What Did I Just Agree To Do?!

First Impressions Never Change

Donghae's POV

Jessica had shocked us all. She was continually shocking us.... Well me at least. But that's not what bothered me. She didn't seem interested in me. That was weird. Now knowing that she could speak Korean made me realize that she could have spoken to me anytime she wanted to. But she didn't. She kept her distance and plainly ignored me. It hurt. It hurt be ignored. If she could keep a secret from the whole school for months what else could she do!? The whole school just stared at her in awe but no one dared to talk to her. That made me feel a little better. Maybe the other guys would stay away from her long enough till I got the courage to- Wait what? Courage!? Since when do I need courage!? Pfft! I can totally talk to her! Just not right now.....

Jessica's POV

"I'm sorry I blew the secret." I said.

"Sica you couldn't keep it up forever! You had to let people know sometime!" Tiff said. 

"Yeah I guess so...." I mumbled. As I walked down the halls of the school everyone was watching us. 

"Why are they staring at you?" I asked Jay. 

"Well because I'm extremely good looking-" Tiff hit him as Hara giggled. 

"Well somebody has to be the queenka!" Hara said. I'm the new queenka? That was surprising. 

"I'm the new queenka!? That wasn't what I was trying to do...." 

"Sica! Someone has to be it!" Tiff said.

"I guess....."

I'm hungry....." Jay Oppa grumbled. 

"You are always hungry!" I said laughing. Anyway the school day of drama was over. 

Tiffany's POV

A whole week went by since Sica had battled Victoria. Hara and I were definitely correct. Sica was now the new queenka of the school. That raised Hara's, Jay's and my popularity too. The rivalry showed between Donghae and Jay Oppa. It was about who got lunch first, who got the better parking spot, who had the hottest date. They glared at each other too. I think Jay Oppa has had a crush on Sica for a long time. I'm not completely sure but he acts like he's jealous when Sica talks to other guys. He cuts them off, glares at them and puts his arm protectively around her. She seems to be oblivious to the whole matter though. Yesterday Jay Oppa left for Tokyo with his dad and 'jokingly' told Sica not to talk to other guys while he was gone. She just laughed and said he was "All too funny!" but I don't think he was joking as he wanted us all to believe. 

"Sica, Tiff! Look!" Hara came running excited. 

"What?" Sica said coming over to look trying to hide a yawn. 

"A fashion show! My favorite designer is having a fashion show this week in Seoul!" She said pointing to the article on her ipad. 

"Oh my gosh that would be so cool!" I said. 

"I want to go!" Sica said while reading the article. 

"Do you think we can get tickets?" Hara asked. 

"Hmm.... We can try." I said taking the laptop to reserve a spot for us only to find out that every spot was taken.  

"So did you get them?" Hara asked hopefully. I gave her a sad smile. "Sorry Hara but every spot is taken. We should have gotten them sooner." 

"Oh..... Yeah I should have known." Hara said sadly. Sica gave her a reassuring smile and told her we could find something more fun to do.

"Jessica!" an unfamiliar voice called. We turned around to see Donghae. Sica looked puzzled. "Yes?"  She asked in her cold intimidating way. 

"Can I talk with you for a minute?" 


Donghae's POV

It bothered me that I was losing confidence. One look from her shot my confidence down. I walked through the halls and then I heard Jessica, Hara and Tiffany talking about wanting to go to a fashion show. My family knew that fashion designer personally and she was always invited to the parties my parents hosted. She also gave us extra tickets to come to the shows whenever we were in Seoul so maybe this fashion show would help me with Jessica..... At least that annoying Jay guy wasn't there. I decided to ask her and I swallowed the nervousness that I had not felt for a long time. I mean this was Jessica Jung I was talking to. If I messed up there were no second chances.  "Jessica!"  She turned toward me with an expressionless face that looked as if it were staring into my skull. "Yes?" 

"Can I talk with you for a minute?" I paused hoping she would say yes. She stood there for a spilt second then walked toward me. 

"Ok." I tried to appear as cool and comfortable as possible. How was I supposed to explain that I had listened to their conversation!?  

"I heard you say you wanted to go to that Fashion show this week. My family knows the fashion designer. I'm sure I could get you in." I said as confidently as possible.  Her face betrayed no emotion. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. She was so hard to read. 

"Were you listening in on our conversation?" She directly asked me. 

"I heard you as I was walking down the hall. I wasn't exactly out of earshot." That was partially true.

"Well I can't just go. Hara and Tiff wanted to go too. I can't just go without them." She was at least considering it! I felt a wave of relief wash over me. 

"That's ok. I can get all three of you in."

"What do you want?" I was taken back. What did she mean?


"If you are offering to help me and my friends you obviously want something in return. What do you want?" What do I want? I want you to like me. Well actually I didn't say that... 

"Well we go to the same school; I'm the kingka, and you're the queenka. We should at least be friends." 

"As nice as that sounds, I know it's fake. What's the real thing you are after?" Damn was I that obvious? 

"You have to go with me, and let me pick you up and drop you off." She hesitated for a moment. For that one scary moment I thought she would say no. It was at the tip of her tongue. But then she glanced back at Tiffany, and Hara who she knew wanted to go. 

"Be there at six." She said giving me a small smile and then walked off to join her friends. She accepted! That was probably the best moment of my life! I walked to my car feeling great. It will just take some time........ Well a lot of time.... And effort..... And determination. 

Jessica's POV

Great. Just great. I accepted a date with him. What was I thinking!? Oh right! Now I remember! I was giving up my happiness for my best friends! This better be one good fashion show! 

"What did he want?" Tiff asked. 

"It seems like we are going to that fashion show after all!" I said giving them a smile. 

"Really!?" Hara asked excitedly. 


"What did he want though?" Tiff asked suspiciously. 

"For me to be his 'date' for the evening." 

"Of course. A guy as popular as Donghae doesn't give out free favors." 

"Of course."


Hey everyone! Late update! But it's long! So I hope that makes up for the delay! This chapter is for all the people who want Haesica. Don't worry Jaysica viewers! There will be more of that coming up! Good night! It's 1:10 AM right now and I should be asleep! 

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jessica222 #1
Woah. Why am I so confused?
minstal_1 #2
Haesica :))
DuhJojo97 #3
Update soon! I want to know more about 'seven'!
Jay's plan foiled, Sica's still as dense as ever about her feelings twards Jay, Hae's man up & sorta asked her out(?) & Fany's a skeptic when it comes to a relationship(?) though I don't blame her, her past boyfriend sound horrible XD Jeesh, wonder why Sica's parents doesn't like Hae, is it cos he asked about the 'seven' thing?
BEaUtiful #5
Hi everyone in case you haven't seen my blog post I just want to let you know that one of my chapters has been deleted and several comments (Don't ask me how. I really don't know.) But I'm going to rewrite it soon. Ok bye!
jessica222 #6
Hmmm. Seven . . . ?
OHO what's the secret behing this 'seven' thing? & Fany~ don't be too harsh on Hae he's nice to you! Jay just confess already! It might make Sica realise she actually likes you as more than friends ;)
minstal_1 #8
update pls