We Are All Here For You!

First Impressions Never Change

Jessica's POV

Even though people didn't know much about us our fame spread around the school. Everyone knew who we were. To be honest, It was annoying but that's just how it was. They couldn't speak to us but they tried to be as nice as possible. Even Victoria put on a show to be nice even though her eyes told me that she hated us with a passion. As the weeks passed more and more people paided attention in English class and you rarely saw someone sleeping through it. Even people who weren't nerds were studying. "It's like people's biggest goal is to popular." Tiff commented as she say everyone acting like anything but themselves. This is what we were all trying to avoid. Stay separate from the rest and just get through school with good grades and fulfill our dreams. I mean I can't get school done with a boyfriend! I tried that once..... My grades dropped and my friends drifted away. Never again was I doing that. Boys come and go but friends and grades will affect you forever. How was I going to get in a good college if I didn't get good grades? That's why every time I saw couples making out I was disgusted and turned away. But inwardly there was that voice that told me I was jealous of them.

   "Ok Attention class! I would like to say that Miss Goo, and Mr Lee have mad outstanding progress in their English!" Mr Lee said snapping me out of my thoughts. I never paid attention in English class since I already knew it way more than they did. "Thank you Miss Jung and Miss Hwang for helping Miss Goo. Her grades have been outstanding!" Mr Lee said as he continued to praise their work. "And Mr Lee I don't know who helped you but over the past two months your grades have excelled, which is unusual for you." Our teacher said as he finished up class and sent us on our way.

"Oh my god that was the most boring class ever! Why do we even need to take English if we already speak it fluently?" Tiff complained.

"I know, right? So boring" I said.

"Yeah and we have to stay up late doing homework! I'm so tired from training!"

"Me too! I keep telling Dad but he won't listen."

"What training?" Hara asked. 

"Um..... well our fathers teach us how to fight in case anything happens. So we train for three hours after school everyday." I said unsure if I should have told her or not.

"Oh. That's why you are always so tired then." She said finally figuring that out.

"Yeah..... Hara I have a question." I haid been wanting to ask this a long time.

"Yeah sure ask away!"

"Why did you suddenly become nice to us that one day?"

"Well.... in the beginning I had orders from Victoria Unni to have a strict rule on the school while she was in Japan. And So I tried my hardest to be a mean flirt. It didn't really work out because that's not who I am. I can't really fake things that well. Everyone knew that too. So when Victoria Unni got back I gave her back her Queenka position and I got to be myself again. Plus I had absolutely nothing against you two. By the way I'm sorry for cursing you out when we first met." She said with regret.

"It's ok! We understand! We're friends now, right?" Tiff said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Hara said enthusiastically. 

"Why don't we all go to my house after school? We have to do that project anyway so lets make it a sleepover!" I said.

"Wait what about training?" Tiff asked me with a worried look.

"Oh right....... Well Hara why don't you come over at 6:30 and we can just do it then." I suggested.

"Ok I'll ask my parents."

"Wait who did Jay get paired up with? I asked. I had not seen him since lunch. Hara burst out laughing.

"He was paired up with Victoria Unni!" She said between laughs.

"What!? Seriously!?" I said surprised.

"It's so funny because she's annoyed that she didn't get Donghae Oppa so she thinks that if she flirts with Jay Oppa he will get jealous and pay attention to her. But in reality she is annoying the hell out of Jay Oppa and he wants to escape!" With that said we all laughed until it hurt. The image of Jay wanting to run away was priceless! How I wish I was there to take a picture!

Tiffany's POV

That was literally the funniest thing I have ever heard! Oh poor Jay..... Just then the school bell rang and I say Jay and Donghae run out of the school as fast as possible pursued by a desperate Victoria. Everyone was screaming with laughter! "Ok we will see you later tonight Hara!" Sica said as we got in our car and drove away. 

A few minutes later we pulled up at the warehouse that our Dad's set up as a private gym for us. As much as I didn't like training; it helped get all frustration and anger out. We walked in and immediately started training. Punch after punch, kick after kick, and dodging blows were very tiring. I saw Sica who looked like she was going to murder the punching bag. She had more problems than me but who I was spread information. Sica's a private person. She hates spreading gossip about herself and her friends. "Sica I need a break. I'm going to get a bottle of water. ok?" 

"Ok." She replied without even looking up or missing a blow.

Jay's POV

I got away from that irritating Victoria as fast as possible and went to find Jessica at practice. I walked in and saw her fiercely concentrating on the punching bag.  She seemed angry. You could see the hatred spilling onto that bag. If that bag were alive it would now be dead. Then she screamed a piercing scream that echoed. It wasn't a fun scream you would make in a large building but one filled with frustration, anger, and hurt. I wanted to hug her and have her tell me what was wrong but I knew I couldn't do that. "Sica!" I called across the large room. She looked at me with surprised eyes. "What are you doing here?" She coldly asked. "Escaping Victoria and visiting you." I replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She rolled her eyes and continued punch the bag. "Woah wait slow down!" I said while grabbing her hands. "Let go." She said as it echoed through the room. "What's wrong? And tell me now before you kill the bag!"

"Nothing's wrong!" She said while prying my grip off of her hands. 

"Sica it's alright to show a weak side! Nobody is made of steel!" I said. This seemed to infuriate her.

"What are you talking about!? Everyone waits for me to make a mistake!" She yelled. " DO YOU REALIZE I HAVE TO BE PERFECT 24/7!? IT'S SO DAMN TIRING! Do you understand that!? People want me to fail! They wait for it to happen! I NEVER KNOW WHO TO TRUST!" She screamed at me while shaking with exhaustion. 

"That's just the gamble you have to take. People are going to fail you but does that stop you? No!" I sat down next to her and handed her some water as I continued talking. "Sica.... Just take a risk. Nothing's going to be perfect! Stop trying! Look at you! You exhausted, tired, and emotionally drained. Stop hiding it from the people you are close to! Let them help you! Don't resist it! We are all here for you!


Ok! Long chapter is up! Haha! Tell me what you think! And I want to thank my new subscriber Taylora15! Please check out her stories! Thanks for reading my story! Comment and subscribe! Cookies and hot chocolate are out ready to be served! Lol


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jessica222 #1
Woah. Why am I so confused?
minstal_1 #2
Haesica :))
DuhJojo97 #3
Update soon! I want to know more about 'seven'!
Jay's plan foiled, Sica's still as dense as ever about her feelings twards Jay, Hae's man up & sorta asked her out(?) & Fany's a skeptic when it comes to a relationship(?) though I don't blame her, her past boyfriend sound horrible XD Jeesh, wonder why Sica's parents doesn't like Hae, is it cos he asked about the 'seven' thing?
BEaUtiful #5
Hi everyone in case you haven't seen my blog post I just want to let you know that one of my chapters has been deleted and several comments (Don't ask me how. I really don't know.) But I'm going to rewrite it soon. Ok bye!
jessica222 #6
Hmmm. Seven . . . ?
OHO what's the secret behing this 'seven' thing? & Fany~ don't be too harsh on Hae he's nice to you! Jay just confess already! It might make Sica realise she actually likes you as more than friends ;)
minstal_1 #8
update pls