The Dangerous Topic

First Impressions Never Change

Jay's POV

Crack!!! I banged my knuckles hard against my locker. I couldn't take it anymore. For two days I watched Sica, and that Bastard talk and have fun. How could two people become such good friends within a week or two!? If I hadn't gone to Japan for that small amount of time none of this would have happened. I stared back at Sica who was laughing at one of his jokes. Two weeks ago she paid him no attention whatsoever. Why now? I was the one who was there for her. It came to the point where I didn't even want to hang out with them anymore. What was the point? I would just get ignored.  

"Hey are you coming?" Tiff asked me.

"Nah. I've got plans." I said trying to seem causal and cool. I knew she didn't believe me but she went along with it.

"Oh ok." I guess you can rarely hide anything from a best friend.  As I walked out of the school doors I heard Sica's laugh. It was like music most of the time, but now it felt like pain. I had to resist every urge to grab that bastard and punch him while pulling Sica away. I guess that's why they say 'Once you get into the friend zone you rarely leave it.'

Tiffany's POV

I stood at a distance watching both Sica and Jay Oppa. I was now starting to dislike Donghae more and more. He was getting in the way of our special friendship. I mean they weren't even dating! I knew it was bringing pain to Jay, and Sica......... Well she didn't notice. She thought they were both friends.  "Tiff! Do you want to come?" 

"Are you guys going to ignore me?" I teased. 

"What? No! Come on Tiff! It will be fun!" 

"Yeah Come on Tiff!" Donghae said. 

"Tiffany. It's Tiffany." I said making sure he knew that not just anybody could call me that. How dare he call me by my nickname as if he had known me forever.  Maybe I was overreacting.   

"Tiff doesn't like many people calling her by her nickname." Sica explained to him. 

"I noticed." He smiled.  At Starbucks they chattered away. I sat there, and observed their conversation. 

"Oh I went to Tokyo for the first time when I was seven. My parents considered seven a big step while growing up. I don't know why but they do. Do your parents think that too?He asked not realizing the dangerous topic he had accidentally brought up.

Seven. I tensed up hoping he wouldn't go into further detail.

"Uh...." She looked puzzled, but I knew what she was really thinking. She didn't remember.

"She went to Tokyo when she was really young." I said for her.

"Yeah..." She faltered. She hated it when she couldn't remember something. 

"Did your parents think seven was a big year? I don't think it was. My parents are just weird." He said laughing. 

"I........ I don't know." But the noise through Starbucks didn't carry her low tone. 

"What did you say?" He leaned foward straining to hear.

"She said her parents didn't think much of that year." I answered for her.

"I knew my parents were the only ones!" He said jokingly. We laughed along, not that it was so funny but that we didn't want it to seem awkward. 

I decided to join the conversation more to lighten up the mood. I channeled the conversation where I wanted it to go, and not what he wanted to talk about. Some things are meant to be secrets, and stay that way.

Afterward I ranted to Jay. "I'm so glad I went today!" 


"He asked Sica about the Seventh Year!" He looked surprised. 

"What?" He asked immediately.

I told him what happened and he was relieved. 

"Oh I thought he knew about the actually thing!" 

"Well It's close enough!" I retorted. It was about to rain outside and I needed to get home before it stormed. 

"Yeah but he didn't actually ask specifically about it. He was just curious."

"It's basically the same. I knew she didn't remember and was depending on me to answer for her." The rain started hitting the ground outside, and and we both watched it fall from inside the house.

"This is getting hard. He is asking too much information, and getting too close." 

"Tiff he doesn't know. Even though I can't stand him, it's not his fault. It accidentally came up anyway. I don't think you need to worry about it."  He reasoned. I sighed. Sometimes Jay Oppa was correct and as much as I hated to admit it, he was right again.  

"I guess. I better go...."

"Ok. Need a ride home?" 

"No I'm fine. Bye!" I left hoping he was right.

Jessica's POV

Earlier I coudn't remember when I first went Tokyo. My memory completely failed me there when it worked perfectly fine other times. It was like there was a mental block. I decided to ask Umma. "Umma?" 

"Yes?" She asked looking up from her work.  

"How old was I when I first went to Tokyo?" A slight horror drifted over her face before recovering it with a smile. 

"You were quite young." Why wouldn't she answer the question?

"But what was my exact age?"  She sharply replied saying "Please Jessica. I'm working right now." 

"Yes Umma." I went to Appa and asked him the same. He acted the same as Umma, and refused to answer me. Why wouldn't they answer a simple question? I went into a troubled sleep. It wasn't even night time, but it made me so frustrated that I decided to sleep it off. A maid came to wake me up. Maybe she knew when I first went there. I asked her, and her face went frozen as if she saw a ghost. "Miss Jung I don't know." She finally answered me, but I knew she was lying.

"But you have been working for us for a long time. Surely you were there, right?" I pressed further. 

"Miss Jung I have no permission to answer certain questions." 


"Miss Jung please! I don't want to get fired! Too much information is not good for you. Your parents want you downstairs. It's dinner time." She said sternly, and shut the door. 

I sighed frustrated. Why was everyone avoiding it!? What made it some great secret that no one could talk about? Well if no one would tell me, I would have to figure it out on my own. After dinner I wandered around the house. I asked one maid after another, but the answer was the same. Silence. Finally one maid said one thing.


She refused to say anything else. What was such a secret about seven? Why was that so bad? There must have been something they weren't telling me. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I didn't remember a thing about that year. It must have been such an amazing year that the time flew by. My mind wanted to believe that, but I knew that it couldn't be true. Something had happened. Something bad.


Hi everyone! Sorry for the late update but I've been sick. For the past couple of days I've only been sleeping and eating. The few hours I was awake I was catching up on school. I was too sick to even update. I'm also super sorry if there are any grammar mistakes. I didn't get a chance to spell check it a bunch of times like I normally do. :( Sorry! But hopefully this will tide you over until next time. Please comment and subscribe!

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jessica222 #1
Woah. Why am I so confused?
minstal_1 #2
Haesica :))
DuhJojo97 #3
Update soon! I want to know more about 'seven'!
Jay's plan foiled, Sica's still as dense as ever about her feelings twards Jay, Hae's man up & sorta asked her out(?) & Fany's a skeptic when it comes to a relationship(?) though I don't blame her, her past boyfriend sound horrible XD Jeesh, wonder why Sica's parents doesn't like Hae, is it cos he asked about the 'seven' thing?
BEaUtiful #5
Hi everyone in case you haven't seen my blog post I just want to let you know that one of my chapters has been deleted and several comments (Don't ask me how. I really don't know.) But I'm going to rewrite it soon. Ok bye!
jessica222 #6
Hmmm. Seven . . . ?
OHO what's the secret behing this 'seven' thing? & Fany~ don't be too harsh on Hae he's nice to you! Jay just confess already! It might make Sica realise she actually likes you as more than friends ;)
minstal_1 #8
update pls