

A continuation of the Ontae drabble in Chapter 9

Jinki hung Taemin’s rain soaked cloak and hood by the fire.  “You really shouldn’t have come this late.  The rain.  You’ll get sick.”  He scolded.

“I haven’t seen you in over a week.  A hurricane couldn’t have kept me away.”  Taemin stood on the other side of the room taking off his boots.  He shook some damp strands of hair that had fallen out of place from his eyes.  

Jinki let himself smile while his back was to Taemin, not letting the younger have the satisfaction of knowing how happy he was that he had come.  “You’re no good to me if you fall ill.”  He tried to keep his voice even. 

“Tch.  Such insolence.  Do you think it wise to speak to a young lord like that?”  Jinki turned in Taemin’s direction, eyes narrowed.  The blonde smirked as he stood.  “If you’re so concerned with my health stable boy, undress me out of the rest of these wet clothes.”  Taemin raised his arms as if inviting Jinki to do his biding.  

“Come over here and make me.”  Jinki bit back.  “Young lord.”  He bowed his head slightly. 

Taemin smiled even wider, pleased at the reaction, knowing his words would provoke him.  He didn’t hesitate and made his way by the fire and stood in front of Jinki, waiting.  The stable boy glared at him for a second, trying not to let his slight irritation with the other dissipate so quickly.  Taemin had only been gone a short while, but the nights without him were longer than he had remembered before they had started this affair. 

Taemin watched Jinki undress him, the stable boys hands almost moving in slow motion, carefully and meticulously undoing each button, each buckle, untying each string until he was by the fire.  The heat slowly drying and warming up his body.  

Jinki was hanging the last bit of his undergarments when he finally broke the silence.  “How was your cousin?”  He jumped slightly when he felt Taemin’s hand sneak around his waist, the young lord approaching him from behind.  

“You have me by the fire after a week of lonely nights and you ask me about Minho?  Didn’t you miss me?”

Jinki felt a chill run down his spine from the whispered tone in Taemin’s voice, his lips ghosting along the shell of his ear when he spoke.  Taemin wasted no time removing Jinki’s nightshirt before turning him around.  

“I missed you.”  Jinki only had a second to meet Taemin’s eyes before the blonde’s lips crashed into his, fingers threading into his long hair.  

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shinyan #1
Instead of five million comments, have one epic long one on some favs!

Ch5: Casual "I love you" 's between Ontae is just so perfect. And so is tummy touches because that's Ontae.
Ch9&11: "“Kiss me.” Taemin whispered, his breath warm against Jinki’s cheek.
“W-what?!” The words were barely audible but the shock was clear.
“Kiss me Jinki for you have had my favor.”" -- omg Tae is !!!!! This line. *fans self* And this stable boy Jinki au is <3
Ch12: "“You deserve a better life than I can give you Taemin.”
“If you’re not with me Jinki then I’m not worthy of anything this life has to offer me.”" -- again more stable boy Jinki au is still <3 but added angst and fluff is just <33333
Ch16&17: "He was perfect. Or as close to perfect as anyone could ever be and he hated himself for the jealousy he felt. Why couldn’t he be this perfect? Why couldn’t Jinki look at him like that?" -- unrequited Jongyu love is a shot to the heart, even if happy Ontae is happy. T-T
Ch18: precious insecure and then loving Onkey is precious.
Ch19: this is just so lol. Doctor Jinki is forever the best.
Ch21: The words from the prompt "broken wings" weren't actually mentioned anywhere, but the imagery there was beautiful in the way you interpreted it. Onho was so loving and perfect here.
Ch24: "That only made the other laugh harder. “My barnacle. Hold on okay? Don’t ever let go.”
Jinki held on tighter, balling Taemin’s shirt in his fist. “Never.”" -- this and Ch25. Broke. My. Heart. How. Dare. You. :'(

These drabbles really show how varied your writing is. Love it. :) Sorry again for the long comment but when writing is exciting it happensssssss~~ :P
Chapter 3: shiiiiiiiiiiiiit
*fansself* Taemin you little . wait no jinki you're the . oh , im screwed now too cuz that was steamy hot aaaaand i kinda want more XD
Chapter 2: kekekeke you taste like fruit loops XD
aww resting his hand on her for a kick a;kdjf;aklf.
Chapter 1: aww cute fluffly fuzzy warm feelz.