Clearing Thoughts

First Impressions Never Change

Jay's POV

Around 11:45 that night I heard someone knocking at the door. The maids were in their own section of the house probably sleeping. I looked out my window and saw Sica's parents! What were they doing here? I quickly put on some clothes, and went downstairs. The butler was already rushing down to open the door. "Hi Mr and Mrs Jung." I bowed. Even though I had known them a long time I still treated them formally. "Jay can you please call Tiffany here? We all need to discuss something." 

"Right now?" I asked surprised. 

"Yes now. This has to be addressed now." Mrs Jung said firmly. 

"Alright." I pulled out my phone, and called her. It rang about ten times before she answered clearly annoyed. "What do you want Jay?" She asked in English not fully awake. Whenever she was caught in surprise she spoke English.  "Hey, sorry about waking you up, but Sica's parents are here and they want you to come to my house right now." 

"Why?" She grunted in response. 

"I don't know. They said it was serious." 

"Fine. I'll be over in a few minutes." She hung up. 

Tiffany's POV

Jay called, and asked me to come over immediately. Something about Sica's parents being there.... I was barely awake, but I managed to slip on jeans, and a hoodie.  I drove the route to Jay Oppa's house. Tons of people were still on the road. It was a busy night in Seoul. I pulled up at his house, and punched in the password that Jay Oppa had given me a few weeks ago. "Hey I'm here." I said walking in. Sica's parents asked us many questions, and finally said "Keep her in the dark. Don't tell her even if she asks...... At least not yet. Lets wait till she's in University. It won't be as bad then." Jay and I agreed to keep it a secret. I felt bad for not telling Sica anything but it would just harm her. But I knew that keeping secrets from a best friend was never good.  

Jessica's POV

The next day was frustrating. I asked Jay Oppa, and Tiff questions about when I went to Japan, and they claimed not to know. I didn't know what to believe. They were with me almost every second of the day! We were inseparable. There was no way that they didn't know. But they wouldn't lie to me, right? Classes were finally over, but I was no where near ready to go home. I needed to clear my head. My curiosity was killing me! I put the earphones in my ears, and blasted the music. Maybe that would drown out the thoughts for a little while. All of a sudden a familiar looking car pulled up beside me. I looked up and the driver rolled down the window and motioned for me to get in. 

"Jay?" I asked surprised. 

"Get in!" I hesitated for a second, but decided to go with him. We drove in awkward silence for a few minutes.

"Look Sica, I understand that you are-" 

"No you don't!" I cut him off. How would you like knowing that everyone around you was hiding something! 

"Yes I do. Some day you'll understand." What? What was that supposed to mean!? 

"So........ Where are we going?" 

"Some place." Wow. Real descriptive. We pulled up in front of our school's auditorium. 

"What are we doing here?" I wondered if he had come to the right place. He pulled firmly, but gently inside. 

"You needed to clear your head right? Here is the perfect place." He said smiling. Wow he never failed to impress me! Whenever he gets a girlfriend, she will truly be the most luckiest girl in the world. Just thinking of that made me feel bitter so I pushed the thoughts out of my head. I shouldn't feel like that, right? 

"Thanks." I hugged him, and then walked toward the piano. The auditorium was empty except for the piano on it's stage. I sat down on the piano bench, and started playing. I didn't even know what I was playing. I just made it up along the way, but it felt right. Jay sat down beside me and watched me play. Who knows how long I played for but his eyes didn't move the entire time. When I was done he just stared for a moment, and moved a lock of hair out of my face. 

"That was beautiful." He said. I knew he was being sincere. I smiled at him when he said that.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. I glanced at my phone. It was past six thirty. I nodded. 


"Wanna grab something?" 

"Sure!" I texted my parents to let them know I wouldn't be home for dinner. Though I didn't even think they were home yet. Probably still working. 

Tiffany's POV

I went to Sica's house, but no one was home. I used my key and went inside. She should be home soon, right? I flipped through a few magazines as I waited. No texts, calls, or anything! All of a sudden I noticed a car pull up in front of the house. Donghae got out. I answered the door, and he looked surprised. 

"Oh hi Tiffany. Is Sica here?" 

"No." His smile dropped and I noticed the disappointment. 


"Yeah." I answered with irritation. 

"You don't like me do you?" He asked. Oh great was I too obvious? 

"Did that come across?" 

"Yeah. Kinda." I sighed, and extended my hand. I guess it wouldn't hurt to be nice to him.

"I'm sorry. Lets start over. Hi I'm Tiffany! Lets be friends!" He smiled and shook my hand. 

"I'm Donghae. Call me Oppa!" We chatted for a bit until I had to go home, and so did he.  Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. 

Jay's POV

Hours past and finally I noticed the time. It was almost 10:00! Sica's parents wouldn't allow her out past 10:30 so I would have to get her home fast! Time flew by after dinner. We had so much fun we didn't even realize that it was dark. 

"Um Jay... Look at the time." She said using her nervous habit of English. 

"Yeah I saw. I'll get you home in a minute." It had been a while since it was just the two of us hanging out. I speeded to her house and we arrived two minutes before 10:30. 

"Bye Oppa!" She called and ran inside. I smiled to myself. I need to tell her soon. 


Hey everyone. I rewrote this chapter. I tried to keep it as close to the original one as possible but since the first one was accidentally deleted there may be a few minor changes.


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jessica222 #1
Woah. Why am I so confused?
minstal_1 #2
Haesica :))
DuhJojo97 #3
Update soon! I want to know more about 'seven'!
Jay's plan foiled, Sica's still as dense as ever about her feelings twards Jay, Hae's man up & sorta asked her out(?) & Fany's a skeptic when it comes to a relationship(?) though I don't blame her, her past boyfriend sound horrible XD Jeesh, wonder why Sica's parents doesn't like Hae, is it cos he asked about the 'seven' thing?
BEaUtiful #5
Hi everyone in case you haven't seen my blog post I just want to let you know that one of my chapters has been deleted and several comments (Don't ask me how. I really don't know.) But I'm going to rewrite it soon. Ok bye!
jessica222 #6
Hmmm. Seven . . . ?
OHO what's the secret behing this 'seven' thing? & Fany~ don't be too harsh on Hae he's nice to you! Jay just confess already! It might make Sica realise she actually likes you as more than friends ;)
minstal_1 #8
update pls