Hints Of The Past

First Impressions Never Change

Jessica's POV

I sat alone in my room. I finished homework, and I waited for my parents to come home. The maids did their duties around the house.  I walked downstairs wondering if they knew what time my parents were coming home today. I saw our housekeeper who was basically family to us now. She had been working for us for nine years. "Miss Jung is your homework done?" She asked like she did everyday.

"Yeah it's done." I noticed she had several large boxes of things she was moving. "What are you doing?"

"Moving some things for your parents. Run along now! I have work to do!" She quickly carried the boxes away not letting me even take a small peek. 

I texted Jay Oppa to pass the time. 


"Hey" He responded. 

"Whatcha doing?" 

"Just hanging with Jade. You?" Jade? My face scrunched in confusion. The quiet shy girl in math class? 

"Just chilling at home. Jade? The one in math class?" I texted back. 

"Yep that's the one." Why was he with her? 

"Is she your new girlfriend?" I texted wondering if he liked her. 

"No. But maybe ;)" He texted back. All of a sudden I didn't feel well. 

"Lol lover boy has a crush!" I teased, even though I was far from a cheerful mood. 

"Shut up!"  

"Anyway gotta go. Have fun on your date! Hehehehehe" I tried to end the text as cheerful as possible. I didn't really know what was wrong with me. The headache should pass soon. Everyone I texted was either on a date, busy, or eating dinner. It wasn't fair! I sat there eating my dinner wondering what Donghae Oppa was doing. I knew my parents didn't really like him. I didn't know why they hated him. Anytime I mentioned his name they said something bad about him. It always made me mad. He was one of my friends! It was like they didn't trust him, or something. He has been nothing but nice to me, and all they can say is rude things!

I went in the other room, and saw the boxes the maids were carrying earlier. It wouldn't hurt to look right? I opened one and saw old photos of when I was little. One photo caught my attention. The date was 03. You could see Tokyo in the background. I was smiling standing next to my two best friends. In the background was a little boy that looked about six or seven. He was eating ice cream, and had a curious expression. The odd part was that I didn't remember this even happening! As i dug deeper in the box I saw some more faded photos. In the second box there was a document. It was stained with something. Something red. Wine? Blood? Definitely blood. I was about to read when a cold voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Miss Jung what are you doing!?" The house keeper said in a loud ringing tone. She rarely scolded me, but she seemed really upset. I slowly stood up and quickly shoved the faded photo into my back pocket of my jeans. 

"Just looking through the boxes....." 

"Miss Jung Your parents gave you strict orders that you are not to be snooping around!" 

"But it's my house..." I whispered.

"Miss Jung it's for your protection-" But I didn't want to hear that. I wanted answers. I drowned out the sound of her words. She snapped her fingers bringing me back to reality. 

"What you don't know can't hurt you." She said simply taking the boxes and left the room. What was that supposed to mean? 

Ring ring ring! I answered it. Appa was calling. 

"Hello Appa." 

"Jessica are you ready for practice?" Practice!? I totally forgot! I ran upstairs and changed into my training clothes. 

"Yes. I'll be there in a few minutes. Bye!" I quickly drove there. I was already late, but better late than never, right? Appa was strict on timing. If he said be there at six thirty then he meant be there exactly on time. Not a second off! 

"Sorry Daddy. I kind of forgot we had a lesson today."

"Next time we will have the maids remind you."  He tossed me a knife. He instructed me to throw it with deadly aim. Somehow I couldn't get it right. Then all of a sudden it hit me. It was sort of like that 'Seven' thing. I knew there was something to it, but I didn't know what. Same thing with the knife. I was told how to throw it, but I couldn't get it right. My irritation, anger, and resentment came bubbling up like a Volcano. The irritation I had gotten from Jay, and Jade, the anger and resentment of the secret being kept from me started spilling out. I took one look at that knife, and threw it with as much strenght as i could at the dummy. I heard the knife hit it right where I wanted it to with a 'plunk' noise. I looked at Appa, and saw him happy that I finally got it. 

After the training session I got a text from Donghae Oppa saying that his parents were inviting me to dinner tomorrow. I asked Appa if I could go. 

"Please Daddy? Can I go?" 

"At his Parents house?" 


"And what did you say their last name was?" 

"Lee." Appa frowned when he heard that. He thought about it before answering me. 

"Alright. Be home at eight thirty tomorrow." 

"I thought I could be out till ten thirty!" 

"That is with Jay and Tiffany. Not the Lee Boy." 

"Ok Dad." 

"Jessica remember this; you are better off with your friend Jay." What? What was that supposed to mean? Jay was probably dating Jade, and I didn't like him like that..... Right? I decided not to tell Tiff any of this. She might tell Jay Oppa, or try to set us up on a date. She kept things from me right? So she couldn't possibly be mad at me. I convinced myself that was the right thing and went home. 

Tiffany's POV 

I was stuck at home. Stupid cold. It just had to come now didn't it? I checked my text messages, and noticed several from Sica. She said that Donghae Oppa's parents had invited her over for dinner. It's unusual for a teenage boy to have a girl over for dinner. Especially one that wasn't even his girlfriend! Anyway I was happy for her. I wondered who would ask her first. Jay or Donghae. It was stiff competition. She liked both equally, but for different reasons.

Sometimes I wondered why anyone would want a boyfriend. Too much drama. You might be surprised hearing that from me, but it seemed like huge headache. I had one boyfriend before. It wasn't serious. It only lasted two weeks. I was as annoyed as hell through the entire thing. He wanted to call me these cheesy nicknames (seriously embarrassing ones too), always have his arm around me, his favorite thing to do was kiss. I seriously mean that too. Ramming tongue down someone's throat is not appealing to me. I prefer slower relationships. One's that make it special. I would rather have one special kiss on the cheek by someone I liked other than a million kisses on the lips from someone I didn't like. 

I logged onto Twitter, and saw several pictures that surprised me. It was of Jay Oppa and Jade from math class! That was......... unexpected. I wondered what Sica thought about that. Gosh it must be frustrating with all these relationship emotion thingys! 

Jay's POV

I hung out with Jade for several hours. She was a nice funny girl. I would have rather been with Sica, but Jade was extremely shy and I knew that she must have tried to build up a lot of courage to ask if I wanted to hang out. It wasn't even a date, but I could tell she was nervous and scared. I said yes at first out of pity, but as I started talking to her she was actually really nice. She wasn't my type, but I still had a fun time with her. In the middle of it Sica texted me, and I thought maybe I could make her jealous. But she didn't seem affected at all. It brought my mood down. Was I really just a friend to her?  I felt more confused than ever. 

Jessica's POV

The next day I overheard a conversation between the house keeper and the new maid. She was very young to be a maid. She looked about my age. She looked like she came from a well off family, so why was she a maid? 

"Here are the list of rules you must follow." Our housekeeper said. She can come across intimidating but once you got to know her she was kind.

"Yes ma'am." 

"Number one: You are not to spread any personal information to anyone. What stays in this house stays in the house. 

Number two:  Do not go through any of the Jung's personal things without permission.

Number three: Anything you break, you must replace with your own money.

Number four: Remember that you can be replaced at any instant. Work hard and please us well.

Number five: Most importantly, do not speak of year 03 to Miss Jung or gossip about it with the other maids." She handed the new maid the supplies she needed and left.

That explains why none of the maids were allowed to tell me anything. But a new maid could get the information, and tell me. Nothing is going to stop me from getting the information. I've been kept in the dark long enough.

It's time for it to stop.  


Hey everyone! It really has been too long since I updated last! But a lot of things have happened and changed in my life (for the better I hope) and I didn't have time! And last week when I was going to update I couldn't log on and AFF deleted a few of my story comments and a chapter so I had to rewrite it! Agh! So I hope this chapter makes you happy! Please comment and subscribe! 

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jessica222 #1
Woah. Why am I so confused?
minstal_1 #2
Haesica :))
DuhJojo97 #3
Update soon! I want to know more about 'seven'!
Jay's plan foiled, Sica's still as dense as ever about her feelings twards Jay, Hae's man up & sorta asked her out(?) & Fany's a skeptic when it comes to a relationship(?) though I don't blame her, her past boyfriend sound horrible XD Jeesh, wonder why Sica's parents doesn't like Hae, is it cos he asked about the 'seven' thing?
BEaUtiful #5
Hi everyone in case you haven't seen my blog post I just want to let you know that one of my chapters has been deleted and several comments (Don't ask me how. I really don't know.) But I'm going to rewrite it soon. Ok bye!
jessica222 #6
Hmmm. Seven . . . ?
OHO what's the secret behing this 'seven' thing? & Fany~ don't be too harsh on Hae he's nice to you! Jay just confess already! It might make Sica realise she actually likes you as more than friends ;)
minstal_1 #8
update pls